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Found 13 results

  1. GREAT AIR SHOW They carry more insurance on the models than on their RV's, with good reason. The trash cans at the flying field stay busy. It is considered a normal part of the hobby. http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=zYPag3LuKlA
  2. Just a heads up. I went down to look at the new gas cans that are contoured to fit into the saddlebag of a Harley. Really nice plastic cans sloped on one side to fit the shape of a saddlebag. But the lid of my Venture would not close with this can inside. So make sure you test before you buy. Mike
  3. has anyone tried mounting ammo cans to first gen? saw some on ebay for flares! big cans! i asked the seller to weigh them.
  4. well the bike is put away for the winter. and i went out today to find some seafoam to put in for the winter. i been every where from napa to o,rileys none on the shelves. but napa said they had a sister store 40 miles up the road and thay have a case of it. i then asked if they could have them send down a few cans? only need one but thought i would be nice and get 2 just for the hassle of them sending them to this store. the man said no but if you order the whole case we can do it? 12 cans at $8.50 per can? i politely left mubbling under my breath.. so question is? any other additive i can add? i once tried stabil in a motorcyle once and my carbs gummed up. STP any good? or just add carb cleaned to the tank? and let sit? i will not do anything till i figure it out. also since i now clean the storage office on weekends. yep got a little part time job. i clean and get free storage. and around 30 bucks for gas. thats my pay. so i thought hey would it hurt the bike to start it every weekend and just let it warm up for 15 or so minutes? then shut it down? this should keep the carbs in good working order. but still have some aditive in the tank..
  5. Hey guys, Wanted to pass a long some pics of the change over from the stock mufflers. Used the template measurements from earlier posts for the brackets and it worked great. I left the baffles intact on the RK cans for now as some guys mentioned the sound gets better with some miles - can always go back later and pop out one or both of them if I want more noise. Picked up the cans on Craiglist for $20 and $40 for the clamps so not a bad mod cost wise and took a short run yesterday and the sound is definitely better. The info on this site is invaluable - thanks to everyone. By the way '08 RSV I bought a month ago with 1600K on her - now 3600.
  6. Did a lot of research over the last six months, was ready to head down to Harbor Freight to begin the project.. When I received a call from someone who had just traded his RSV for a Rhino... something about the RSV note working well off-road..... Anyway - his loss was our gain.... Narrowed Harbor Freight trailer w/12 inch wheels, dual one gallon gas cans, cooler, cargo box, hitch, permant AZ plate and he even did the wiring for me... DANG! now i have no excuse to enforce the "pack-light" guideline... Have logged almost 100 miles so far - i notice it tends to wag a bit when empty and over 70mph. gotta be careful of that tendancy...
  7. Just thought that I'd pass this on I went to Meijer's today in Taylor Michigan and they had several cans of Seafoam in stock for $7.99 so I bought 2 cans which came to $15.98 When I checked out I got a big surprise when they applied a discount of $4.00 bringing the total to $11.98. (before taxes) What a deal. db
  8. Well, went over to SapperMedic's house this afternoon. Seems Mocha has a new ebony friend! A 1986 Venture Royale. Only has 18K miles and everything is intact w/out cracks. Has brand new Dunlop 404s on and had an E1 until I jiggled the wiring. (We'll get that and its buddy very soon) The pinstriping is tastefull and it has a nice set of grips. The intercom functions fairly well. Needs a wire or two chased. He got all the books including a service manual. A bag of spare gaskets and parts, and 2 DOT certified half helmets. The old girl needs SEA FOAM. She came from san Antonio over a year ago and hasn't been run even 200 miles since then. I figure 2 cans and some sporty running. Then fresh plugs, wires and a carbtune. So, look out world - got a bit of 1986 thunder coming out of S.A. And it has a VentureRider bell hung next to the clutch lever. Figured when it got full, a little flick at speed and out go the nasty little critters. JB
  9. Ok folks, Eileen and I got home yesterday. Now I will start thinking about repairing the new scratch on top of my saddle bag. A few questions for any of you who have done this. The scratch is not real deep but deep enough that I can feel it. I may be able to sand it out but am not sure. Should I even try or should I used some type of filler? If so, what would be the best thing to fill it with? I will probably just order some matching paint from Colorrite. I think that one of their aerosol cans would be enough but from the customer reviews that I read there, the aerosol clear coat that they sell does not work well. The reports are that it does not spray well from the cans and there is a lot of problem with bubbles, uneven spray, etc. Have any of you ever tried it? Would I be better off just ordering the pint size non-aerosol and primer and having it shot at a bodyshop?
  10. Got the tank unclogged, 81 honda cm400. was sitting since '84, all clogged up with tarnish + rust. unclogged petcock + tank with lauquer thinner soaking, got seaform now. My ??? is how do I use it to clean tank some more. I got 2 pint cans, should I mix it with anything or just put gas and seafoam in. I plan to reline the tank, any help is greatly needed.
  11. Hello all. I have decided that it is time to paint my bike. I don't know if many of you remember, but my '83 Venture is pinkish/red in color. It was the only first-Gen Venture I could find, and it just happened to be that color (which I really don't like). Anyway, I am going to paint the bike black. The concern is over my having to paint the certain components of my bike, while yet intact (particularly the fairing & fenders). I have no other choice, and realize that the painting will not look (in any way) even near professional. But that's all right. Being that I have to go about the job as described above, what might be your opinions as to the type of paint that I should use. I was thinking of some spray cans of Enamel (or Urethane, if it comes in such cans) by which to get the job done. I have never attempted such a thing before, and any help in this would be much appreciated.
  12. just curious. how many of you "old warriors", carry one of these on your keychain? not good for anything, anymore, with ALL cans being "pull top's.
  13. Given that I've had help from the forum with my wrenching fiasco, I'm doing a little myself. I have a set of gutted stock cans (mufflers) that I took off and did the RK Stage IV mod. I like them and won't put the stocker's back on. If you've toyed with gutting your stock cans, you can try these for the cost of shipping. I got a set of the RK cans off the RKR forum for shipping which was about $20. They are a bit tarnished but if you want to see what it's like they are yours for the shipping.
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