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  1. Here is a photo comparing the stock 1987 VR cam lobe with a VMax. The lift is either the same or very, very close. The duration is way different! I can't wait to get this baby up and running!
  2. Hi just wondering if anyone knows if the cam shafts from an 07 venture will go into a 97 RSTD. By looking at the parts list they look like they should. Thanks
  3. I found a picture someone posted here a while back. It is of a V max and a Royal Star cam side by side for comparison. I can't find it again. Could the person who posted it, or someone who may have saved it, repost it here? Thanks!
  4. T.J.

    Helmet cams

    Well I finally got the bug to get a helmet cam after visiting Hockings Hills in Ohio for the second time this year. Went down the 11th, 12th and came back on the 13th of this month. What a great place to ride. Took 3 other riders with me this time. Just the guys and no wifes. They all want to do it every year. We road 200 miles in the area before coming back home. Anyway I would like to get a helmet cam. Been looking and reading about the "Replay XD 1080" and "Go Pro HD Hero 2". Anyone have one of these? Any thoughts. Thanks
  5. Looking for a little help. I am to the point where I need to check the cam timing on my 87 to make sure it is correct. Been working on this project all summer now and the bike is still running lean. I am sure there is someone out there that can guide me through this process rather than trying to figure out the complicated procedure axplained in the Yamaha Service Manual. I already have the carbs and valve covers off. A diagram would be great, even a hand sketch. Is there any way that the TCI unit could be causing a lean condition ????? Thanks for such a great site. Mike Allen
  6. Was looking at this at 7 am there where 3 bikes in front of bobs . http://rapidcityjournal.com/webcams/sturgis-street/ Now look OMG
  7. I have a 1997 royal star deluxe, i took it to shop and was told it needed Cam Chain Tensioners, 2 weeks no repair yet..I am wanting to know how to do this, Does anyone have the how to info on replacing Cam Chain Tensioners. Needing bike before next weekend and not looking good....PLEASE HELP!!!! Thanks
  8. Is it normal to hear ,what sounds like a chain sound, when i compress the clutch lever at a stop. Maybe that sound is there everytime i pull the lever but i only notice it when i am stopped. Is there an adjustment for the cam chain or whatever chain is inside the engine. Just want to make sure that it wont be an issue before my cross country trip. Al
  9. I am looking at getting a trail camera used for deer hunting to use it as a security cam for a remote location with no power, internet or anything else. The hunting type trail cams is all I can think of. Small, Camo colored to hide in a tree, made to be outdoors, runs on batteries. motion activated, IR flash for night time. Does anyone have any experience with which ones actually work decent without costing a fortune. If they spot the cam I am sure it will either get shot or stolen or both. Twice in the last 2 weeks bullets have been put thru the shed, took out a front tire and a fuel jug, one just missed the engine. it is deliberate since shell casings have been found right next to the shed. About a dozen shots so far. Would love to be able to hand the police a pic of whom they need to pick up.
  10. I'm trying to find out if anyone knows where I can get a performance cam kit for my 99 RSV. I'd also like to know if a cam from a VMax will work in the 1300 Venture. Can anyone help? If anyone knows the specs for the cams in either engine, I'd love to have them. Thanks, New member, Mike Waldman
  11. I have access to the valves on my 83 Venture to check the clearance.My question is that I cant get the feeler guage between the cam lobe and the shim.I have rotated the cam on the low side.Are the valves just too tight or am I doing something wrong.I have worked on bikes for years and do all my own repairs.This is the first time I have worked on a shim and bucket desighn.I have a shim kit.
  12. does anyone have 1 cam shaft from a 1st gen, 2nd gen, or vmax that they're willing to donate to the cause of building a shim tool by flyinfool ? will pay for shipping. the cams can be bad, really need to play with the hex area between the cams where the shim tool rides. TIA
  13. I'm in the process of re-assembling my 01 Venture motor, (broken wrist pin). All is going well except when I follow the service manual for the installation of the cams (verrrrrry carefully) something just doesn't look correct. The position and relationship of the cam lobes , (intake to exaust), is not the same at TDC on compression when comparing cyl.'s 1&3 to cyl.'s 2&4. The manual states that at TDC the intake and exaust lobes should be pointing away from each other, this is the case for cyl.'s 2&4 but not for 1&3. Any one want to chime in on this one? Dan
  14. I have the cam covers off, and the gaskets need replacing. I read somewhere that the gaskets from a later model (RSV?) were better than the original VR versions. Does anyone know what part is best? The valve clearances themselves are just a fraction under the minimum clearances .... maybe .01 to .02mm all round. The engine has 56k on it. That's actually not bad, especially the very even wear aspect of it so I will leave them alone for the summer and check again in the Fall. By that time I can find out which shims I'll need, and won't mind waiting for them. In the meantime it will come to no harm. Thanks.
  15. Hi folks can anyone lrt me know at what mileage I should think of replacing the cam chains as my royal star as done 56K with no problems so dont want any now will do this winter if needed happy riding all Regards JWE27, in the UK.
  16. Just went to the Sturgis Cam to take a look at the aftermath of last week. The cam focuses on the downtown area, main st. I guess. The one thing that really stuck out were all of the "oil spots" all down the middle of the road where the "you know what kind of bikes" were all parked.........just sayin:rotf::stickpoke:
  17. 83 xvz-1200 replaced head gaskets due to low compression #2 & #3 q1, reinstalling cams, rear head #1 tdc#1 with small holes on edge of cam rail up, lines with cam cap mark. #1 I&E lobes up and face toward each other at about 45deg. front head #2 tdc#2 with large holes on edge of cam rail up, lines with cam cap mark. #2 I&E lobes up and face away from each other at about 45deg. does not appear both setups are correct. should the large holes be the ones in the end of the cam on front head? q2, still low compression #2, checked valve shim gap, believe problem, valves to tight in #2, including all measurments compression #1=120, #2=90, #3=90, #4=120 all measurments L-R, T-B looking at each exhaust side rear head #1 #1 #3 current shim I 270 275 278 272 gap mm I .102 .102 .102 .152 rounded shim I 270 275 280 270 sugg new shim I 265 270 275 ok current shim E 278 272 272 272 gap mm E .127 .151 .051 .152 rounded shim E 280 270 270 270 sugg new shim E 275 265 255 265 front head #2 & #4 #4 #2 current shim I 275 275 270 270 gap mm I .127 .102 .025 .102 rounded shim I 275 275 270 270 sugg new shim I ok 270 260 265 current shim E 268 268 270 270 gap mm E .178 .152 .127 .127 rounded shim E 270 270 270 270 sugg new shim E ok 265 265 265 I believe red shims are to tight and opening to soon, blowing some of the compression. Is it agreed? Have I figured suggested new shims correctly? Where can I get new shims and shim adjusting tool, think I figured out shim tool locks around cam like an open end wrench, swinging around to edge of lifters, pushing lifters down, allowing shims to be pried out. Is this correct? I may make a tool. Thanks for any and all info. Brian
  18. I followed Goose's directions from his post and everything was great until I got to measuring the gap. I did like the manual and Goose said, timing mark in window to get TDC, and then the cams were pointing away from each other at about 5 and 7 o'clock. Problem is they are still in contact with the shims and you can't measure it. I cranked the engine a little further and the exhaust valves were free and intake was pushed open. Can you just measure the gap when the cam lobes are pointing up? It seems the round portion of the cam should be the same all the way around and the valve closed unless the cam is touching it.
  19. Anybody have an extra cam cap laying around they don't need? I'm assuming all the caps are the same? I'm still collecting the few parts that got broken when one of my engines fell off my trailer and onto the pavement. Another member was already most helpful with valve covers and a side cover. I think all I need now is one cam cap. I'll find out if there's anything I'm forgetting this spring when I get ambitious enough to dig the engine out of my shed. It's the engine that came in my bike. I thought it was bad when I heard some strange noises coming out of it. It turned out to be the exhaust collector.
  20. I downloaded the 1st Gen Service Manual (8385servicemanual.pdf) and found the cam specs, page 403, missing. Does anyone know why this page is corrupt? Can someone send me this page?
  21. Split the cases on Big Dudes motor tonight to replace the damper cam. We pulled the driven axle and replaced the damper cam. At the time I ordered parts, I also ordered a new "holder" that the spring seats against on the opposite end. Checking the one that was in there against the new one, there is an 1/8" difference between the two. The existing one is wider between the bearing seat and the spring seat, therefore compressing the spring more than the new one. This part # (2we-17524-00-00) is the same for Ventures and VMaxxes from 83 to present. I wonder if the extra 1/8" compression on this already stiff spring would not allow the damper cam to do its job and rotate in the pinion under extreme duress as happened in his case when he hit second gear hard and split the damper cam? Part on the left was in the motor, one on the right is the new one. Any guesses?
  22. I feel like a dummy Can some one help me I am having a hard time trying to work out what shims do I buy to give me the clearance of (I want to keep them on the tite side) to save the valvs I have cam were Inlet .11 to.15 Exhorts .16 to .2 Gap ..... 0.08.. ... 0.09..... 0.19....... 0.18 Shims....2.278... 2.282.... 2.275 .....2.278 Thanks
  23. 6pak

    Eagles Cam

    This pretty neat. someone has set up a live webcam pointed at an eagles nest. http://www.hancockwildlifechannel.org/staticpages/index.php/20090302200021473
  24. After turning over 100K miles on my 99 RSV, I'm begining to hear some extra noise comming from the top end. sounds like I need to adjust my cam chain. I have done this several times on older bikes, but I never have on this one. Is there anything special i need to know or watch out for? Thanks in advance!!
  25. OK folks, I got an email from one of our members Michael F. Kerr. Michael lives in San Diego and is having a problem with is '83. Here is the message. His user name here is Michael F. Kerr so you can PM him at that name. My faithful "Black Beauty" is showing her age. She's an '83 gen 1. I've been plagued by an oil leak I finally traced to a leaking cam cover gasket. This was surprising, as the engine was just re-built a while back, and the cam cover seals were new. Long story short: As you know, each of the eight cam shaft hold down caps has a cast in, threaded, boss where the cover bolt threads in. On one cap, this boss is broken off, don't know why, although the aluminum isn't the best looking I've ever seen. A poor casting combined with age, I suspect. Another is stripped. I suspect it "popped" just as I let up on the torque wrench, and I missed it. Or maybe it was marginal, and heat expansion did the deed. So my question is: are you or any of the other riders aware of a Gen 1 engine being retired and "pieced out"? I looked at the online parts manual, and they, the caps, don't seem to appear as a seperate part...probably because the cam bore would have been line bored at the factory with the caps in place when the engine was built. So maybe someone knows of some laying around? If I can find a few I can get them sized here, and I've found very good steel inserts to re-thread all the existing 6mm holes.
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