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I was loading my 86VR on the motorcycle trailer and did not notice the front of it was to low to the ground which made a hump where the ramp meets the trailer and when I was riding the bike up the bottom of the oil filter housing on the engine caught it and took a chunk out of it. I will have to wait till I have a day off to drain the oil again and see how bad it is. I hope I did not ruin the block. Tom
[ame=]amish boy caught with porn - YouTube[/ame]
Just so you all know, we are getting HAMMERED with spammers right now. Over the past 3 days, there have been around 150 attempts by spammers to join our site and post their crap. Only 3 of them have succeeded in actually getting by the protections that I have in place and I caught and deleted 2 of those before they ever managed to make a post here. One did manage two posts before I caught and banned him. It's a never ending battle. I honestly don't understand what they hope to accomplish. First of all, even if they manage to register, it will be a very short lived experience for them. Second of all, do they not understand that NOBODY is willing to do business with a spammer? Even if they have a good price on a decent product, I would never give them a dime of my money.
- Has anyone looked at one of these in person? It's caught my interest enough that I'm almost ready to pull the trigger...
I know who knows....we were not riding it BUT today while out for a ride I really "lit" into the bike from a rolling start at a yield intersection. It really felt like the back end broke loose. This is a really heavy bike and it caught me off guard. Nice clean dry pavement. Will these bikes break the rear wheel from a rolling start??? Or was I imagining it
I think a one of your pygmies attached themselves to my bike at MD last year...must have hidden in my saddlebags....Have been having a string of bad luck with the house.....well, I decieded to set a few traps for it...WELL ......CAUGHT ONE THIS MORNING.....they are nasty little cusses when caught in a trap. Dang thing nearly chewed thru it own leg to get out.....and smell....whew....well, an old Lewieville slugger took care of that one...hope it was the only one that hitched a ride home with me....your gonna have to check your bike more careful before you leave for Freebirds this year.....or park far, far, away from everyone else..
peeing outside she said, "Peeing on the ground out side would not be tolorated anymore." So here is my solution.
Snow chains on the Venture? Well, not exactly....but I did get caught in the freak snowstorm in Amarillo over the weekend. Texas had snow and it was 65 degrees in Pennsylvania... The first 3 shots show my bike in the carport at a friends place and the road out front. The next comment. But the last 2 pics verify the conditions the next day: Snow, and yet the trees are still sporting leaves, and waterfowl still hanging around. Mother nature caught us ALL by surprise!
Does this magnetically driven Fuelless Engine look usable to you? This caught my attention when stumbling around the net. There are so many hoaxes and crap on the net I am skeptical, but for some reason this one caught my attention because of its simplicity. One of their uses is to charge batteries etc depending how big you build it....... Opinions? Brian
6 of us caught in total 30 Rainbow trout
- Lower farings are missing and only extras I see at all are chrome air intakes and front fender rail but this one caught my eye for some reason. Wish it were closer. Be a good one to build your own!!
Help, I'm at my wits end, 1986 VR. Dealer siliconed all the coils and wires,connections, they just replaced second gear and i hoped they would solve the miss while the motor was out, but I just washed the bugs off the windshield and the next morning it is only running on 2 cylinders. I hardly used any water, this is ridiculous. If I get caught in the rain or wash the bike, it will run fine, until the next day, then it's down for 3 days, until it dries out. Anyone ever have this happen, help. How do I fix this, where do I start?
I am selling my 83 venture if anyone knows who might want one. Got some cracked plastic brakes are week. but other then that its not to bad of a bike. I just put in new steering bearings and clutch bearing. I need to get some bills caught up and the bike is the first to go. I put the wife on ebay and had no hits. I am askig 1500 whitch i dont thik is to far out of line.
Warden claims I don't need any more 1st Gens?? Caught me looking at that BLUE one!! Just can't understand that!!!
- 28 replies
In Northern Ontario or I should say Zone 10 of the Fishing Regulations We are now only allowed 1 larger than 15.7 inches Lake Trout and One under The norm was 3 fish.. this lake I fish in the winter/summer and never caught anything under 24 inches So here you see my partner caught a hat:rotfl:and I caught a 27 inch Lake Trout:thumbsup2: And knowing the members here They'll say its a minnow The thickness of the ice is 38 Inches
A friend of mine has his Tahoe financed though Wachovia Dealer Services. due to his own fault he has had to deal with the collection department. In October he authorized a draft to get caught up, which they ran on a Friday; then ran another the following Monday. Now it says he has a bounced check (on an unauthorized draft). He offered to let them draft his account to the tune of $250/wk to get caught up, which they refused, he's made three moneygram payments and paid for immediate delivery; none were posted to his account and the last one he made was not posted for a week after they received the money and only because he faxed copies of the money gram. Wachovia bank will not accept payments on the account because they have disassociated themselves from this group. Can't pay online because the account is not listed as current and they won't accept a phone pay either. And the person they say he's supposed to talk to isn't in .......... Bottom line: don't ever finance anything with these guys!!!
OK folks, when I finally got around to checking my email yesterday afternoon, I had 997 emails waiting. Then when I started trying to check them, I had a problem with Outlook Express "Not Responding" and fought with it until 2:00 this morning and finally went to bed. I then had to get on the road because I have meetings in Grand Rapids, MI this week. I'm now at the hotel in Michigan. I ended up having to delete all my mail folders to get things working again. I tried to save all the ones that were specific emails to me but may have missed a few. Anyway, I'm all caught up now but if you sent me an email or posted something specifically to my attention, please let me know if you did not get a response because I likely didn't see it. Sorry about the problem. Now hopefully tonight I can get back to updating the profiles of all you who have sent in your dues. I really need to get that job finished and then start make the access changes to the forum.
Two friends got hit from behind while stopped at traffic lights. One was hit at fifty mph, the girl was talking on the cell phone and did not brake before she hit him. The other was hit at slow speed but fled the seen. He was caught a mile away, no insurance and hit a run, maybe he might have learned a lesson about hit & run. Both friends are alright. tew47
If I was free I would ride All over this countryside But it is not to be because life has a hold of me There is hay to bale Grapes to spray reunions to attend and babysitting to make amends If it weren't for this site Life would be a fright For it is a depressing thought that you all are caught In a cycle of work without a cause So keep on meeting one and all keep on posting for us all someday this will change for me especially and then look out for I to will have a cause!
Were you on a blue VR riding southbound through Springfield, Colorado? Was it on Monday of this week? (03/23/2009) At around 11:00 MST? Did you turn westbound on 160? I was sitting in a Co-Way truck at the truck stop when you rode by. It caught me off guard to see a VR go by, I usually only see Harleys or Gold Wings go by at that location.
I was working overtime at the plant and was relieved by my co-worker at 0200. I changed clothes and headed for the house. It was a cloudy night, so the only light on I-24 to help me see was the headlight and passing lights on my RSV. As I was zipping down the hiway at a smooth 75 mph, I caught a glimpse of something to my left and on the edge of the road. When I passed it, I seen that it was a bale of hay. Before I could completely refocus my eyes back to the front and say "I'm glad that wasn't in the middle of the road," well, you guessed it, there was another in the middle of the road. I swerved to miss it and caught it with my lower right fairing. It broke my fairing and bent the engine guard into my floorboard and pushed my floorboard up. As I swerved and sideswiped the bale in the road, I seen two more bales in the road and there was just enough room to swerve again and go in between them. Needless to say I had come to a near stop by then. The motor still sounded good and it still handled fine, so I rode it on home without any more problems. I see a deer or two occasionally, but I never would have thought there would be bales of hay on the Interstate Highway. Some people, like myself, are fortunate to be able to ride year round. For others, riding season is just beginning. Whenever, however, and whatever you ride, please stay aware that unexpected hazards are out there. RIDE SAFE!!!! Glenn
My hats off to that local unknown officer who caught a DUI driver last night.He was on his way to get a little something extra for the pain. Might have been a DUID if caught later. Many thanks and coffee is on me. If you found any air tools it's worth a steak dinner.Nice mug shot at the regional. MamaMo is still crying tears of joy.
Finally got home today around 5:00 PM. This was one heck of a long week and I'm glad it's over with. We have two of these sales meetings a year and the next one is the first of May. I'm already dreading it. If I have not responded to any of your emails, I should get caught up tomorrow morning.