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Found 17 results

  1. I just got Commander2 on rear last year-great tire. NOW I need front tire. Michelin does not have a front available in our size. I have had bad luck with Avon VenomX recently. Thusly, that's not an option. I see the Dunlop E3 has the highest load capacity for 120/90-18 like the Avon had. Can anyone say if the E3 gives good turn in, and stability ? I ride back roads dragging the saddlebag trim WFO following my sport bike friends. ALSO any other tire options ?
  2. im changing the original rear leaf springs in my Ranger. the stock spring is rated at 1050 lbs. the new one are 1750 lbs. 2 questions...1. will it change the GVWR? and 2. will it change the tongue load on the trailer? im trying to give it a little more towing capacity over stock. i know the leafs are for cargo capacity, but will it change towing?
  3. Does anyone know how many liters of storage capacity the MK2 has?
  4. I'm not real keen on the "new improved" cages anyway, but some of the categories of the types of cars or SUVs or whatch-a-ma-call-it's leave me confused. TV commercials about the best mileage or passenger capacity or cubic feet of capacity or best warranty, then to call a vehicle a "crossover"??? I thought that had something to do with a certain kind of surgery that most people never have. Can someone please explain the differences of van, minivan, SUV, crossover, and/or any others that I'm not listing? Maybe I've just been around too long, but it seems to me that it was a lot easier to understand two door sedan, four door sedan, coupe, station wagon, and convertible.
  5. I installed a Battery Bug voltage meter along with a new Deka battery on Friday last week. When I installed it the Battery monitor told me it was at 100% capacity. I keep it on the Battery Tender all the time. This morning when I went out to the garage it was reading 99% and I took the bike for a short ride and now it is down to 97% but is reading 14.2 volts charging. I'm wondering if this is normal or if there is something wrong? I installed a new high output stator two weeks ago as well. Is this normal? Or should it say 100% for quite a length of time before it begins to tell me that the battery capacity is going down or could I have a charging problem? Thank you for your comments and help. Chris
  6. Quick question: How much fork oil for each leg on my 1988 Royale? I've seen 14.5 oz. per leg. Is that the standard? I'm installing Progressive springs, so I hear that changes the capacity from normal fork oil changes. Thanks. Rusty
  7. Actually looks pretty cool. Might come in handy for folks who are pushing the envelope of their charging capacity. http://www.webbikeworld.com/r4/dispatch-1/
  8. I had the two side lamps installed when I bought my rstd new. they have a little toggle switch to turn them on and off. I thought they either stayed on all the time, or came on only on low beam. Is there any particular way these lamps are supposed to be used? or is it simply a matter of personal preference? I must admit, I can't tell that much difference as far as better visability when they're on, but maybe that's just because they're not aimed right. Another question I had was concerning the stator output capacity. I know the older Goldwings came from the factory pretty much at their peak handling capcaity, and you had to be careful about adding on additional light accessories. I was just wondering if the same was true for these yamahas? Thanks for your help. bill
  9. Rear tire....150/90B15.80H This has a air pressure capacity of 50lbs 150/90B15.74V This one 42 lbs???? Both tires have the same specifications
  10. Harbor Freight now sells, trailers made for motorcycles. 600 Lb. Capacity 78" Tag-Along Trailer http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/gifs/clear.gif 600 lb. load capacity for automotive and 200 lb. maximum capacity for motorcycle use 16.6 cubic feet of storage space Heavy duty 4.80 x 8" tires Universal 1-7/8" ball coupler Leaf spring suspension system Self-assisted hydraulic struts for easy lid opening Lockable shell includes two keys and has two additional side latches Includes coupler, safety chain, wiring harness, trailer light kit, and license plate holder 45 MPH maximum towing speed Bed dimensions: 41-3/8" L x 34-1/4" W x 3-1/2" H; Shell dimensions: 47-1/2" L x 38" W x 16" H; Tongue dimensions: 49-3/4" L x 2-1/2" W x 1-7/8" H x 14 gauge thick; Overall dimensions: 78" L x 44-1/2" W x 38" H Weight: 145.2 lbs. ITEM 66771-0VGA $429.99 http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/gifs/email.gifEmail link to a friend
  11. Does any one know the towing capacity for a 1st Gen?
  12. I purposely let my bike run out of fuel on the regular fuel petcock setting. I wanted to see how much fuel it would take. I filled up and noticed it only took 4.3 gallons arent these supposed to be 5.3 gallons with a 1.06 reserve or am I misreading it and the total capacity is 5.3 which includes the 1 gal res? (Though 6 gallons seems like alot for 1990.)
  13. Just like to let everyone know that Canadian Tire has the 1500 lb capacity Motorcycle/ATV Jack on for $59.88 April 5 to April 11. Bucky Thompson
  14. Has anyone used the air operated motorcycle lift from Harbor Freight? If so, how well did it work and would you recommend it? I have been looking at the 1200# capacity one and figure it would work great not only for changing oil, etc, but for detailing. Thanks in advance
  15. I have an 07 RSV with 1 busted & 1 rashed/cracked saddle bags. I have opportunity to get new/used bags that are off a Royal Star Custom Cruiser. I checked the "bandit" site and the stock #s are off a didget or so from ea other - but they look identical and have the same 9.3 cu in capacity. I think that they are the same bags. Anyone know if these are identical/same (except for lettering of model name on the hinge plate)?
  16. Any experience with these? I'm not thinking of getting one but it seems like an interesting alternative to those who are worried about the bikes electrical capacity. http://www.webbikeworld.com/r3/heated-vest/battery-heated-vest/2007-jett-vest.htm
  17. ...of the '83 VR's? When I first perused the owner's manual, I misread it's fuel capacity listing as 5.0 gals, when (just looking back into the booklet) I see that it is 5.0 quarts. At just 1-1/4 gallons (unless that was a typo) it's no wonder that I get the fuel gauge readings that I do. I could have sworn that the fuel capacity would have been greater than that. Don't get me wrong: I am not complaining - just remarking . I did get the chance to do a little riding, tonight. I filled up, and left here for Lewiston, NY. I rode back to Niagara Falls, to get myself a coffee, and saw that my gas gauge was reading empty - so I filled up again. I then headed back to Amherst, but decided - after getting back - that I didn't want to put the bike up, just yet. So I decided to take a run out to Springville. Once I got there, my fuel gauge was devoid of fill-level bars, so I pulled over to fill it up. I am guessing that the venture from Niagara Falls to Springville - the way that I made it - was no more than 80-90 miles. I am probably way off base, here, but I had assumed that I should be able to get pretty darn close to 200 miles, of highway riding, out of a tank of gas. If this is to fall under 'wishful thinking', that's OK: It will just mean more frequent fillings .
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