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  1. I wonder if this is our ex member GigaWhiskey ? Seen in Dahlonega, GA recently.
  2. My brother and I put this custom go cart together for my 13 year old Nephew for Christmas, he said, "Gee Thanks Uncle Earl, but I really wanted an XBOX"! Go Figure! Anyone want a screamin' BumbleBee Go Cart for Christmas? I'm so mad I'd sell it for half what it is worth! Earl
  3. rod


    I was in the six item express lane at the store quietly fuming. Completely ignoring the sign, the woman ahead of me had slipped into the check-out line pushing a cart piled high with groceries. Imagine my delight when the cashier beckoned the woman to come forward looked into the cart and asked sweetly, 'So which six items would you like to buy?' Wouldn't it be great if that happened more often? John was on his deathbed and gasped pitifully. 'Give me one last request, dear,'he said. 'Of course, John,' his wife said softly. 'Six months after I die,' he said, 'I want you to marry George.' 'But I thought you hated George,' she said. With his last breath John said, 'I do!' Rod
  4. Ok 100% true. I went to a discount grocery, you know, the kind with no sackers and you box your own food. I took my 1/2 cart of paid for groceries to the boxing area, but there are no boxes... so I leave the cart and go to look for boxes. I return with boxes a couple of minutes later and no cart anywhere. After a minute of "What the **ck" I realized I have been robbed and I ran into the parking lot. There is only one family with more than one cart loading groceries. I would describe the family as extremely robust midgets. The tallest was a teenage girl who towered at 4'10" ish. It wouldn't have looked much out of place if these folks had been loading groceries onto donkeys to return to the coffee plantation in the mountains. No donkeys but instead they were loading into a Fordasaurus, one of those ancient huge LTD cars. They had 3 carts with mine between theirs. They had put a 12 pack of toilet paper and huge box of sanitary napkins over my groceries as camouflage. I ran up to them and screamed "what the hell is wrong with you!". The biggest girl giggled and said her parents didn't speak English. The parents kept loading loose groceries, none had been boxed, into the trunk. The parents never looked up and were seemingly oblivious and unaware of the screaming mad gringo. I ripped my cart out from the middle of the carts and started pushing it back to the store to box the groceries. A few seconds later the dad yelled in a heavy Spanish accent, "WAIT A MINUTE." I am now thinking, I came here to get milk, hamburger and cookies and somehow I'm going to be fighting a Mexican midget. The Dad rushed up to my cart and with burning angry outraged eyes... the eyes of a man who just had his sanitary napkins hijacked. He grabbed his 12 pack of toilet paper and huge box of sanitary napkins. It may have been the first time, in America, he was the victim of theft. Ok, so I'm back inside boxing up and here comes the 2 teenage girls. I guess their parents decided they now needed boxes since rapid exit was no longer necessary. The girls got their boxes and the tallest one smiles at me, not a malicious smile, but a smile like we had shared one very odd, but apparently not embarrassing moment. I'm pretty sure I could have taken the midget if push came to shove.
  5. Things didnt go well at work today, I had an accident, I tripped over a low metal cart, the kind that are made a steel and not very forgiving, I was carrying a rather long piece of alum., and didnt see the cart sitting where is was not supposed to be, I hit it with my left shin, fell over the top of it, after jettisoning the metal away from me, I landed with my right knee on top of the steel corner therefore messing that leg up, and balancing out the pain from the left side, on my way down I must have thrust my right hand out to break my fall and that it did, of course I landed on it badly causing me more pain to equal the pain in the right shin & left knee. A co-worker saw me land badly and came to my aid, by the time he got to me, I was sitting up, I dont remember how I landed, but I do remember him squatting down next to me asking me if I was ok, I sort of stared at him dumbly, and he asks me again if I was ok, and my reply was yeah I'm fine with the exception of the pain in my right shin:starz:, pain in the left knee :starz:and a throbbing right wrist:starz:...........I sure would like to get hold of the Idiot that left that cart where it was not supposed to be, I would shove it up his you know what, then ask him...........Are you OK? To add insult to injury, I had to go get my wrist x-rayed, and they had the HR manager take me, and she does nothing but talk about the most boring things the whole time. I was so glad when they called me in for the exam, first thing out of their mouth, pee in this bottle for a drug screen.................Dang, if I would have known that, I wouldnt have taken a leak before I left the plant. Had to hang around after the Xray till I had to pee.........Then they test it and I test positive for opiates, I take Hydrocodone daily for pain, just once in the morning, but it was enough to show positive, now they have to send it off for further tests to make sure I am not abusing it................at least they didnt release those results to my employer, they will only do that if it shows I was impaired or abusing it.........which I am not.......might need to take some now for all the aches I am having....................... And how was your day??????
  6. So, my wife has said she will not ride in one, I don't have small children to cart around and no desire to cart some annoying obnoxious little S***t dog around. Sure I can justify anything I want if I want it bad enough, but for right now, I'd like to have a tad more. The only reason I can come up with to get off the fence and buy a car is the uniqueness of the thing. To be different!! So why do you ride a Hack (I think you call it)?? I will have an opportunity to meet with the VP of the USCA and talk to him in person and see his Flexit in a couple of weeks, Go from there and see what happens!
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