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  1. This site is very informative and worthwhile! Which ever diseases you click-on it gives you a video explanation! Interactive Sites For Medical Information The tutorials listed below are interactive health education resources from the Patient Education Institute. Using animated graphics each tutorial explains a procedure or condition in easy-to-read language. You can also listen to the tutorial. JUST CLICK ON A SPECIFIC AILMENT NOTE: These tutorials require a special Flash plug-in, version 6 or Above... If you do not have Flash, you will be prompted to obtain a free download of the software before you start the tutorial. Diseases and Conditions Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Acne AIDS Allergies to Dust Mites Alopecia Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Angina Anthrax Arrhythmias Arthritis Asthma Atrial Fibrillation Avian Influenza Back Pain - How to Prevent Bell's Palsy Brain Cancer Breast Cancer Burns Cataracts Cerebral Palsy Cold Sores (Herpes) Colon Cancer Congestive Heart Failure COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) Crohn's Disease Cystic Fibrosis Depression Diabetes - Eye Complications Diabetes - Foot Care Diabetes - Introduction Diabetes - Meal Planning Diverticulosis Endometriosis Epstein Barr (Mononucleosis) Erectile Dysfunction Fibromyalgia Flashes and Floaters Fractures and Sprains Ganglion Cysts Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) Glaucoma Gout Hearing Loss Heart Attack Hepatitis B Hepatitis C Hypertension (High Blood Pressure) Hypoglycemia Incisional Hernia Influenza Inguinal Hernia Irritable Bowel Syndrome Kidney Failure Kidney Stones Leishmaniasis Leukemia Low Testosterone Lung Cancer Lupus Lyme Disease Macular Degeneration Malaria Melanoma Meningitis Menopause Migraine Headache Mitral Valve Prolapse Multiple Myeloma Multiple Sclerosis Myasthenia Gravis Osteoarthritis Osteoporosis Otitis Media Ovarian Cancer Ovarian Cysts Pancreatitis Parkinson's Disease Pneumonia Prostate Cancer - What is it? Psoriasis Retinal Tear and Detachment Rheumatoid Arthritis Rotator Cuff Injuries Sarcoidosis Scabies Seizures and Epilepsy Sexually Transmitted Diseases Shingles Skin Cancer Sleep Disorders Smallpox Spinal Cord Injury Temporomandibular Joint Disorders (TMJ) Tennis Elbow Tinnitus Trigeminal Neuralgia Tuberculosis Ulcerative Colitis Umbilical Hernia Uterine Fibroids Varicose Veins Vasculitis Warts Tests and Diagnostic Procedures Amniocentesis Barium Enema Bone Densitometry Breast Lumps - Biopsy Bronchoscopy Colonoscopy Colposcopy Coronary Angiogram and Angioplasty CT Scan (CAT Scan) Cystoscopy - Female Cystoscopy - Male Echocardiogram Echocardiography Stress Test IVP (Intra Venous Pyelogram) Knee Arthroscopy Laparoscopy Mammogram MRI Myelogram Newborn Screening Pap Smear Shoulder Arthroscopy Sigmoidoscopy Ultrasound Upper GI Endoscopy Surgery and reatment Procedures Aorto-Bifemoral Bypass Cardiac Rehabilitation Carotid Endarterectomy Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Chemotherapy Cholecystectomy - Open Laparoscopic (Gallbladder Removal Surgery) Clinical Trials Colon Cancer Surgery Colostomy Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) C-Section Dilation and Curettage (D & C) General Anesthesia Heart Valve Replacement Hemorrhoid Surgery Hip Replacement Hip Replacement - Physical Therapy Hysterectomy Knee Replacement LASIK Massage Therapy Neurosurgery - What is it? Open Heart Surgery - What to Expect? Pacemakers Preparing for Surgery Prostate Cancer - Radiation Therapy Shoulder Replacement Sinus Surgery Stroke Rehabilitation Thyroid Surgery Tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy TURP (Prostate Surgery) Vaginal Birth Vasectomy Prevention and Wellness Back Exercises Coumadin - Introduction
  2. a1bummer


    I'm stuck sharing a room with IHTruck Guy and his wife!!! Buy the way, it was an awesome ride today on the Cancer Schmancer run fo Liz. Met lots of great people and life long friends. Picture to come later... Bill
  3. well as some here know the family had to put 2 of my aunts in a home. one suffers from dementia . the other one has lung cancer. the one with lung cancer was rushed from the home a week ago with breathing problems. today she stopped breathing. they now have her on a force breathing machine. it does not look good. the tumor is now in both lungs she has maybe 20% or less capacity. and it,s still spreading. her son my cousin is her last child out of 4 she out lived three of her children. right now all we can do is wait. doctors said she wont be comming out of the hospitial. just a matter of time. robert my cousin has a verry hard choice to make. he,s going to have to say pull the machine when the time the doctors say there is nothing more to do. my sister and i have not had to do that. but my mother died in my sisters house from bone cancer. my brother died in my arms from pancreatic cancer. in his apartment. with my sister by his side. my dad died from colon cancer . 20 minutes before i reached his bed side. my uncle died from lung cancer. this damn cancer took a lot of my family. and im realy tired of it. but what can a person do? when the good lord makes a call to you to come home that,s one call you cant put on hold. or let go to voice mail. well thanks everyone sincerly james AKA oldgoat
  4. Just got back from the prostate cancer ride in Victoria. Preliminary figures are $ 75,000.00 raised to fight prostate cancer. Did the poker run and pulled 4 aces and a 7. That was high hand for a 6 burner stainless steel bbq until someone showed up with a straight flush at the last moment. One unhappy thing, when we got on the ferry to go back to Saltspring one of the crew informed me that a biker had got off the ferry on their previous trip and got wiped out just outside the terminal. We had watched two ambulances and three fire trucks go by at that time. Don't have any other info. Hope it wasn't someone I know.
  5. Hello Friends: Lost my Dad to cancer in mid February Age 88. Mom (age 84) also has cancer and requested to be placed on hospice care yesterday. Neither parent ever drank or smoked. Horrible disease!! Blessed to have my parents as long as I have.
  6. i've been taking radiation treatments for prostate cancer for almost 7months,tried to take a ride last weekend but had to return home due to some major swelling, dr. visit monday sound a possible cause, it was confirmed today that cancer as spread to the right testis so i was told to stay off the bike, surgery to be scheduled soon but looks like i'm down for the yr at least. but for the rest of you please visit your dr follow hit orders ,, and ride safe this yr, "i'll be back" steve:325:
  7. Hello: For the first time in my life an immediate family member is close to passing. Hospice has been called in for my 88 year old Father. He has out lived his original liver cancer diagnosis more than one year longer than what was expected. We are so blessed!
  8. I know some of you here on VR may get tired of my postings about St. Jude and Cancer Research. But it is stories like this that break my heart and make my determination even stronger to raise funds to help find a cure for cancer. Small donations from large groups such as ours make a difference. I am not asking for donations, I am pleading for help for all the young cancer victims out there. You dont have to make your donations to me, you can make them via the Mean Dog Tribute page, you can become a partner in Hope at the St. Jude Web site. Its not about what I can do, its about what we all can do to make a difference. Please read this story and tell me it cant happen to you or your loved ones or a friend, cause it happens every day, every hour, every minute to someone's loved one. I know, it has happened to me, and just about every member here losing someone to cancer or someone battling cancer. "NEGU" WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!!!! RANCHO SANTA MARGARITA, Calif. (AP) — A Southern California girl who became a nationally recognized face of child cancer with a blog that chronicled her fight against brain tumors has died. Jessica Joy Rees was 12 years old. Jessica's family announced her death on her Facebook page, stating that her 10-month battle with brain cancer ended Thursday. Tens of thousands of people responded by posting updates to the page in a show of support that includes "likes" and prayers. By Friday afternoon the outpouring surpassed Jessica's goal to get one "like" for each of the estimated 50,000 American children with cancer. The Orange County seventh-grader, called "Jessie" by family and friends, began her blog and Facebook page after being diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor in March. A second tumor was discovered in September. While some of her posts discussed her struggles as she underwent radiation and chemotherapy treatments, others urged readers in dozens of countries to support pediatric cancer research and to pray for other children with the illness. She always signed her posts with the acronym "NEGU" (NEE'-goo), short for "never ever give up." Also, she and her parents started The NEGU Foundation, a nonprofit organization to raise awareness of pediatric cancer, support sufferers and raise money for research. The foundation sold and provided thousands of "JoyJars" stuffed with candy and toys to sick children. More than 3,000 were sold and distributed in 27 states last year, according to the NEGU website. After her diagnosis, Rancho Santa Margarita youngster received tickets to "American Idol" and arrived with signs that read "NEGU Casey" to support contestant Casey Abrams, the Orange County Register (http://bit.ly/yJwyF3) reported. Co-host Ryan Seacrest also allowed her to announce country singer, and eventual winner, Scott McCreery. Jessica wrote on Facebook that her mission was "to encourage kids fighting cancer to Never Ever Give Up by spreading hope, joy and love. A cheerful heart is great medicine." A celebration service was scheduled for Wednesday at the Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, where her father, Erik Rees, is a pastor.
  9. Ok so as you know I shaved my beard for Movember. http://venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=64942 All donations go here for prostate cancer reseach and awareness. http://ca.movember.com/mospace/1890780/ Sooo here is the video proof to show I did actually do it and did not use Carbon 1's picture. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nxFCruVcd7w]Shaving for Mens Cancer Awarness - YouTube[/ame]
  10. I was on Facebook, checking in on Brayden Shields, he was the little boy who asked to have his picture taken with us while we were touring the hospital. I came across this poem written by his mother and thought maybe this might help some of you decide to help Brayden and other patients like him..........I was moved to tears by it...... ~ I WAS BORN A SOLDIER ~ I have been forced into a battle That I did not choose to fight, But the enemy will wage on So I will fight with all my might. My battle gear I traded For hospital gowns, needles, and IV's. No shortage of supplies, St.Jude has all I'll need. I will survive this battle, Starting now not tonight. Cancer didn't know who it messed with When it picked this fight. I was born to be a soldier. And a soldier I will be. Till the end of it all Or when I hear "You're Cancer Free". Now Cancer..., Don't come back later looking for me. I will not be here. If you even think about it , I will beat you!!! Is that clear? by: Misty Shields http://photos-c.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/229224_1870028403318_1619367348_1806391_7049042_a.jpg~ I WAS BORN A SOLDIER ~ Like
  11. hi all not sure if this is the right place for this but here goes. at kregerdoodles mx saturaday i have come out and told the houston bunch that i have prostate cancer. i have known about this for about a month now. brad and lonna were the first to know and keeped it to them selves until i was ready to go public (as i feel ya'll are my family). i wanted to tell ya'll my self. i'ts in the early stages and i will be talking to my doctor wedesday about having the operation. i have read the old post here about other members haveing this cancer, and i just want to REMIND everyone that it's very important for our male love ones to have the psa blood test. i will keep everyone updated as time goes own. see ya'll down the road some where. reguards don c.
  12. Just got word from my siblings in Maine. My Mom's oncologist said her fight with stage 4 lung cancer may be coming to an end in the next few months. The cancer has spread to her liver and she is losing weight rapidly. The doctor told my Dad it's time to contact Hospice and make some final plans. Last week we were able to celebrate my parents 55th anniversary with all of her family. Close to 60 family members, including all 6 kids, spouses, grand children, and great grand children were able to attend. Mom told the doctor that this was all she was waiting for. My brothers, sisters, and myself only wish to pass along one thing: If you smoke, please, please stop before it's too late.
  14. My PGR buddy Al "War Dog" Burns and his wife Tonya were in a very bad motorcycle accident in Knoxville yesterday, and are in critical condition at University Hospital. Tonya was pronounced dead at the scene. Their kids are either there or are en route, and they may need some assistance with housing, since they are all from out of town and none of them are very well off financially (recent job losses and one who just had cancer surgery). If anyone is aware of some very inexpensive housing/hotel options in that area, please PM me and I'll pass it on to them. Please keep Al in your prayers. Here is the article I found about the accident: http://www.wbir.com/news/article/137882/2/One-dead-one-injured-after-Monroe-Co-motorcycle-accident Thanks.
  15. October 1 - 3 Benefiting Bikers fighting Breast Cancer A full weekend of relaxing and fun and food and entertainment !!! http://www.thelodgeatcopperhead.com/eventscopperhead.html
  16. Most might not recognize me after tomorrow night as I will be donating my pony tail to Wigs For Cancer victims. Been waiting for this for a while and it sort of short notice(only found out last Thurs at work)!Would have liked to have collected some donations also but as I said it was short notice and was not sure about parting with IT (hair) BUT it IS a GREAT cause.So wish me luck?(should be around 14" long)
  17. I have been dealing without having a job since January 2009. Finally started back to work this week as a Mechanical Design Engineer at a plant 5 miles from home. I am working in new product development, which is a nice area to be in. They make small electrical sensors for cars, appliances, water heaters & related stuff. Last job was a 55 mile commute one way, so the 5 mile drive is great . It is nice to be productive again. On the down side, my mother in law was diagnosed with terminal cancer a week ago. The cancer is so advanced , there is nothing they can do for her. She is an old Kentucky hills woman that never went to the doctor. She was taken to ER last week and diagnosed with pneumonia. They made her go to a regular doctor and he found a large mass on one of her lungs and cancer had spread to throat and lymph nodes. She has probably known that something was wrong for sometime, but never said anything. There is nothing that they can do for her. At this point they can't even drain her lungs again. They put her on morphine this afternoon. She is on a full face respirator that is doing most of her breathing for her. My wife and her brother & sisters are constantly with her at hospital. She can pass at any time now. Gary
  18. Here's another rider that I will assist as he travels the route "West of the Pecos" As a cancer survivor myself I can really appreciate what he is doing. http://web.me.com/tpurdom/Site/Welcome.html silverdeer
  19. Just got back from the Ride for Life in Victoria. It was their first ride. Miserable day ,rain,rain and more rain but we still had about 500 bikes out. Had about 1000 for the Ride for Dad. The difference is that all money raised on the Ride for Life goes to the local cancer clinic instead of going to Ottawa to be doled out. FYI the prostate cancer clinic in Victoria is the best in North America with a 95% survival rate as compared to 65% elsewhere. They called for a minute of silence and had a piper play a tune in recognition of "D" day, the allied invasion of Europe. Saw a couple first gens and a couple second gens there. Still had a good ride in the pouring rain. My oldest son was there, my youngest son buys odd ball bikes that are rarely on the road, and a friend who just bought his first bike. I told both of them I did not expect them to hang in as I was the only one who had experienced cancer ( twice now) but they both did. BBQ and band at the end of the ride. I met a couple who were examining my bike. They asked what it was. I told them and they said they had never heard of Yamaha or Venture. Obviously Yamaha has work to do. I think they were new Harley riders. I was surrounded by Hardleys and for the first time I noticed just how much bigger the Venture is than a Harley. It really stood out. Saw a guy trying to catch up to me going over the "hat". He was on a KTM or similar bike. I slowed down. I had been doing about 120 kph. I had to laugh. He had a jacket on but those yellow rain gear work pants with suspenders over the jacket. The pants were flaring out about 8 inches on each side. He was scooping up the rain as he rode. I think next year will be better.
  20. No, not me! I thought I'd pass this along though my knowledge is not complete. I received a letter from business associate the other day saying he was going to have prostate surgery, I found it disturbing because one of my customers had this diagnosis and went into hyperdrive to find alternatives to the standard surgery/impotence and a bag. He came up with several options, one of which involved cryogenics and the other which he ultimately chose: focused heat -burn the suckers! Since the FDA had not approved the procedure yet (It's been used for ten years in Europe) he went to the Bahama's to get this done, he still has a prostate because the treatment was targeted to cancer celss, he is not on a bag, his potency is at 95% (with the help of cialis) and should the cancer return this procedure can be repeated again and again. On top of that the insurance paid 90% of the treatment cost. (Which of course may go out the window with universal healthcare) So for us guys who are faced with this, I would urge you to consider alternatives before agreeing to going under the knife
  21. You got a bunch of pets, you got a bunch of problems. Just in the last couple of months we had to put on of our cats down due to cancer, one of the dogs was infested with whip worms and needed serious attention; and I just dropped another dog of who can't keep his feet under him, and is losing control of his bladder and bowels. No direct diagnosis, 'cause the vet had to go into surgery, but he's throwing terms around that don't sound good: stroke, tumor, cancer, cat scan, MRI, chemo ..... Methinks wife's not going to be happy with the outcome on this one (either). Lousy timing, right before Christmas!
  22. Actor Patrick Swayze dies at 57 Patrick Swayze, who starred in films such as "Dirty Dancing" and "Ghost," has died of cancer. » Family at his side
  23. Once again this year I will be participating in the Ontario B.E.A.T Cancer Ride (Bikers Ending All Types of cancer) I want to let our local members know about the ride, which will taking place Sept 27, 2009. The ride starts from Turtle Jack's on Fairview street in Burlington. Registration is 9:30 am. Last year I was on the executive committee for this ride, and raised over $3500 for the cause. This year I was not able to participate in that capacity, however I still will be riding for the cause. I have a personal page set up with the cancer society where you can find details about the ride, and more importantly you can pledge a few dollars online to the ride. Every little bit helps. I hope some of our local members will be able to join me that day for the ride, and I am hopeful that some of you will be generous, and help me raise some funds for a great cause, that touches far too many of us very close to home. The link to my site is below. Thank you, Sonny http://convio.cancer.ca/goto/sonnyrattan
  24. Well guys I just got back from the doctor and the ct scan was clear. I am cancer free. They are going to do radiation treatments to make sure they got all the cells but looks like I will live to ride again. Thank you for your prayers.. Curtis
  25. I am about to start off on a new adventure. The story starts with a very close friend of mine from my pipeband being diagnosed with cancer. This happened as we lost another member to same type of cancer. Paul is his name and he has had his thyroid and other items removed. Now they cant find any remaining cancer but doctors as they are wanted to bombard him with chemo and radiation. The toll it was taking on him was astronomical so he said enough is enough. Mind you they cand find any remaining cancer and they are doing this to him. Paul sought alternative treatment in a place in Arizona and will be there for for 6 weeks. Just before he left we were at his house around the campfire. In the last year he lost his business, he is getting divorced, and got cancer but he knows he has the band, his bike and his friends, Us. Just in a passing thought we suggested that we should fly out so see him while he is away. They say everyone needs something to look forward to and this became his motivation!!! Wild Hogs!!! With this we will be flying out to see my buddy. Four of us middle aged guys on the adventure of our life. Taking the weekend and riding to the Canyon. Bagpipes and drums in the saddle bags to play at the canyon. Some stories we will be able to tell and others will be under the "Vegas" rule. Since we started planning this the life that has come back to Paul is incredible!!! Stories for a lifetime! "Piper Hogs go Wild"!!!!!
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