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  1. A recent case in Iowa. A pickup truck driver pulled out from a side road into the pat of a motorcycle. The two people on the bike, Florida residents Benjiman D'Amico, 58, and his wife, Linda, 59, were both killed. The local prosecutor determined that it was an accident, the driver didn't see the motorcycle and that there were no grounds for any other charges except failure to yield. In the end, two motorcyclist lost their lives, and the driver was fined $65. Involuntary manslaughter sounds like a good start to me.
  2. check out todays woot! i bought 2! charges AA and AAA.http://www.woot.com/.
  3. I am heading for the US several times this winter. I have an unlocked iPhone 4S and was wondering if any of the American Cellular Providers offer free roaming data charges? I am looking to get a Pay As You Go Sim Card.
  4. Now I have done this before and have never had an issue. But I got to know, am I doing it wrong? First I stayed at the Frontier Motel in Marquette, Iowa and asked the manager if I could hold a block of 8 rooms for a while cause I was having a ride. He told me YES he would hold them, I asked how long "HE SAID TILL 5-14-11" (Ride was on 5-21-11). I said that would be fine what ever did not get called on he would then "sell / rent" . On the 21st two couples call motel from the M&E and ask for rooms "Manager" ask if they were with me, couples ask my name and say YES we are with Bryan. Manager say that is the last two rooms he has. We get to motel and "Manager" is pissed that I did not call to cancel extra rooms??? (To my understanding he was to rent them after the 14th so why would I call? If that was not enough earlier call from other couples said that WAS LAST TWO ROOMS? SO again, why call?") And he didn't even give the two couples any of "my" rooms even when HE asked and they said YES they are with me! Anyway after we all headed home Sunday I get a call from "Shazam" debit card corporation saying there are "MANY" charges from said motel starting at $390.00 and going down $20.00 after each charge is denied. I am asked if these charges are real to which I say NO! I only owe for ONE room at $73.50. (Which I fully intend to pay, I did stay there and I am NOT trying to get out of my dept.) Monday I go to my bank and tell them the whole story they check it out and I now have a total of 14 charges from said motel. (I only put so much money in this account so I don't get burned, to bad.) My bank is cool with it and says HE is wrong but they want to cancel my card and issue a new one. NO CHARGE, which I did not argue with. My question is did I do something wrong? Any other time I have done this if I was told they would hold to a specific date then after that date rooms were gone and I did not have to call. Is that how it is suppose to work? Just thought there maybe a motel / hotel owner here that could tell me proper way I should have handled it?? Thank you , Bryan
  5. Back in August, an Indianapolis cop killed a biker while he was on duty, drunk in his cruiser. The new county prosecutor has re-instated charges against him on 7 felony counts. http://www.theindychannel.com/news/26493263/detail.html
  6. Bisard, an Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department officer accused of driving drunk at the time he hit three motorcyclists, killing one, will have an initial hearing at 1:30 p.m. in Marion Superior Court.Prosecutor Terry Curry refiled six alcohol-related charges against Bisard on Wednesday. Former Prosecutor Carl Brizzi dropped alcohol-related charges last year, claiming that the blood test that showed Bisard was driving drunk was improperly administered and couldn't be used in court. The test showed Bisard had a blood-alcohol level of 0.19 two hours after the crash, more than twice the level at which an Indiana driver is considered drunk. Curry thinks the test is admissible and that a judge should decide the fate of those charge
  7. barend


    To Verizon Wireless!! I switched back to using my Omnia phone last month and about had a heart attack when I got the bill, $950 dollars in usage charges all while not using it for anything internet related. Took two hours, but they did credit all of the usage charges back to me. Sometimes good things happen! :happy65:
  8. Not sure if this is already an ongoing thread but, sad news to report about a local biker, just a few miles from where I live/ride. There are some incredibly dumb people out there, be careful. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/30558822/ Another article with her photo here: http://mobile.chicagotribune.com/inf/infomo;jsessionid=FD8A0179013AD9793388.2193?view=breakingnews_article&feed:a=chi_trib_1min&feed:c=latest_breaking_news&feed:i=C92EC7656B65D117A75BFECF7D993041&nopaging=1 Here's the text of the article. A motorcyclist was killed over the weekend after being struck by a car driven by a woman who was painting her fingernails at the time of the crash. Anita Zaffke, of Lake Zurich, was wearing a helmet when she was hit from behind by a Chevy Impala at a stop light Saturday evening at Route 12 and Old McHenry Road, the Chicago Tribune reported. "It appears to be a tragic accident and it appears (Zaffke) did nothing wrong," Lake County Sheriff's Office Sgt. Scott Morrison said. "She was just in the wrong place at the wrong time and she could not have done anything to avoid it." Her son, Greg, told the Tribune that his mother was wearing a bright yellow biker's jacket. Zaffke was thrown "a couple of hundred feet" by the impact, the Lake County Coroner said. The driver of the Impala, Lora Hunt, 48, of Morris, told police she was painting her fingernails as she approached the red light at that corner, and she apparently didn't see the motorcycle. Lake County Coroner Richard Keller said that Zaffke died from chest and abdominal injuries about an hour later at Advocate Good Shepherd Hospital in Barrington. Morrison said Hunt was cited with failure to reduce speed to avoid an accident and could face additional charges. The Lake County State's Attorney's office says it's looking into criminal charges, as well. "We are looking into charges in the case," Assistant State's Attorney Patricia Fix said this morning. "But we are waiting for results of blood and urine tests and waiting for the results of an accident reconstruction, as well as any other technical evidence we can derive from the scene."
  9. Last couple Items I have had shipped to my residence in Canada are being shipped from a Canadian address in Mississauga. I get a COD charge on top of the crazy shipping charges we normally have to pay on US shipped items. This hasn't been my experience over the last years. This is something new. Most Items I have ordered never have any charges...$10 COD on top of the $20 for shipping on a $64 item...no more! I'm done with that crowd!
  10. This is a terrible tragedy. The truck driver who caused this says he was 'shuffling through paper work'. Yeah right. More likely he was texting. Whichever, I think anyone who recklessly kills a biker while piloting a deadly weapon should be hanged, but I will settle for manslaughter charges and several years in the crossbar hotel. Ironically, this disaster happened on a road called the 'Carefree Highway'! Yall be careFULL out there! http://www.azcentral.com/community/northvalley/articles/2010/03/25/20100325phoenix-motorcycle-crash-abrk.html http://www.azcentral.com/12news/news/articles/2010/03/27/20100327driver-in-phoenix-motorcycle-crash-CP.html http://www.azcentral.com/commphotos/azcentral/14118/1/29 http://link.brightcove.com/services/player/bcpid30311461001?bctid=74178410001 http://i.azcentral.com/commphotos/view/354595.jpg
  11. Note to self: Cancel credit cards prior to death! Be sure to cancel your credit cards before you die! This is so priceless, and so easy to see happening--customer service being what it is today! A lady died this past January, and ANZ Bank billed her for February and March for their annual service charges on her credit card, and then added late fees and interest on the monthly charge. The balance that had been $0.00, now is somewhere around $60.00. A family member placed a call to the ANZ Bank: Family member: "I am calling to tell you that she died in January" ANZ: "The account was nevewr closed and the late fees and charges still apply" Family member: "Maybe you should turn it over to collections?" ANZ: "Since it is two months past due, it already has been" Family member: "So, what will they do when they find out she is dead?" ANZ: "Either report her account to the fraud division, or report her to the credit bureau, maybe both!" Family member: "Do you think God will be mad with her?" ANZ: "Excuse me??" Family member: "Did you just get what I was telling you.....The part about her being dead?" ANZ: "Sir, you'll have to speak to my Supervisor" Supervisor gets on the 'phone: Family member: "I'm calling to tell you she died in January" ANZ: "The account was never closed and the late fees and charges still apply" Family member: "You mean you want to collect from her estate?" ANZ: (stammering) "Are you her lawyer?" Family member: "No, I'm her great nephew" (Lawyer information is given) ANZ: "Could you fax us a certificate of death?" Family member: "Sure" (fax number is given) After they receive the fax: ANZ: "Our system just isn't set up for death. I don't know what more I can do to help". Family member: "Well, if you figure it out, great!! If not, you could just keep billing her.I don't think she will care". ANZ:"Well, the late fees and charges still apply". Family member: "Would you like her new billing address?" ANZ: "That might help" Family member: "Rookwood Memorial Cemetary, 1249 Centenary Rd, Sydney-Plot Number 1049" ANZ: "Sir, that is a cemetery!" Family member: "Well, what the heck do you do with dead people on your planet????"
  12. Just a warning, I tend to get wordy and detailed when it comes to this. So this might be long. I live in Indiana and have Verizon home service. We have 2 phone lines. My wifes work required it at the time and they paid for both. Her work recently said we only require one line and we will only pay for one line. We will use Line A for the primary (home) line and Line B for the secondary (work related) line. We thought great, we will drop the line A. So we called and it was confirmed at the end of May line A was disconnected. Line A was connected to 2 phones and 2 satallites. Line B was connected to just the work phone. Well we didn't thoroughly think it through as Line A is also connected to the satallite dishes which if not connected to a phone line charges us $10 (we have 2 receivers). What we were trying to accomplish at this point is reconnect Line A and then disconnect Line B. So we called back a few days later (this would be around the beginning of June). We were told it would be back on at midnight by the next day. Check the phone line, nothing. Ok, we will give it another day just in case. Checked the next day, nothing. Called Verizon and was told it would be on by midnight. Checked the next morning and nothing. In the mean time we are getting letters saying the phone line was connected. We are also getting voicemails asking for us to call them back to confirm we wanted the line connected. We have an order # and a confirmation #. Some people could not find the confirmation # or if they find it, they can't see any notes in regards to it. The same thing would happen when I gave them the order #. We would litterally call back everyday and sometimes at least twice in the same day. Everytime me or my wife would call in we would get different answers, sometimes different promises and promises broken. Sometimes a rep would read back to me the notes in their system (big mistake). Well they have recorded conversations that actually contradicts their notes and I asked on several occasions to have those recordings pulled (and of course they haven't been). They will tell you that phone calls are randomly recorded. This isn't true. I work in customer service. They are all recorded. Some get randomly pulled for quality review. A company isn't going to have some calls recorded. Just think if something were to go to court.... Company so and so, customer has all the documentation. Where is your documentation. Well the conversation didn't get recorded....That ain't gonna happen. A rep told me they would credit us for one day. ONE DAY. I don't think so. At that point we had been dealing with this issue for at least a week now. We do not have inside wire maintenance agreement which means if they do any work related to the wiring inside the house, they will charge $90 every 30 minutes. We were told by at least one rep (under recorded call) that any/all charges for repairs under line A and B would be waived. The connection fee would also be waived (found out later the rep noted for a $25 credit). Talked to another rep and they say Line A-no charges, Line B-charges unless if messing with Line A causes Line B to go out. After countless reps and supervisors in multiple depts....I would talk to a repair dept. rep who would say they have no authority to waive charges. Ok who does....so she sent me to her supervisor who also said they can't waive the charges. Then why did your rep say you could? supervisor said, billing dept can. Ok get me over there. billing dept is saying they have no authority to waive charges. WTF..... The problem with the line A after it they said it was reconnected was no dial tone and if you call into it, it would ring busy. This tells me whatever button they pushed at the office to reconnect it, they did not do it correctly as there was nothing wrong with the phones before we disconnected it. So after 2-3 weeks we finally got a tech out on Wednesday. He got it to where if you call, it would ring, but if you were to pick up the handset, no dial tone. He told my wife that he was going to mark his work order as completed and then for us to call Verizon to get inside wire maintenance and then tell them the phone line isn't working so it would be fixed for free. Some people can do that. We can't. Wife called Verizon back said it still is not working and she has to have a working line since uses it for work. The guy had left and I told my wife to check line B just in case. Sure enough it doesn't work which tells me the tech just switched the lines. Now at this point we have 2 non working lines. Another tech came out that day, confirmed the 1st tech did switch the lines. This tech fixed it to where we now have phone service on Line A on 3 phones (the jack for Line B actually has 2 ports so you can plug into Line A or B) but no satellite so it is partially fixed. He also gave us his supervisors phone # to call and talk about the wiring issues and related charges. This tech also said there is some bad wiring in the cat 5 wire. Whatever that means. Since that is inside the walls, we would have to charge you for it if we repair it, but no charges for what he did. A 3rd tech came out yesterday and said we came because we heard of the issues (sounds like they were just trying to help out). My wife said no because we don't agree to the charges (and were told by cust. reps there would not be any) So yesterday I called the tech supervisor. I don't know who this Jackhole think he is, but he was extremely rude. I do not take that so I gave it back. I have a call into his supervisor (who is supposed to call me back on Monday) because I will not tolerate anyone talking to me they way this guy did. I started talking to him about the situation. After only a couple minutes he said let me interuppt. He said he is familiar with the situation and he wanted for me to understand that they would charge for the repairs for any inside wiring. So I started asking questions since he was familiar with it. He said I don't know I have 125,000 customers. I asked if he thought (asking for his opinion) if the satellite company did the wiring. He said I don't know who wired the house. I didn't ask whether you knew or not, I asked if you thought the satellite company could be responsible for the supposedly bad wire. I do not believe it has anything to do with the wiring. The connections were just fine before they disconnected line A. He said what do you want me to do, go back to the office and look everything up. He said No I am not going to do that as he was at home. Well you said you were familiar with the situation. Either you are or you aren't. Which one is it? He reiterated again (very sternly) that anything related to the wiring they were going to charge us for it. I said they why when I call into Verizon they are telling me differently. He said, I don't know you probably just talked to some cust. service rep. I don't care if I talk to Obama. It is legally documented recordings. It if was said you are libel to do it. So at this point we are both hot. He said I told you I will personally be out tomorrow (better not be there when I am at home). I told him I didn't hear you say you would be at my house tomorrow. He said did you hear me this time. He also said did you hear me when I told you, you will be charged for fixing the wiring. I asked then why did someone come out to our house that day. He said I don't know, no one told me about it. I asked why is someone coming out on the 29th. I don't know....what do you want me to do about it. I have 125,000 customers. After a couple more minutes of this I finally said go ahead and come out. If there is anything that needs to be fixed related to the wiring then we will take it to the next step. He said consider it done. I was hot, very, very hot. I went out to mow the lawn to try and calm down. I couldn't do it. So I picked up the phone. The 1st person I spoke with at the Verizon office, I said I need to talk to the repair dept. No questions asked and got transferred. Next person. I don't want to talk to a supervisor. I want to talk to someone above the supervisor. Got the highest level management that I could (whatever level that was). I started going off that NO ONE EVER TALKS TO ME THAT WAY!!!!!. I explained the whole situation and what this Jacka$$ supervisor said. She agreed that they are professionals and he should not have acted that way. So I said she would contact his supervisor and he would call me today. I got a call today from that supervisors office stating he is out of the office and would call me on Monday. So the long and still never ending saga is still going on.
  13. Back on June 10th a drunk driver made a left turn across Hwy 61 and killed a Bloomington, MN couple on their motorcycle. The drunk (at 0.20 BAC) is now being charged with 6 counts of vehicular manslaughter and other charges. He is looking at 10 years per homicide charge. Let's hope for the max. http://www.twincities.com/localnews/ci_7231041 It is about time that serious charges and jail time get handed down for killing people while driving drunk.
  14. Jeff. R U doing a get together in Daytona beach!!---------during 'biketoberfest"??????:sun1::usa:----------call me on my cell---------703-489-4625-----------as the library---------now charges $5 to use their comps.-----------we b in the area!!! seen many VR's--------all going the other way!!
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