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  1. Another way we can help St. Jude is by using the search engine at http://www.goodsearch.com. Every time you use it, it will donate to your charity of choice, of course everyone knows what my choice is. Check it out.
  2. http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/09/30/14160479-2-killed-1-wounded-in-biker-shooting-at-vfw-lodge-in-florida?lite Damn shame you can not even be safe at a charity event
  3. My Star Chapter is Raffling a 2012 Escape alumalite trailer to benefit Charity. The primary Charity will be CIRT( Central Illinois Riding Therapy), this organizations uses horse therapy for people that have Autism, Downs Syndrome and the like. Depending on the money raised we hope to help our local vets and Wounded Warrior as well. So here is the deal a $5 dollar donation gets you 1 chance to win and a $10 donation gets you 3 chances to win. There is only 1000 tickets being sold and the trailer will be shipped directly to the winners house at no cost to the winner. You can email me @ norr3mi@aol.com to reserve your tickets and find out how to make your donations. Drawing will be held June 2nd,2012. Please help us sell a 1,000 tickets so that we can make a maximum impact for others.
  4. Hey folks, I've been thinking (yeah, dangerous stuff that:scratchchin:) that what with Christmas coming up and us having a pretty good size organization, it might be nice for us to do "something" for the kids for Christmas. What I was thinking of was some sort of "group" contribution to perhaps the Marine Corps "Toys for Tots", or St. Judes. I would envision us sending individual checks made out to whatever charity we select to a single collection point, then one of our guys making a formal presentation to the charity on behalf of VentureRider. If we'd all kick in a lousy $10 bucks we'd raise more than $20,000 and THAT would make a real difference for a bunch of kids (And it would be some Great Publicity for VentureRider). Anyway, just a thought of something that might be fun for us to do this Christmas season. Whadda ya think?
  5. A charity that supports military folks called Soldiers Angels is having a fund raising drive until Veterans Day. Called Project Valour - IT, it does the following: More About Valour-IT Project Valour-IT helps provide voice-controlled/adaptive laptop computers and other technology to support Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines recovering from hand wounds and other severe injuries. Items supplied include: Voice-controlled Laptops - Operated by speaking into a microphone or using other adaptive technologies, they allow the wounded to maintain connections with the rest of the world during recovery. WII Video Game Systems - Whole-body game systems increase motivation and speed recovery when used under the guidance of physical therapists in therapy sessions (donated only to medical facilities). Personal GPS - Handheld GPS devices build self-confidence and independence by compensating for short-term memory loss and organizational challenges related to severe TBI and severe PTSD. The web page is http://soldiersangels.org/index.php?page=project-valour-it.
  6. Did anyone see the V-Max on Barrett-Jackson last nite?? I think it was Jay Leno's and he had it auctioned for a charity in New York. It went for $120K. Probably because of who's it was and also because of the charity the money was going to. Thought it interesting that it was a metric and not an American made bike that was being sold in such an American setting. Don H.
  7. I know some of you ride Wings but I think you "came" from a Venture so I know you aren't like this but it seems lately the Wing riders I come across seem to have a bit of a "chip on their shoulder". For instance, one of the security guards in the building where I work (a very nice lady but...) rides on her hubby's wing with him and have been riding a wing for many years ... anyway, she sure seems to get "snobbish" whenever I start talking motorcycles with her. "Oh, we tried a Yamaha once...it was terrible!" .. "We never ride in groups!" (yet she showed me pics of a few folks they ride with a lot) ... "oh no...we won't do the Ride for Dad charity run... we already gave to charity and there's too many Harley riders there" ... and so on, and so on... Maybe I'm reading it wrong but her tone, body language, and words are sure giving me those "snobby" vibes (btw, she's older 'n me and is about to celebrate her 45th wedding anniv ... good for them!) On top of that, she can't tell the difference between the 1500 style of Wing and the 1800 style. Showed me a pic of their "old" bike that they traded for a "new" one (pic of that too) and according to her, they traded an 1800 for a 1500 but you couldn't tell her that. (she was adamant that the old one is the new one...geeesh now I'm confused LOL) Well, I'm bored, tired, too warm, and anxious to see the work day end coz starting June 1st, I am off work for an entire month! yyeeeeeaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh .... (maybe all the above is just my "chit")
  8. OK guys and gals. I've got another "Newbie" question. This time it's about "Charity Rides". I've only had my bike a couple of months now and apparently missed out on such a ride today, and this got me to thinking. I think i might actually like to participate in such a ride, but have absolutely no idea about how they work or what's involved. How 'bout it? Anybody wanna learn me about charity rides?
  9. For anyone interested there is the Butterbean Festival in Pinson AL this Sat. Lots of events including a charity ride and a bike and car show. Google Butterbean Festival to get more info.
  10. has anyone heard of a charity ride for ms in the wisconsin area? there are rides for just about every other cause, but don't know about one for this. if anyone has heard of one please let me know.
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