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  1. the st. charles meet and eat is coming up in two weeks. check it out under meet & eats and get on the calender. 7
  2. i know your all tired of me bugging you about registrations for the 09 rally, so this will be my last shot at it. we really need your responce as soon as possible. the rally is just a little over a month off. cindy has alot of things going on besides the rally and it would be a big help to her if she does'nt have everything pile up on her at the last minute. we have really worked hard to put this rally together for you all. i hope we have a really big turnout. i am totally wore out. just got my st. charles meet out of the way and hope after the 09 rally is over i have enough gas left to make it to vogel. so i'm going to slow down and finish up the final planning for the rally. please help us out and get registered. bill . :2133:thanks
  3. Well Wild Hair and I got to my place at 2:15 this morning after a 250 mile ride from Snarleys place. What a nice turn out met some new members and reunited with quite a few members from former events. Did 525 miles yesterday going up and back. My last big ride for awhile with my hip surgery scheduled for the first of June. So wont be able to do Don's MD this year:crying: Many thanks to Linda (Snarleys wife) for putting up with us all. Bill for putting on a great a event even though I was only there for the day. Wild Hair just left my place heading south to his. Looks like he may get a little wet going home. Always nice to have Lowell stop in for a visit. Hope everyone has a safe ride home from St Charles. P.S. I saw Cinderella Pig Out Again:stirthepot: John
  4. for all the folks coming in on thursday, may 7th, we will be meeting at the cracker barrel at 7pm and go from there to my house for coffee and coffee cake. about 4 miles away. then on friday and saturday morning the 8th and ninth, we will meet at crackerbarrel at 8 am for breakfast. see you all there. bill ps. my home phone is 636-928-3656 if you need last minute info.
  5. I know that Gary N is heading out to the St Charles, MO Meet & Eat in early May. I think he's taking "the space shuttle" though. Are any other Ontarians planning on going? If so, can you let me know your plans as I just may pack up the HD and head out with you. Cheers,
  6. looks like we are going to have a big turn out for my annual st. charles meet. i'ts going to be the biggest one yet. looking forward to seeing everyone. been shopping the last three weeks for food, no one will leave missouri hungry. i can't wait, and have put an order in for good weather. we have lucked out the last 2 years on the weather and i have 2 fantastic rides planned. see yopu folks there. bill
  7. just, wanting to let anyone that has nothing to do may 7th, 8th, and 9th. to check out the st. charles meet under meet and eats on the sticky at the top.. i'm starting to buy the food and want to get an estimate on who plans to attend. so far it looks like a great turn out. for those that haven't checked in on the meet and eat thread, let me know. i hate to run out of beer, soda, and food. motels and details are all there. hope to see you there. bill
  8. as soon as i get my st. charles meet behind me . i'm going to be calling all the rally committee members back to work. i am going to ride from st. charles down to the hub to tie up the loose ends and plan the final meal with them, on a saturday in the near future. any one that wants to fall in with me or meet at the hub is welcome. i will post a date soon. you can try out the great breakfast menu they have. again please register as soon as you can if you plan on attending the 09 rally. bill
  9. looks like a big turnout for the st. charles, mo. rally, may 7th thru 9th. still got plenty of room. looks like this is going to be the biggest ever. i have a great one planned this year. we have people coming from all over the usa, and maybe gary n from canada, who was here last year. for all of you who want to kick off the riding season with a bang , don't miss this one. check it out in the sticky under meet and eats. all the motels and details are there. looking forward to seeing alot of old friends and new faces. bill
  10. okay folks, my annual st. charles meet is just a little over a month and a half off. this is my third year and i have made it a little longer this year since it has been so much fun, and to give people time to come a farther distance. for details don has put a sticky under rides and rallies and meet and eats. i have listed motels and the meet agenda. if you want to bring friends that is fine. we don't care what they ride. all i ask is that you let me know how many to expect, so i can figure the dessert on thursday night and and food, soda, and beer for the barbeque on saturday after the big ride. i look forward to this every year and linda and i look forward to seeing you all. if you need more info don't hesitate to pm me. bill :clap2:
  11. the bus leaves st. charles, mo at 5:30 am saturday morning for herman mo. for my first breakfast run of the year. low temp is supposed to 55 and high in the 70's. any one wanting to go. i will meet them at the harvester plaza mcdonalds at 5:30 am saturday morning. plan on at least a 150 mile ride. bill. ps. i bet i don't get no takers. i'm going anyway.
  12. just posted the details and motels for my st. charles, mo. rally, may 7th, 8th, and 9th, 2009, under meet and eats. bill
  13. Niehause Cycle- Open House is scheduled for May 15 - 17th. Hey Snarly Bill - Maybe it will be a little warmer this year. This is weekend after your St Charles gathering. Looks like I'll have to see two times in one month:crying:
  14. hey,michael. don't want to put you on the spot, and not going to ask why your selling your bike. just want to know if you are going to hang with us. i know alot of folks including linda and i would miss you and terri if you were to stray away from the group. hope you are not getting out of bikes, cuz we are looking forward to seeing you at my st. charles rally and the international meet in 09. please don't go no where you have a bunch of friends on here. ain't that right guys? bill
  15. kind of want to get an idea how many people as of now are planning to attend my 2009 st. charles, mo.. rally may 7th ,8th, and 9th, 2009. this was formerly a one day meet and eat. this year may be my last one, so i decided to make it a regular rally, since the last three were such a success. i am going to try to get a page together and will have the motels, and events listed, in the next couple of weeks. got really neat plans for this year. hope i get a good turn out like we have had in the past. it will be a meet to remember. guess i'm just going to have to face the fact i ain't a kid anymore and slow down a little. hope to see you all there. snarley bill :clap2:
  16. since the st. charles meet and eat was so much fun and successful the last three years. i have decided to make it a regular 3 day meet. there is something which we have missed in the last meets that people will enjoy. thursday the first day of the meet we will visit some of the neat stuff in historic downtown st. charles and those wanting to hit the casinos can do that. all this stuff is about 5 minutes from the motels. friday we will do our hannibal ride with a different scenic route, and dinner at a great pizza house. saturday will be the scenic ride to herman, mo. to visit the wineries and back to my house for the barbeque. as usual wed. night at my house for pie and coffee for early arrivals. the dates are 7th, 8th, and 9th, of may, 2009. i will post motels and more details when i get it all together. this overides my earlier post. hope to see a bunch there. bill
  17. okay, here are the dates for my st. charles meet, eat, and ride. i have decided to make it 2 days next year,so people that come along way have plenty of time to settle in and enjoy it. the dates are, may 8th, and 9th 2009. thats friday and saturday. we will have a great ride of about 200 miles each day and a final barbeque at my house saturday evening. i will have more details, and motels listed soon. those that have been here can make reservations at the same motels. you ain't going to believe this meet. i am going to give it my all as usual, so put it on your calender. bill :clap2:
  18. counting the days for the st. jude ride. coming from st. charles, mo. down hwy. 55. anyone want to ride along? leaving st. charles at 5 am. if it rains i am going to cage it. but i will be there. who all is going. lets here it from you. i am planning to make it a round trip on saturday, but may stay over in memphis and come back sunday morning. this is one great must do meet. the bunch that did it last year will agree with me for sure. hope to see a bunch of our members there. bill :clap2::clap2:
  19. getting a spur of the moment ride together sat. 9/27/08. from st. charles, mo. to jeff city, and maybe bagnell dam and back. leaving st. charles at 5 am. will stop at the big motosport dealer in jeff city on the way. it will be one awesome ride, and the weather is going to be picture perfect. if anyone wants to go let me know. not to many good riding days left this year. hope some of you will put them honey do's aside and make this one. i garrantee you won't be sorry. bill :clap2:
  20. i know it's early, but now that the eureka springs meet is behind us and i have a little rest from the initial set up of the 2009 international rally, i am starting to work on the best st. charles meet and eat of all times. the last three were awesome so i decided to make this one a regular 2 day meet with two great rides. one being to historic hannibal mo. and the other to herman, mo. to visit a neat little german town and the wineries. both are tremendous rides of about 200 mile round trip. it will be some time in may or early june. just want to let everyone know so you can keep the calender open. i try to schedule it so it does'nt interfere with dons maintenance day. i will have motels listed ,and for those that like to gamble like cindy and dale, they are near the river boats. last years meet and eat was awesome, and i had so much fun i thought i would try to double it. i am going to have a big barbeque for the grand finally at my house, same as last year. best part it is all free. looking forward to seeing a bunch of you folks. bill :clap2:
  21. thinking about riding up to hannibal mo. this coming saturday. any one want to meet us there or ride up from st. charles with us? let me know. bus leaves here in st. charles about 10 am saturday morning. bill
  22. need to burn a weeks vacation in the first part of august. just need some time off. any one want to put together a meet and eat in the missouri area? be glad to help out. would have one in st. charles but just had one. bill
  23. well the st. charles meat and eat went like clockwork. great weather, beautiful ride, good breakfast buffet, and a group of some very fine people. had a surprise last minute guest come. rosebud and her better half showed up at the honda dealer in jefferson city from tulsa oklahoma and rode back for our barbeque. had a tremendous turnout. want to thank all that made it a total success. you made mine and lindas day. thanks for coming. now for eureka springs. bill
  24. spent a nice afternoon with cindy, dale and allan, ate at a fantastic pizza house in st. charles. good people, good food, made for a perfect sunday.
  25. ok folks the st.charles meet & eat is'nt to far off. it's saturday may 17th, 2008. location st. charles ,mo. we will meet at the 5th st. crackerbarrel at 9 am. and take a short ride to breakfast. after which we will take a long senic ride to jefferson city and back to my house for barbeque. there will be coffee at my house friday night may 16 for early arrivals. this is the third year for this and we plan on having a great time. for those that have been here you know the motels. for those that haven't. old hippy and nance recommended the best western st. charles inn, 1377 s fifth, 636-916-3000. it is right across the highway from the cracker barrel where we will meet and 4 miles from my house. let me know if you are coming a few days ahead of time so i can figure the food. don't bring nothin to eat. chef snarley bill and linda are doin the barbeque. hope to see a bunch here. bill :clap2:
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