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  1. Greetings, My wife and I are heading on a week long trip to the North Shore with stops in Thunder Bay then west to Kenora and then back to the USA into the headwaters of the Mississippi River. We have secured most of our lodging with friends and family, but are spending 2.5 days in Canada and have yet to nail that down. Passports updated, bike is being serviced and updated by someone I consider an expert. Currently looking for passing lamps for my 2007. I have the mount...need the lights. Any advice about this trip, roads, cash vs credit cards, what to expect at the boarder would be welcome. Thanks, LTC Steve
  2. Part Source has it on sale. Regular $12.49 now $9.59. Sale until May 3
  3. Well, I have most of the info anyway. I have negotiated what I believe is a good price...if you don't agree, sorry. Anyone who wants just diaphragms, I have negotiated a price with Sirius Consolidated, here in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada. They don't deal with the slider kits, just diaphragms. Regular price for a set of four was $89.00.....we can get a set of four for $60.00 US or $15.00 for one, if you don't need four. They will ship to anywhere in Canada or United States for $5.00 per order. If you want to order from them, direct your email to Martin at this email address: sci@siriusconinc.com and indicate that this is a VentureRider order, for that price. Their part number is called SD-1 I am working ( slowly through emails ) with an outfit called Carb Kit Capital for slide assemblies but haven't got a firm price from them yet. I'll post that when I get it.
  4. Now this is a picture of winter,, lucky them. Ottawa Ontario, Canada.
  5. Does anybody have a set of Ball milled ones they would like to sell or no of anyone that does. Have called and emailed at least 40 yamaha dealers. How about our friends to the north? Anybody in Canada.
  6. When I was in India recently, I saw a sign that said, 'English speaking taxi driver'. I thought to myself, "What a brilliant idea. Why don't we have them in Canada?"
  7. I just ordered one of those $98 Drift Cameras. Once I get it and have it figured out on how to use it and post video on here I'll show you folks what eastern Ontario riding is all about. Ordered IN CANADA! total price was 110.74 including shipping (that's to Ontario with 13% HST) I know there was another thread on these cameras and the supplier mentioned there did not ship into Canada http://www.visions.ca Sale ends tomorrow
  8. My wife and I are planning a month long tour in September thru October. We plan on riding into Ottawa Canada to visit my wife long lost relatives. I will be riding my 08 RSV and trailer and a sidecar. Could there be a problem with us crossing into Canada? What documents do I need to take? What about inspections of my bike sidecar and trailer? Rick A.
  9. Hi there. A buddy and I are leaving Long Island for a week ride. Original plan was to head south, Dragon, Skyline, Blue Ridge, etc but felt the south in August would be way too hot. So now we are thinking North. Been over most of upstate NY, Mt Greystone, MA, Mt Washington NH, Nova Scotia. I'm struggling for a good set of destinations and routes anywhere in Maine promarily nut also northern new Hampshire, vermont, eastern Canada. Kinda thinking about a loop up the east coast, up the US/ Canada border, coming back down NY to long island. I was also thinking of heading west to Michigan, central Canada, back thru ny. Anyway, any ideas would be appreciated Andrew
  10. Wishing a belated Happy Canada Day to all my brother and sister Canucks!!
  11. I was wondring if anyone has looked into or even tried one of these batteries. I was talking to someone today and their son bought one. He was saying we can't get them in Canada. From what I've read they seem like a god idea. http://sepbatteries.com/super-b-2600-lithium-battery
  12. Looks like ( Larry, Joe & I) we're going South of the border into Canada tomorrow. We'll make our way up to Sarnia for the return trip, who knows where we'll go in between both bridge crossings. Maybe Grand Bend. Any of our Canadian friends wanna meet for lunch or suggest some good roads to ride? Any more riders coming speak up now.
  13. OK, I need confirmation on this from our friends up in Central Canada !! Yesterday, I was at a Ham Radio Convention, in SeaSide, Oregon. ( a yearly event ) I ran into a fellow from Calgary Canada ( An older fellow, as myself ). The discussion went to Gas Price's !!! ( much higher in Canada, he tells me ) My point, here, he say's a personnel friend of his works for one of the companies extracting Crude Oil, in the Oil sands area up there. ( North of Montana ) This fellow told him that the Cost of extracting the Crude from the Shale Sands, up there is about $25.00 a barrel, when the stuff is ready for shipping to Refineries. (( Of course there is no pipe line, so they send the stuff to China )) So, can any of our Canadian Friends, here confirm what this fellow told me. Being a fellow Ham Radio Operator, I tend to believe him. But, you never know, so I'm looking for any confirmation here, as to the cost of crude oil from Centeral Canada ??:whistling:
  14. Hi Folks, Partshark say we will not get stuck with the extra charges UPS is so famous for when sending to Canada. Any Ontario folk have any experience with them? Was it as stated?
  15. I'm a RSV 2007 and I would like to replace my original headlamp by a more efficient headlight. Please give me your suggestion of replacement. Louis Quebec, Canada
  16. What does it take/require to transfer a bike from Canada to US?? Ohio will be state titled in. $1200 value. Gary
  17. I only have 3 left of these, and one is on hold for now. If you want one later it will cost much more. So for $21.00 US and $23 Canada you can own one of these tools.
  18. On my way to Sudbury to deliver a load,I got held up and was able to spend Monday nite with Hal and Gayle......Then I got ahold of Charlie and met him for coffee....... Always good to see my Canadian friends.... And Rhonda,I'll see ya next time when Brad's in Milwaukee:whistling:..........lmao
  19. Don't know if any one has noticed the price drop on the Venture in Canada.... Taken from Cycle Canada Site.... Yamaha Motor Canada has announced sizeable price reductions on many of their 2012 motorcycles, including models like the Raider, V-Star 950 and R1. This brings suggested retail pricing on Canadian products more in line with U.S. prices, says Yamaha. “Due to market fluctuations and inventory levels, we weren’t able to address the pricing gaps of the last few years as quickly as we would have liked,” commented Peter Swanton, National Sales Manager, Motorsports for Yamaha Canada. “But to kick off 2012, we’re well positioned to bring about this price reduction. Yamaha customers can now get many models for the same price they would have paid 7 or 8 years ago, even with the product technological advances that have happened in the meantime.” While prices for some machines remain unchanged, many key models will have significant reductions, says Yamaha. For example the Royal Star Venture S's current price of $23,899 drops to $19,999, a $3,900 difference, and the FJR 1300 drops $3200 to $16,999. If it's a litrebike you're interested in, Yamaha's newly traction controlled R1 is now $1,800 cheaper at $14,999.
  20. Rick & Marilyn and kids stayed with us for a few days for shopping and fun. We had a great visit and dinner, We talked of the great people we have met on this site and the good rides we have had with the people we have met here. How much the people we have met on this site mean to us and the Pork in the Pines. It was sad for them to have to go back to Canada so quickly. They could have stayed for another week. We mis hearing A-BOOT and EH (lol). Now it is our turn to go to Canada, hope your trip back is a safe one………….Ron
  21. I'm beginning to plan this summers big trip and we are considering a ride from Central Ky to Banff National Park and Lake Louise. I think I wold like to go north to MN and then NW through ND and cross into Canada at Portal. From there follow hwy 39 to the Trans Canada Highway and then go west to Calgary. From the maps some of that are looks to be sparsley populated. Can anyone give me info on the route. Are there adequate fuel stops and lodging along the route? Are the highways in good shape? After visiting the Banff area we would probably drop back south and go through Glacier National park again and then on south to Yellowstone and Jackson Hole before turning back east. Just starting to think about the trip and direction. Thanks, Dennis
  22. Most Canadians will recognize Rick Mercer as the CBC's host that visits everywhere in Canada taking a humourous and interesting look at us Canucks doing the strange things in our day to day lives. He was in town about 2 weeks ago for the Canada Western Agribition, (Canada's Largest Livstock Show) and this is his time spent learning about the cattle industry. http://www.cbc.ca/video/#/Shows/The_Rick_Mercer_Report/1233563683/ID=2174348192 Brian
  23. http://www.vancouversun.com/news/pistol+packing+seniors+fined+after+border+bust/5827447/story.html Thought some of you might find this interesting. Two Americans fined $20,000 for not declaring 6 guns at the border into Canada I thought the articles closing paragraph was "interesting" "Outside, Barr was asked why they were carrying so many guns, and he said he’d heard that northern Canada was wild and dangerous — “a bit like it was in the old covered wagon days.”
  24. For all Yamaha Models, here is a listing from Transport Canada for the Canadian Owners. The most recent V-Star recall is included. http://wwwapps.tc.gc.ca/Saf-Sec-Sur/7/VRDB-BDRV/SEARCH/SearchResult.aspx?lang=eng&mk=2032!4783&md=0&fy=0&ty=9999&ft=&ls=0&sy=0
  25. Canadians & Americans Hey, we can make a difference if we try. How is it possible to ship food from China cheaper -- than having it produced in Canada or at least the U.S.? FOR EXAMPLE THE "OUR FAMILY" BRAND OF THE MANDARIN ORANGES SAYS RIGHT ON THE CAN FROM CHINA .. SO FOR A FEW MORE CENTS I BOUGHT THE LIBERTY GOLD BRAND OR THE DOLE IS FROM CAL .. ALL "HIGH LINER" AND MOST OTHER FROZEN FISH PRODUCTS COME FROM CHINA OR INDONESIA . THE PACKAGE MAY SAY "PACIFIC SALMON" ON THE FRONT, BUT LOOK FOR THE SMALL PRINT. MOST OF THESE PRODUCTS COME FROM FISH FARMS IN THE ORIENT AND THERE ARE NO REGULATIONS ON WHAT IS FED TO THESE FISH. ALSO WATCH FOR PICKLES. A LOT OF THE NO-NAME PICKLES COME FROM INDIA . BICK'S HAVE RECENTLY CEASED OPERATIONS IN CANADA -- DON'T BUY THEM . Another example was in canned mushrooms. No-Name brand came from Indonesia. Next to them were President Choice brand. Produce of Canada!! The P. C. went into my grocery bag. Also check those little fruit cups we give our children. They use to be made here in Canada in the Niagara region until about 2 years ago.....They are now packaged in China !!!! While the Chinese, export inferior and even toxic products and dangerous toys and goods to be sold in Canadian markets, the media wrings its hands and criticizes the Harper Government for perceived errors. Yet 70% of North Americans believe that the trading privileges afforded to the Chinese should be suspended!! Well, duh. Why do you need the government to suspend trading privileges? SIMPLY DO IT YOURSELF CANADA!! Simply look on the bottom of every product you buy, and if it says 'Made in China ' or 'PRC' (and that now includes Hong Kong), simply choose another product, or none at all. You will be amazed at how dependent you are on Chinese products, and you will be equally amazed at what you can do without. Who needs plastic eggs to celebrate Easter? If you must have eggs, use real ones and benefit some Canadian farmer. Easter is just an example; the point is not waiting for the government to act.. Just go ahead and assume control on your own. Canadian Thermos bottles were made here for many years.. Thermos sold out in the 1990's and now the bottles, those that keep our food warm or cold are now made in CHINA .. We lost---about 200 jobs! THINK ABOUT THIS, If 200 million North Americans refuse to buy just $20 each of Chinese goods, that's a billion dollar trade imbalance resolved in our favour...fast!! The downside? Some Canadian businesses will feel a temporary pinch from having foreign stockpiles of inventory. Just one month of trading losses, will hit the Chinese for 8%, of their North American exports. Then they will at least have to ask themselves if the benefits of their arrogance and lawlessness were worth it. START NOW and don’t stop. Send this to everybody you know. Let's show them that we are intelligent Canadians, and NOBODY can take us for granted. If we can't live without cheap Chinese goods for one month out of our lives, WE DESERVE WHAT WE GET! Pass it on, North America !! I DID!!
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