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  1. It doesn't happen all the time, but here goes. I have an '05 RSV. When I use the CB talk button on the left handle bar grip, the CB changes channels. As I sit here, it just hit me to try the passenger talk button and see what happens, so next time I will. If I have the display set to view the radio and push the talk button, the radio changes channels going thru the preset channels. It is happening more frequent now but not all the time. I have had all the connectors apart inside the fairing and under the seat to clean and apply dielectric grease and still have the problem. Any ideas??
  2. I just tried my CB for the first time, and it doesn't work. CB comes on in "TX" and Channel 01, but that's it. Cannot even change channels. Everything else works great.
  3. I think my cb is out of tune. I can hear what people are saying pretty clear but everyone says they can not understand me to well. If we are sitting still and close together everything is fine but on the road it isn't. I have never tuned a CB so I know nothing about it. I do know that i have to set my squelch up high to like 18 or 20 so that I am not picking up other channels transmitting. When I ask the other riders if they hear the other channels they always say no. If anyone can help me out with this thanks.
  4. Cold weather riding with a Tall Wide Clearview, Buddy's knee wind deflectors and extra clothing makes for a fun ride.. near 32'F and 0'C today, high winds meh.. gotta get out when the going is good.. All works well but my radio decided to play silly bugger.. Here's what I experienced, and I am hoping it's really only because of the cold.. Riding down the road, the LCD panel would go out and come back on.. flicker.. stay on for a while and go off.. not bump related, not turn related.. just does it at odd times.. then it changed channels on it's own.. and of course its on that type of channel ya just hate to listen to but the controller won't let you change channels.. it's locked in on that one.. argh.. now what? Silence is golden after that. However, I get the bike back into the heated garage and I cannot duplicate the problem.. argh.. Touch and yank and jiggle everything I can reach, bang on this pull on that and nothing.. it works all perfect.. Can't duplicate it in the garage.. On another note, I added speaker baffles behind the speakers recently and wow, I didn't think they would make that much of a difference.. but the sound is richer coming out of the speakers.. more dynamic.. not bad for 8 bucks a pair of foam baffles..
  5. This started today, not sure if it's weather related or not.. muggy, a wee sprinkling of rain on the bike today. Whilst riding the bike, I use the up/down buttons to go through the preselected channels.. all worked fine until today when it started to be non-responsive.. It wouldn't change channels at all.. But after a few mins it would work ok. When to problem occurs, the "band" number (upper left FM1, FM2 etc) would show as normal but the channel number (lower left) doesn't appear, just the channel itself.. Is this a common problem with a common fix?? Cheers
  6. I want to install new grips on my RSV but I am having a difficult time removing the cable ferrules from their channels. I can't seem to get enough slack. Can anybody offer some advice? Thanks
  7. I have an 85 VR with a CB from an 86. All seemed to work well, but I now have a feedback issue when I key the mic with my PTT button. This feedback is noticeable in channels 25 to 40 but doesn't seem to be there in the lower channels. On Ch 20 it is barely noticeable and not a real issue but as I good up in channels the worst it gets. looking for ideas. Carl
  8. Yesterday as I was driving in town I could smell something Like a wire burning. i thought it might be coming from the car in front of me.Today my Radio has no sound.It comes on and I can change channels the whole works but no sound.Burnt wire or a fuse ? Anyone else ever have this problem ? Bucky Thompson
  9. As I've posted before, I've had XM in my home, car, work car, and motorcycle for about 4 years now. I've become less satisfied with them over the past months though due to more and more advertising. Often it is only advertising about other XM channels but to me, that is STILL advertising. Just play the music and get rid of ALL ads, djs, etc. Today I bought a Sirius and will see how it compares. If I'm happier with it, I will be replacing all my XM units with Sirius. I just bought one unit for now. It came with the vehicle kit and I picked up a home kit for it also. I've been listening to it for a couple of hours now and so far like the music channels better than the XM. I already knew that I would though because I get XM music channels on my TV with my Dish Network service. The only downside is that the decent Sirius units are expensive. I will say that you get more receiver for the money with XM.
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