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  1. Took my wheels into Zednos today. I had avon venoms put on by Zednos last fall and with less than 200 km on them the sidewalls were cracking. Al at Zednos with no hesitation at all replaced them at no charge Even gave me the option to choose from different brands, at which point I opted to go back to the Dunlop 491 elite II which was what I had originaly had and was very pleased with. This is not the first time I have dealt with Zednos and I have always received excellent treatment from them. P/S apparantly Dunlop got a lot of complaints from the goldwing people when they stopped producing the 491 elite II and so are again producing them.
  2. It is windy and feels like 17°F. Snow tomorrow. It will be in the mid 20's for a high for the next 2 or 3 days. This afternoon, I plugged my RSV battery on trickle charge. http://tapatalk.imageshack.com/v2/15/01/05/72ff461ad8047aba8010ff8e039022f7.jpg
  3. I'm dusting off the venture and bringing it out of mothballs. Bike was stored at my folks house this winter so I didn't get a chance to charge the battery every so offten this season so the battery is pooched. I bought a new battery from VIP yesterday and filled it with the acid. My question is how long should it take for the first charge i'm slow charging it at 2amps but i think it read charged alot sooner then I expected. Only took maybe 5 hours I thought for our bikes it would take over night atleast.
  4. Anyone had any luck with the mechanic sites that want money up front before answering questions? I don't like using credit card without something I'm sure will work. Give me wrong answer and charge me anyway??
  5. whats up with the venture... I know I"ve read others who have issues with batteries... I've had my bike 11 months & already gone thru my 2nd battery... yes i have a maintainer but if it wont hold a charge when am I going to be out riding and it quits? is there something I can do ? or something I should be doing?
  6. http://latino.foxnews.com/latino/news/2012/04/12/mexican-state-charges-motorcyclists-with-terrorism/?test=latestnews
  7. Found this on the web. Thought it might be of some interest. 10 Facts about AGM Batteries 1. AGM batteries were originally developed for the military and so are very robust and can take much more abuse than wet-cell or standard deep-cycle gel batteries. As the electrolyte is contained within the glass mats, there is nothing to leak or spill and they are relatively free from freezing damage. 2. As with other sealed batteries there is little to no maintenance with AGMs. Even more of an advantage is that most of them are 'recombinant'. What this means is that the oxygen and hydrogen combine inside the battery during charging cycles to form water - hence very little water loss and hydrogen emission. These batteries are therefore less hazardous than their counterparts. 3. AGM batteries can be stored in otherwise prohibited areas because of their advantages of no leakage and no fumes. Another advantage of this property is that they can be stored on end or on their sides if need be without damage. 4. The battery construction places the electrolyte in closer proximity to the active plate material. This enhances the efficiency of both discharge and charge cycles. Because of this, and because the internal resistance of the battery is very low they generally charge at a faster rate and to a higher capacity than non-AGM batteries. They can also take heavy discharge rates without damage and can take the occasional discharge below the recommended 50% of capacity rule. 5. AGMs have a very low discharge rate when stored for extended periods, and even if left to totally discharge in storage they can be quickly recharged back to over 95% of their capacity providing they have not been left too long in a discharged state. The advantage is, no flat battery after storing for extended periods (within reason of course). 6. Under normal operating conditions, a good service life of up to 5 years can be attained. With quality care and handling, managed discharge and charge even longer lifetimes are common. Some reports quote up to 10 years. 7. AGM batteries are quite a bit more expensive that conventional wet-cell and standard deep cycle. But if you measure this cost against their robustness, longer life expectancy and better performance, they still present as the best value for money over the longer term. 8. A 'normal' car alternator will only charge a wet-cell type battery to around 70-80% of its capacity. Because of its higher charging rates an AGM battery will just about fully charge and at a faster rate from the same type of alternator. 9. AGM batteries are capable of charging rates up to 75% of their rated ampere hour capacity. In some cases this can lead to damaged alternators or standard auto chargers that may be susceptible to the excessive heat generated when trying to deliver maximum amps. The good point though is that AGMs will charge at lesser rates and be quite happy doing that. But, if you are going to spend money on a quality battery then you should really be looking at buying a quality three-stage charger. 10. AGM batteries can handle a multitude of roles. They can be used as starting batteries, in deep cycle applications, or as standby batteries for critical powered systems. These reasons make them ideal for camping applications. They can also be connected in series or parallel banks providing for various terminal voltages and ampere capacities. Example: two AGMs can be wired in parallel in a pop-up camper. Charged via a three stage 'Smart' charger and never have an issue with them.
  8. HELP!......'07 RSTD & bought a new battery exactly one year ago. Problem now is it won't hold the charge. I get out for a short 30minute ride then go to restart it, & it's a gamble if there's enough juice to kick it over or not. By the time I get it home, there's not enough there to turn it over, so I charge it back up to go again. With the battery only a year old, what are my chances of defective battery @ this time?...or could it be the charging system. Is there a way to check? Bobby
  9. Not to be confused with chicken parts..... Me and my riding has been nothing short of a trainwreck this summer. When the heat and humidity get beyond a point, I have to pretty much hang up the chaps because I just can't seem to breathe well enough to go; that or I just don't feel good enough to go. The flip side of that is that when the temp backs off a bit, it's usually because of rain and thunderstorms and MORE humidity. Anyway, that story is to set up this story! Because I haven't gotten out much and because I didn't get good results of my last 2 Battery Tenders, I didn't have anything keeping the charge up on the bikes. The GW has had an ongoing little issue with off idle performance and has been sitting basically all summer, since spring. The RSTD sat for about a month and a half, early in the year and had to be jumped to get it started. Recently, it sat for about a month for reasons I mentioned earlier and I knew that I was looking at another round of "fun with batteries." Well, the weather had been really crappy and I had done some late night research into battery maintainers. Based on what I found, I decided to buy a "Battery Minder", having the anti-sufation circuit in it. It will charge at I believe it's 1.3 amps up to 14.1V then revert to a float charge mode to keep the battery up; in this mode it will periodically hit the battery with specific hi frequency AC current to accomplish the anti-sulfation (the sulfation being what kills the batteries when they sit for long periods). I had been told that if a motorcycle battery (wet cell or other) goes dead, it's basically toast and has to be replaced. Now, the new Battery Minders I bought had a battery condition monitor included with one of them. They say to check the battery and if you get no indication the battery must be replaced. The RSTD had the absolute minimun indication, the GW battery had none! Well, not being one to just jump out there and drop $60 or $70 on another battery for the GW, I went ahead (in conflict with the instructions, I might add) and hooked it up and plugged it in. Ditto the one for the RSTD. The RSTD charged for about 24 hours and went to float mode. A day later, I felt good, the weather felt good, so I disconnected the Battery Minder and she fired right up and I went on my merry way. The Goldwing showed charge state for a full 2 1/2 days,(they recommend no more than 72 hours) then went into float mode just like the doctor ordered. What floors me is that the last time the battery on the GW went dead from sitting, like that, I had to replace it. That's why I was going to at least try to charge it up before I sprung for a new one! The battery is up full and with the BatteryMinder it should stay in top condition for a long long time (riding occasionally wouldn't hurt either, but that's a different discussion) Bottom line......I am sold on the BatteryMinder! I will not use another brand of maintainer again, unless the company itself just goes away; then whatever I get will have antisulfation or I won't have it....period. The proof is in the performance and the BatteryMinder has that in spades, IMHO! (and FWIW Northern Tool had them for ~$40)
  10. I bought a used trailer hitch and luggage rack off ebay that was delivered today. Unfortunately, the seller did not include the mounting bolts nor instructions. So, to my point, I called the manufacturer of the hitch and spoke to the owner. He overnighted me all the necessary hardware and detailed instructions at no charge! I paid anyway of course. Superior service from a vendor I have never done business with before. 5 Stars. He does make triple trees for the Venture as well, so I thought I would put a word out for him. http://www.xf6-custom.com/
  11. ... and using your credit card along the way, (or for that matter, any time you use your cc) ... monitor your statement closely. If you have on-line banking, do it daily. As some of you know, Nina & I travelled to Cody and return with 2 other riders. En-route, I arranged our motel reservations. Chekking my Visa account today, I found that the last place we stayed charged me twice (the others were to pay their own) So, I called them ... the first person I get says ... it was the reservations system ... they apply the amount to your card to hold the room and it will be deducted within 10 days. (B/S as far as I'm concerned). Anyhoo ... I tell her that a) they're using my money for which I will pay interest on, b) when they go about reversing it, will I be given the exact same US-CAD exchange rate, and c) this is a policy that is not acceptable to me and I want the funds refunded tout-suite! She tells me they don't have the capability to do that and I'd have to call Visa. (more B/S). I finally get a manager on the phone and after some digging, she discovers that the second charge was for the room one of our riding companions was in (the motel somehow screwed up). Thankfully, they did take his credit card so the manager is able to credit me and charge him (no names here but guys, check your credit card statement in case they bill you twice). Other than that, all other charges appear legit (so far )
  12. Hello I have been reading some of the posts on here and have also gotten alot of great info,I would like to say thanks to all. I ride a 1984 Venture and love it. I will get a pic of it on here soon. Also if any of you are in the Viroqua Wisconsin area feel free to look me up. I also have a small campground its rustic we do have out door toilets so if you need a place to camp and you are in the area there is no charge here. Just good company. Orlin Engh
  13. i'm heading out at 5 am to pick up my new stratoliner s. really getting excited. the weather looks good, and the gps is on charge. all systems are go.
  14. I have some windshield trim and brown passenger arm rest for 1st gen MK11 (came of an 89). If anybody wants these, email me at sc750virago@charter.net. No charge, if anybody can use them you can have them. Just take all of it, save me 2 trips to the post office, lol. Thanks.
  15. It got up to 38 degrees today. Been below freezing for quite a while. Streets are for the most part dry. Then the itch hit me. Even worse, the forecast for the next week is for temps into the 50's. Came home and dropped the battery in the bike. (The DEKA I pulled out in mid December and no charge since then) and let the pump prime up. Hit the button and it cranked for about 30 seconds and fired up. Ah..... such a sweet sound!! Let her warm up a bit and wandered off around the neighborhood. My face hurts from grinning. Maybe ride to work tomorrow........ The itch is gone.
  16. Has anybody ever had a power surge in the garage take out 2 battery tenders at once? There are 2 bikes in the garage, my RSTD and brothers Heritage. He has been having problems with his holding any kind of a charge (it doesn't), and he always plugs it in to tender. I never had a problem before New Years eve, I unplugged mine and rolled it out of the shed. Tried to start but cranked really slow. Fired right up after jumping. I took battery out, went to O'reilly, they tested it and said it was fine but low charge. Tender is a year old and showed the green full charge light when I unplugged from the bike. So I guess now that I have given a little background, there are 2 questions. First, would a power surge take out both tenders but not stuff like fridge in garage? And if that happened, could it have gone thru his tender and actually fried something in his Harley but not gotten thru the tender to my RSTD? Of course he is getting this from me cause mine starts and runs fine. So then he does this.
  17. Anyone live close to Colorado Springs that do their own tires? I'll need to put a new set on before the next riding season and would rather pay a member here to do it than the dealer or someone I don't know...If no one does their own, anyone got a suggestion for someone you've used that did a good job and didn't charge too much? thanks!
  18. could anyone tell me what the voltage should be at the battery is when bike is running. 08 RSTD I would think it is the same as a venture. 1000 miles on bike stopped to get gas 30 miles from home headed out of town went to start bike and all I got was click click. So there I was got a push start it fired up I took off down the road stop 40 mile later and it started right up. and did all day long. Took bike to dealer when I got back to town and they said it was a loose negative cable. I find that hard to believe when it seemed to charge back up. they did say it only had 33% charge on it but battery did check out OK. :think:
  19. Guest

    ABS mandatory?

    Another attempt at putting the government in charge of designing motorcycles: http://www.motorcycle.com/news/should-abs-be-required-on-all-motorcycles-89548.html
  20. so after much analyzing , ive come to the conclusion that my the carbs on my 98 need to be synchronized...is it a hard task?? or am I better off taking it to a shop ?? how much would a shop charge for that?? thanks
  21. Yesterday I rode out to Lafayette Powersports located at 612 Beau Pre Road in Lafayette to do a price check regarding maintenance for my scoot..... Carb Synch.....$380.00....and the Service Manager sez it will take 4 hours of Labor !!! Rear tire change-out.....$180.00.....Labor Charge Only!!! Boomer.....who left there so fast he forgot to pee on the floor.....and will be going to any Maintenance Days he can beg an invite to!!
  22. Hey David any of these quotes look familiar? I say, make her bring it! After that water thing its the least she can Do! This one is my favorite: Don, I'm gonna make sure that Mini brings you a pie at Maint Day. (since Jeff left me in charge) Are you sure you want to brag about being left in charge of me? You could get the blame for anything I do. Muffin said you need to wear the pink chaps if you're in charge. For some reason he thinks I'll listen to you then. Oh and just wait till saturday. Margaret
  23. This is probabply a dumb question but here goes: I just purchased a new battery yesterday and the parts guys say to charge it before I put in service. My question is can I use a 10 amp charger or do I need a 2 amp slower charge?
  24. Has anyone one heard of placing a few drops of javex in each cell in half dead battery to get a full charge?? ??
  25. Okay, as some of you know I ordered Ed-sets and Mic-mutes only to discover that Venture's didn't come into Oz with the CB. Bill Morphy gave great help to me so I could still install the mic-mutes. He suggested I get PTT buttons from AirRider. They changed their whole system on site so I could order from over here, and didn't charge enough shipping. Can't go back into their system and send the extra (was done with creditcard) SO:Can someone help me?? I can paypal the funds ($US21.02) if someone can forward it on to the contact there.
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