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  1. Hello Everyone: I was able to get in a 50 mile winter ride yesterday. Dry roads and 42 degrees. I reflected back on my improvements this past season that have really made my cycling experience much nicer. Using my DroidX cell phone in Otterbox Defender case is a much welcomed improvement. Bluetoothed to my Nolan N103 helment gives me freedom to ride even when I am "On Call", something that I was always scared to do before, afraid I would miss an important callout. Adding a 12v accessory plug allows me power to my cell now. No more "low Battery indicators". Using a GPS program on my cell phone has given me a precise easy to READ "Speed" indicator. I always felt uneasy riding with my stock speedometer, knowing that it was 8 miles per hour off. Little improvements that have made a big difference for me.
  2. well...i did it! i couldnt help myself. yes, pricey. 169.00 with free shipping. so, for starters, i opened the box and nearly fainted! then i giggled like a 7 year old for about 5 minutes...till my belly hurt. these things look like they belong on an Aircraft Carrier! now i understand why the Dakar riders use these. Mr. Shock and Awe designed these! but surprisingly, they are lightweight! if you didnt see the vid i posted about "torture test" , watch it. install was a snap! you see where i put them. just for more giggles, my 3D cell LED Maglite produces 134 lumens. these lights......a mere 2600 lumens @ 30Watts! bet your Walmart lights cant do that! hehe...Darkness?...what Darkness.......CAN YOU SEE ME NOW! i love my bike..... time to prepare for my ride from Makinaw to Key West. of course, with a stop at Freebirds!
  3. I have been tasked with getting donations for the General raffle for the Int'l rally this year. I will be sending letters out in the next few weeks to all our vendors. If anyone has anything to donate please let me or Amy know so we can keep a list. If anyone has questions feel free to call me on my cell phone at 716-982-8427 or Amy's cell number 716-863-0329. You can also e-mail me at motorcycletom53@yahoo.com.
  4. Did You Know: DID YOU KNOW? http://www.rummelinsurance.com/media/images/dot.png At least 28% of all traffic crashes--or at least 1.6 million crashes each year involve drivers using cell phones and texting http://www.rummelinsurance.com/media/images/dot.png Cell Phone Use Was Reported in 18% of Distraction-Related Fatalaties in America http://www.rummelinsurance.com/media/images/dot.png 57% of American drivers admit to texting while driving http://www.rummelinsurance.com/media/images/dot.png You are 23 times more likely to be involved in an accident when texting and driving http://www.rummelinsurance.com/media/images/dot.png Texting while driving increases the risk of a crash 23.2 times higher than non-distracted driving. That is higher than driving while intoxicated! http://www.rummelinsurance.com/media/images/dot.png 31 states ban texting while driving, including Michigan; 9 more states ban new drivers from texting while driving http://www.rummelinsurance.com/media/images/dot.png Driving while using a cell phone reduces the amount of brain activity associated with driving by 37% http://www.rummelinsurance.com/media/images/dot.png Sending or receiving a text takes a driver's eyes from the road for an average of 4.6 seconds, the equivalent-at 55 mph-of driving the length of an entire football field, blind http://www.rummelinsurance.com/media/images/dot.png 11% of all drivers under the age of 20 involved in fatal crashes were reported as distracted at the time of the crash. This age group has the largest proportion of drivers who were distracted It's a difficult vid to watch folks ... when are they gonna get the message? [ame]http://youtu.be/SwIyfmjlSw0[/ame]
  5. I figured that I would come here and ask you folks a question as we have a lot of different knowledgeable people here. Lonna and I have cell phones through Walmart Family Mobile. They use towers from Tmobile for their service, but Tmobile doesn't let them use all their towers, only certain ones. At the new house here we have terrible reception, so bad to the point that we dont call out unless we absolutely have to. This is a huge pita as I know there are times I just want to grab the phone and chat with folks, some of them even from here :/ The thing that I like about the Walmart plan is, well, there isn't a plan, or a contract such as it is. I absolutely hate having to sign up for anything now these days and have a 2 year minimum requirement So my question to you folks is this, do they make some sort of antenna that will help me get better reception here at the house. AT&T has great reception here, but "Their" plan is another 2 year deal, and will cost me more money. What say you brethren, am I looking for a unicorn?
  6. Looking for my cell phone yesterday and could not find it. Well I was unloading the dishwasher and guess what was in there? I have no clue how it got there but I thought of Eck right away and just had to share.
  7. It's 2:21pm saturday and I'm at my office catching up on work. I hear sirens and they turn off the siren when they are in front of my office. My son just called on his cell. There is a pharmacy 2 buildings from mine and a guy that was riding a motorcycle is laying on the pavement. The parameds are there getting his helmet off. A lady leaving the pharmacy pulled into the street in front of the motorcycle. She is standing on the curve upset saying she never say him. My son's wife who is a physical theapist, said the guy is now posturing. I asked what is that? She said that's when your limbs start turning in. The guys wrists are turning in. Thats not good. I just don't buy the, I didn't see the motorcycle. I think people just don't look. They get distracted talking on cell phones, texting and just don't pay attention. When is it going to end.
  8. After finally getting fed up with Verizon and stupid bills, I have decided that I'm not going to pay for them anymore. Lonna and I have made the last cut from our Michigan roots and now have new cell phone numbers that reflect our TEXAS life. I have updated my profile info with the new # and will pass it on here for those that might want it. The new # is 936 232 9299, we ended up going with a Walmart family plan that is hosted by T mobile who will soon be under the AT&T umbrella. I have dropped $100 off my cell phone bill per month by doing this as for both Lonna and I it will be 70$ for unlimited talk and text....so buh bye Verizon, and rood riddance! I will be working on updating the call list of the old phones as I will cancel them at the end of this month.
  9. I received this info and thought it important enough to share with everyone. Thought this was good info from the Gov't of Canada ...if you have a cell phone. REMEMBER: Cell Phone Numbers Go Public this month. REMINDER..... all cell phone numbers are being released to telemarketing companies and you will start to receive sales calls. .... YOU WILL BE CHARGED FOR THESE CALLS!! To prevent this, go to the following web-site for Canadian Telephone Numbers: www.lnnte-dncl.gc.ca It is the National DO NOT CALL list It will only take a minute of your time.. It blocks your number for five (5) years. HELP OTHERS BY PASSING THIS ON .. It takes about 20 seconds. If you do not have a cell phone, send this email to your friends and family who have a cell and may not know about this recent event.
  10. Oh, was I gone?? Why, yes I was! Monday afternoon we had some really wild weather here in Western New York. We had 2 tornadoes touch down, heavy rain, and thunder and lightening. At around 6 PM our cable went out. No TV, no phone, and worst of all no internet!!! I was having withdrawal symptoms!! The fun part was getting the address for Marcarl's surprise birthday party for Marca. No internet meant I couldn't get the address, and no phone! Oh, wait, I own a cell phone!! Now where are the numbers to call Canada??? We made it to the party right on time thanks to Carl having his cell on. I will post on that later. Got home and found we finally had cable back!!!!!
  11. Try talking like this into your cell phone... without turning it on. http://media.mtvnservices.com/player...noesi&ref=null
  12. In 34 hours we leave for Daytona Biketoberfest, at work now and counting down the hours, if anyone wants to meet up call my cell phone 229-567-7231 maybe we can get a group together, will be on main street at night. Gregg
  13. We seem to have lost Mrich12000 somewhere. His last known plans, to do summer trip to Ontario by bike, for his holiday. Both home & cell # seems to be inactive. He is a Diabetic. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/member.php?u=8938
  14. I need to replace the battery in my 83 Venture . I see there are many choices for battery types, AGM, Dry cell, Lithium and traditional wet cell. I find so much information on them I can't put it all together. I really don't want another wet cell so I'm looking to go to something else. What are the advantages / disadvantages of each and what are your opinions for the best battery at the best price. I plan to keep the battery in the stock location and position.
  15. Some of the members here know that Rob Wynn (aamcotrans formerly) is en route back to Virginia. He just called me outside Montgomery Alabama and is heading towards Atlanta GA on I85. If anyone in that stretch of highway has a spare chunk of floor or such that he could use for the night could you please call or text him on his cell, the # is 540 671 9330. He is house broken and and besides just being ugly, is a decent fella, we've had him here at the house several times spending the night. Thanks in advance to anyone that can help him out
  16. I know there's a few going, whats your travel plans ? We are leaveing this Saturday stopping across the bridge and going up to the Keewenaw to spend Sunday night and then taking the day Monday to check out the sights. Tuesday west bound with no set plans except to be in Cody Sunday afternoon. We are takeing the laptop so we can check-up one everyone and cell phones to boot !!! Gary's cell 810-516-0035 Leslie's 810-908-4603 Maybe we can meet-up somewhere before Cody ? I'm pulling my trailer with a few tools if I can be of help. Ride Safe, Gary
  17. Unfortunately Lonna and I aren't going to be able to make the International in Cody. Way back when last year I reserved a room there in the hopes that we would be there. I haven't cancelled this reservation yet, but wanted to offer it up to any of our members if they want to have the room. Anyone interested PM me or post on this thread and I'll make sure that when I cancell that we get your name in there. This is a 1st come 1st serve deal, so the 1 responce I get is the one that will get it. If you want to call me my cell is in my profile.
  18. I admit it. I am overwhelmed by all of this audio technology. My VR has an intercom system but I don't have the headsets. I do have bluetooth headsets for our cell phones. Does anyone make a box that will enable our two headsets to talk to each other? Music isn't important to us but it would be cool if it had music input.
  19. I don't have a cell phone and don't particularly want one. That said it appears that a cell phone could be considered as a necessary piece of safety chrome. I'm coming to Cody so if I buy one in Canada, can I make calls in the US or do I need to buy one in the US for that? Obviously I know squat about this topic so any reasonably accurate info will be much appreciated.
  20. My niece was driving back from Panama City FL and took a picture of this rider texting on a cell phone. How dumb can you be?!
  21. Some knew about the red light on cars, but not the 112. It was about 1:00 p.m. in the afternoon, and Lauren was driving to visit a friend. An UNMARKED police car pulled up behind her and put his lights on. Lauren's parents have always told her never to pull over for an unmarked car on the side of the road, but rather to wait until they get to a gas station, etc. Lauren had actually listened to her parents advice, and promptly called 112 on her cell phone to tell the police dispatcher that she would not pull over right away. She proceeded to tell the dispatcher that there was an unmarked police car with a flashing red light on his rooftop behind her. The dispatcher checked to see if there were police cars where she was and there weren't, and he told her to keep driving, remain calm and that he had back up already on the way. Ten minutes later 4 cop cars surrounded her and the unmarked car behind her. One policeman went to her side and the others surrounded the car behind. They pulled the guy from the car and tackled him to the ground. The man was a convicted rapist and wanted for other crimes. I never knew about the 112 Cell Phone Feature, but especially for a woman alone in a car, you should not pull over for an unmarked car. Apparently police have to respect your right to keep going to a safe place. *Speaking to a service representative at Bell Mobility confirmed that 112 was a direct link to State trooper info. So, now it's your turn to let your friends know about 112. You may want to Send this to every woman (and man) you know; it may save a life. This applies to ALL 50 states 1. snopes.com: Cellphone 112 Emergency •• Will dialing 112 connect you with an emergency call center when your cell phone has no signal? ...Claim: Even when your cell phone signal is blocked, dialing 112 will connect you with an emergency call center. Example: [Collected on the Internet,... ...your mobile phone has no signal (so even if you were in a tunnel) if you dial 112 it diverts to a satellite signal and puts you through to the 999 call... ...The global mobile emergency number, 112, is "special" in the sense that (unlike other local emergency numbers, such as 999) it will use any tower your... Fri, 23 Apr 2010 11:18:08 GMT http://www.snopes.com/science/mobile.asp Got this in an e-mail. Tried it and it appears to work. might be a good idea in this day and age. I will make sure my kids all have this and know how to use it. Shaun
  22. I have an 09 RSV and a Motorola Droid X cell phone. Its my music and GPS also. The phone dosent seem to fit my Ram Mount universal holder real well so I have it rubber banded on there for extra security. I came across the Rider's Claw and was wondering if anybody has one mounted on their RSV? If so any chance I could get a pic or two (the mount is made for HD but has adapter handlebar brackets for non HD bikes). I'd appreciate it and ride safe ya all!! Linky here: http://www.ridersclaw.com/
  23. If there were any justice, it’s about time this happened... YOU KNOW YOU ARE LIVING IN 2010 when... 1. You accidentally enter your password on the microwave.. 2. You haven't played solitaire with real cards in years. 3. You have a list of 15 phone numbers to reach your family of 3. 4. You e-mail the person who works at the desk next to you... 5. Your reason for not staying in touch with friends and family is that they don't have e-mail addresses 6. You pull up in your own driveway and use your cell phone to see if anyone is home to help you carry in the groceries. 7. Every commercial on television has a web site at the bottom of the screen. 8. Leaving the house without your cell phone, which you didn't have the first 20 or 30 (or 60) years of your life, is now a cause for panic and you turn around to go and get it. 10. You get up in the morning and go online before getting your coffee. 11. You start tilting your head sideways to smile. : ) 12. You're reading this and nodding and laughing. 13. Even worse, you know exactly to whom you are going to forward this message. 14. You are too busy to notice there was no #9 on this list. 15. You actually scrolled back up to check that there wasn't a #9 on this list. AND NOW U R LAUGHING AT YOURSELF Go on, forward this to your friends. You know you want to.
  24. I know this is short notice. I'm in Vancouver this weekend, docked at Main Street pier. If anyone is interested in an m&e let me know. My cell number is in my profile.
  25. Just a quick shout out to the folks up in the Tulsa area. I am just about to head out the door and north to Broken Arrow and help some friends pack to move back to Florida. If anyone has some time in the evening and would like to hook up for dinner that would be great, cell # is in the profile.....this would mean you Rosebud!
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