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  1. There's Nothing Less Dangerous Than Canadians ???? I'm not sure about that. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/03/19/funniest-police-blotters-ever_n_837942.html?ref=fb&src=sp#s255076&title=Theres_Nothing_Less
  2. This was sent to my by a 'nam buddy. Thought I would share it with the other vets here. http://www.virtualwall.org/iStates.htm This may also be of interest to our Canadian members. There are 58 Canadians listed on the wall. For those that may not know it, there were over 40,000 Canadians who served with the US Forces in Vietnam. Almost made up for the 50,000 Americans that went to Canada to avoid the draft.
  4. mraf


    You Canadians have it made.
  5. ...in the middle of a cold snap with the bike sitting in the living room it may be difficult to be proud of the country you live in...so I thought I'd post this a-political list in an attempt to cheer up my comrades...(actually, Charlie sent it to me because he was too chicken to post it) CANADIAN.... Eh ! http://sn127w.snt127.mail.live.com/mail/SafeRedirect.aspx?hm__tg= http://sn127w.snt127.mail.live.com/mail/SafeRedirect.aspx?hm__tg= So, What Do We Canadians Have To Be Proud Of ? 1. Smarties 2. Crispy Crunch, Coffee Crisp 3. The size of our footballs fields, one less down, and bigger balls. 4. Baseball is Canadian - First game June 4, 1838 - Ingersoll , ON 5. Lacrosse is Canadian 6. Hockey is Canadian 7. Basketball is Canadian 8. Apple pie is Canadian 9. Mr.. Dress-up beats Mr. Rogers 10. Tim Hortons beats Dunkin' Donuts http://sn127w.snt127.mail.live.com/mail/SafeRedirect.aspx?hm__tg= 11. In the war of 1812, started by America , Canadians pushed the Americans back past their White House. Then we burned it, and most of Washington .. We got bored because they ran away.. Then, we came home and partied........ Go figure. 12. Canada has the largest French population that never surrendered to Germany . 13. We have the largest English population that never ever surrendered or withdrew during any war to anyone, anywhere. EVER. (We got clobbered in the odd battle but prevailed in ALL the wars). 14. Our civil war was fought in a bar and lasted a little over an hour. 15. The only person who was arrested in our civil war was an American mercenary, he slept in and missed the whole thing. He showed up just in time to get caught. 16. A Canadian invented Standard Time. 17. The Hudsons Bay Company once owned over 10% of the earth's surface and is still around as the world's oldest company. 18. The average dog sled team can kill and devour a full grown human in under 3 minutes. (That's more information than I need!) 19. We know what to do with all the body parts of a buffalo. 20. We invented ski-doos, jet-skis, Velcro, zippers, insulin, the paint roller, roller skates, duct tape, the jolly-jumper, air conditioned vehicles, the Zamboni, the barcode, the Blackberry, the telephone, the electric car, the goalie mask, the pacemaker, and the snow blower. 21. Even the light bulb was invented by a Canadian (Henry Woodward patented it in 1874). The patent was bought by some obscure American named Edison who improved upon the design and took credit for inventing it. 22. We ALL have frozen our tongues to something metal, and lived to tell about it still speaking proper English. 23. A Canadian invented Superman. 24. Our elections only take one day, and we prorogue parliament (quit and go home) when our politicians fight too much. 25. We have coloured money. We regulate our banks, and although we'd never admit it, we really like paying taxes. 26. Our beer advertisements rock {Incidently...so does our beer} BUT MOST IMPORTANT ! The handles on our beer cases are big enough to fit your hands with mitts on. OOoohhhhh.... Canada !! http://sn127w.snt127.mail.live.com/mail/SafeRedirect.aspx?hm__tg=
  6. wrongway just called and said the canadians are coming. guess linda better make some coffee. let the party start in st. charles. :clap2:
  7. Back from the circle tour around Lake Superior, What a great ride. Sunny and warm days the whole trip, except for Superior Wisconsin which we were told NEVER gets warm. And to those crazy Canadians, is 90km/hr just a mild suggestion as to what speed to drive? At 90 EVERYONE from Grandma on her way to bingo to the double loaded semi driver will run you over. So we made good time through Canada. If you are ever near the Keweenaw Peninsula you must drive M-26 from Eagle River to Copper Harbor, there's no better road in Michigan bar none. Now some of you may of heard of this, we went in a little restaurant and they had a Ruben sandwich, BUT instead of using corned beef, they used fresh caught Lake Superior White Fish. Sounded strange was VERY good. 83 VR ran great. Mileage from 36mpg (keeping in front of Canadians) to 48mpg just tooling around. If you have never done the circle tour it's worth doing. Saw quite a few 1st gens but only 2 2nd gens. Need the 1st gen speed to keep from being run over. lol.
  8. Let me offer our sincere apologies to our Canadian members. September 18, slipped right by us and no one even bothered to mention that it was the 249th anniversary of the British defeat of the French for the control of Canada. A very auspicious day for the Canadians. Now, according to the Honeraby Lloyd Axworthy (who I fent to school with) that next year, on the 250th anniversary, they are finally going to tell the French...
  9. Guest

    It's over....

    I want to take a moment, now that the 2008 International VentureRider Rally is over, to thank everyone who came to Kitchener and supported this event. I know that I had a great time seeing some old friends again, and making some new friends. As I said at the wrap-up dinner...all the planning in the world doesn't mean a thing if nobody shows up....those that were there should pat yourselves on the back for coming out, and for making the event what it was. I'm tired...gonna put my feet up....pour some Havana Club and try to clear my mind of certain events that occurred this week involving some "questionable" attire of some of my fellow Canadians.
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