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Found 19 results

  1. My mother is in the ICU at Ruby Memorial Hospital today. The doctors are searching for possible infection causing her symptoms. So far they haven't found it. At this point it's completely in the Lord's hands.
  2. On my cb I can transmit ok by when I receive it's has static in the background just installed a light bar would this be causing interference?
  3. Our internet provider just called and said our upload activity had spiked since 11:00am and asked if we were doing anything different. We asked what would cause this as we are just doing business as usual. He said it could be a virus. Anyone know what might cause this and how would you find out what is causing this?
  4. My best half is in a ER 400 miles away tonight. I have instructions from her to stay put. Very hard to do. They still don't know what is causing her problems. But the man upstairs does. If you talk to him tonight just a few words please.
  5. My Wife's '95 SC-1 has been drinking oil for a while and severly fouls the plugs regularly. I've been told these engines are bad to wear out the valve guides, causing the oil consumption. Any truth to that? Is it possible to replace the guides, or will the head have to be replaced? Can this engine be "in-frame overhauled"? This is just what I needed another "project"!!!
  6. I have temporarily disabled all signatures at the bottom of our posts. This is an effort to determine whether or not all the weather banners and other external links in signatures are causing any problems with server speed. The signatures have not been deleted and when I enable them again, they will be as you had them.
  7. sometimes my class system gives me an E1 error and other times it works just fine. any thoughts on whats causing it?
  8. Well, tomorrow I have my right foot operated on. Seems my middle toe is way to long about half inch, causing the joint in the ball of my foot to drop below the others causing all my weight to be on that one joint, which hurts bad. My foot has been hurting for 25 years. The Dr. is going to remove about 3/8" from one joint, and put a plate on the topo to raise the joint up so the weight will be equal. Will have a walking cast on for a month. No riding for a month! Hopefully I can ride to the state CMA ralley on Aug. 21-23, in Talladage,Al. Will be thinking about all of you riding for the next month or more. tew47:95:
  9. My headlight is not working on my bike. When the headlight started to go out they would work every once in a while. The bulb is fine. Is there a fuse box or something else that might be causing the light not to work? This is a new bike for me. What is the easiest way to jumpstart the bike? The battery is run down and I need to get it started. How do I get to the battery?
  10. Hi- We have an 05 Venture with a Motorvation Royale side car that was put Mar 08 by Motorvation. We had no trouble all last summer. We got the bike out lasr weekend and noticed a radiator leak. We took the sidecar off and got it to the dealer this am. The dealer has called to say that the frame is flexing and causing the fan shroud to rub on the back side of the radiator causing the leak. It is not covered under warrenty and will cost $1000.00 to repair. Has anyone here heard of this? Any ideas on how to prevent it from happening again? Any info will be helpful Thank you Beth
  11. Received my new Clearview XXL windshield for my RSV and there might be a problem. For some reason at night I am getting a LOT of refraction (not reflection) from oncoming headlights causing them to appear double. It's like there's two sets of headlights, a second "ghost" set appearing about 3 to 6 feet below the real ones. It's really annoying because the lights are being refracted all the way across the shield in my vision. If I lower my head several inches I can make the refracted lights go up until they are on top of the actual headlights. I noticed earlier in the day that I could see a bit of distortion through the shield's sweep about 4" below the top when I moved my head up or down so maybe that's the problem. Or I was wondering if it's the extra thickness of the plastic that causing the refraction. I have a Clearview on another bike but don't have any refraction like I do on the new shield. Anybody else run into this problem? I just emailed Clearview and waiting for a reply. David
  12. Hi Don, Ive noticed from time to time you welcome a member that already has been here for quite some time. I was just wondering what was causing that to happen. Brian
  13. Up here in Canada we are real tough on drivers. In today's (Feb 28) Victoria Times Colonist newspaper. Jodee Hanson 42, was found not guilty of dangerous driving causing the death of a motorcyclist and not guilty of dangerous driving causing bodily harm to the motorcycle passenger, who required surgery and missed several weeks of work. Instead she pled guilty to driving without due care and attention. She got a $1500 fine and a four month suspension of her driving license. All she did was tailgate a minivan, pull out across a double solid line, cut a corner and kill a motorcyclist. The kicker is that she has had 18 driving convictions including 10 moving violations and 7 speeding tickets. One of the violations occurred after the accident. Four months before the accident she was pulled over for speeding in a school zone. She has also been in 9 accidents. She is the community relations representative for McDonald's restaurants in Victoria. She turned on the tears in court and said the accident had a major impact on her..... awww....poor baby!
  14. I put the bike in storage about 6 weeks ago. I went to the storage this weekend to check the battery tender and start her up... I had to crank it a lot to get her to start and then I had to let her warm up a lot before she would respond to the throttle without sputtering and dying. Normally I just touch the start and she fires up and roars to life without a problem. any idea what is causing this? I dont want her to need major work in the spring. I did add stabil to the gas prior to storage and rode about 20 miles to get the fresh gas+stabil into the carbs.
  15. Just got my bike running and can now tell that there is a problem with the clutch. It has had a squeak as long as I have had the bike but was unable to tell where it was and what was causing it. My clutch had started to slip so I put two flex plates in the clutch to stiffen it up and now I can tell that the squeak is coming form the clutch area. With the clutch released, the squeak is real loud, but when you pull the clutch lever, the squeak goes away almost completely. Any Idea what is causing it and how hard to fix it will be? All help will be appreciated. Thanks
  16. I have had this gap for a while and do not know the whole cause of it. This gap is on both sides but this side is larger. The top pins have broken off on both side covers an I feel that what ever is causing the gap has something to do with it. The other pic (3068) is me lifting on the side cover, most of the gap disappears. What do y'all think?
  17. My air suspension system just started giving me the E4 error message(The pressure sensor has no output voltage). What may be causing this? Thanks, bbcoach56
  18. Reading the headlight modulator discussion has got me to thinkin. A lot of wrecks happen as a result of improper use of the rear brake. Highsides and such, so I'm thinking about removing my rear brake. That way it can't lock up causing me to go sidways and then high side when I stupidly release the brake during the slide. Well what do yall think? Yeah I know, I'm a smarta$$.:rotf::rotf:
  19. Hi all, I have a 89VR1300. I've replaced the stator 3 times in 6 months. all 3 times I've found it fried. This last time it lasted for about 6 hr's. Does anyone have any idea what would keep causing these to burn out? I'm purchasing them from Rick's Motorsports Electric. I can't see getting 3 bad one's in a row from them. Their parts have always been reliable. Is there something else on the bike that could be causing this issue? Please help I'm baffeled at this point.
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