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  1. http://ih.constantcontact.com/fs034/1103889869288/img/309.png?a=1111572829424 Turpentine Creek Wildlife Refuge 239 Turpentine Creek Lane Eureka Springs, AR. 72632 479-253-5841 Quick Links Home Contact Us More About Us Our Sponsors Spend The Night 2013 Calendars Are Mailing Now! Purchase your Calendars today!http://ih.constantcontact.com/fs034/1103889869288/img/316.jpg?a=1111572829424Click above image 6 of 34 Big Cats Moved To Turpentine Creek! -TCWR Supporter, These big cats need your help like never before. Please give what you can. Click Here For Photos - too many to post here. http://ih.constantcontact.com/fs194/1103889869288/img/321.jpg?a=1111572829424Click Image to Donate TodayTurpentine Creek Supporter, Monday, October 29, 2012 dialog between TCWR and the sheriff of a county that 34 big cats call home began. Turpentine Creek was asked to help with the situation so TCWR president and two staff members made arrangements to visit the animals with the sheriff to assess the severity of the problem. This was last week, Thursday, November 1, 2012. The person with the cats is 72 years old with failing health. The youngest tiger is 14-15 years old and the owner was hoping to be able to care for all 34 of them until they succumb to a natural death. Most of the cats are healthy and should live to be 18-25 years old. The owner's health is not going to hold up and be able to see the plan through. Turpentine Creek has been asked to help by both the owner and the local sheriff. The visit, on November 1, was eye opening and the depth and magnitude of the situation became very evident. The problem had been compounded by canceled expectations of help from another facility. Dens were allowed to collapse without repair. Grounds maintenance and road upkeep had stopped some time ago and no truck/trailer can access the animals. Equipment and tools are almost all in nonworking order and much needed repairs go undone. There is no running water to the animals so all/most of it must be hauled up and down the mountain on horrible paths accessible by foot, four wheeler, and tractor only. The cage construction is unsafe. It is amazing that no big cats were running loose. Safety by the gun of a sheriff is calming on one hand, yet unnerving to need such a presence on the other. The 34 big cats that call this rugged, rocky mountaintop home, for the most part, are doing well. A visual inspection of the animals revealed that a female tiger needed immediate veterinary care. The other 33 appeared fat and healthy. Although the living conditions of the animals have diminished, their health has not. Turpentine Creek Wildlife Refuge staff members had to come up with a plan. The owners' health is not good so we do not know how much time is available. The land the animals live on is not secure. If the owner were to die, the animals would be in deep trouble. Turpentine Creek's management team has assessed the problem and knows that it is too big to conquer quickly on our own. Tanya Smith, TCWR president, has been in contact with many reputable facilities and has received a definite "we have no cage space" from all but one. This one facility is actively assessing their ability to help. TCWR does have room for 8 big cats at this time so plans were made to move the tiger in need of veterinary care first and pick up another to fill trailer compartments. On November 5, 2012 TCWR president, vice president, curator, and two biologists made the trip to pick up two tigers for relocation to the refuge via our veterinarians clinic. Upon arrival the county sheriff and two of his deputies met us along with the owner and two of her helpers. It was decided to load India, a female Bengal tiger, first followed by Chopper, the tigress that needs immediate care. Emily McCormack and Scott Smith watched from outside the perimeter fence while the owner and one helper loaded India into a roll cage. A half hour later and India was transported up the rocky hill to the TCWR rescue trailer successfully. Chopper's trip did not go so well. After trying to load her into the roll cage for a period of time, it was decided she would never load into the roll cage because she was "freaked out" by its presence. Time was running out to get her to the vet by 3 o'clock pm. so the decision was made to knock her out and physically carry her to the trailer. Chopper made it to the vet on time and her surgery went well. Samples had to be sent off for diagnostics but the vet was pretty sure it was cancerous. She woke up grumpy at the refuge the next morning but is doing well now. There are 32 more big cats needing a life long home. TCWR staff is doing all it can to arrange to help these needy animals. If you are a person who can afford to make a large donation, now is the time. If you cannot go large, any amount will help. On November 12, 2012, Turpentine Creek staff, along with two sheriffs' deputies, arrived on the property, near Mountainburg, Arkansas, at the Riverglen Tiger Sanctuary at 9:00 a.m. The weather was very cool, about 30 degrees, so we decided to load tigers we thought would load without meds. We started with a tiger named Lily. She is in the top, number 1 pod, near the owner's house. The roll cage was put in place, the door opened and the waiting began. After about an hour of trying everything at our disposal to coax the skittish tiger into the roll cage we decided to try her neighbor, Duke. Ten minutes later we had the roll cage adjacent to Duke's door, secured and ready. It took about 30 minutes to load Duke into the roll cage. This was an intense time, as the roll cage at the facility is not constructed with ease of use in mind. It requires that five two-foot pieces of chain be wrapped around the door in strategic places to secure it properly, with a bolt through each. This takes time and patience. Threading chain through tight places while a ticked-off tiger is trying to rip your head off is hard on the nerves and incredibly dangerous. We rolled the cage to the rescue trailer and secured Duke safely. Wow! The next cat to load was Austin, a 700-pound tiger. After trying to coax him into the roll cage for some time we decided to entice him with some chicken. TCWR staff were able to get the job done like pro's. Although safe and unharmed, Austin proceeded to throw a fit while we were securing him for the trip to Turpentine Creek Wildlife Refuge. He had no knowledge that he was part of a safe big cat rescue taking him to a tiger haven...a job well done by great staff. Two hours later the TCWR staff arrived back at Turpentine Creek Wildlife Refuge with the two tigers doing well; pretty mad, but doing well. We unloaded the two tigers into their temporary homes in the compound without incident. The whole situation is touchy; like having to walk on eggs with every word in an attempt not to make Betty Young mad or offend her. Betty is the 72-year-old owner of the cats. I could not mention her name and location until now in fear of her "clamming" up and sending us walking. We've got to make this rescue happen as quickly as possible. The whole facility is in degraded conditions and the animals deserve better. Please donate Today. On November 14, 2012, Turpentine Creek Wildlife Staff Members met two representatives from the Crawford County Sheriff's Department to discuss the plans for the day. The evening before, Nat Geo Wild's Animal Intervention aired with a show featuring Betty Young, the owner of Riverglen Tiger Sanctuary. It was thought the negative impact of the show would light up the sheriff's phone with blood thirsty animal rights groups demands, but that did not happen because of the tasteful way the show was done. We headed up the mountain to RTS and prepared to load two tigers. These tigers were four hundred yards from the closest point we could maneuver the truck/trailer so we had to use the roll cage again. After initial talk and strategic planning, the roll cage was loaded onto a small trailer and slowly driven down the mountains bumpy, rocky road to a location near the cage of Duckie, a female tiger. Ten minutes later we had the roll cage in place and the doors open. Duckie surprised us all by walking into the cage within ten minutes, the door was shut and up the bumpy mountain we went. After unloading Duckie into the TCWR trailer we proceeded directly down the mountain to try to load Odie, another female tiger. The roll cage was unloaded and attached to the cage in front of the door. The 50/50 game of "will the cat load into the roll cage" began. Odie decided it was not her day to go with us so, once again, we had to redirect our efforts. Another female tiger was about thirty feet away. After coming to the realization that removing Princess from her cage would free up some materials to move to TCWR for building, we went right to work. We tried to get Princess to load into the roll cage for over an hour before deciding to anesthetize her. She succumbed to the drugs perfectly and was move to the TCWR trailer without incident. All related activities that go along with anesthetizing a big cat were completed flawlessly and the Turpentine Creek crew headed for the refuge. Because of the time of day these two cats would have to spend the night in the trailer and be unloaded in the morning. At this point in the mission Turpentine Creek Wildlife Refuge has relocated six tigers to the refuge: Chopper, India, Duke, Austin, Duckie, and Princess. Two of the six had to be anesthetized, two went really easy, and two were highly aggravated, but loaded without drugs. These are not bad numbers or percentages. Actually they are about par for moving big cats safely. However, up to this point Betty has suggested we take certain cats based on their estimated ability to adjust at Turpentine Creek. Riverglen Tiger Sanctuary is located deep in the Boston Mountains and the cats there do not get visitors nor do they experience much activity or stimulation. We have loaded the "easy" tigers first. It will be hard or impossible to load the remaining cats without anesthetization being used as a "tool" for the animal's safety. Turpentine Creek can take two small cats, the leopards, before being full. What will happen to the rest of the animals? At this point there are 28 cats at Riverglen Tiger Sanctuary needing homes soon: 24 Tigers 2 Cougars 2 Leopards Today's date is November 15, 2012. There are two plan of actions at work currently;
  2. No it wasn't a deer.... We've been in this house for over 40 years, and this morning when I get up around 5:30am I look out the dining room door and see something curled up on the mat. Generally it's one of the cats. Looked closer and the cats don't have snouts. Thought it might be a stray dog. Walked over toward the door and it gets up and starts to walk away. It's got a big long bushy tail. Not a dog...it's a fox!! I've seen a lot of animals around here over the years since we live close to a river and a wildlife center, but this is the first and only time I've ever seen a fox, and it acted like one of the family.... Intertaining to say the least.....
  3. You gotta love him! Teacher: If I gave you 2 cats and another 2 cats and another 2, how many will you have? Johnny: Seven, Sir. Teacher: No, listen carefully. If I gave you 2 cats, and another 2 cats and another 2, how many will you have? Johnny: Seven Teacher: Let me put it to you differently. If I gave you 2 apples, and another 2 apples and another 2, how many will you have? Johnny: Six. Teacher: Good. Now if I gave you 2 cats, and another 2 cats and another 2, how many will you have? Johnny: Seven!!! A very angry Teacher: Where the in h*ll do you get seven from?!?!? Very angry Johnny: Because I've already got a f*#@* cat
  4. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uIbkLjjlMV8]YouTube - How to stop cats pissing on your car, The best cat video ever! - Craig Turner[/ame]
  5. Turn on your sound.. I thought this was very funny.... [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3iFhLdWjqc&hd=1]YouTube - Cats Playing Patty-cake, what they were saying...[/ame]
  6. Back home from my hernia surgery.Really sore and on a liquid diet for 3 days.If I could catch a couple of the cats I might just...........................EAT SOMETHING.
  7. Getting ready to jump in the shower, no water!!!:scratchchin: First thing going through your head is, is the water bill paid? Answered that by looking at the meter going 90mph . Must have caught it right after it happened 'cause I don't have a lake anywhere yet, It's raining cats and dogs , guess I'll tackle that in the a.m. Bummer, I hate getting dirty:bang head:
  8. Couple days ago I finally fired up the heater in the garage and began a project that I had put off for 2 weeks. Girls had asked me if I would build there cats a plaything. Well i just used mostly scrap wood I had in stock and let my imagination go wild. After I was done they helped me do the painting and added some cheap cat toys to it. Also If ya look close ya can see a fish light tube that was Nicoles that had been stored away years ago. Figured might as well put it to some use. Daughter Sarah arrived home just in time to help with final painting and attachments. Sarah Pam and I had a couple cold ones in celebrating her coming home, and finishing cat christmas present. Nicole, who ended up doing most of the painting had to settle for a non-acholic strawberry dakerie. All in all it was alot of fun and cats are luvin it. Vibrant color paint = $17.49 Misc. cat toys = $ 8.99 Happy cats = Priceless http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v405/Hazenson/th_100_3665.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v405/Hazenson/th_100_3660.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v405/Hazenson/th_100_3652.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v405/Hazenson/th_100_3655.jpg
  9. I know this has been discussed here before,but I picked up a new set of rk mufflers that came off of an 09 roadking. I asked the service guy if they had the cats in one or both of them. He didn't know what I was talking about, he said there is no cats in the mufflers from factory, if there was it would calif. only. I did look down through them and there is a difference between the two. So tonight I removed the stockers and just slid them on to hear them, I likely!! Anyhow with one being different than the other would exhaust flow be affected from one side to the other? One a v-twin I guess it would have the same effect as a v4 with both muffs being different. I don't want to modify these mufflers if I don't have to to balance out both sides as flow goes. At idle it does seem as though the left side is a little louder and has some more exhaust flow than the right. I'm waiting for the mounting brackets and clamps to show up to complete the install. Can anyone else tell me if the installed the mufflers with different internals,and if so did you notice any differnce other than sound? Thanks.....
  10. A very special cat (see link) needs rescuing in Columbus. http://www.devonrexbreedclub.com/rescue2.html Devon's are very special, I should know I have two. They love people, purr like crazy and are the best bed warmers for those cold winter nights. They shed very little and many folks that are alegic to regular cats can have Devons with no ill effects. Take a look at the link , If you can help you will not be sorry. http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e224/royalsteve/MickeyandI2.jpg
  11. Hi all. I need a clarification. Will the HD slip ons with the cats work or not. I read conflicting reports and I am alittle confused, well alot confused but only a little on this issue.(LOL) I am finding more of the ones with the cats around here and wondered if they will work. So will they or won't they. Thanks. Bill
  12. I'm thinking of doing the H-D muffler swap on my RSV and can get a set from an '08 Ultra Classic. I got to checking on info on removing the cat's and found out that some late model H-D's don't have cat's in the mufflers... the cat's are in the head pipe. Does anyone know where the cat is on the '08 Ultra Classic?
  13. My 11 year old Daughter has been visiting her mother all week and today when I picked her up had to give her some bad news. When I came home Saturday night from riding I noticed the screen on the kitchen window was ripped apart. Went in the house and the kitchen and living room was a mess and cat fur everywhere. Looks like one of the stray cats around here came through the screen to get at my Daughters cat. We have some neighbors that get cats, have litters and turns them loose to fend for them self. Daughters cat has NEVER been out of the house except to go to the Vets. This long hair white cat has been fighting with about everything that moves around here and most of the cat fur in the house looked like it was from Daughters cat and the other was long white fur. I can't find her cat anywhere and all I can figure is her cat ended up going out the window also. Finally got my Daughter to sleep but I don't think that will last long. Never saw a kid and cat play like they did. I guess I could go on and on how much that cat meant to her, I never really liked cats much but that one was OK. So sorry no motorcycle story but just unloaded. You all know sometimes it hard to watch your children hurt so much.....Thanks
  14. Sailor


    OK folks, feel free to hate me, particularly those in the northern climes but I just have to do this. Rocket, sure hope you are back home to enjoy this. After months of rain and below normal temperatures, down to freezing a few days, we have sunshine!!!!! Today I am sitting on the sundeck, drink in one hand, book in the other. It is 60F in the shade, I am in T shirt and shorts. It is warm in the sun. I have been watching 6 deer browsing on the grass about 30 feet away. Two bald eagles have been circling the lake. Once in a while they swoop over the deck to check and see if the deer have roused anything, and to keep an eye on our cats. We have the fastest cats in the world here. About 4 years ago they took down a tree with an eagles nest in it in Victoria. The tree was rotten and going to fall on someones house. They found 12 cat collars in it. Them city cats are just too slow. The swans are back and checking out their nesting site. I have ribs marinating in dark rum and spices for the BBQ later. Got jazz and blues on the stereo. But, and isn't there always a catch, I don't have insurance on the bike yet so I can't go for a ride. I know we are due for another month of rain before it is safe to insure the bike. I almost forgot the best part...the boss is at work!!!!! A cohiba and insurance and the day would be perfect
  15. Well guys and gals I just got a new Rescued cat. She is very sweet but she needed home. She was living as a stray on a vineyard and was rescued. Now here is the clincher, she is 1 1/2 years old and somewhere along the line something happened and she lost an eye. Now as great as a cat is you have to figure 90% of the people looking for cats want that real cute baby kitten with no probs. I took the cat and have no regrets. Now here is my dilemma. She is female and has no problem getting along with other cats as for the time she was in the shelter. I have two other cats that are boys and came into the house the same time. They are brothers. the minuite I brought Tasha into the house Ren and Stimpy got all in a huff and started hissing and low growling. I kept Tasha in the cat carrier until later when I put her in another room. Keep them seperate for a while but how do I go about intoducing them safely? Tell me about your experiences introducing new animals into a home with animals that have been there for a while. Scotty
  16. Kentucky is becoming a football school once again. GO Cats! DT
  17. A buddy of mine is giving me a set of Road King muflers off a 2006 bike. My question is will these fit a 2005 RSTD. I don't know if they have cats. or not but does it matter? Also who on the list sells the brackets for these? Tom M. 2005 RSTD
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