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  1. I've seen you all say it but I am curious as to who's willing to do it! It's a ride to Sudbury to see our friend Charlie before it gets too late in the season. 5 hrs from Burlington, ON says...ride up, visit, stay the night, and ride back. Is anyone ready to do this for Charlie? Thomas
  2. dray


    Charlie Buddy!!!! you have a new bike! WOW! looks faster then the last one!!!!!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=Gmol26qMTxY http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&v=Gmol26qMTxY dray:rasberry:
  3. I am looking for a OEM shop manual for my 2008 RSV. I checked with my local dealer and he said they were unavailable. He offered me an after market one that was not specifically for RSV's. I also need to get a cup holder, which may not be that big of a deal. I saw a post on here about a cup holder from Target for less than $10. Thanks for any help ya'll can offer. Charlie, Midlothian, Va
  4. Morning troops! Here we are at Carl & Marca's. Went out to dinner last night with a few canuck venturer's...and will meet a few more today at Carl's Venture In. Great folks'--just not too sure about Charlie [E-fishin-C] :rotf: The flights to get here were interesting, with most problems coming from seating for me and my stiff leg.
  5. Q. How much cocaine did Charlie Sheen do? A. Enough to kill Two and a Half Men….
  6. 6pak


    Charlie Sheen Halloween
  7. Charlie ....Your FIRED. You got the boot and have been replaced as my Dancing Partner. Not that I don'tlove ya , but my new partner is better looking and smells better! Watch and see why. BEER30 [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nc9xq-TVyHI]YouTube - Dancing Merengue Dog[/ame]
  8. Hey Charlie! It is still warm enough down here to stand in the water and go fishing!
  9. Skydoc17 where are you? Is he OK?? He has not read a private message in the last 9 days??? Moderator: When was his last Log On? I hope every thing is AOK with Earl??? Concerned...... Charlie
  10. CLOSE THE DOOR BRO!!!:snow2::snow2:
  11. Hey Charlie , Finally got the old tub out in the big pond as I took a day off . No Pond Monsters , but here is the smallest thing we caught ! BEER30
  12. Wonder what's so interesting out side ? Brad
  13. Well, here is a story, with a happy ending, that took 9 months to occur. Last July, Charlie (dragerman) and myself were talking about ordering some parts and accessories for our bikes. We talked about using South Seattle Sports, but we decided on Motor Sports Super Center http://www.motorsportssupercenter.com/ from Alabama. Their prices were very similar to South Seattle. And they had good shipping rates too! So we put together an order for the 2 of us which consisted of Billet Brake Pedal Cover (Me) Billet Shift Peg Covers (Me) 2 Billet Oil filler caps (Both) Tri-bar headlight (Charlie) Billet Carb Covers (Charlie) Billet License frame (Charlie) Front Fender Trim rail (Charlie) 2 Chrome rear brake fluid res covers (Both) Billet Choke knob cover (Charlie) Well we also decided to ask Bongobob if he would take delivery of our parts, and we would go and visit him to collect them to save on international shippin and taxes and duty. (if any of our members work for Canada Customs or CRA please disregard this entire post ) So anyways, they charged my credit card immediately and shipped off the parts that they had in stock. We got everything except my shift peg covers & the carb covers. Which were back ordered. All the parts arrived in short order and Charlie went off to visit Bob, and brought back his and my parts. This was JULY of '08!!! Well, a month or so came and went, but no parts. So I called and spoke to Bill at Motor Sports Super Center (see website addy above) and he apologized for the delay and said he would try to find out what was going on. So a few weeks later I called Bill back, being a bit peeved this was taking so long. I was going to ask for my money back, and I would get my parts elsewhere. Talked to Bill again, and he apologized, and looked up the parts again. The back order date was going to be September. He offered me my money back, without me even asking. I guess we could wait a bit longer. That Bill guy sounded honest (I think it was his southern accent, reminded me of Enos from the Dukes of Hazzard) I called Charlie and told him what was going on. Charlie was ok with the wait, since nowhere else had the parts in stock either Well, September came and went, with no shift peg covers, or carb covers. I was getting a bit worried now, so I figured that I better call again, and get a refund for the parts. I talked to Bill again, and he took another look for the part. He told me that the new ship date was going to be October, but if I didn't want to wait, he would gladly refund my money. He just sounded so darn apologetic, I started to feel bad for buggin the poor guy. I told him I would hold off, and would get them in October. Jump ahead to October - No parts. This really was beginning to annoy me. I mean what kind of business takes 4 months to deliver parts? It was ridiculous, and totally unacceptable. I wanted my money back. So I called Bill at Motor Sports Super Center (website above) and demanded to know what the hell was going on with Charlie's carb covers and my shift peg covers! He apologized again and checked into the situation, Yamaha had again pushed back the delivery date to November! I was not going to stand for this. But something about the way that Bill wanted to refund my money made me pause..(insert pause here) and I thought of the best thing to do, and then it hit me! I knew exactly what to do! I ordered some more parts! Yeah! That will teach him to mess with me!! I put in an order for some brake pads for Charlie and I, and a set of chrome master cylinder covers for me! Bill offered to use the carb cover credit against the new order, but I figured just bill me the whole thing, and I will wait for the carb covers. I mean, it has been 4 months, what will another month be? So our brake pads arrived and my shift peg covers and master cylinder covers. But no carb covers. The winter came, and we put our bikes away for the winter. December, January, February & March all came and went, with no sign of Charlie's carb covers. I called Bill about once a month, just to check on the progress, (I think he started to recognize my voice on the phone) and it seemed that every month Yamaha kept pushing the date back. And everytime he freely offered his apologies, and my money back. It seems that the manufacturer would not make any more parts, without a huge minimum order, I guess Yamaha had to get enough orders to actually go ahead and make them. Yesterday, I thought I would give Bill a call, and find out when Yamaha had pushed the delivery date back to this time. I got Bill on the line, and he was such a happy guy! He had literally just gotten back to the store, from dropping off the carb covers with USPS. He gave me my tracking number!! I was a bit stunned at first, I don't know if I really believed that this day would come! And to make this even better, Bill shipped the parts directly to me, at no extra charge, just to try and make up for the delay, and inconvenience. That is how you can make a customer wait 9 months for a part, and still get him to reccommend your store. The delays were unavoidable, but it was the service from Motor Sports Super Center. I certainly would say, that I can recommend them. If you are in a rush for your parts, I would give Bill a call (1 (888) 880-2277 )though, rather than order though the website, just to be sure he has things in stock. Tell him Sonny from Canada sent you! I think I might have to start calling Bill just to see how he is doing now! LOL!
  14. Some one has a sent of humour. The note said ..I made this just for You, Charlie :rotfl:
  15. Guest

    Email addresse's needed !

    Hi Guys I need email address's for the following people who ordered 2008 International Rally Shirts and did not pick them up at the rally. 1 ) Rick Turton ( Gigawhiskey ) 2 ) Charlie ( dragerman ) Please email me at Venture_rally_stuff so we can discuss if you want to collect your shirt or if you want it mailed. Thanks Al
  16. Tom


    Has anyone heard from Charlie? I miss him.
  17. be careful Next time you go ice fishing...............
  18. charlie should jump on this one:15_8_211[1]: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/VENTURE-150cc-Moped-Scooter-Motorcycle-FREE-Trunk-CARB_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ6722QQihZ016QQitemZ260197019658QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW
  19. I can see Charlie on this one for sure:stirthepot: http://www.metricthunder.com/news/2007/10/24/yamahas-next-cruiser/
  20. Put a set of these tire chains on your scoot and you won't need to quit riding just because of snow. You have a set yet, Charlie? http://www.mv-motorrad.de/cosmoshop/lshop,showdetail,13240,e,1105803788-30287,,10107,,,.htm
  21. dray

    Free Beer

    here it is and its real this is from the BBC NEWS in NZ http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/7051496.stm Beer30 you best hurry and get in on this one! you to Charlie!!!
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