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Found 8 results

  1. Incredible example of CGI engineering brilliance. It is called "Resonant Chamber" About four minutes of music played on an instrument that will take at least that long to appreciate. You may not want it to stop. Even without music the movement of this creation is riveting. Turn up your sound and try it! http://www.youtube.com/embed/XlyCLbt3Thk?rel=0
  2. Looks like painted to make look pretty. Still looks like it might be a good one. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Yamaha-XVZ-XVZ12-XVZ13-Venture-1200-1300-Exhaust-Collector-Chamber-1983-1993-US-/400287635350?hash=item5d33009796&item=400287635350&pt=Motorcycles_Parts_Accessories&vxp=mtr
  3. Hi Guys and Gals... I have a holes in the chamber thing and I cannot get it a patch to hold for anything. I have tried muffler patch and the clay stuff that turns into metal, even a screw and the clay/metal stuff and that still blew out. It is annoying but I just want to make sure it won't affect the engine in any negative way. I prefer a nice quick ride but I can put up with the pseudo Harley sound. I do not know what the chamber is called but it is connected to the pipes from the engine then to the mufflers. Help I am going nuts with this. Thanks, Mark '86 VR
  4. There is a rattle in my exhaust that sounds like a piece of loose metal in the exhaust. While the bike is running, I was listening to the exhaust from both sides and it se4emed to be slightly louder on the right side. So I shut the bike off, and pulled the right side exhaust. After removing it, and checking for any debris in the muffler, I removed the left side and did the same. After ensuring both were clear, I fired the bike up while they were off. Without the mufflers, the rattle became more of a banging sound. I shut the bike off again, and raised it up. I took a rubber mallet and started tapping on the remaining parts of the exhaust and found that I could here the noise when I tapped on the exhaust chamber. My initial thought was that one or more of the inner pipes of the chamber had broke loose. I made the decision to try to locate a new or used chamber, so I could replace it and do away with the noise. I was unable to find a used one, and the new one I found was nearly $600.00. So I have ruled that out. I am wondering if there is any way to repair this or if anybody may have a spare. Any help would be great. Thanks in advance.
  5. Got her out a little this evening. Finished blowing bottom out of exhaust chamber!! Make as much noise as my neighbor's Hardley. But she is running and going down the road without any problems. Little shake if you turn loose of the bars at 50 mph. Probally that Brickstone on the front. Patched that exhaust chamber and those Jardines really sounded sweet for about 15 miles. Then POW!!! Not ment for me to own a pretty (no scratches) or a quiet bike. But 2nd gear will crank out 70 mph pretty quick. I'll shut up now. Still pretty pumped. Only got in about 40 miles. Maybe a night ride??
  6. I'm changing Fork Oil on my '93 and stumbled across something weird. In the Manual i downloaded from here, Yammi states to fill 409 ml of Oil in each Fork Leg. As i'm no Friend of this Way, i measured the Air Chamber after the proper Fill. This Amount of Fluid leads to a Air Chamber (or eventually Oil Level) of 245 mm without Springs and the Legs compressed. Imho, that's way too much Airchamber for a Travel of 140mm. I researched the same Shop Manual and in the Specs Summary Yammi states a Oil Level of 172 mm. As the Reference of 'Oil Level' isn't stated, i assume they take the Measurement between Top of Oil and Top of the inner Fork Tube which is the Air Chamber. I researched a Lot of Fork Oil Threads here and got inconsistent Results. A Member stated to buy 2 Quarts others didn't mention any Kind of Quantity. Basically and my first Question to those who have done that in past would be: How much Oil do i need to refill both Legs ? It could be either 409 ml per Leg and have a real big Air Chamber or something around 540 ml per Leg which would lead to an Air Chamber at 170 mm. All other Forks worked on in my Life have had around 10 Percent more Airchamber than the Fork Travel was. This Formula would lead to an Airchamber with 155 mm. Maybe this is the Answer to some bad Behaviour of the front End which some 1Gen Rider suffer from.
  7. VR-Exhaust Combiner Chamber Repair A.K.A. Fixing the Rattle in The Baffle by Robert Trim My second 1987 Yamaha Venture Royale Exhaust baffle began the 'rattle samba' a short time back. The devil is in the details and a picture is worth a thousand.... well you get the drift. Here's a way I did the surgery 1- You have to drop the entire exhaust system. a- remove mufflers on both sides first. 2 bolts on the rear of the chamber and 2 bolts half way down the mufflers accessible through the passenger's foot rest supports. b- remove the side panels, both sides. c- remove the lower fairing legs, both sides. The lower air dam and plastic cross brace. d- remove allen bolts holding headers to front cylinders. e- loosen 2 bolts in the clamps holding the combiner chamber to the front pipes. f- There are FOUR attach points holding the exhaust collector box to the bike. The TWO front attach are released by removing two 12mm NUTS located on a bracket near the front of the collector box which hold it to the bottom of the engine case. The TWO rear attach points are released by removing two 12mm BOLTS for the exhaust clamps at the bottom end of the rear headers; these are best removed by using a 10" socket extension angled up at a 45 degree angle on either side of the center stand. g- now the fun part... the chamber is not going to come easy. Use a pry bar on either side and work it lose from the rear headers. You will need to work the front headers lose and free so the chamber can drop down. 2- Cut open the chamber. 3- Remove needed baffle screen to get at the baffle. 4- Remove the baffle. 5- Bend opening shut. 6- Have someone weld it shut. It's stainless steel and needs someone with experience. 7- reinstall in reverse order. Make sure you put the chamber in place WITH the front headers attached. An extra set of hands is vital at this point. Here's some of those thousand word photos.... http://www.venturerider.org/baffle/StrippedSideSm.jpg Side plastic, mufflers and front headers off. http://www.venturerider.org/baffle/LowerSectionSm.jpg http://www.venturerider.org/baffle/BafUpperBolts.jpg It's easier to remove the parts with the bike on the center stand until you get to the rear header clamps. Put it on the side stand, use a mirror and drop light on the floor and look up between the frame tube and slightly forward. About the angle of the arrow you see above. The right side is easier to fine than the left so start with that one first. http://www.venturerider.org/baffle/MirrorSm.jpg http://www.venturerider.org/baffle/ScreenIn.jpg http://www.venturerider.org/baffle/CutoffToolSm.jpg The chamber is on it's back and this is 2 steps into the opening process. I used a cutoff tool to cut it open. WARNING... USE safety glasses and leather gloves when using the cutter. The above photo shows the left baffle liner screen already cut out and you can see the down pipe from the rear header connections. http://www.venturerider.org/baffle/BentUp.jpg Bend it open ONLY as far as you need to gain access to the baffle. I needed it 90 degrees open to get the cutoff tool in. If your baffle is flopping fairly freely (very common), open a little and grab with vice grips, twist and pull hard. http://www.venturerider.org/baffle/SideOpen.jpg Here both screens are cut out. http://www.venturerider.org/baffle/ECUbaffleSm.jpg My baffle had it's welds in place but was stress fractured along the bottom. I simply used the cutter to finish the break. http://www.venturerider.org/baffle/BaffleOut.jpg The rest of the bracket is fine so I leave it. It's spot welded top, bottom and in the front. With the chamber now open for air flow, this now exactly like the crossover pipes put between headers of a dual exhaust system on a car. The VR will now breath much easier. http://www.venturerider.org/baffle/DrillEndCut.jpg Carefully fold the flap back and work it as straight and as close to original placement as possible. Use a drill bit to create a termination hole at the end of each cut. Stainless will crack from any sharp point even after it is welded. http://www.venturerider.org/baffle/ReadyForWeldSm.jpg Ready for welding. A good welder will suggest that after welding the seam, a second layer of stainless be added over the seam. This will pretty much assure that the weld will outlast the bike. http://www.venturerider.org/baffle/CrackedBracket.jpg It is important to check for other cracks. This is the chamber mounting bracket on the top of the chamber. I did not see this until I gave it a good cleaning. This is a common problem. Get it welded as well. http://www.venturerider.org/baffle/BigWeld.jpg Big seam welded to perfection by the students at Salt Lake Community College's welding program. Good people to know. http://www.venturerider.org/baffle/BracketWeld.jpg Bracket crack all fixed. http://www.venturerider.org/baffle/ChamberReady.jpg Ready to go back in place. It's better to approach this from the right side of the bike. Slip the chamber back on the rear header down pipes and thread the bracket bolts on a few turns. Install the front headers into the chamber front inlets. This is a process of seating the pipes into the chamber and, at the same time, making sure the front header seats align flush. Soon as you get it dialed in, put the alan nuts on the front headers to hold them in place. Tighten the chamber bracket nuts. Then tighten the clamps to the front headers, then the header-to-head alan nuts. These are kind of a bear because there is a frame cross brace just 'almost' out of the way. You need a 5/16" longer length alan wrench to get it started. Install the mufflers. Replace the plastic parts and you're good to go. One additional tweak it to drill out the 2 baffles in the mufflers. You'll need a 1/2" drill bit welded to an 18" rod. Punch a few holes in the baffle on each end of the muffler for more air flow. Hope this helps if you need to do baffle surgery.
  8. Guest

    y.i.c.s chamber

    ok yall help me out here....can anyone tell me what purpose is the y.i.c.s chamber for and what does it do. when i got my 1st gen. venture 1 of the nipples was broke off and no kind of epoxy would hold it on. yamaha says that its an obsolete part, and i finally got 1 from pinwall cycle but im just wondering what its for.
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