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  1. Anyone headed to GA MD via Charlotte? If you are, gimmie a PM. I might want to catch up and tag along. TDunc
  2. We made it back safe and sound from our Carribbean cruise, didnt have to stay close to the captain in case he fell in the lifeboat. We had a fantastic time, have almost as many pics as Bobbie would take will take me a while to sort through them. This evening after work I will try to catch up on everything I missed here at VR. Its good to be home, but hate to go back to work. I am posting one pic to show I still had time for St. Jude while on our vacation.
  3. :080402gudl_prv:Was in Gatlinburg Tn. this past week and saw 2 different Ventures . Ok 1st one was Silver and was parked next to Hillbilly Harley . Went inside when i came out it was gone. 2nd was in the Ware.s valley area near Cades Cove . This one was Blue i saw it twice but couldnt catch it as i was in my cage. If it was someone on here let me know. Both had Tn tags. Also in Springhill tn there is a MM that i see alot trying to catch them but never gotten the chance anyone know who it might be??
  4. I rode the bike out Thursday about 3 hours on some good twisties to Montauk State Park. We fished until Sunday morning. All total I landed 120+ trout, all of which were in the catch and release area, so someone else will get to have their fun with them too. Attached is a photo of the fish of the trip. My conservative estimate is 5 lbs but my buddy said he thought he was more like 6 to 6 1/2 lbs. He sure was chunky and fun to catch. Had a good ride home in a sprinkle all the way home. Nice and cool. It was a great trip.
  5. Found a new way to catch a little wind and it was awesome.
  6. Just to let people know that are thinking of upgrading to IE 9 a lot of web sites are not compatible with it yet so I would wait a little while until they catch up before upgrading. Tom
  7. No I dont stay home.........Fish on Lake Wanapitae and catch a 27 inch lake Trout for Supper
  8. ICBC (our government insurance co) is ramping up more intersection cams to catch those "red-light-runners". http://news.ca.msn.com/local/britishcolumbia/article.aspx?cp-documentid=27201663 Note at the bottom of the article there's a link to the locations of the cams.
  9. Ok, in the last few weeks I've seen a red and black RSV in the Jackson, MS area, several times. Most times he is riding with at least one more rider, on some kind of V-Twin. Is it anyone here? When I see him it seems I'm never in a position to flag him down or catch up to him.
  10. ... on Thurs 10/21/10, SW of Loveland, CO, heading west from the intersection of CO Rd 21 & 19, gold on cream, ca 1983! Great looking scoot. Friday, 10/22/10, RAY'S MOTORCYCLE SHOP (my wrench) ... 1984 VR Two Tone Wine, 34,000 miles, lots of work being done from sitting, and from Wyoming. If you guys catch up with this give me a PM back and let's do a ride together! JackZ Jack Tharp Ft Collins, Co
  11. Well, there is.....one "deer whistle"...which always works.... to the detriment of the user. Just let your "dear" catch you whistling to another "dear" and see how fast you attract her attention!
  12. Well, our "Bucket List" trip to Alaska has begun. Got a late start this morning and got held up at the US boarder again by the fruit and vegetable police. Had to detour around some street flooding in Dearborn and we really got tied up in some heavy and slooooow traffic in Chicago. Finally made it into Wisconsin where we stopped for tonight. Our plan is to leave the Space Shuttle at a friend's place near Edmonton Alberta this weekend and then head out on the bike for Prince Rupert BC where we catch a ferry for Juneau Ak on 6/20. After that we have no set plans and will just go with the flow. Will update when ever I can get a conection.
  13. Can some one supply the MD address so I can get a close-up of the gathering. I have access to a US military rental satilite with capabilities to read license plates from outer space. If I can't be there in person I will be spying on them from my control room. :ignore: Pictures update every 15 seconds so I should be able to catch a lot of them in the act. I am hoping to catch the first pictures of the pond monster ever from outer space. Oh ya those pesky little pygmies too. If Margaret reads this be by the pond at 1:00pm Saturday, on the diving board and wave so I know which one you are. :yikes:
  14. Did you know there is a place in Texas that has a 72 oz steak dinner with all the trimmings?? If you can eat it in less than a hour it is free!!! If not 50 bucks. Didn't catch where it was at exactly, somewhere in Armarillo( Big Steak Ranch??) but it sounds doable to me!!
  15. I do not know who was riding 2up in McKinney on Lake Forest and Eldorado on a black 2nd gen. I was in my cage and could not catch up to give the VR wave.
  16. As you know, Yamaha is always trying to keep up with the competition. So, with that in mind here is their new accessory that can be added to any of their present models. I think it could catch on! Yama Mama
  17. Back home from my hernia surgery.Really sore and on a liquid diet for 3 days.If I could catch a couple of the cats I might just...........................EAT SOMETHING.
  18. Look in the lower left of photo 1. My speedometer twisted off and is laying on 110. I never did catch the guy in photo 2.All I seen was a blue streak,nice jacket, and good looking boots.
  19. I know most everybody knows this but saw this the other night and reminded me of tomorrow. I'll be deep frying ours but it will be in the driveway. If you should catch the oil on fire DON'T use water..... http://dsc.discovery.com/videos/mythbusters-water-and-oil.html http://dsc.discovery.com/videos/mythbusters-fanning-the-grease-fire-flames.html http://dsc.discovery.com/videos/mythbusters-small-scale-disaster.html http://dsc.discovery.com/videos/time-warp-grease-fire-close-up.html
  20. The catching of the Rose thief live in the act put a stop to mischief at the camp. Along with patrols daily for months. But catch a man down on his luck with the swine flu and not able to patrol and guess what happens. MamaMo's display of Fall Pumpkins on the front porch is gone. We now have a pumpkin bandit on the loose.I'll be back on patrol soon but if I don't catch them the Swine Flu will.
  21. Just picked up (about a month ago) an 05 Midnight RSV and am LOVING IT!. My first bike was a Yamaha Roadstar Silverado. I bought it about 4 years ago and put on about 35000KM. Took a RSV out on a test ride at Americade last year and got the bug. In the last two weeks or so it has started to back fire when down shifting and when starting cold the choke doesn't always "catch". I have to rev the throttle a little for the choke to catch. I am thinking I need to get the carbs synced but not sure. There is also a gasoline smell when I shut her down or go to start her up....
  22. Hey All, Real quick Lonna and I are back in Michigan. We had the most awsome time this last 2 1/2 weeks and can't thank everyone enough for their generosity. Too tired to talk so I will catch up with all y'all (that be plural southern style) Thanks again for an awsome vacation!
  23. Never been fishing before so when some friends invited us to go to their favorite fish'n place we said "sure why not". So we left yesterday AM and drove the space shuttle (fishing yaught in tow) and stayed over night in North Bay Ontario. This morning we carried on to our final destination, Elk Lake Ontario. This place is even further north than where Charlie (e-fish'n-c) lives. Nice place. Seems to rain a lot and the sceaters are man eaters. Can't sit outside. No TV. Internet is hit and miss. Thank goodness for pretty blonds and satellite radio. If it stops raining tomorrow, I guess the next thing to do is catch minnows in order to catch something bigger???? This should be interesting. Stay tuned.
  24. Some cyber crook is stealing my signature on every post I put up ! Anything I can do to catch the perp? Boomer.........who has a gun pointed at the pooter monitor.
  25. just got a call from lowell and he said i'm out here in the driveway, let me in. trying to get him to catch some sleep. he's heading for dooder's later. said he had a great time at md.
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