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After reading all the reviews on the Morgan carbtune, I went ahead and ordered one. It seems that Morgan replaced the carbtune II with the carbtune pro, which supposedly is better. Since all the info. on this site re carb synching is based on using the carbtune II, I was wondering if anyone knew if there was a difference between these two models. Thanks.
Anybody out there have a Morgan Carbtune for loan or sale?
Venture and Royal riders, brothers or sisters...I really need to borrow a tach. I have my mix all out of whack. I am a tinker, and started messin with that dang screw and now I cant get it right with this multimeter/tach deal I have. I have a brand new Carbtune Pro that you can use if you would like to. Heck, anyone on this site that lives around here can use it if needed. Thank you all, I am about to pull my hair out!
I ordered and received a Carbtune and Colortune this week. I was very impressed with the personal service used on my order. I have no problems with setting up and using the Carbtune. However, I haven't figured out how to install and read the front two cylinders with the Colortune. I have managed to get the plug in and hook up the lead, but I can't get a visual on the glass to see the flame color. The adapter with the mirror is too long to set up without removing the tank. Is there a trick that I haven't figured out yet? I just want to know what method everyone else is using.
I bought an 87 venture royale this spring that has been stored for two years. The owner said that the carbs were redone before it was put away.( Cost him 750$ .. I didn't see the bill) Anyway, I brought it home and have been playing with it ever since. There was fuel problems and I finally got the bike running. I put in seafoam, and naphtha and it starts up and runs not too bad.. but I think it is not firing on all cylinders. I hooked up my carbtune and I get no response from cylinder # 1 left rear . No vacuum at all. When started it up this morning, I checked the exhausts and the left rear got hot very quickly and the other three got slightly warm in the time I ran it. I checked for vacuum after changing the lines to the carbtune with the same result as before. I have just pulled the plug and it was slightly damp and somewhat black. This is where I am at now. What should I do now? Any specific tests , and order to help trace down the problem(s)? Help!
i purchased a Carbtune about two years ago and shortly thereafter sync'd my carb. i thought it wouldn't hurt to re-sync, so i hooked up the Carbtune and lo and behold all four bars were within a gnat behind of each other. to those who are more familiar with syncing, my question - "is it normal for the carbs to stay synchronized"? btw the bike has been running great and i don't really have any complaints after 36k miles.
We ordered a Morgn CarbTune online on the 24th of May. Recieved it today, the 31st of May! Whart great service. Dan and I are going to have our own mini-maintenence day on our bikes as soon as the valve cover gaskets come in for my '84. I feel so much more confident in doing repairs and service on my bike because I know that if I get into a jam, the folks here can always come through and bail me out. I have saved a copy of the PDF that rstacy made from Skydoc's step by step for the first gen. I will be printing this and taking it to the garage with me. Dan found a fourm for his Nighthawk, That site is almost as friendly as this one. Not nearly as active, but has a lot of good info on it. There is step by step instructions to sync his carb there. With pics! I don't know if we can get at it this weekend, it is Dan's 18th birthday on Sunday. The weather is supposed to be mostly sunny and warm. Maybe I will go for a ride with Dan and work on the bikes later. Take care, Dave
When syncing the carbs on my 86 lst Ed, I can get all four carbs to be perfectly level at about 24 bars onmy Carbtune but at higher rpms, up around 3500 or 4000 or so, they are no longer anywhere being level. I have no vacuum leaks. Even when riding at 65/70 mph it feels like they aren't balanced. I hook up the Carbtune and at idle they are still perfect. Run the r's up while sitting there and same result.......not balanced at higher rpms. Otherthan than this, it seems to runs strong. Compression on all cylinders is about even 165 to 175. Just would like some comments regarding if this sort of thing is normal. I do have a second set of "just gone through" carbs and may try mounting those to see what happens. But that is a lot of work just to see "what happens". Thanks
I got a friend who bought a used 85 wing. I am going to loan him my carbtune. Was wondering if any Wing owners has a documented procedure in syncing up the carbs.
As I continue to knock off items on my winter maintenance schedule, tonight I got to the carb balancing. I bought a Carbtune a few months back knowing that this day was coming. Using skydoc_17's document was the ticket to making this task a breeze. Thank Earl! I read the document a couple of times and located the all of the screws. I was pretty surprised at how far off the carbs were considering that it was running pretty well. 3&4 were pulling so much vacuum that the slides were pegged and 1&2 were way at the bottom. I actually had to do the 1/2 & 3/4 balance first just to get things in the ball park. After going back and forth a few times, this is where I ended up. Once the weather breaks I will put some miles on it and check it again. The gen2 starter is working really well. All thats left is to change the oil and install skydoc_17's drain plug fix.. I should have my seat back from Rick Butler in a couple of weeks. I cant wait to take it for a spin!
I hooked up my Morgan Carbtune last night trying to get this 93 up and running, and it will not pull any of the sliders on the Carbtune up at all. If you rev it up, still nothing, but on deceleration they move slightly. Anybody have this issue before? I keep the Carbtune in its case, but maybe it needs cleaning? Or is it something with the bike? Thanks for any ideas. I have a Vmax, so I know the Carbtune is properly hooked up.
Was wanting to know if I could borrow a CarbTune as I am looking at buying a Blue 92 Venture Royal next weekend of July 16 over in Altus Okla. seller said he tried the carb adjustment himself and now the chock does not work which tells me its way out of wrack said he used some kinda of gauges? If So I would gladly take care of shipping plus a little extra $ when I ship back the CarbTune. I would need it for one day so it would be shipped back pretty quick to the owner Give me a PM Buddy
Lookee what came in the mail today. Sean Morgan of Morgan Carbtune, and I do believe he is the CEO/owner, has graciously donated another Carbtune for this years Tail of the Dragon V. Sean has been a very generous sponsor with his donations to VR. I do believe this is the 3rd or 4th one he has donated for Vogel. Many thanks to Sean Morgan for his generosity.[ATTACH]55166[/ATTACH]
Has anyone ordered from carbtune lately. (since the cartridge bomb issue in the fall) My order was shipped out Dec. 17th. I still have not received it yet. Carbtune replies to my e-mails and just says SORRY this is a 'Homeland Security' issue and they cannot say how long it will take for me to receive it.........they state it will arrive by ground mail and tell me there is no tracking no.......(huh?)I know that they are a stand up company but, this is getting annoying. Any one else waiting on a carbtune?
I purchase a Carbtune Plus and it arrived today. I decided to give it a whirl. I took the laptop with me to follow Freebirds directions and headed to the garage. First of all a ride a 96 Royal Star Tour Classic and it has no tach so I really don't know if the idle is correct. I followed the Carbtune directions for setup then went to Freebirds post. I hooked up the Carbtune and the readings were way off. All went well while doing step #1 and I got the first side to measure pretty closely.( How close do I need to be to be close?) It was when I went to step #2 that I ran into a problem. The adjustment screw was not where the directions said it would be. I happen to have a second set of carbs so I took them off the shelf for a look; It seemed to me that I would need to access the adjustment screw for side 2 from the left side of the bike, There were two adjustment screws side by side so I really wasn't sure which was which. I tried trial and error and was able to get side 2 pretty close( once again how close do I need to be?) I then tried the second adjustment screw and got all 4 to be pretty close.(????). I put the rubber plugs back on and took the bike for a ride. The" old boy" seemed to run a little better and I seemed to notice less back firing on deceleration. Now my questions....Can anyone tell me if I did the sync correctly? How close is close enough and is it necessary to have the idle RPM"s perfect before I started the procedure...Thanks
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Used my carbtune for the first time. 1 & 2 carbs were slightly off. 3 & 4 were even, but there was about 3 difference between the left and right side. Got them adjusted so there all within 1. I noticed there was a lot of bounce on the needles of 1 & 2. 3 & 4 were very steady. Is there something I can do reduce the bounce? Anyone else have this problem? I never thought of changing sides to see if it was the carbs or the guage, until just now. In the carbtune manual it said some adjust the carbs at a high idle. Wondering what most do when syncing?
Just thought I'd mention this.... With the Euro falling like a rock against the dollar you can get a Carbtune and storage case shipped to your door for around $75.00. I think I paid about $115 bucks when I bought mine a couple of years ago. Good company to do biz with... Ooops, my bad. That's for the 2 column. The 4 will run about $85US. Still a deal...
I just finished synching the carbs on my '09 RSTD. It only has 400 or so miles on it. I wanted to do it to learn as well as the fact that people on the board stated that it can be off from the factory. I used the Carbtune to do it. Unfortunately I bought it from a place in California before I noticed some posts about buying it from the manufacturer to take advantage of the exchange rate. Just goes to show what a wealth of knowledge the board is and maybe post a question before making a purchase. In any case I want to thank Freebird for posting the instructions and pics on how to do this. For those that are reticent about doing something like this don't be it is so simple it is not even funny. A pox and shake of the fist to the dealers that charge $85 for this. If the Stealers were smart they would give away something like this to get you into the store to buy more farkle. Literally the hardest part of this job was getting the hose off because it was kind of stuck and it is hard to get your fingers in the small space to get a good grip. I ended up using a screwdriver blade to push the end of the hose while pulling at the same time. I think i will put a dab of boy butter (silicone grease) on the nipples to make it easier next time. The other hard part was figuring out exactly where to put the Carbtune. I have my bike in a wheel chock to keep it upright so the handle bars are straight putting near the grips made it too far away for the hoses to reach the opposite side. I happened to have the seat off so I put it in that area. I was also worried about the hoses melting if they contact the pipes but that did not seem to be an issue. Another thing about the Carbtune, at least the one I have, is that one of the rods will stick if it is not mostly vertical. That is an important check the rods will bounce when the engine is running so make sure all 4 are bouncing. I ended not taking a before shot because I am bad like that. But I did get an after. The pairs were close to each other but the sides were off a bit. Get knee pads when you do this to save your knees. The first thing I did was get my long screw driver to make sure I could reach the screws. Even though I knew where to look it was kind of hard to pick them out at first. The one that does the one side to the other was like trying to find Waldo. Anyway here is an after pic. Thanks to the guys that post info to make things like this easy to figure out. David.
Ok I searched and did not find my answer. So I am guessing this is going to be a dumb question. I am going to order a Carbtune Kit. There are different size plugs available, which ones do I choose? Thanks, Shane
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Just wanted to chime in, I have noticed a lil poping on decel and the engine seemed a lil rough at cruising speed. After reading several post I was thinking time to check the carb sync, called my local STEALER who wants $85 to sync them up (freaking nuts). After watching on this site I saw a post about the price of the morgan carbtune pro being lower due to the exchange rate so I pulled the trigger and got the carbtune pro with case for 93 otd. Rocket fast shipping 8 days to northern michigan, then came my problem. I have always said I am a jack of all trades master of none lol and have done my share of wrenching but when it comes to something new I always get a lil nervous. I have to say this site is so beyond worth the 12 bucks with all the write ups and pictures it was actually a breeze. I took my time, made several adjustments and got them just about perfect, should have took pictures but camera was dead, man what a difference!!! Now I guess this is a big thank you message and a question, does $85 sound right to have a dealer do this? I mean even with a miller lite break it didnt take more than 40 mins so just wondering if they were trying to bend me over. And as far as the thank yous that is for everyone on this site and to Don just have to say you have created so much more than just a website here, I would have been lost and paying for what was a fairly simple job. I will be a member here till the end!!!! Well enough rambling just had to say how happy i was to find this site!!
Is there anyone that lives in or near Charlotte NC that has the tools and gauges to do a carbtune? I think I really need one done bad. I am def willing to ride the bike to you if you will show me how it is done. I am going to go ahead and Thank y'all ahead of time. Robert
I assume that you put the "restricters" in the rubber tubes per the instructions in the manual, but which adapters (if any) do you use for the 2nd gen RSTD? All of the directions given on the forum for using the carbtune are great, but none mention setting up the carbtune. Thanks for any help!
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Hey ya'll, I finally bit the bullet and purchased the Carbtune Pro carb synchronizer. Let me say first that if you're looking to buy a carb synhronizer and have a little extra money go ahead and invest in this. It is so easy to use, you'll redo the job several times just because you can!!! I paid a little over a hundred bucks for it and the case. Took about 10 business days to get it but it is well worth it. I got out the '99 Vmax today and warmed it up and synced the carbs on it today in about 10 minutes. Believe it or not, after 32,000 miles, it was in better shaped than the RSV which only has 11,000 miles on it. Anyway, below are the before and after pics of the RSV. Thought ya'll might be interested. Some have said these bikes come from the dealer out of sync. Now I believe it!!
OK, got the CarbTune out and put it on the '91. Figured it was a good time to sync now that the #4 diaphragm was repaired. Surprisingly the carbs weren't that far out. I little minor tweaking was all it took. Next I decided to change out the plugs, and left the carbtune hooked up overnight, rather than undo it, and have to hook it up again in the AM. The next morning I changed the plugs and fired up the motor. As expected the engine at high R's initially pulled lots of vacume, but after warming up, and the R's dropping down to a normal idle, the readings went back to normal. Flat all the way across. Blipped the throttle a little and noticed something which I also noticed at the higher idle RPM's. On the left side the vacume show'd higher than the other. At a steady 2000rpm there was about a 30% difference between the left and right side with the front and back carbs being balanced. 2 and 1 were equal, and 4 and 3 were equal, but the left, 2 and 1, was definitly higher. Now I'm wondering. What would cause that? At idle they are all equal, but the bike doesn't run down the road at idle, and I'd want all the carbs to be pulling equally in the higher R's... Maybe?? I wonder if syncing them at 2000rpm might be better, or is coming off idle equally better??? Whatcha think.