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  1. I belong to a lot of motorcycle organizations. My jacket and vest have a mixture of all these organizations on them. I view these patches as a billboard showing what organizations I belong to or support. One of my STAR chapter President's has told me his position on patches is when we are on a chapter ride he does not want anyone to wear any patch other than STAR and chapter patches. My jacket I wear all the time has a VentureRider patch on the back. He does not think I should wear that where people can see it on a chapter ride. I think this is ridiculous. This reminds me of what we have been fighting as Yamaha riders when other clubs say you have to ride this type of motorcycle if you want to ride with us. STAR says you can ride anything you like. My President says you can ride any ride you like but when you are on a chapter ride you can not wear any other patch. Does this make any since to any of you?
  2. I belong to a small local riding club and decided that it would be fun to join another club (More clubs, more riding, right?), that was affiliated with what I ride. So...I joined the Star Riders club and went onto their forum (It's free, anyway). It took a couple of weeks to hear back from the president who looks after memberships. Then, I noticed on the forum that there was talk of a recent split between the Northern Stars (Canadian version) and the international group. And judging from the various threads on the forum, the split was not quite amicable. At this point they said a new patch would be designed. In the meantime I contacted the pres. to find out who ran the local chapter. It seems that director of the local chapter had quit but that I could ride with groups from nearby chapters about 72 km (45 mi.) to 118 km (73 mi.) away!! I like to ride, but that's a long way to go for a weekly evening ride - and then have to ride all the way back. Yeah, I know, it's all about riding but this wasn't what I wanted. I said that I would be willing to be director of a local chapter and what did I have to do? That's nice said he, we'll talk about it sometime?!? It's been a while since then and as I have checked out their web site, I noticed that the pics are usually of the Star twins and of guys trying to look like a gang rather than a club. Now I'm not criticizing but that didn't look like my style. As well, I noted on the forum that there were already some "discussions" going on about the new patch and how it had been chosen. These folks seem to like to argue! Mostly, they seem very disorganized. In the meantime, I'd had the opportunity to meet and ride with the local GWRRA chapter and attend some of their functions. Really great group of people who like to ride and to support each other. While they obviously prefer their Goldwings, anyone is welcome to join their rides. On one ride, we had, in addition to the Goldwings, a Venture (Guess who?)), a couple of Kawi Vulcans, a Suzuki boulevard and even a Suzuki Burgman! I eventually realized that what really attracted me to the group was their attitude - it was like the one found on this forum. Let's ride, let's have fun and if we occasionally bump heads, well - we'll get over it. So - I paid my money and joined - I get the magazine, the roadside help for my bike and a large group of riders right here in town. I don't plan on getting rid of my Venture but I do plan on staying with this group. As for the Star Riders? Well, if they ever get themselves organized (At least in this neck of the woods) and decide to develop a better attitude then I may look at them again. In the meantime, these GWRRA guys have got all kinds of neat rides and activities planned, so it should be a fun season! Andy
  3. I'll try to make this short. I'm the new President of our local STAR Touring and Riding Chapter (Chapter 186 Contra Costa Ca). The closest Yamaha dealer is about 40 miles away in another county. There is a Honda/Suzuki dealer in the middle of the county that has asked Yamaha for a dealership but has been denied because Yamaha will only allow new dealers to be a "stand alone" dealership. OK, to the point. I'm starting a mail/email campaign to encourage Yamaha to grant this Honda/Suzuki dealer a Yamaha dealership. Our Chapter is all for writing Yamaha to put pressure on them to allow this shop a dealership. Because the sport bike market is so large I was wondering if there is a national riding organization like STAR Touring And Riding for sport bikes. If so I'd really appreciate any information so I can contact the local chapter to enlist their support. Thanks.
  4. Yesterday morning our CMA chapter had its monthly chapter meeting. We had noticed our dear brother Pastor Gary Laird was not present at the start of the meeting. Within 30 minutes we recieved word a biker on a white Harley was down near by and started praying. A few minutes later we were informed our brother was the victim and was killed instantly because a cager failed to pay attention and turned in front of Garys white 2007 Harley Ultra Classic. Gary was a very safe rider, he had full protective leather and a full helmet. Despite his best efforts to protect himself, the careless driver a 1984 Lincoln towncar (tank) stole the life of a worth while individual. No charges were made at the time and the crash was listed a under investigation. His wife, family, friends and church will deeply miss this man of God but so will the patients at the nearby hospice he volunteered at weekly, the orphanges he supported in Mexico will have an uncertain future and so many more community organizations now have a void. I was first saddened and then angered at the local paper giving Gary 5 small lines and yet a cager crash nearly a quarter of a page. When will we cease to be second hand citizens? Sorry guys, I just had to vent and you guys are good at listening.
  5. Just got word, our local CMA Chapter is no longer a forming chapter, we are now official ! CRUISIN' FOR CHRIST #1099 Flatwoods, West Virginia
  6. I didnt think to see if anyone from here was going or not but we just got back and had a great time with everyone from the indy star chapter and thought I would put some pics on.
  7. Anyone know of a chapter in N.C. near Greensboro or vicinity? http://i28.tinypic.com/2s9zmug.jpg '07 RSTD Mid Night w/Hoppe faring and my Detachable Tour Pak Bracket
  8. Today, I heard a bunch of bikes outside, and when I looked, there were motorcycle troopers leading 2 buses full of Ft. Campbell soldiers coming back home. They were followed by about 50 riders, and several cars, all displaying flags. It was pouring rain...hard...really hard. I am sure they were Patriot Guard members. I have thought about joining the Patriot Guard for some time now, and I know there are several members on here. Could one of you hook me up with a number and name of a chapter that is close to me in West Tennessee? I would REALLY appreciate it. Us Vets like to take care of each other. Thanks in advance. Patrick
  9. Yesterday my Red Knights chapter held our annual Bike Blessing. During the week I was contacted by a New member who had purchased a 06 Black Cherry and during the course of our emails and talks I invited him to come to the run. Ricardo was a great guy as was his wife and whole crew. He brought a few other guys from the local Star Touring chapter. I fear I cost him quite a bit of money as when he was looking at my steed I could see the ideas flowing. MRS. Ricardo got a few nice pics of the Ricardo, Myself and the bikes together and Im sure he will post them up later but it was a pleasure and I look forward to a few more rides with a new Venturerider brother. Ricardo also suggested that he may try to make it to Freebirds for maintainance day so Vinny if you are reading this you and Sam may have a nice couple to ride with there and back.
  10. Well, George the Christmas tree is outside and the ornaments packed away. My daughter named the tree, her first live tree. Always had fakes because the ex hated the needles and claimed to be allergic. The first things on the tree were new ornaments purchased by daughter, Maggie, and I. We each picked out an ornament that seemed to best represent ourselves. Daughter - a penguin. Maggie-an angel. Myself - I simply hung a certain pewter bell. It represented to me the start of a new chapter in my life. So, thanks to all of you here for being a part of it. JB P.S. - last nights VR chat was a blast. We now have candles for guests that are both unique and aromatic!!
  11. When I bought my 07 RSV in August, I received a one year membership to Star Touring. I have been all over their website and see absolutely nothing there that is worth paying annual dues for. I would rather make a donation here every year. There is no star touring chapter near me. I know I get unbiased opinions here. Not so sure about an "official" site. Does anyone have any good reason (aside from a cool pin) why one would want to pay a fee to be a member of Star Touring?
  12. I received a invite to a meeting in Bakersfield on the 29th of this month. It sounds like someone wants to start a new Star Touring Chapter! After looking at the website, It looks like they are a very formal and tightly controled group with lots of rules and regs. How do some of you that are members of Star Touring feel about their chapters? I once was a member of HOG out of Bakersfield back in the 80's and they were a very informal group of people, just looking for other people to ride with...times have really changed since then. Now, all you see are herds of Harleys on the road together.
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