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  1. Ok, so late last night after spending about an hour on this site I got inspired and went out to work on Cassy (thats the name of my RSV). I am trying to remove the saddle bag but I cannot figure out how to unplug the CD changer to get it out of the saddle bag. HELP! I darn-near broke the plug trying to get it off. Somebody here has to know how to do this. Also, I was messing with the CB antenna and it just lifted off of its mount. Is it supposed to do that or did I break it? Need input!!!!!!!!!!!!! (P.S. I am removing the saddle bag rails and the CD changer just in case anyone is interested in purchasing them.)
  2. I know this is probably a stupid question, but does anybody need (or want) a stock CD changer? I really have no use for the thing. Don't necessarily care if I get money for it, wouldn't bother me if somebody just wanted to swap me something cool for it. Let me know, I'm afraid the shipping will get more expensive because of the weight of all the dust it's collecting.
  3. Hey all, Just wanted to let you all in what looks to be a great product for Gen2 audio. It's called the VentureMP3 and it is on sale now till Oct 11, 2011. What it does is take the place of the CD Changer and is much smaller. With a 4GB SD card, it allows you to store and control up to 594 MP3 songs. It is controlled your standard audio head on the left handlebar and works just like the CD Changer, but now instead of 6 CD's you'll now have 6 folders, which each can contain up to 99 songs. Their web site is: http://www.venturemp3.com/ Mike
  4. Does Anyone in the San Antonio Area have a motorcycle tire changer ?
  5. I have a stock Clarion CD changer free to anyone who needs one. I DO NOT HAVE THE CABLE, so you must either find one or use your current. First one gets it just pay the shipping......:whistling: John
  6. While surfing the E-Bay this evening I ran across this tire changer similar to what Harbor Freight used to sell. http://www.ebay.com/itm/pppp-Tire-Changer-for-Motorcycle-GoCart-Trailer-Bike-ATV-Truck-size-4-to-16-5-/310408758673?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4845cdc591 May be just what someone wants & can get without breaking the bank. Larry
  7. Not sure this has made this forum yet or not, but sure seems like a nice replacement addition for the CD Changer and conventional MP3 Player thru the Aux Jack routine. http://www.venturemp3.com/
  8. I'm wondering if anybody has any experience with these No-Mar tire changing machines. I've gotten too old to do my tires on the floor anymore, and am looking at getting a floor mount tire changer. I started by looking at the Harbor Freight changer but they apparently don't import that anymore. Then, I found this company No-Mar. their stuff is pricier, but U.S. made, and looks to be much better quality. Just looking for any opinions before I borrow money to buy this machine.
  9. I have factory CD changer from totaled 2000 Venture I had and need the Yamaha short cable.....does anyone know how I can get just the cable from Yamaha? JerryK
  10. Communicated with Pete at BikeMP3 and he held my hand through teaching me how to correctly load the music from my music library. It only took about 4 sets of emails and replys to educate me. I now have 280+ songs (tracks) on 3 "CD's" and it works great and sounds even better. On another thread I suggested that anyone with a Gen 2 Venture might want to contact him about the possibility of developing something that would connect directly into the RSV 6 disc changer circuit. Unless they already have the changer installed, the MP3 would be the way to go.
  11. Is this what you guys use to change your tires..Harbor Freight Tire Changer that is? If so I may order one....then solicit help figuring out how the heck it works! http://www.harborfreight.com/portable-tire-changer-34542.html
  12. royal pain in the you know what. BUT................one of the first thing I found that was a total inconvenience was loading the cd changer. Wife and I with owning the bar and doing our own music have tons of cd's and I simply like the sound of a good cd. So in all my wisdon I thought the changer would look really goos standing up in the truck. 4 hours later its done and definetly not bragging but I really think it looks good I had an old cd changer laying in the shop that was junk, but as you know some people, namely me, keep everything cause you never know when you will need it. So with that being said the cord was quite long, and conveniently the plug had the same pin design. So I cut enough of it off so I had plenty to add and started in. NOW with that being said I DO NOT recommend anyone trying this unless you like to put yourself through hell like I do. They sell 13 pin extension cables, but for some reason my cable was broke already so I did not have anything to loose. First worked on mounting. I used gutter guard for a mounting base for 2 reasons, its nice and sturdy, and I had it. First remove the piece in the truck where the little storage pouch is, its held with 8 push pins, then I removed the pouch from it leaving me with this. I used the material as a templete. http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47a1dc34b3127ccefc0b6215823d00000030O08AZtmjJo0aOAe3nws/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D550/ry%3D400/ This little storage pouch is just stitched on, utility knife cured that. http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47a1dc34b3127ccefc0b81cb433a00000030O08AZtmjJo0aOAe3nws/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D550/ry%3D400/ Had to remove this "bump" from the OEM mounting bracket. http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47a1dc34b3127ccefc0bc3ee433e00000030O08AZtmjJo0aOAe3nws/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D550/ry%3D400/ Leaving me with my cut piece of gutter guard and bracket. A Little flat black touched things up. http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47a1dc34b3127ccefc0a6cf923aa00000030O08AZtmjJo0aOAe3nws/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D550/ry%3D400/ Now then these changers have to have a setting changed to go from laying down (horizontal) to standing up (vertical) so it had to come out of the rubber insulator. I had absolutly no choice but cut the rubber, but no worries it look great now. Here is the adjustment that slides from H to V on both sides of changer http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47a1dc34b3127ccefc0bbd8ac25500000030O08AZtmjJo0aOAe3nws/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D550/ry%3D400/ Mounted the bracket to the gutter guard through the piece I removed that pouch from. http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47a1dc34b3127ccefc0bcb6c43b800000030O08AZtmjJo0aOAe3nws/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D550/ry%3D400/ When I got done I wound up with this. The INSIDE 4 holes I replaced the push pins with 3/16" aluminum pop rivets for added stability. http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47a1dc34b3127ccefc0b8636035c00000030O08AZtmjJo0aOAe3nws/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D550/ry%3D400/ http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47a1dc34b3127ccefc0bbb85c25900000030O08AZtmjJo0aOAe3nws/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D550/ry%3D400/ Connect a few wires. Some are shielded, some have to be isolated. This is why Id recommend buying one. http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47a1dc34b3127ccefc0bcdc1431600000030O08AZtmjJo0aOAe3nws/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D550/ry%3D400/ But I have the shielding wrap. a good soldering pencil, and a ton of patience and wound up with this http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47a1dc34b3127ccefc0ade9e239400000030O08AZtmjJo0aOAe3nws/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D550/ry%3D400/ Now I have a nice empty side compartment that looks huge with the changer out of there. I put some RTV on the bolt that held the changer in place and threaded it back in just to tighten things up. http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47a1dc34b3127ccefc0b05c4c24700000030O08AZtmjJo0aOAe3nws/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D550/ry%3D400/ Now I have the grommet with no wire in the side bag where the changer wire entered it, thats going to be where I install a power outlet since the hole is the perfect size, and the battery is really close.....
  13. Is there anyone out there on the south side of Atlanta with a tire changer? I've got my rear wheel off my 96 RSTC and am looking to swap out the tires. I am thinking of buying a tire changer but would really like to get back on the road sooner. I can afford to pay a little bit but not what the shops around here want. If you can help me or if you know someone that can do it at a reasonable rate could you let me know. Thanks Bob
  14. tryen to get a hf tire changer from online . i can not find the motorcycle adapter anywhere on the site. i know alot of you have them, can you point me to a part number or web page showing them. i called a hf store and they need a part number to find them? nice knowing thier on top of there supply and inventory , said she -can not help with out part number and i said web page not showing it and she said sorry.maybe they stoped making it? seen a portable motorcyle stand on ebay for $79.00 but cant find anyone that has one to say good or bad . its a copy of hf i think.
  15. 1113 Monroe Street Sauk City Wi. 608-393-7445 We've got a couple of weeks to get this ball rolling. I will supply the place/garage, and I have a good selection of tools, a motorcycle lift, and my friend close-by has a HF tire changer that we can use. It would be good to know who will be here, who will be able to help, and who needs what done. And if anyone needs to spend a night, that can be worked out too. See you all soon, Steve
  16. Has anyone added a cd changer to their 1st Gen WITHOUT removing any of the stock audio stuff? I was thinking about mounting a cd changer in the trunk only if there was some way of wiring the audio into the present system without removing anything and installing it so that if I wanted, I could stilll use any of the original audio. I would just hate to ruin the OEM set-up. Has anyone performed this already? If you have, I'd love to hear from ya.
  17. Looking for somebody with a tire changer. Went to several places today and nobody wants to put a CT on a bike rim. Went by Harbor Freight and they want over 130 for the setup for a tire changer. Not sure I want to try to tackle a CT with just a couple of MC tire tools.
  18. I am Looking for 2nd gen 6 cd changer model cdc635. anyone have one they want to get rid of? email or pm me with the information zimmerman@citlink.net thanks Jerry
  19. So what type CD changer can I get that will work with my RSV and who has found the best price? Thanks
  20. I purchased a 2009 RSV in July new off the showroom floor and have a question about the CD changer, is it a standard feature in 09 or is it still an option? I read the article in Rider magazine and they mention the CD changer is standard for "09". Mine did not come with it. It was wired for it in the left saddlebag but the connection was taped to the side of the bag under the latch. I read the Additional Features section of Yamaha's sight and it states - Single-point audio control system for AM/FM radio, cassette, CD changer and intercom is MP3-compatible and headset-ready. Any help would be appreciated.
  21. Some one talk to me about the tire changer that H-F has is it any good ?dose it work good? I would like to start changing my own tires.I would like to watch some one use one. or maby some one would hold class on changing tires.... I want to buy one of the changers if they work good. jack:12101:
  22. well i used the new tire changer i designed and fabricated. it has the harbor freight car tire base with bead breaker and my own design motorcycle attachment. the wheel diameter adjustment has an infinate size adjustment, unlike the harbor freight one that uses pins. i also made it out of stainless steel tubing so there is no paint to rub off on the rims. after fighting with my v-star rear tire for a half hour. i figured out what works best and the tire came off slick as a whistle. it was a total success. can't believe i did'nt do this years ago. i have got a few more ideas to improve it but it works absolutley perfect like it is. the next thing i am going to do with it is make a steel work table that i can mount on the base. when i'm not using it as a tire changer. it's bolted to the floor in my shop by my welders so it will double as a welding table also. pics to come soon.
  23. was trying to get a harbor freight tire changer. well they are on back order. i bought the bottom part and i am making the motorcycle part. i did a little innovating along the way. so far it really is going good, and i'm only in for $2.75. i did have some donations of materials from one of my good friends who owns a machine shop. all he had was stainless steel tubing so stainless it is. any way i could'nt drill the stainless for the pins (burned up a new titaniam drill bit), so i redesigned it. it is going to have an infinate wheel dia. setting now. i will have pic's when it is complete. bill
  24. Do any of you have experience with the No-Mar tire changer? http://www.nomartirechanger.com/product/show/1 A couple of my riding buddies and I are thinking about investing in one together. Is there a better option? Dennis
  25. Well. I bought a $20,000 6 disc changer...It came with a really cool motorcycle, but quite frankly, I don't need it (the changer, not the bike). I want to sell it, but have no idea what it's worth. It's brand new, in the box, with 2 pieces that I assume are for the installation. One is a plastic piece and one is a very thick rubber boot that seems like it is made to go around the player. I don't want to list it on eBay until I know what it might be worth, any advice? Kevin
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