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  1. I may have the chance to put some teeth into my 05 RSTD By changing out the valves ,cams ,timing curve and possibly changing pipes. I had been talking to the owner of a local Yammie shop who builds speed bikes for Bonneville. Cliff Gullett, Owner of Team Bozeman Motorsports has set several records himself. http://www.team-bozeman.com/custompage2.asp?pg=BonnevilleRacingTeam For about $2300 he says he can get 115 hp out of my Turd De Lux. Yes thats an expensive mod so I wanted to know if anyone has had any experience doing this and if so what results? And to answer the inevitable next question ,No, its not fast enough for me. Its a great improvement over my 04 Roadie but this bikes performance flattens out after 80-90 mph. Ive already changed to K&Ns and rejetted for my altitude . But I'm looking for more mid range - top end performance. Any opinions would be appreciated. Eric
  2. Well i wnt on a ride today rode in34degree weather the bike sounded like it droped a cylinder every now and then then picked it back up have jardens for mufflers. Or was it the wind changing the sound
  3. A DNS changing malware will hit this coming monday, to see if your computer is infected go to http://www.dcwg.org/detect/ it will direct US folks here A http://www.dns-ok.us/
  4. I’m changing out my throttle cables for longer ones to accommodate RSTD bars on my RSV. It looks like a relatively easy job until I got to the junction where the cables all come together. I don’t want to take something apart and have some little part zing in to nowhere land. When I got to the junction box (or whatever it is called) first thing I see is that the screws that hold the thing together are on the inboard side of the junction box. Now do I need to take all 5 cables off the motorcycle and take the junction box to the workbench or is there some way to work with this while installed on the motorcycle? Are there any surprises or secrets that I need to be aware of? Thanks Kent:bang head:
  5. On 91VR ?1) Whats the procedure in changing Anitfreeze. ?2) What brand is best suited and especially for the seals.
  6. Wolfie

    I'm Back

    Just coming back after being off for a while. Making sure I got things set up right. Got myself a "bike" of my own now. Taking some getting used to, but at least it ain't a cage. It's a 2012 Can Am Spyder. White for now, but will be changing soon. Plus the Corbin seats and backrests are waiting to be installed. Just wanted to say HI Y'ALL!!!!
  7. What is the advantage to changing to the 17.5 pilots?
  8. 10 years ago I put in a Xenon bulb. It was slightly better than stock. I am sticking w/ 55/60watt- NOT changing wattage. Many manufactures claim better / whiter light output. BUt I find some of this to be just advertising hype. So , what if any 55/60 bulb have any of you used that made an Obvious or dramatic difference in lighting up the road ? No- I am NOT changing to HID. I am only interested in doing a simple change.
  9. Watch this video from Russia. http://www.wimp.com/inrussia/ I would be changing my pants.
  10. Can someone in the area tell me if the leaves have started changing yet?
  11. found these surfing around. will these work on my mk1? seems a lot easier than changing forks. http://www.qualitypartsonline.com/r1_r6.htm.
  12. after changing the plugs, changing the oil, i decided to install skydocs shim kit before i synced the carbs using the carbtune pro i got from zane. thanks again zane. 3 carbs, no problem. last carb, DOH! i must have put the nylon nut ever so slightly wrong, and SNAP! broke a diaphragm housing. lack of patience i suppose. only had about a good 2 hours of clear weather before the rain came this weekend. i found some new ones on ebay. so i bought 2, 1 for a backup. and i got 2 needle kits, just for spares.
  13. Need detailed directions on changing coolant on my 2005 RSTD. Thanks in advance for the help.
  14. Hello board members I'm looking for someone in Mi that may have Harley slash cut mufflers that will work on my 08 RSTD without having to rejet or anything. I just want a little louder sound. I would also look at any other sugestions for what you might have. I would like to be able to come and pick up if not to far so if anyone in or near the downriver area of Mi let me know. I would also like to know what number HD mufflers I would ask for at a HD dealer to go on my 08 RSTD without changing anything if they would even have any. Thanks, Joe
  15. I ordered the progressive front fork springs, am I supposed to change the seals at the same time? Changing the seals looks a lot more involved than I'd be able to do. How do you know when they need replaced? Thx!
  16. Almost time to replace the front tire on my '83 and since I am hauling a leaning sidecar around, I am considering changing width to see about improved handling. Who's done what and with what result. Pro's and con's? thanks!
  17. I'm changing out my front tire, what kind of greese should I use on the axel? Thanks
  18. after 3000 miles on my 01 rsv instead of getting use to it the chirping is driving me nuts. it's taking the fun out of riding. there is no way I could take a long trip with that noise. I've read about changing to the I basket just wondering what the success rate was before i spend the money. if the chirping doesn't go the bike will. thanks
  19. Quick Question. My rtsc has little rubber caps plugging the intake nipples. My buddies 99 rsv has a tube connecting left intakes together and right intakes together. I thought that would cause a vacuum problem but before I go changing it I wanted to know if any one knows how it should be?
  20. I finally finished up on my assorted projects, and doing my best to get some pictures up. The main project was the gauge set from Ponch, but I decided to add a twist, and try to put a digital voltmeter where Ponch had the cruise on-off switch located. I tried to eliminate that switch, but wasn't able to feel confident that it was a good idea (though it seemed possible, maaaaybe). Eventually went to looking for a place to re-locate the switch, so the voltmeter could be in the gauge cluster. I wound up with the cruise button mounted in the plastic cover ahead of the gas cap. So far very satisfied with the whole set-up. My biggest worry is that some wire will be in a bad spot and get pinched in the neck area of the frame as the handlebars are turned, or just wear through from rubbing somewhere. We have LOTS of snow here as yet, and this will have to remain un-road-tested for some time yet. My projects included a repair of a broken bolt in the saddle bag rails, changing the rear-end lube, changing and re-locating the fuel filter, changing oil and filter, checking air filters, and wiring in a relay for the ignition switch. The bike looked like a bomb went off in it for a while there, but it's all back together now. My thanks to Mike E (eusa 1) for the bag rail bolt and cap, and to Ponch for a well designed and well made set-up for the gauges. I think it's a fine addition to the bike.
  21. To This:Laugh:
  22. partly sunny and 50F today. Supposed to be in the teens with s**w starting tomarrow. So, i'll be taking the three running bikes alternately out for a run today. I've been expecting the rear tire on the RSV MM to need changing ever since I came back from Potato Creek, but it hasn't quite got there yet. I have a new one waiting to go on.
  23. Used my carbtune for the first time. 1 & 2 carbs were slightly off. 3 & 4 were even, but there was about 3 difference between the left and right side. Got them adjusted so there all within 1. I noticed there was a lot of bounce on the needles of 1 & 2. 3 & 4 were very steady. Is there something I can do reduce the bounce? Anyone else have this problem? I never thought of changing sides to see if it was the carbs or the guage, until just now. In the carbtune manual it said some adjust the carbs at a high idle. Wondering what most do when syncing?
  24. What is the recommendation for antifreeze in a RSV 2006? Thinking about changing it but probably not till late fall. Bubber
  25. The brake and clutch fluid should be changed every two years. If you can detect ANY brown color at all in the sight glass on the master cylinders, then the fluid is very old and needs to be changed. Fresh fluid is virtually clear, and it turns brown as it absorbs water from the air. Changing it is easy. At Don's Maintenance day/Carnival, I will have my vacuum pump to make this job real easy. If you want to change your fluids, you will need at least TWO small bottles of DOT4 fluid (or one large 16 oz bottle). Goose
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