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  1. Friend of mine just stop by the house.... said he went to 3 of the 4 Walmart's here in Amarillo to get a super tech filter for his Goldwing. He could not find any of the filters. Ask at the counter and was told they do not carry them any more.
  2. I just bought a HF tag a long trailer and would like to know what things I should do to it to make it better befor I assemble it. I know alot of people use them so what should I do. I was told there at HF that they are not going to carry them any more.
  3. I have a great Idea but cant find the fasteners I need to carry through my project. I want to have wquick release botls for my saddlebags. Any ideas?
  4. OK...these may seem like simple little insignificant things to carry on a long distance trip, but I can tell you that I have used BOTH and they are invaluable! The first is (and don't laugh) Bike Condoms. What are Bike Condoms? They are small compact individually packaged DISPOSABLE motorcycle covers. The are packed (and I mean REALLY PACKED) into a small 5x8x2 soft pouch that is resealable (in case you want to reuse the cover). They work very well and they are for all practical purposes very inexpensive...especially if you buy in bulk. The material is a vinyl type plastic with some stretch and elastic all the way around the edges. THEY FIT ALMOST ANY BIKE (and yes they do fit the Venture). The cost of each package is $9.99. But you can buy 5 packages at $7.99 and 10 packages at 6.99. Most of us probably have bike covers, but the unique things about this one is first, it is disposable so if you do tear it...you haven't spent that much, but more importantly, packing them for a long trip is where this product shines. The pouch is only 5x8" and slim enough to fit ANYWHERE. I have been giving these away as prizes at my biker website parties and everyone has provided positive feedback. Here is the link: http://www.bikecondoms.com/index.php/bikecondoms-store/details/20/6/original-bikecondom/the-original-bikecondom ******************************************************************* My next little product to talk about may not be able to be used by everyone unless you have a clearview or F4 Customs shield, for those people this is also a MUST PACK item for your long trips. Most of you have probably heard of this one. Rain*X Towlettes. They come in a small individual packet (and only .99 cents at autozone), and do a great job of cleaning the windshield and also coating with Rain*X at the same time. I carry a zip lock bag and reuse those too...they work extremely well. Too many times I have stopped at a gas station only to find out they don't have any water OR any towels. This takes care of that problem completely!! Here is a link for that product (or you can get it almost any car store). [ame=http://www.amazon.com/Rain-X-RAIN-X-TOWELETTE/dp/B000BPSVVE]Amazon.com: RAIN-X TOWELETTE: Automotive@@AMEPARAM@@http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/21y4rZdqvVL.@@AMEPARAM@@21y4rZdqvVL[/ame] Just thought I would share a couple of things I use in my packing when going on long trips. HOW ABOUT YOU...what is something useful that YOU carry that others might not know about.
  5. I know this is kind of an odd subject to be bringing up on a motorcycle forum but I've seen a few posts on the subject so I know there is some knowledge here. So, I'm asking for opinions. My co-pilot found, fell in love with and bought a Smith & Wesson P frame .38 bodyguard that she plans to carry in her purse or a fanny pack. Our other pistol is a S&W .38 with a 5 inch barrel, not all that CC able. I kinda like the P frame but I'm not sure its the one for me, the grips are kinda small and I have large hands. So I'm askin' for ideas on what else to try my hand at. I plan to carry whatever it is in my boot or inside my waistband. Oh, in case it makes a difference, I'm a lefty. I really don't want to end up in a situation where she plays the role of the cavalry. I'd never hear the end of it if she did.
  6. Any other CCW holders on here? I'm having a problem finding the right way to ride with heat. I carry a Glock model 30 or a MR Baby Eagle 9mm 90% of the time. Soemtimes I carry a Sig P220, but it's hard to carry a full sized handgun concealed. Anyway, the problem I'm having is that when I carry my weapon on the inside of my waistband, it's very awkward and jabs me in the side not to mention if my shirt gets to flapping in the breeze it shows in my wastebnd. When I carry in my shoulder rig it feels bulky, and since when I wear my rig I have to wear my jacket, it takes more time to draw if I need to. I thought about trying an ankle holster, but again the draw speed isn't there. Is there a happy medium here, or do I just need to suck it up?
  7. Heading out for OUTERBANKS this moring taking car to much to carry rented a house with reltives for the week
  8. any of you ever try a concealed carry holster called the "cell Pal"? I checked the site and it looks like it might be very useful...just wanted to see if anyone has any experience with it. http://www.concealedcomfort.com/index.html
  9. Just sitting here listening to a call in show on the radio taking calls from in-country 'nam vets. During the calls, a common theme developed which got me curious. How many of you still carry a P38. I still do and would really feel naked without it.
  10. I have a battery tender pigtail connected to my battery. Can I use that pigtail to power up one of those little portable air compressors that you carry with the bike or will the amps required melt the wires?
  11. Just wanted to say thank you to you and LuAnn for the beautiful home made card I received. The verse that is printed on the background of the card happens to be my favourite Irish prayer, and I carry a card with it on in my wallet all the time!! THANK YOU & GOD BLESS
  12. Did any of you go to Apple Fest in Woodbine, IA today? I saw a 1st Gen Venture parked there, but didn't see anyone around it. I just HAVE to print some of this site's cards and carry on my bike. craigr
  13. I had to replace my headlight fuse this evening. went ot start it for a little ride just after dark and no ligghts. No headlight, tail light, no passing lamp lights. I replaced the 15amp fuse and all seems well. I did "upgrade" my headlight several weeks ago and had no problem until today. Anyone else have any thoughts? I sure don't want to take off and have it go out in the middle of a night time ride. I will carry a couple of extra fuses but now I am going to worry until time passes some.
  14. How do you carry while riding?
  15. What size cooler do you carry on the tongue of your trailer? Thinking about a 25 qt size. Always camped before, but hoteling it now and no need to carry a large cooler inside the trailer.
  16. I'm thinking about buying a V-nose enclosed trailer to haul the bike in occaisionally and I am not sure of what size I would need. While I would carry only one bike most of the time I would like to be able to carry two at times. I have no experience with enclosed trailers. So I would like to tap into the experiences here to determine what the smallest size that I could get by with to carry two tour bikes? Dennis
  17. Hey guys I am picking up my HF trailer today after work (I have had a rain check for the past month and a half.) My question is how much do I want to cut it down. How wide do I want to make it? It is 42 inches wide now by 48 long. Also has anyone set up their trailer to carry their pet (dog) and if so what mods did you make to carry him or her? I have a 5 by 10 sheet of 1/8th inch polished aluminum diamond plate that I am building my box out of. I have access to CNC machines at work so I will just program it in and cut it all out and assemble it. I was thinking of sliding truck cap windows on the side for ventelation but I am still not sure what to do for carring Ringo as he likes to and we like to take him with us when we can, and if I could figure out how to make a safe comfortable way to haul him in the trailer that would be great. Any ideas would be great and pictures would be even better. Here is a picture of Ringo he is a Blue Heeler (Austrailian Cattle Dog) Thanks in advance for all your help, Paul
  18. Does anyone carry extra fuel on their bike. I am going on a trip that has some long stretches between fuel stops. I can probably make it, but thought it might be a good idea to have a little extra fuel on board. I did a search on the web and found some folks carry fuel in a MSR aluminum bottle. Thoughts or comments?
  19. Now that we are into 90+ degree weather here all ready ( Florida ), I don't have a good light motorcycle jacket to wear. I have several motorcycle jackets, leathers, and mesh, but none of them seem to carry well in the bike. They take up allot of room when not using them. The mesh jackets work great, but with all the armour inside, there hard to fold up. Even with them removed, there still bulky, take up half my saddle bag I was out riding for Little while tonight, and this Harley rider was getting gas at the same time I was, and He threw on a light HD Motorcycle jacket. It was perfect, he pulled it outta his saddle bags, and I could tell just from the material, it was probably fleece inside, and a light material outside, or something like that, and it looked comfortable, and was rolled up nicely when he removed. HD always seems to have nice appeal, all though it's expensive Any suggestions for an all around light weight jacket, for carrying around in the summer time, to throw on maybe on a chilly night while out riding? I ALWAYS carry my heated vest, so If the temp drop down into the lower 60's at night, I could throw the heated vest on low, under the jacket Thanks for your help. Seems I have a ton of jackets, but there all to heavy to carry for here in FL for just a throw on when it gets chilly at night
  20. Now i know someone posted this before but, you know how it works, i can never find things when i need them so please bear with me. Does anyone know who makes an air pump with a gauge to be used on the shocks. I need it to be small enough to carry with me. i would like to try different pressures while i'm on the road to find the best combination. Thanks everyone and have a safe summer
  21. I am thinking about getting a luggage rack for the Venture and was wondering how many of you have one and how you like it? Also opinions on which one is the best to get. I'm just looking for general information, cost, how much weight it will carry etc. Thanks.
  22. Some kind of dust storm going on, but take a close look at the pistol in his holster, arent they in a war zone..............I think one would want to carry a loaded pistol at least, at least have a magazine in the gun, but no, they have him carry a pistol without a mag in it.....got to wonder................
  23. I was willing to spend the big $$$ on kyrukyan (or how ever they spell their name) footpegs and adapters until I asked their tech support about peg adapters. the response from them was " we dont carry peg adapters for your bike." they were unwilling to give me dimensions of the adapters they carry to see what would work just the "NO they will not work on your bike, it's too old." Now I'm not interested in buying something from a company staffed by lazy or dumb people. so who has found an aftermarket footpeg that works to replace the worn out ones? it's a simple square male with a pin through it. They cant be some wierd size.
  24. Okay now there is a few tricks when trying to cross the CDN - US border, which some of this applies to other border crossings as well. Firstly make sure you have a license plate, for some reason they want to see one to determine what Country you live. This past weekend we were heading off to Squidleys then to Floyds for the Maintenance BBQ. AS I was getting things ready, I grabbed my wifes ID and mine, packed the bike and we were off. We get to the Ferry with about 15 minutes before it stopped for the evening. While crossing and I grabbed the ID's, and looking at it I realized I grabbed the kids ID not Rhonda's. Oh know. Well the border guy advises us what we already knew, that you have to have ID. After being puled over the fellow brought Rhonda into the customs and asked her a bunch of questions. He was very abrupt and not nice at all actually called her stupid twice, but then let us carry on. Had great evening and day today and when we got to Canada the lady crossing guard wondered how we got into the states, and let us go. I guess the main point is to always carry you ID. By the way I was not in the dog house too long. Brad
  25. I'm travelling in the USA, my bike has one flag pole and on it is the Canadian flag. What is the proper etiquette in regards to showing that flag? Should I carry on as is or remove it unless I can fly an American flag with it??
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