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  1. Ok, my 2013 year resolution. Yep, the goal to reduce my weight. After all the Holiday eating, I have surpassed my all time weight of 182 lb (year 2009) for my 68 inch height frame. My new all time high is 183 lb now, and I can’t get into most of my pants without sucking in my gut, and then it is still a real tight challenge. My goal is to lose 20 lbs, to be 163 lbs, or reduce my weight by 11%, in 5 month (By 1 June). An average of 4 lbs per month or 1 lb per week. Looking at it that way the goal seems very reachable. No special diet fad or a book, just my own personal process. This is my plan. 1) No restriction as to what I consume just control the quantity. 2) I will scale weight every morning and chart it in Excel. In most business, goals are tracked and weekly reviewed by presenting measurable metrics. When the chart rises it will discipline me to control the quantity. 3) Retrain and control my mind on the feelings of hunger. Each time I experience hunger feelings in between meal times, I will verbally profess, “My body is converting stored fat into needed energy, and it feels Great!”. 4) I will use my wife’s Elliptical twice a week for 30 minutes watching a movie. Once on weekend & on Wednesday for 30 minutes each. I should have been doing this 2 years ago after my open heart surgery anyway. You can help by bumping this thread and asking for my progress, and keeping me accountable. I will respond with a copy of my Excel chart.
  2. Hi again. I have just completed a Service Chart for my RSV based upon an annual mileage of 8,000. (Chose that mileage as the highest of the three main service intervals in the manuals). It has room for six services and gives some info on measurements, volumes and part numbers etc. It is open so you can alter it to suit your particular needs. It is based upon the PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND MINOR REPAIR from the owners manual. It is in a Word document format and open to all. Hope it is of use to someone else and please let me know if there are any glaring inaccuracies in it. Best Wishes. Neil. (Old Miner)
  3. WITH ALL THE TALK ABOUT RIDING IN THE COLD EVEN IN FLORIDIA IT GOT ME THINKING. I CAME UPON THIS A FEW YEARS AGO, AND JUST DUG IT UP. INTRESTING INFO ON HOW COLD IT REALLY IS RIDING IN THE WINTER.:cold: http://webmaster10.com/ldr/windchill.html This is the new chart that the National Weather Service will start using for the 2001/2002 winter season.http://webmaster10.com/ldr/windchillchart.gif
  4. Is there a chart or list somewhere that shows what models numbers have what equipment and what year they are? I searching I found [ame=http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=24554]this[/ame] , but it doesn't address the model numbers. The title says my 84 is a XVZ12DL, but the 83-84 shop manual lists an L, KCZ, DL, DKCZ, TDK and a TK with no explanation of what those model numbers mean or what the differences are. http://www.cbr1100xx.org/forums/style_emoticons/22306set/eusa_think.gif Edit: I just saw mention of KC2 and a DKC2 as well.
  5. Is there a chart or list somewhere that shows what models numbers have what equipment and what year they are? I searching I found [ame=http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=24554]this[/ame], but it doesn't address the model numbers. The title says my 84 is a XVZ12DL, but the 83-84 shop manual lists an L, KCZ, DL, DKCZ, TDK and a TK with no explanation of what those model numbers mean or what the differences are. http://www.cbr1100xx.org/forums/style_emoticons/22306set/eusa_think.gif Edit: I just saw mention of KC2 and a DKC2 as well.
  6. I weigh 175 and my wife weighs 150 (don't tell her I told you). I have never adjusted my rear shocks since I bought my '05 and am wondering where I can find a chart that will tell me how many PSI I should be carrying for that weight. Can anyone tell me where to find some information. Le Roy and Gini
  7. Last month I was looking into heated clothing for the wife and also looking at power consumption on each brand . I ran across Wingstuff.com looking at the good deal for the Tour Master Senergy Heated Jacket liner . Of course her size is on backorder . Today I received a phone call from Wingstuff to let me know the status rather than an e-mail . That was nice of them and I considered it good customer service . Talking with them , I asked as there was no place that I found on how much power they drew . They let me know that they just placed a chart up on their site . I thought I would share it with you . http://www.wingstuff.com/pgroup_detail/20174_Synergy_Motorcycle_Electric_Clothing_Sizing_Chart These liners use carbon fiber elements rather than wire elements that get better results . Here's a copy of the chart . BEER30
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