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Found 18 results

  1. 2009 RSV. The previous owner replaced the self cancelling relay with one that does not cancel. I have the original, and would like to put it back in. I keep forgetting to cancel the turn signal myself. No answers last time I asked this, so maybe it is too stupid a question to bother with.
  2. I just found this PDF on how to mod the flasher relay on the Gen2 to work with LEDs and not have fast flashing and have the cancel and 4 way working. I found the doc here http://www.650ccnd.com/PDFs/Flasher_mod_Revised.pdf
  3. I want to add a single pushbutton that will override the fan sensor and run the cooling fan, but then reset when I start moving. I know how to wire up 3 relays to do a latch on fron a single press of a button and use a 12V trigger to reset it. I figure I can use the Turn signal cancel signal that will cancel the turn signals when you go above 25mph to reset my fan override. Does anyone know where that signal comes from and if it is 12 volts?
  4. Hi folks, have a (rare) problem on my Wing. The self cancel continues to self cancel even though it has already canceled successfully the first time. All signals are working fine and the blinkers cancel at rates I'm happy with but the continual clicking at the switch is a distraction as it attempts to continually turn off an already canceled signal. Any wisdom on this? Thanks! -JK
  5. My left turn signal is stuck in the on position in the following condition Left Turn on and flashing Will not cancel automatically Will not cancel manually Will not change to right turn Turned off then turned on and still flashing Ideas thoughts or suggestions??? Thanks
  6. I replaced my broken speedo cable, the good part is that I can now see how fast i am not going and the odometer works again ass well. Unfortunately the self cancel feature on the blinkers which used to work, does not! Any thoughts??
  7. my turnsignals seem to have a mind of their own. some times they work, some times they dont, the hazard switch works when the signals work. seems to me, that something with the self cancel is buggering up. is there a way to delete, bypass, remove this feature, and just have the signals work from the switch? ive ridden for years, and its habit to cancel them myself anyway, id rather just have em work when i want em to. any help??
  8. My turn signals seem to have developed a problem, or have had it and I just didn't realize it. They flash fine and all, but only when I hold the switch over. When I release it, they don't stay on, they cancel. It should stay flashing until the button is pushed in instead of to the side, correct? Any ideas on where to start searching?
  9. A while back I replaced my signal light unit on the handlebar because mine was the kind where you push the lever down to cancel and I wanted to kind you push in. Since I have had this one, I have had a strange issue. When I turn the signal on, it works and cancels in the correct amout of time and it will manually cancel when I push the button in. The problem is I can go a distance after I use it and it cancels and sometimes when I come to a stop, it will start blinking again. I have to manually push it in to cancel. This is frustrating as there have been several times I have come to an intersection and it will start blinking, for in the last way it was used. This has had people cross in front of me because they think I am turning. Has anyone else experienced this problem or have any suggestions? RandyA
  10. Hey Boss! I must have push, toggled, set, bent, folded or mutilated a setting along the way because every post I make is automatically subscribed to. HOW CAN I STOP THIS????? I have looked how to cancel but I can't find what I did or how to stop it. How about a little education for a dunce in this department. Much appreciated! Thanks in advance Bubber
  11. I upgraded my front turn signals to LEDs and now they flash faster than normal.. Knew it might happen.. Wondering if this http://www.customled.com/products/flasher_relay/flasher_relay.htm will work on the Venture, and still keep the auto cancel feature.. I've read somewhere non-load dependent replacement flasher won't work with auto cancel signals??? Or would I be better off just getting the 7.5 ohm load. http://www.customdynamics.com/loadequalizer.htm
  12. Hello guys, great to be here, (first post). I ran a search ... but unconclusive. I use my uncle's 05 RSTD ... you know ... ... to keep motorcycle running for him. I used the cruise control, then after a few moments, pressed cancel. A few minutes later, I wanted to use the cruise control again, but, could not, ... the cancel button stayed pressed in. I was unable to get it to come back up. (Cruise control light goes "On" on dash). I do not have the Repair Manual (which I definitely want to get) to reference. H E L P ... any suggestions would be grately appreciated. Thanks, Rob
  13. While the bike is apart this winter I want to upgrade the flasher to a modern flasher that can handle LED lights. I see that the flasher needed is a 3 wire type but I'm confused as to how the canceller works. What signal does the canceller send to the flasher? does it send it a +12V when it wants to cancel the flasher? does it ground it? I have the wiring diagram but it does not explain how the flasher system works at all. I'm trying to figure out what kind of flasher to buy that will go in place and support LED turn signals and still retain the bikes functionality. What speed does the flasher cancel trigger? How to I make it more reliable as it sometimes does not cancel and sometimes it does. Thanks!
  14. I have decided that I just cant make it to the Intl Rally in August so I was gonna cancel my room at the Hub. I dont know if they will let us transfer reservations from my name to anyone elses but if anyone wants a triple room at the Hub maybe give them a call to find out if its possible. Its sposed to have a fridge and 3 beds. Please let me know if youre interested so when I call to cancel I can give them your name, Then you can call them to finalize things. I will take the first name that lets me know if its possible to transfer the reservation. I would love to go, but the summer is just not long enough to fit everything in. SO you guys better take lots of pics so I dont miss anything..... Brian
  15. Well it would appear that we will not be able to make it to ES this year. Cindy and I were really looking forward to getting away for a few days. Even paid to have the daughter fly out from Ohio to watch Haylie. Well anyway, I have to cancel the hotel and if anyone on here would like the room I can tell the hotel when I call to cancel our reservations. I will be calling around noon tomorrow central time to cancel. Dale
  16. I notice my turn signals sometimes auto-cancel, and sometimes I have to turn them off. How do they work? Do they cancel after a time-out, after leaning into a turn, etc? My owners manual doesn't seem to mention it.
  17. On my 83, to manually cancel the signal lights, I have to push down on the button. On Squidleys 86 that I rode, to manually cancel, I pushed the button in. This was the same as my 79 850 Special I had before the Venture. I like the push style much better. I did not remember to look closely at squid's bike to see if it is the same basic set up as my Standard 83 with his being a Royale. I know there is more controls above it that I don't have, but I forgot to look at how they attached. When was the changeover on this and what will fit mine with the "push in cancel"? My auto cancel works, sometimes I like to cancel quicker. RandyA
  18. Weather was 50 degrees, so I took the bike out for a WET ride. Everything going great and then my cruise went off all by it self and I could not get it on again. Shut it off turn it on, Nothing. Few miles further down the road as I kept pushing set, cancel, set, cancel, etc. I shifted my feet off the highway pegs and realized my heal had been resting slightly against the rear brake. Guess What. :whistling:Cruise works! What a relief thought I was going to have to tear into the switch or maybe replace it. Next time this happens, I think I check my feet first. Jay
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