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  1. Folks, I'm getting emails every day asking if it is possible to join or renew memberships by credit or debit card for those without PayPal accounts. Please note, you do NOT need a PayPal account in order to pay with a credit/debit card or an e-check. If you do not want to use PayPal but DO want to use your credit or debit card, you can simply click on "settings" at the upper right corner of the page, scroll down until you see "Paid Subscriptions" in the left menu. Click on that link. You will then see a page that says "VentureRider Support" with a drop down box on the right side. Click on the arrow on that drop down box and select the only option, 1 year - $12.00. The click the button that says "Order". That will open a new page. Click the button that says "Order Using PayPal". There will be a link on that page to pay using a credit or debit card without a PayPal account. In that case, they are just the credit card processor. That will open another page. From that page, you can login and pay with your PayPal account OR you can select the option that says "Don't have a PayPal Account"? Click "Continue" beside that option and you will get a page where you can use your credit or debit card or e-check without a PayPal account. In this case, I am simply using PayPal as my credit card processor. In the attached image, I have circled the part that I am talking about. Thanks, Don
  2. Dear Santa As always, here is a copy of the score card for "Cowpuc" - year of 2014.. I know our score cards arent always exactly the same (hopefully this years cards compare closer than those of 2012 before I vastly improved on how much I harassed people) but, if your card is even close to what I am seeing on my card this year,,,, well,,,, the picture found on this page is kinda what I am thinkin... Anyway,, here is a final compilation of this years report... Positives: 21,004 - thank you's 876 - your welcomes 231 - let me get that for you 437 - opening doors for old ladies 634 - opening doors for young ladies 105 - candy bar purchases for kids at gas stations while Tip and I toured 38 - cool-aid at road side stand purchases 4 - out of town bicycle repairs 71 - dinner dates with Tippy 23 - stop and help travelers 19 - helped turtles across roads 38 - fed stray cats 105 - pick up others garbage while camping 87 - repair kids cars 2089 - prayers for friends and neighbors 69 - helped neighbors with chores 1 - quit smoking 7 - cooked holiday dinners 931 - undeserved waves at passing Harley riders... $756 - tips, contributions to needy 3002 - said "I love you" Negatives 27 - teased people at VentureRider.org 103 - cursed when mad (includes under my breath cursing) 9 - flipped someone off 18 - gave Tippy the silent treatment 187 - made daughter get tv remote for me 34 - picked nose in public 132 - speeding on bike 81 - small fibs 11 - medium fibs 3 - big fibs 24 - used the word "hate" 2 - kept undersize fish -------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- Looking forward to this one!! Have a safe and joyful trip!! Puc PS - its fine if you need to drain the fluids to to pass FAA Regs,, got your back Santa!! http://images.craigslist.org/00d0d_3FCxguuqJxp_600x450.jpg
  3. Recently, I was notified by Paypal that I had to verify my account because I had neared the $5,000 send limit. According to their writings, the verification process is to prove you are who you say you are. In reality, it appears to be a somewhat different ploy. My account was set up using two credit cards I have had for years, not the least of which was American Express. Both of these cards offer high levels of security. They are all I care to use on the internet, ever. The fun part of Paypal's "verification" process is that there are only two ways to get "verifyied" so you can continue to use their system. The first is to provide them with your personal banking information. The other is to apply for their credit card. Being in the accounting profession for 35 years, and owning my own practice for 25 of those years, I sometimes actually take note of things "financial". So, after researching, and trying to contact Paypal, I found no other way to get "verified", even though my own credit cards have already done that, and my Paypal account has had $4,500 pass through it without one glitch, ever. Paypal is quite straight forward about their demands. If you do not give them your banking information or apply for their credit card, your account with them is locked. In other words, no more using Paypal until you succumb to their demands. Now, all of that being said, I see absolutely no reason for why I would or should ever give Paypal or anyone else my banking information for no legitimate reason. That comes up smelling a lot like marginally legal phishing for financial information without cause. Neither do I care to apply for a credit card I do not want, or need. That is just plain old fashioned over the top aggressive marketing in any other language. So, here I am in the initial stages of letting people know that Paypal is conducting business in such a way that they try to force people into giving up personal information or creating a credit card account they may neither want, nor need with the same intent of gathering personal information on their customers without cause. Paypal is nothing special. It is a service type vendor subject to success by treating its customers fairly. This "verification" process clearly verifies that there are many serious reasons to avoid them or to close any existing accounts people may have with them. Paypal claims it is for security reasons. If Hackers can get into the FBI, CIA and most major banks and governments around the world, Paypal is not even worth mentioning. It should be a piece of cake for the hackers to steal whatever they wish from Paypal. Read the fine print and decide for yourself. But, for me, I am going back to direct involvement with selected vendors, thus ceasing doing business with Paypal and EBay. I do not need these two companies at all.
  4. Has anyone used the Garmin trip card for a Zumo 550 ? Opinions ? cb
  5. Got a text msg. on my cell--- My entry last month has won! Tells me to go to BestBuyRaffle.com and enter my winning code number XXXX to claim my FREE $1000 BestBuy gift card within 24 hrs. Watcha think guys (and gals)? Real deal or ???? I, of course, don't remember last week, let alone last month. I went to BestBuy's web site and emailed customer service asking if it might be legit, knowing full well that there's a 99.9 % chance that it's bogus.
  6. Anyone had any luck with the mechanic sites that want money up front before answering questions? I don't like using credit card without something I'm sure will work. Give me wrong answer and charge me anyway??
  7. The pasted message below was my last email that I sent to chrome pros in Corpus Christie Texas. As you can see the customer service sucks big time. While the wheels came out nice, they also left in the dampeners in the rear wheel, causing me a whole ton of extra labor to remove them. Unfortunately for me I didnt order them through Ebay, but directly on the phone, which may have given me more protection. But, if there is no response from them by Friday then I will file credit card fraud charges against them with my Citi card. So, some of you PM'ed me about this company possibly considering using them for plating. Right now I would not recommend them to anyone. Ill see what happens after Friday. Sure do wish that we had a member in the Corpus Christie area to go there but apparently not. "Ben, this is the third email that I have sent you. You still havent answered my previous emails. When we spoke on the phone you promised to inspect the return core wheels this past Monday and issue the 485.00 credit as you promised to my card. That has not happened. I spoke to another rep on Tuesday who assured me that the wheels would be inspected and a credit issued. When I asked for his name he hung up. Still no credit to my account nor any response from your company. You had no problems responding to my inquiries for the last few months but now that payment was made all that I am getting is the runaround it seems. I need a commitment from Chrome Pros as to when the credit will be issued. Jeff Koppelman"
  8. any one else getting a pop up saying thanks for visiting venture riders.org. please take our survey for a chance to win a $1000.00 walmart card? and some other prize? i just went to check a post on here and it popped up. just want to inform every one.
  9. Stopped and talked to a couple of gentleman on the BRP yesterday, one was riding an 06 Venture real nice guy gave him a card hopefully he will check us out.
  10. well today i went out to look over some used motorcycles to kind of get a feel for what would feel good to ride. i dont have the cash yet. but things might be good in august for a new to me bike. i stopped at a dealer and asked about some used bikes. he had a vstar 650cc nice bike low miles and a few honda shadows not sure of the size? i asked if i could take out the vstar for a ride? he checked to see if i had my endorsement and i do. he said yep you can take it for a test ride but you must have a major credit card? i was like why? he said they run it through and place a $250 amount on your card? when the bike comes back and there is no damage your card will get that $250 credited back to your card? i thought maybe it,s to cover some insurance thing? kind of like a car rental? i was not asking to rent the bike i wanted to test it. i left with out the test ride. but did get to hear it run and look at the maintenance records. what the hell how would i know if that bike had brake or transmission problems or something untill after i bought it? i never heard of this before. has any one else?
  11. I came up on the waiting list today and was able to order one of the Raspberry Pi single board computers. Paid for it via Paypal. Says up to 3 week delivery time. Raspberry Pi is a single board computer the size of a cigarette pack. Runs linux. total cost for the computer was $43 inc postage. requires a usb keyboard & mouse & video (one of several options). And a way to download their version of linux to a 4gb SD memory card. Or you can buy a pre-loaded memory card for another $18. The computer was designed by some university types in the UK for use by school kids learning to program. But at the price, a lot of people who want to try linux and programming are going to buy one. http://www.raspberrypi.org/
  12. Any suggestion as to why my desk top pc won't access my sd card. My laptop can access the same SD card?
  13. We will see if the photo inserts! Jt
  14. Working nights this week training a new supervisor. On the way to work I stop by subway to grab a sandwich. Swipe my debit card, declined ??? Now I know my pension check just made it there, my pay check should be there and my wife's check. I scramble to get my sandwich and then call my Credit Union. Yep I am one of 23 people who had my card "compromised", apparently I am told I did not loose anything because they stopped it. The lady before me was hit to the tune of $3500.00. I was also told that they have seen an increase in false charges where a clerk at a gas station, restaurant... swipes your card through the gas stations device and then their cell phone or portable device and adding a small additional charge. The charge is usually small and odd numbers to pass scrutiny and people are so accustomed to using debit cards now they are not in the habit of balancing their statements. Morale, do not hand your card to the clerk, get receipts and reconcile your statement and dispute charges asap. AARRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!
  15. Has anyone dealt with Barton's Motorsports in Tamworth, NH, they have something I want but before I give them a credit card number I would like to see if they can be trusted.
  16. ESPECIALLY LOOK AT SCENE THREE... Be sure to read Scene 3. Quite interesting. This is a new one. People sure stay busy trying to cheat us, don't they? SCENE 1. A friend went to the local gym and placed his belongings in the locker. After the workout and a shower, he came out, saw the locker open, and thought to himself, 'Funny, I thought I locked the locker... Hmm, 'He dressed and just flipped the wallet to make sure all was in order. Everything looked okay - all cards were in place... A few weeks later his credit card bill came - a whooping bill of $14,000! He called the credit card company and started yelling at them, saying that he did not make the transactions. Customer care personnel verified that there was no mistake in the system and asked if his card had been stolen... 'No,' he said, but then took out his wallet, pulled out the credit card, and yep - you guessed it - a switch had been made. An expired similar credit card from the same bank was in the wallet. The thief broke into his locker at the gym and switched cards. Verdict:The credit card issuer said since he did not report the card missing earlier, he would have to pay the amount owed to them. How much did he have to pay for items he did not buy? $9,000! Why were there no calls made to verify the amount swiped? Small amounts rarely trigger a 'warning bell' with some credit card companies. It just so happens that all the small amounts added up to big one! SCENE 2. A man at a local restaurant paid for his meal with his credit card. The bill for the meal came, he signed it and the waitress folded the receipt and passed the credit card along. Usually, he would just take it and place it in his wallet or pocket. Funny enough, though, he actually took a look at the card and, lo and behold, it was the expired card of another person. He called the waitress and she looked perplexed. She took it back, apologized, and hurried back to the counter under the watchful eye of the man. All the waitress did while walking to the counter was wave the wrong expired card to the counter cashier, and the counter cashier immediately looked down and took out the real card. No exchange of words --- nothing! She took it and came back to the man with an apology.. Verdict: Make sure the credit cards in your wallet are yours. Check the name on the card every time you sign for something and/or the card is taken away for even a short period of time. Many people just take back the credit card without even looking at it, 'assuming' that it has to be theirs. FOR YOUR OWN SAKE, DEVELOP THE HABIT OF CHECKING YOUR CREDIT CARD EACH TIME IT IS RETURNED TO YOU AFTER A TRANSACTION! ========================== SCENE 3: Yesterday I went into a pizza restaurant to pick up an order that I had called in. I paid by using my Visa Check Card which, of course, is linked directly to my checking Account. The young man behind the counter took my card, swiped it, then laid it on the counter as he waited for the approval, which is pretty standard procedure. While he waited, he picked up his cell phone and started dialing. I noticed the phone because it is the same model I have, but nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Then I heard a click that sounded like my phone sounds when I take a picture. He then gave me back my card but kept the phone in his hand as if he was still pressing buttons. Meanwhile, I'm thinking: I wonder what he is taking a picture of, oblivious to what was really going on. It then dawned on me: the only thing there was my credit card, so now I'm paying close attention to what he is doing.. He set his phone on the counter, leaving it open. About five seconds later, I heard the chime that tells you that the picture has been saved. Now I'm standing there struggling with the fact that this boy just took a picture of my credit card. Yes, he played it off well, because had we not had the same kind of phone, I probably would never have known what happened. Needless to say, I immediately cancelled that card as I was walking out of the pizza parlor. All I am saying is, be aware of your surroundings at all times. Whenever you are using your credit card take caution and don't be careless. Notice who is standing near you and what they are doing when you use your card. Be aware of phones, because many have a camera phone these days. FORWARD THIS TO AS MANY PEOPLE AS YOU CAN THINK OF. LET'S GET THE WORD OUT. JUST BE AWARE! Never let your card out of your sight.....check and check again!
  17. For 37 years I always thought that only those on activate duty or retired military qualified for military discount at various retail business. Two weeks ago I learn that some retailers also give similar discounts to anyone who has ever served in the military. Home depot gives a 10% discount to all those who are serving or has ever served all year round. For those who do not have a military ID card they require you to should your dd214 discharge papers or your Veterans Administration ID card. Well I did not have neither but I did find my Veterans Admin Certificate of Eligibility for my VA loan when I purchased my 1st house. I did need to get the managers approval for the discount. I purchased $2000.00 worth of new carpet and pad for my basement project. Now, you can not combine other discount programs with your military discount. You can only choose one. If you also need a copy of your dd214 go to this link. It if free but it could take up to 6 months. http://dd214.us/ If you need it faster there are other sites that can do that for you for a fee. Just search for "Copy of dd214". I am in the process of researching how to obtain a VA ID card so that I do not have to continue to carry my Veterans Admin Certificate of Eligibility paper. If anyone knows the process in how to obtain the VA ID cards please respond to this thread. So today when I went to OReilys to buy some seafoam at buy 2 and get the 3rd free, I asked if O'Reilys gives a military discount and they said yes. But theirs is a bit more complex. First no discount on sales items. 2nd some items do not qualify. So you will need to ask. They did say that most batteries gets a 15% discount. I'm going to be asking every retailer for this military discount. Also being that I'll be turning 60 soon, hopefully I'll be able to get some kind of a discount everywhere I go. Hope this helps some of you.
  18. And that was using a $2.50 discount coupon And my Senior Discount of $4.11 Otherwise it would have been $45.20 1 from me to my wife. 1 from my wife to me. 1 from my wife to her mother. 1 from me to my only granddaughter. 1 from my wife to her only granddaughter. 1 from me and my wife to our only son. 1 from me and my wife to our only daughter and son-in-law. 1 to my sister-in-law. Of course I needed to be there for I'm the Senior Citizen. I can't imagine having 4 children what my Valentine Card bill would come to. But a larger Valentine Card bill would be a blessing.
  19. I was just online checking my account and there are 3 $1 hits for AOL, IMBd and Experian. I don't have AOL, I can get credit scores free and IMBd is an online movie database that I don't use. So I am getting my debit card shut down. I thought I was pretty careful w/ my debit card but apparently not enough. I do know of individuals no matter how careful you are the card # is stolen. Now off to check my credit cards just in case.
  20. I got my Mastercard bill for Dec and found a charge for something I knew nothing about. An outfit called Safe Cart had billed me $44.00. I checked online and it seems there have been a lot of complaints about this outfit for false billing and not delivering goods or delivering defective goods. MC confirmed there had been no activity on my card at that time. They pulled the card number off the internet somewhere. I now have a new card and MC is investigating.
  21. Maybe some of you that have been through this a time or two or three will know. When someone marries a former girlfriend do you send them a Thank You for getting her out of my life card or a Condolences on the loss of your freedom and personal belongings card? Just wondering:think:....
  22. UPDATE - everything is gone. UPDATE just to be fair. I've been working by first request. You may not see the post as some have PM their request. I have over the years donated my used but working computer stuff to Goodwill. I have another truck load of printers, monitors, scanners, etc. Stuff that is working but outdated and too costly to mail. But some of the smaller stuff may be of use to fellow members. I'm a true believer in recycling and would hate just to pitch it if someone here has a use for it, just pay for USPS mailing. Or if in Texas just ride to meet. 4GB DDR2 800MHz (2x2gb) - spoken for 1GB DDR2 PC5300 (667MHz) for netbook or laptop - Goodwill 512MB (2 x 256MB) DDR 133MHz 133 pin from Gateway laptop - Goodwill PCMCIA card for laptop - spoken for 10/100 LAN card for desktop - Goodwill 10/100/1000 LAN card for desktop - Goodwill PCI SCSI-II - pending Dual display graphic card - spoken for Wireless Mouse - eats batteries at least once a month - Goodwill Garmin USB Laptop GPS with North America V8. - spoken for WIRED - Linksys BEFSR41 V.2 - Goodwill 35MM 1800dpi slide/negative scanner (USB 1.1) - spoken for WOW! External 135MB removable hard drive cartridges (SCSI-II attached) - spoken for everything is "as is", no tech support provided, some drivers may not work with newer operating systems like Windoze XP
  23. I'm thinking about changing out the graphics card on this old Dell XPS 400. I've noticed lately that my hyper speed down loads and streaming video are getting slower. I've cleaned out, tweeked and smoozed everything including the registry to no avail. It's plain sluggish. The wifi router is a brand new linksys E4200 running at 54mbps. So the only thing I can think of is the graphics card may be getting tired. The Dell is running a card in a slot instead of one built in the mother board. Also to throw fuel on the fire I don't know what I should be looking for. This whole graphics card business is confusing as he!!. Prices are all over the place, and discriptions are spoken in some language from another planet. Anyone have any idea what I should be looking for?? Something that isn't going to break the bank, but is good enough to handle big down loads and streaming. I'm at a loss..... :confused07: PS: I,m not into any gaming.... Noticed some of those come with loan papers...
  24. http://biggeekdaddy.com/humorpages/Humor/BestCardTrick.html
  25. ... and using your credit card along the way, (or for that matter, any time you use your cc) ... monitor your statement closely. If you have on-line banking, do it daily. As some of you know, Nina & I travelled to Cody and return with 2 other riders. En-route, I arranged our motel reservations. Chekking my Visa account today, I found that the last place we stayed charged me twice (the others were to pay their own) So, I called them ... the first person I get says ... it was the reservations system ... they apply the amount to your card to hold the room and it will be deducted within 10 days. (B/S as far as I'm concerned). Anyhoo ... I tell her that a) they're using my money for which I will pay interest on, b) when they go about reversing it, will I be given the exact same US-CAD exchange rate, and c) this is a policy that is not acceptable to me and I want the funds refunded tout-suite! She tells me they don't have the capability to do that and I'd have to call Visa. (more B/S). I finally get a manager on the phone and after some digging, she discovers that the second charge was for the room one of our riding companions was in (the motel somehow screwed up). Thankfully, they did take his credit card so the manager is able to credit me and charge him (no names here but guys, check your credit card statement in case they bill you twice). Other than that, all other charges appear legit (so far )
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