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  1. Well it started off on Monday, took Charlene to the Dr. for some blood tests, but I stayed out in the car because I didnt want to pick up whatever it is that's going around. My wife started with a dry hacking cough, fever, chills last Fri after getting home from the Dr. That's why I stayed out in the car. Well everything was ok until Christmas Eve, I started with the dry hacking cough, aches, and asthma acting up. So much for me staying healthy through the holidays. Went to my daughters yesterday even though I wasnt feeling like it so we could deliver the grandsons gifts and try to have some similance of a normal Christmas, nope, kept getting worse, so last night my breathing got very difficult while trying to sleep in my bed, so I moved to the living room, which is where my wife was sleeping also, it was the only way we could get comfortable. I have an inhalation therapy machine here, so I dont have to go to the hospital unless that doesnt work. I got a little rest after taking another dose of meds and seemed to be feeling a little better with the exception of the dry cough and achey joints. Around 1 pm I decided to eat some light lunch and this is when the scare came. I was about half way thoroug my lunch when I had the worst coughing spell I have ever had, all of sudden I couldnt catch my breath, my wife said that she came over to see what was wrong and I scared all three of them, she said I gasped one last time and went stiff on the recliner, I seem to remember my feet were twitching, and I hear the yelling and screaming at me. They thought I was playing around. I couldnt move for a minute and when I opened my eyes everything was spinning and I couldnt tell if I was sitting up or lying down, I heard Charlene yell loudly "Lewis, dont do that" and my oldest grand son was screaming Grandpa! Grandpa! After about 30 seconds my wits came back to me and I told her I wasnt playing around, I had coughed so hard for so long I emptied my lungs of oxygen and passed out. Everything is back to some similance of normal, but still got the cough and aches. Charlene said when she heard me gasp and quit breathing she thought I was gone. She cant get rid of me that easy.
  2. My daughter has finished nursing school and today she received her pin becoming an RN. Charlene and I are very fortunate to have 2 great kids that make us proud, they both have done very well for themselves.:clap2:
  3. Charlene had her first ride on our trike, she thoroughly enjoyed it, said she was comfortable on it, and felt more at ease knowing I wouldnt have to support the bike with both of us on it. I think she will be riding a lot more with me now that there are three wheels under us. We did about a 20 mile loop around town, some country roads and just had a nice slow ride. This weekend I will be bleeding and flushing the clutch, noticed a couple of difficult down shifts and had some difficult finding neutral a couple of times. I opened the resevior for the clutch and the fluid was murky brown...........gotta take care of that. All and all she is very happy about the trike and that makes me extremely happy:dancefool:!
  4. I am sitting home recuperating from another injection into my spine for the lower back pain that has me up and down. The last injection lasted me over 6 months, the Dr. thought that was amazing. I hope this one last just as long, you normally have to get at least 2 or 3 before you get some relief, but I got a good Dr. and he hit it right the first time, not like the Dr. Charlene used 6 times and never got any relief, that why she went the surgical route. On another note wanted to let ya'll know I have posted the V Star 1300 Tour I have had for the last 5 years on E Bay. Got to make room for the Trike I have yet to find, but not in a big hurry, at least Charlene isn't. If anyone is interested in it from the site, I would be willing to sell it for the reserve price I have listed on Ebay. If you want to check it out here is the lilnk. http://www.ebay.com/itm/130754333785?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649
  5. While vacationing in Fla, with the family we took a day off to do separate things, Charlene and I went east over to Coca Bch, Fla and paid a visit to 1-Up, aka Ken Derrett. We went to eat at a fantastic seafood rest. Charlene and I got a platter for 2 and the amount of food they served us could have fed 4 of us. The platter in front of Ken is not part of the 2 person platter, all the food in front of Charlene and I and the plate in the middle was ours. Ken took us around and showed us some interesting sites we want to come back and see when we have more time.
  6. Here is wishing each and every one of our VR family and theirs a Very Merry Christmas, and a Prosperous New Year! Charlene and Lewis :bighug: :depressed:
  7. Charlene and I will both be going under the knife in the next few weeks. I will be having carpal tunnel surgery on my left hand and Charlene will be having it on both hands a couple of weeks apart. I had my right hand done in 2005, and now the left is really giving me fits when I try to use it for anything. I will be out of work for 6-8 weeks, but at the perfect time, the holidays...........
  8. We all made it home safe around six. Great to see everyone again. And another special thanks to Lew and Charlene!
  9. Hey All, went on a couple rides last weekend, put on about 550 miles on the Heritage. On a Group Ride yesturday of 300 miles we stopped at a DQ. One of riders asked Charlene and I how we liked the Heritage: Charlene said, No Room to move around, so tight I won't go anywhere. I said, "To be Honest, it is no Yamaha Venture". I could ride all day on the RSV, but after a 100 miles I am sore on the Heritage. Even put a signature series seat on the Heritage, but no help. With my back problems the weight of the Heritage is all I can handle, especially two up. Now don't get me wrong the Heritage has a lot of nice features, and the 105 year edition is a beautiful bike. But, I have always said the RSV is the best bike I have ever owned! Guess it is, what it is, but Sadly miss my "Sweet Thing" RSV. Later-
  10. I have been having some low back pain now for several weeks, I just got over a bout of Bursitis, which was very, very painful, I had an appointment for followup from that today. While at work today I was leaning up against a table in an office just resting and all of a sudden something pinched really really bad in my lower back and I almost hit the floor. I didnt really think much about it and took some pain meds. Later I starting noticing how painful it was to walk and everytime I put weight on my right foot it hurt my back like hell. So I went to the Dr. as scheduled and told him what was going on and he examined me and sent me for some x-rays. When he came back in the room the cheery smile was gone from his face as he sat down to show Charlene and I the results. First thing was I have scoliosis in my lower back, a little higher up signs of arthritis, and then the real bad part was a slipped vertebrae that was causing the pinching and pain. I couldnt believe there would be that much. So now I have to go back next week to a spine dr. and have either an MRI or CAT scan. No new pain meds cause I am already on them and they aint working, so he prescribed Steroids, in massive dose, went to get it filled and its backoredered from the mfg. Nobody had them, now I have to wait another day for the Dr to change the script. And I am also going to physical therapy to see if that helps..........Now I am seeing some of the same Dr.'s that Charlene was seeing for all of her problems...............Cant catch a break:bang head: All of this and Vogel 2 months away!!!!!!!!!!!!. :crying:
  11. Now that Charlene is on her way to recovery, its starting all over!!! For the past 2-3 weeks I have been having a pain in my right hip area, at first thought it was a pulled muscle, but its getting to the point that I am not able to sleep in my bed at all, no matter how I lay I am in terrible pain,last night I had to sleep in the recliner with my legs elevated to alleviate the pain. I am having a hard time walking,and numbness in my right leg, these are the same symptons Charlene had when her hip starting acting up on her, but mine was a sudden onset and I cant believe the amount of pain it is causing me. I have an appointment with the orthopedist Monday, I was lucky to get the appt so quick, I guess since Charlene is a regular patient there it helps. This timing of this is lousy......... So if you folks could say a few prayers for me, I would greatly appericate it.............
  12. Here we go again, Charlene is having more surgery, on her neck this time, she has 3 ruptured discs, going to have 2 of them removed and have some donor bone, cages, a plate and 6-8 screws put in. This is one we weren't expecting but after she had her hip replaced and her spinal surgery she was still having numbness and pain being caused by the bad disc. She is going back to Emory Hospital in Tucker, Ga. They are very good at what the do, I highly reccomend them to anyone who may need any kind of orthopedic surgery done.
  13. I guess I missed the announcement that Jeff was back as I was out of town without a puter. Glad you made it back ok, looking forward to seeing you again soon...........Charlene says hi, and go easy on Mini.........she may be a little weirded out with you back home for good!!!!!
  14. Charlene still doing good?
  15. Charlene is out of surgery and back in her room now, they will have her up and walking after lunch. The Dr. said her hip was really bad, and said she should have had this surgery years ago....The doctors here are the best, on top of all the latest techniques, in fact they pioneer much of it at Emory Univ, which this is part of................She is still a little groggy, and has her pump for the pain which I have to keep reminding her to use..........It is unbeleivable how small the incision is for this type of surgery, its only about 4 inches long, and its on the front side of her hip, new technique only done by a couple of surgeons, the recovery time is much shorter and far less restrictions as to what she can do. We will she how well she walks after lunch..................
  16. I have created a Care Page for Charlene on the Emory Hospital Website. I will be posting updates there that everyone can view, you can also sign her guest book and leave a message for her if you like. You've been invited to visit a CarePages website Check in on a friend or loved one who needs your support now You've been invited to visit CHARLENE CRAMER's CarePages website. CarePages websites are free patient blogs that connect family and friends during a health challenge. CHARLENE CRAMER has created a website and needs your support now more than ever. To visit CHARLENE CRAMER's CarePages website, follow these steps: Click on the link below Become a CarePages member (it's free) or sign in Visit CHARLENE CRAMER's CarePages website to read the blog, view photos and share messages of support Visit this CarePages website now Having trouble with the link above? Copy and paste the following link in your web browser: http://www.carepages.com/carepages/206455/invitations/897653/5f5f4b6dcd9b4ecfcab4989a7167de30d9c29a89?client_code=emoryhealthcare&ipc=miv Thanks for supporting CarePages. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact our Customer Support Team at help@carepages.com. Sincerely, The CarePages Team CarePages.com
  17. Here are a couple of pictures of Charlene, in the first pic is her new best friend, "The Happy Button" [ATTACH]40895[/ATTACH] This picture was taken at 6:00 AM, the morning after her surgery!!!!! [ATTACH]40894[/ATTACH]
  18. Charlene is back in her room now, surgery went well, they removed 3 discs and put in 3 cages to fuse the vertabrae, she is a little sore and using the pump to stay relatively pain free. Next surgery is on Thursday, when they insert the rods and screws to straighten her spine. Please keep the prayers coming. Thanks Lewis & Charlene
  19. On Monday morning we head out to the hospital in Tucker, Ga., so Charlene can have her long awaited surgery on her spine, it has been a long and tough road for her, I don't know how she did it, I would have given up by now if it would of been me, but she is a trooper and has tolerated it, even though she was in great pain and could hardly walk, she isnt' nervous about it, in fact I think she is excited about getting better, but its making me very anxious. She will be having two seperate surgery's the first Monday and the second more intensive on Thursday, it should last anywhere from 6-8 hrs maybe longer. So if you would offer up a prayer to guide the surgeons hands to a successful surgery and easy recovery for Charlene it would be greatly appreciated. I will be on vacation for the next 2 weeks while she is in the hospital and helping her on her first days home after that her sister from Houston will be here taking care of her while I am at work.
  20. But, he wasnt calling to talk to me, he saw the post about Charlene's upcoming surgery and called her to give her some encouraging words and wish her well, he sounded good, it was nice of him to call, it was a pleasant surprise for both of us and Charlene was touched by his call. Thanks Muffinman!!!
  21. Charlene is finally going to have her surgery to correct her back problems........they cant do it till after the first of the year, Jan. 4 is when it will happen, she will have two procedures while she is in one for the scoliosis and the other for spinal stenosis. One will take place on Monday and the second will take place on Thursday, she will be in the hospital anywhere from one to two weeks ......Tried to get it done before the end of the year since all our deductibles were met, but his schedule was full. So if you would please keep Charlene in your prayers..........she has had a rough time of it for the last 2-3 years..........I dont know how she has done it, but she has. Recovery will take quiet a while........
  22. We made it home from Vogel about 3:00, got everything unloaded but not sorted out, that will come. I just want to thank everyone who came out to support our St. Jude effort, dont have a final figure yet I will be tallying that soon and posting it. I also want to thank all those that pitched in and helped with the rides, picking up downed bikes( only 1), carb syncs, everything mechanical, giving rides to little old ladies, not once but twice, food servers, those that donated door prizes, just a great bunch of people., But most of all I need to apologize to someone very special to me, I forgot to thank the most important person in my life, and that is my wife Charlene, while at the shelter I thanked a lot of people openly and forgot my loving wife, so, Thank you for all your support Charlene, I couldn't have done it without your support, I love you and thank you for putting up with me................
  23. Hope you guys are safe and sound, havent seen a post from you about being home............I bet Bobbie is still uploading pics from your trip. Hoping you guys will make it for the Memphis ride. Your reservation is still open at the Dragon Cave if you want to come thru Atlanta........let me know so Charlene can start planning a cajun dinner for us to eat, Jambalaya and a Shrimp Pie...... and that pie is not the desert........
  24. Last day of the old year, I know some of our VR family have had some troubled times this year, here is hoping that the coming year will be good for each and every one of us. Charlene and I want to wish each and everyone of the family here at VR a very :group cheers::group cheers::group cheers::group cheers:HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!:group cheers::group cheers::group cheers::group cheers::group cheers::group cheers::group cheers::group cheers::group cheers::group cheers:
  25. This past year has been filled with ups and downs in our family, the biggest up being the birth of our second grandchild 3 weeks ago, but seems the downs waited till now to rear their ugly heads even higher. Charlene has finally been diagnosed with spinal stenosis (narrowing of the spinal canal that causes pinched nerves causing much pain) the doctor thinks this is more of the problem than the hip or knee, hopefully she will start treatment before the 1st of the year. Then last nite my daughter called with chest pains again and again went to the ER, this time they did a bunch of tests and find the problem to be gallstones, which means surgery sometime after the first of the year................. Hopefully the New Year will be a better year here. Lots of good things to look forward to with the coming year. Hopefully after Charlene has her treatments she will be able to get back to riding with me once again, and she should be able to enjoy our non motorcycling vacation, when we go on our cruise next summer. So here is wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays..........be safe and God Bless.
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