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  1. Hey all, I'm looking to get out there finally and do some motorcycle camping with my lady. Anyone have any good recommendations for a good tent? I've been eye balling this one ( https://redverz.com/atacama/?utm_medium=googleshopping&utm_source=bc&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIvpbl8-a37wIVEhvnCh1_ewcfEAQYAyABEgKLC_D_BwE ) Also, any tips on how to gear up the bike for a long trip like that? I tried before and had way to much weight on the back, wondering how I can maybe put some gear (tent and tarp at least) on the front end. Stay safe out there! -Zach
  2. one of my winter projects this year is an eck style camper. i bought a new doolittle cargo trailer. so far i have wired it with 110 outlets , a porch light, interior outlets and lighting. black friday came at the right time. i have a mini refrigerator, microwave, coffee maker, hot plate , and gas grill. this poor mans camping is getting expensive. it is alot cheaper than a toy hauler. the only things i have left, is air conditiong, and an awning. i owe eck some coffee so i need to go to a meet where eck is at. maybe vogel next year. how about it eck? snarley bill
  3. Went camping this weekend with Dokon and Missy. We were trying out a new place right across the street from Deadwood. First off this is a really new place and nobody was there but us. Bathrooms are great they also have a laundry room. Cost? How's $15 to tent camp per night? I'm not sure how much it is for RV's I think it's around 35 or 45 a night. The man that owns it is really nice he came by when we got there and again when we were leaving to chat. They do have a pool but it is extra to use it I think like $6. Not unreasonable since the camping rates are so cheap. Plus they do have a small camp store. So you will see pics of us all camping, across the street eating at Deadwood, playing putt putt then ADC and his wife and son Josh stopped and we all had ice cream. Plus I posted pics of the campground mostly the bathroom. Talk about quiet. Once Deadwood shuts down for the night that's it. Will give us some more options when we have meets there for those who are willing to camp. There are no cabins. Margaret
  4. Anyone planning to go to the festival? I'm considering going and camping. http://www.jerusalemridgefestival.org/about_jerusalem_ridge/
  5. well here goes, i want to get back into camping and don't know which way to go. a pull behind camper would be nice, motels are probably cheaper but not as much fun minus the rain and a cargo trailer could be used for camping of for long road trips. if i go with the cargo trailer i don't know if I'm still able or willing to sleep on the ground. please give any info you can,thanks.
  6. The NY crew will be setting up at pioneer on saturday july 21st at noon...and I believe steamer will be camping there that night....The registration table will be manned on sunday starting at around noon so that you can pick up your registration packets and set up your camp if you are staying there........PLEASE CHECK IF YOU HAVE SIGNED UP FOR THE MIXER AT CHANDERSONS THAT EVENING.....I NEED THE EXACT COUNT AS THE CLUB WILL BE CHARGED PER PERSON AT THIS EVENT...If you will not be attending the mixer, please remove your name from the calendar... have a safe ride here .... ps...RocknRobin will be camping there too !!!! she 's so touchy lately......
  7. Hey fellow riders, I have a brand new to me 2007 Midnight Venture, only back and forth to work and quick trips so far, just filled up for the first time since I brought it home full. Mostly pleased so far, its a giant compared to any other Ive owned. We are gonna put about 500 miles on it this weekend and Ive never had so much storage. No camping, just 3 days of ride time, friends house etc. So whats in your bags? I havent really got anything organized in there, but have the stock tool kit- unlooked at yet, jackets, chaps, gloves, snacks, water, cleaning stuff, the highway pegs that just got here, uuhmmm- thats about it;)
  8. Anyone from here going to gathering of the guard this coming weekend. I will be there camping let me know if your going and we can meetup. John
  9. I am going camping with my motorhome this weekend in upper Fla at Spirit of the Suwannee Music Park 3076 95th Drive Live Oak, Florida 32060 I will be there Sat -Monday if anyone wants to take a ride and visit I will have the bbq grill ready. Tom
  10. Inspecting the bike in preparation for our 4 day weekend camping trip (putting our Leesure Lite trailer to it's firt test) into the interior of BC and what do I find??? ... a f&^%@ nail in my rear tire! New Elite III just over 4000 miles on it. Pulled the nail out and it's about a 2 inch brad. Decided to plug the hole coz it's pretty small ... waddya think? Am I gonna be good to go? (figgure I'll get a few conflicting responses to this Q ) If I have to replace the tire before we leave, it will set us back by at least a day and as a result, we may loose our camping spot. ggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  11. I am planning to do the LSCT this summer and I think it should be easy to do in 8 days, counting the day to the Circle Route from North Central Illinois and the day spent going home from the Circle Route. IOW, I think we will spend 6 days on the Circle Tour. I am interested in your experiences on this Tour (on a motorcycle, of course). We (Deb and I) don't plan on making any "Iron Butt" runs while on this trip. I am currently planning for the longest day to be 265 miles from Marathon, Ontario to Grand Marais, Minnesota. Any suggestions for places to stay and for places to eat and for places to "don't miss"? Although I am thinking to take this ride in August, do any of y'all think otherwise? We haven't decided if it will be a camping trip or motels or both. If, camping I will be pulling a trailer. Is the camping a good idea for old folks like us?
  12. Sailor

    toy run

    That time of year again. Gearing up for the annual toy run. I am Santa again and leading the run. For anyone interested google Saltspring toy run for info. We have camping, games, beer garden, etc. Lamb roast and music by Auntie Kate. We raised a lot for underprivliged kids last year and this year is looking even better. Sept 3rd is the run. Got groups coming on the 2nd for camping and staying until the 4th.
  13. Looking to find out who is camping @ Vogel and has space on the plot for 2 newbies to camping and willing to give us a guiding hand at this. We had planned on hoteling it, but hubby is itching to try out the new tent. Let us know! Kat
  14. Checking to see who might be going to Laconia. I am leaving from Wareham, MA on Friday morning, the 17th, and staying thrue the weekend. Don't know anybody up this way, be nice to have someone to hang out with, plan on camping somewhere, guess I will figure that out when I get up there. Let me know, leave a message or call me on my cellphone, number is in my profile.
  15. I rode from Buckley to South Prairie to Ohop Lake to Eatonville to Alder Lake State Park. Checked out a couple of camping sites then back. Put some more Seafoam and toped off the gas tank. VR ran perfect.
  16. I am going to start here and then go to the rally section. During our ride Tuesday, Lady Linda and I started talking about a little vacation get together this summer. We have thrown out a couple of suggestions about Asheville and have gotten some response. At this moment, I am thinking about taking the week of June 4th thru 12th and taking the little camper and spending the first part of that week maybe camping at several different campsites. Then about Wednesday or Thursday, pulling into Asheville. Rather than trying to put together any kind of rally, since this is the year for Vogal, I am just thinking that I may just say we are planning on being there for some camping and riding and if anyone wants to join us, come on down. This is really not much different than usual, as Asheville has always been a pretty low key event, but I would like to see if there is any interest. The main thing is, if we load up the little camper, we will have to pack as light for camping as possible. If we are going to spend the last part of the week at Asheville, and we have some interest in others joining us, then I will set the camper and make a trip across the mountain back to Johnson City to bring all the extra stuff, like the big canopy, bunches of chairs and all that other stuff that we can't seem to do without. Anyway, got to go for now and we will see what others are interersted in. Thanks, RandyA
  17. Camping Pics at Queen Wilhelmina Ark:twing:
  18. I have been thinking of going this year, any information would be helpful. Either tent camping or motel, wondering which would be best. Though of bring my camping gear but staying at a motel during the show. Thought maybe the rowdy's might make camping less fun. I would likely camp one night on the way up from Virginia and then after the show go on over into New England camping for a few days, Thoughts and comments appreciated
  19. Military Camping & RV Website Link: http://old.armymwr.com/portal/travel/paths/ Enjoy the savings
  20. I couldn't make the m/e yesterday and was just wondering how it went. I will be going to bike week in Daytona and camping at the Cabbage patch and hope to meet some peeps then.
  21. I love to camp. This past week end was a camping date for me. Found out real quickly I needed a new tent for wind and cool temps. Need some help on picking a tent that has windows and doors that can be covered. Also want a tent with rain fly that goes to the ground. Something of a 4 season type.
  22. So we've been planning this biking/camping trip since last spring. Bought a trailer, bought all the camping gear we'd need, made our plans and a few reservations, checked the weather forecast, loaded up and headed out Sep 4th early AM. First stop Osoyoos, BC for 3 nights/2 days of camping in one of BC's "hot spots". Booked a spot right next to the lake. Planned to soak up the sun, swimming, rent a sea-doo, go trail riding... blah blah.... and it all went downhill from here. The wind was so bad we could barely pitch our tent. Sand was blowing into everything. We slept overnight and in the morning the wind was still blowing and picking up so down came the tent and we headed out. Rode into Trail and stayed a night in a motel, visited some relatives and headed out the next morning. Weather wasn't too bad up to this point but that would be the last we'd see of the sun and any warmth for the next several days. We were bundled up pretty good to keep warm and dry and rode the Nelson, Balfour ferry, Creston route in cloudy, cool, and some rain ending up in Cranbrook, BC. Original plan was to camp over here for a couple nights but, no such luck as it was still cloudy, a bit of rain, and quite cool so, another night in a motel. Left Cranbrook the next morning and headed north to Radium, thru the park to Banff and on to Calgary. Again, the weather just wasn't with us so into a motel we go and stayed over a couple nights to visit friends. Poured rain the first night and all the next day so we decided to rent a car to get around .... just our crappy luck all they had was a Mustang convertible...oh well lol. Original plan was to ride to Biggar Sask to visit Nina's mom, stopping over at Drumheller but considering the weather forecast, we elected to leave the bike and trailer in Calgary and take the rented car. Due to this added cost, we also shortened our trip there and went straight to biggar, only stopping there for 2 nights, then back to Calgary. For most of that leg of the trip it was cloudy, rainy and quite cool although we did hit a bit of sun on the way back to Calgary and enjoyed riding with the top down on the car (for about an hour). Back in Calgary we stayed another night in the motel and lit out the next morning, heading south to Fort MacLeod and then west towards Cranbrook, ending up in Creston for the night. This had to be the worst part of the trip and probably the worst riding I've ever experienced. From Ft MacLeod onwards thru to Pincher Creek and Coleman, the wind was so bad I could barely keep the bike in my own lane of the highway. At one point we dropped down into a gully and across a bridge and as we were going down the hill, the sign said "Caution - Extreme Wind gusts". Now, I've ridden this route many times and have never hit wind like this and when we crossed that bridge, a gust of wind nearly knocked us right off the road. It was about all I could do to maintain some level of control over the bike.... totally scared the crap out of both of us. Left Creston the next morning and headed for Osoyoos once again, the plan being that if we didn't have some nice weather, we'd just continue on home. If we did, we'd look for a place to camp. Luck was with us as most of that ride was in nice weather. We were finally able to shed some of our several layers of clothing and get back to just jeans and riding jacket. The weather in Osoyoos was great! Mostly sunny and fairly warm so we started looking for a suitable camping spot, finally finding a great little government camp ground (8 camping spots) along side of a lake (Vaseau Lake sp? for those who know the area) and just one spot was left...and it had our name on it. So finally we got to utilize all our camping gear and the weather held out for us for a few days and we got to kick back and relax. We decided to head for home on Thursday (yesterday) as according to the forecast, it would be the last relatively nice day and we didn't want to be riding home in crappy weather. The ride home was great until about an hour away ... then we hit rain and by the time we got to our doorstep, it was coming down pretty good. Since we were so close, we didn't even bother to put our raingear on... just decided to keep on going even if we did get wet. Surprisingly, we barely got wet at all...just a little dampness on our knees and shins. All-in-all it was quite the memorable trip and Nina & I are still married! LOL here's some pics for ya'll to view...(they appear to be in either reverse or random order) http://s393.photobucket.com/albums/pp16/SilvrT/Holidays%202010/
  23. I love my coffee and buy my own beans and grind them, when I go on my bike trip the end of Sept I will be camping every night and was just wondering if anyone has any ideas about a camping coffee pot. When I was younger I had a percolator but I know things must have evolved since then.
  24. My wife (Shirley) and I will be doing some camping and riding around western Kentucky on Thursdat August 26th through Sunday August 29th at the Hurricane Creek Campground at Lake Barkley. Thought if any of you were in the area or wanted to be in the area to do a little riding let us know and we can meet up and do some riding and then amybe a meal and a brew at the campsite. You can let me know through a post, PM or call me cell number is (three O 9= 264-5sixOsix) Rick
  25. I have been thinking for a long time about building a teardrop camping trailer to tow behind my 06 RSTD. Was wondering if anynone has and maybe has plans or a few pictures.
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