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  1. For those of you who were looking for a solution to use the VRChat Room from your Iphones, Ipads, Androids, you can now do so at this link. The Iphone does not use flash so this is a html version of the room that then communicates with the Flash based chat room. I briefly tried it from my Iphone and it seems to work just fine. It is a streamlined version that does not have all the features available but does allow you to chat. Please give it a try. If it works OK, I will add a link to it in the menu bar. http://host718.123flashchat.com/venturerider/html-chat-login.html
  2. I would like for those of you who use the chat rooms to give me an evaluation of the two solutions that I have installed at this time. The old one is pretty slick and has some nice features but doesn't work from all devices. The new one isn't as slick but seems to work just as well and is easier to get into and out of I think. It will be your call. If you choose the new one called "Shoutbox" at the top of the page then I will update it to the pro version. That won't make it any slicker looking but will add a few features such as allowing you to detach and run it in a separate window, turn the notification sounds on or off, things like that. Like I said, it is your call. From a money stand point, it's not a big deal. I would have to pay for the pro version of the new one but I also pay a yearly hosting fee separately for the old one so for the short term at least, it's pretty much a wash. So lets hear it. What do you want? The other option is that I could keep both but not upgrade the new one to the pro version. Just leave it as it is. I really don't think that we need two chat rooms though.
  3. If you are like me and don't sleep much. If you see another member browsing in the middle of the night can you say Ding Dong some way and invite them to chat? I'm always up at night and sometimes it would be nice to holler at somebody.
  4. I am currently using a tablet and the search window covers up my chat room tab. Am I the only one with this problem? I assume it is because of my tablet?
  5. I got an email that you are causing trouble again. The email said that you have nominated me for an award just for putting up with all of the trouble that you cause. I'll have you know that MY middle name is Trouble. AND I don't always share well........well some things anyhow....... First you accuse me of being responsible for all of the wonderful winter weather and lovely snowfalls suitable for a Christmas card that anyone in North America gets , Then you try to steal my name. Now I have to find more, and more creative ways to cause Trouble just to be able to keep my name for myself. If you came into chat more often you would see that even the chat system often recognizes me as the one and only Trouble. Maybe I'll see if I kin make FOG. Ya that'll work for starters.......... I just have to let some of the fog that normally resides between my ears escape out into the world........
  6. There are some issues with the chat server. The link in the menu bar will not work for now. Please use this link until I get it resolved. CHAT ROOM
  7. I know some of you 1st genners are looking for a heel toe setup for your bikes. I just removed one from an '83 I have and I'm looking to sell it. If your interested PM me and we'll chat.
  8. All I get is a blank screen, and at the bottom of the "Forums" page there is no statistics for chat...
  9. Come one, Come all, There will be a Totally Naked Chat tonight. Be sure to put covers on your recliner and have a glass or cup ready. I will notify Ruffy so he can make a big entrance. Yama Mama:smile5:
  10. Since its crappy out, nothing on tv, I figure I'll hang out in chat for a bit if anybody feels like b.s'ing
  11. There are a lot of people in chat. Come join the group! Yama Mama:223:
  12. lets do the chat thing tonight........
  13. Where did everyone go. It has been awful quiet in chat lately. Do we need to start the naked chat up again?
  14. I have an issue with my '86 that I believe is either the TCI or a Pickup coil. What I'm looking for is a know good TCI to borrow to troubleshoot my bike. I dont want to necessarily buy it, but borrow it to see if my issue goes away. If someone has a good TCI from an '86 to an '89 and is willing to let me borrow it for a week, I'd love to chat with you. I'll obviously pay for shipping both ways, if someone can help me out please PM me....Thanks
  15. bj66


    if anybody feels like chatting, theres room for ya!
  16. Don, Is it possible to start a private chat room where a group could discuss things like the planing for events? I know you can have a private chat with one other person, I am looking for a private chat with more than one person at a time.
  17. Come to totally naked chat. We have almost a 100 members on there now. Ok I am a big liar. But come in anyway! Yama Mama:smile5:
  18. Does anyone know if the iphone chat still works? Attempted to log on but no success.
  19. Here we go again..............come as you are, or come fully dressed...we dont care as long as you come.....(hmmm, that didnt sound so good).....Lets try it again. Please arrive in chat safely....ok, better???
  20. Come into the Chat room. There are a few chairs left. We a very friendly. Yama Mama:smile5:
  21. So, if its nudity you want, well then its nudity that you will get........enter chat at your own risk!!! (really, you thought we'd look good nude?? Are you serious??)
  22. Toga optional....
  23. I received this notice for our chat room hosting company. Should be minimal if any downtime. Hello, Recently it has come to our attention that some clients are having performance issues due to poor routing of upstream providers. As these issues have caused severe degradation of service for some clients we're unfortunately forced to push up the time table for our network upgrades. We will be scheduling a 4 hour window starting at Saturday 11PM PST to Sunday 3AM PST. Projected impact on network connectivity is minimal but as such major upgrades don't always go according to plan we wish to give network admins time to back out the changes. The new network will be based around multiple redundant Cisco ASR 9000's and performance optimized by Internap FCP hardware. We apologize for the short notice but we firmly believe this action is needed to keep the 123 Flash Chat hosting network at peek performance, we appreciate your understanding. 123 Flash Chat
  24. Come one. come all.....chocolate nude chat going on....
  25. I challenge any one to come to the chat room Now! I bet you won't but say you did! Yama Mama
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