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  1. Just popped in to make sure that everyone was still playing nice. Then decided to take this moment to wish one and all the very best for the coming year and hope that this festive season finds you well and with those you care for the most.
  2. Wishing my buddy ragtop69gs a huge HAPPY BIRTHDAY today . Now I don't really know how old you are nor do I care cause I know you're just an ole fart like me anyhow. Enjoy your day Jay:Happy Birthday: Larry
  3. http://www.youtube.com/embed/GhnvKzA-6WY Yeah.....Right!
  4. Now this is funny I don't care who you are.
  5. I hired on to shoot the RWRE Driving event this past weekend. It was mighty hot... Felt like I was going to fall out from the heat on the second day. Anyway, here are a few shots of something other than people sitting on the door getting a photo taken. http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c66/CNONT/Driver1.jpg http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c66/CNONT/Insurance--.jpg http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c66/CNONT/Driver6.jpg http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c66/CNONT/Kid1.jpg http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c66/CNONT/Girl2.jpg http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c66/CNONT/Driver2.jpg http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c66/CNONT/Driver3.jpg http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c66/CNONT/Cheers.jpg More on my site if you care to go look...
  6. When my husband and I were newlyweds, we rode 2 up on a KZ1000. Unfortunately, that bike was stolen 29 years ago. I had always promised him he could get a new bike when the time was right, and this is what we ended up with last week. It has a lot of miles on it but it was well taken care of.
  7. Today is Moped and his wife's (me) 40th anniversary! I feel it is a really big accomplishment in this day and age. So I am proud to say, we have had many good times, a few bad, we have raised 3 children, and we have 2 grandchildren. We have built our home from clearing the wooded lot, to working side by side hammering the plywood on the floors and roof. Putting the shingles on together, and all the other hard work that goes with it. We have helped each other take care of our aging parents. We have been through it all. We still enjoy a nice motorcycle ride together in the country side. So thank you Ron for all the years; let's try for 50 together. Oh I forgot to say I still love you. Yama Mama
  8. I try to keep these kind of things to myself as my emotions are mine to deal with and not everyone else's. What Im asking for is a prayer if your so inclined. Only a few on here know that my mom has dementia that has been progressing rather quickly. To make things worse her mom died from dementia complications Monday night at 11:45 and mom has went on a downward spiral since then. She now has a urinary tract infection that makes her diabetes hard to handle, and her emotions are off the scales. Grandma was the last of her line as all her parents and brothers and sisters have already passed on . Mom feels like its now her resposinilty to take care of her brothers and sisters and she cant so this is killing her. Sorry if Im rambling as my own emeotions are all over the place wright now. I cant take the time to grieve my grandma because I have to take care of mom. to top it off the family has now decided that since Im the elder grandchild its my job to lead the paul bearers( spelling??). Im just thankfull beyond explanation for my wife as she is stepping up big time to take care of mom when I cant.I cant carry her casket and mom too. Thanks for letting me vent as this is the best group of folks ( family ) I can ever emagine haveing and Ill do my best to read ,listen, or do what ever I can when its some ones else's turn to need help. god bless you all David
  9. My beloved Wifey does not like the current seat (Mustang) on my 2007 RSTD. I understand that the Ultimate Seat is, well, the ultimate. So, anyone care to weigh in on this?
  10. Just took my RSV out of the shop after winter upgrades. It is running great, however, ..... When I hit it hard, the darn clutch slips. I have an upgraded Skydoc17 spring and have done the Freebird mod. If I drive normally, it doesn't slip. But if I really hammer it, the clutch slips in second and third gear. I was travelling too fast at the time to see if it would also slip in fourth, but I'm sure it will. I am looking for a solution so I don't have to deal with this every couple of years. OK, the question is: Barnett clutch with coil springs? Is that the most solid solution? Getting to the point that I don't care about the cost. RR
  11. i hope this isnt in the wrong area, and i know its not venture related but we all need to be aware of this i think, not wanting to cause any conflict so if i'm in the wrong with this post mod's will take care of it i'm sure
  12. Just want everyone to know the Int. rally committee is hard at work . Bongobobby is working on setting up a portable shower with hot water for those staying at Pioneer....jcsfolly is working on the trailer raffle and we are working on the logo and patches...Michelle and Any have some GREAT surprises in store for us all and I am trying to get the pin striper that freebird had at MD to come down also....The restaurant is a go for the dinner and auction as well as the pre registration mixer.....Still working on the BBQ......rides are taken care along with ride captions and there will be many self guided points of interest for those who like to Venture out on their own...Hoffy and Buffalo bodnar are taking care of maps and such....We are trying to have the registration packets available the first of the new year.....Lots to do yet...I am so grateful that we have a lot of great members in this area to help out...so much to do !!!!! Again , if you plan on coming to the rally please sign up in the calendar section....We're gonna have a grand time...
  13. its an 07 rsv in beautiful condition,45k, 10,995. My gut tells me to buy it before its gone.....according to blue book its about 600 high but as i stated this bike was meticulously taken care and could pass for new. Is there anything I should be aware of?
  14. I have been pondering selling my venture. My wife is back to the every once and a while employment and I have a couple bills that need caught up, my truck needs some work and I do not have the time to take care of it the way I should. I love the bike, but when it sits two weeks cause I do not have time to replace a burned out headlight bulb it makes me wonder. On the other hand I have gotten it to where it gets at least upper 30's for mpg, fixed the wobble, replaced the fuel pump (that is why it was getting hard to start) and done numerous other things to it. Nuw in all reality I do have a family to take care of, I love them more than the bike. So should I sell it? I am terrified that if I sell it it would end up in a parts dealers hands. Shaun
  15. http://www.stacoolvest.com/index.php (StaCool Vest) Have any of our members tried this vest? After 25 days of 100+ temps here in Texas, and no relief in sight, I may be ready to make the investment. I would sure like to hear from other members that may have first hand knowledge of the effectiveness and ease of use of this cooling vest. The other vest I am considering is the CoolWing Rider Vest seen here http://www.coolwingrider.com/. I have tried and did not care for the evaporative cooling vest. Simple, inexpensive, but not very effective, uncomfortable, and butt-ugly. Thanks, and stay cool out there.
  16. Was wanting to know if I could borrow a CarbTune as I am looking at buying a Blue 92 Venture Royal next weekend of July 16 over in Altus Okla. seller said he tried the carb adjustment himself and now the chock does not work which tells me its way out of wrack said he used some kinda of gauges? If So I would gladly take care of shipping plus a little extra $ when I ship back the CarbTune. I would need it for one day so it would be shipped back pretty quick to the owner Give me a PM Buddy
  17. So we ordered a helmet from http://www.bikersden.com on the 18th. We've been trying to find a helmet that will fit my egg head. We went with them cause it was supposed to be in stock and they had a good return policy. The website said 1-3 days shipping. On the 3rd day we noticed the order said processed and we still didn't have a tracking #. We emailed and they said orders can take up to 4 days to process and that when it did we would get a tracking #. If we log in from work it shows my name on the order, if we log in at home it doesn't show the order at all. Today after no word I decided to call and was told there was an attempted delivery today. If we had known the damn thing was coming we would have been around to get it. Irritates me that companies have all of this tech at their disposal and still manage to screw it up. We don't care about the timing, we care about not having the info promised. We ordered headsets from http://www.wingstuff.com the following day as well as eBay items that have all arrived. I think they are actually doing drop shipping, which again is fine. Just TELL the customer what is going on. Full review pending on the helmet if it fits! Frank
  18. Been at the drawing board again. There always seems to be one more lil improvement that can be done. This lil creation takes care of two, maybe three things that I wanted to take care of. So not much fun in just saying what it so I'll just post a few pics and let ya guess. It's in raw condition now waiting for the epoxy to dry and will be ready for the final sanding and a few coats of paint and clear coat over the next couple of days. When it's done and mounted I'll post the finshed project. So have at it. Mike
  19. I have not been a member very long and haven't posted at all but I wanted tell all that the information from this site is plain amazing. I have an 07 RSTD and have added a few items that this site has made real easy. I have a little problem that I can't trace down. I get a exaust gas ignition on deceleration every once in a while. The bike starts and runs great but when I let go of the clutch on a down shift it poofs once and that is it. Annoying more than anything. Anybody have a thought? My guess is that the AIS valve is not closing or is a little sticky. Please don't suggest to bypass the AIS as I do care about the environment. I also lost my full time job last August but have been blessed to work contract jobs so I am doing well. My next job will take a year to complete and it is in Texas. Won't be able to take the scoot so I am heading out for one last adventure until I have to go. Agian Thanks to all
  20. A doctor in Duluth Minnesota wanted to get off work and go hunting, so he approached his assistant. 'Ole, I am goin' huntin' tomorrow and don't want to close the clinic. I want you to take care of the clinic and take care of all my patients.' 'Yes, sir!' answers Ole. The doctor goes hunting and returns the following day and asks: 'So, Ole, How was your day?' Ole told him that he took care of three patients. 'The first one had a headache so I gave him TYLENOL.' 'Bravo, mate, and the second one?' asks the doctor. 'The second one had stomach burning and I gave him MAALOX, sir,' says Ole. 'Bravo, bravo! You're good at this, and what about the third one?' asks the doctor. 'Sir, I was sitting here and suddenly the door opens and a woman enters. Like a flame, she undresses herself, taking off everything including her panties and lies down on the table and shouts: 'HELP ME - I haven't seen a man in over two years!!' 'Tunderin' Lard Yeezus, Ole, what did you do?' asks the doctor. J 'I put drops in her eyes!!
  21. When I bought my VR, it didn't have a knob/lever on the fuel shutoff/petcock. Would anyone happen to have an extra one laying around they would part with? I've found the entire petcock a few times om fleebay, but I don't care to shell out $30+ for one when all I need is the dang nabid knob. Thanks, Bill
  22. A set of stock seats for a 97 RSTC. I am sending mine to my cousin in Missouri to be recovered and have gel pads inserted into them. I would like to not be out of riding for 2 weeks if at all possible. I really don't care the condition. Don't know if anyone would be willing but it is worth asking. I am in NE Ga and am sending my seats out around next monday. Thanks for looking.
  23. Your care package arrived. You better watch yourself...you are going to end up with a reputation of being a very sweet lady.
  24. I think a one of your pygmies attached themselves to my bike at MD last year...must have hidden in my saddlebags....Have been having a string of bad luck with the house.....well, I decieded to set a few traps for it...WELL ......CAUGHT ONE THIS MORNING.....they are nasty little cusses when caught in a trap. Dang thing nearly chewed thru it own leg to get out.....and smell....whew....well, an old Lewieville slugger took care of that one...hope it was the only one that hitched a ride home with me....your gonna have to check your bike more careful before you leave for Freebirds this year.....or park far, far, away from everyone else..
  25. Subject: Health care solution If you can't afford a doctor, go to an airport - you'll get a free x-ray and a breast exam, and if you mention Al Qaeda, you'll get a free colonoscopy. Health care ______________________________________________________________________ This email has been scanned by the MessageLabs Email Security System. For more information please visit http://www.messagelabs.com/email ______________________________________________________________________
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