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Found 23 results

  1. Someone just HAD to send B2dad some new bling for his bike..at least thats what I call it. He calls it LIGHTS...go figure! (thanks Mike) Patti PS. they sure are bright tho! :ice_thy-vi101212101
  2. I received this info and thought it important enough to share with everyone. Thought this was good info from the Gov't of Canada ...if you have a cell phone. REMEMBER: Cell Phone Numbers Go Public this month. REMINDER..... all cell phone numbers are being released to telemarketing companies and you will start to receive sales calls. .... YOU WILL BE CHARGED FOR THESE CALLS!! To prevent this, go to the following web-site for Canadian Telephone Numbers: www.lnnte-dncl.gc.ca It is the National DO NOT CALL list It will only take a minute of your time.. It blocks your number for five (5) years. HELP OTHERS BY PASSING THIS ON .. It takes about 20 seconds. If you do not have a cell phone, send this email to your friends and family who have a cell and may not know about this recent event.
  3. Hello Everyone: We are back home safe as of 9:00 last night. It was so nice meeting many of you in person. Personally we logged a little of 1500 total miles. A new record for us. We took a 300 mile detour to the Saratoga WY. to see out Daughter and Son in law. We found a ladies zippered wallet along the highway about 50 miles south of our home. (Likely would not have seen it in a car) It looked like a chuck of black rubber. I turned around to take a second look. I made a few calls and aquired a cell phone number for the owner before they even noticed it missing. They were on their way to Yellowstone and were passing threw Scottsbluff. They were very thankful for a couple of "Bikers"!!! I am sure we will now plan our vacations around VR.org events in the future. Thanks Everyone!!!!!
  4. I am thinking this guy is runnin a scam or his is severely misinformed. This is a funny looking Road Star with a side car, and then he calls it a venture farther down in the ad. http://ontario.kijiji.ca/c-cars-vehicles-motorcycles-touring-1986-Yamaha-Road-Star-W0QQAdIdZ245878539 Brian
  5. Anyone know if "new " part # / part works as well as old. It's a gen 1 stat seal. New one is a bit different but that's what the book calls for.
  6. Oldest rider calls it quits. Title is up for grabs. After years and miles of adventure and misadventures. Primitive camping beside secluded lakes, scenic biways and inciting road rage, across this beautiful nation. I've noticed in the last couple of years, an increase in close calls and near-misses. Poor night vision, slowed reflexes, heaver traffic, more idiots. I had recently modified my 86 VR by adding a Voiger Conversion. I miss 2 wheeling, but it's much easier riding 2up and no hassel when stopped, but it doesn't compensate for bad night vision, slow reflexes, deafness, and senior moments!! I had hoped to retrace some of my travels with my new sweetheart/wife on the bike, but it looks like we'll be in a small motor home. I've given the bike and trailor to my good friend, Cherokee, (he's an old school biker to the bone) and encouraged him to hook up with you guys and gals. This isn't "good bye", just saying I've enjoyed time spent with you and appreciate all the help you've given. Take care and ride safe....... Lobo Hurfiano Orphan Wolf
  7. I recently got a Casio Exilim. The Zumo 550 doesn't like it. It constantly gives the message "Cel Phone Disconnected" followed by "You can make calls now (or something like that)". My G'Zone never did that so I bet it's in the phone.
  8. Just sitting here listening to a call in show on the radio taking calls from in-country 'nam vets. During the calls, a common theme developed which got me curious. How many of you still carry a P38. I still do and would really feel naked without it.
  9. Well, it seems it happened to me I was online last night and everything locked up, I wound up shutting the thing down and restart and all i got was as my friend calls it "the blue screen of death" after about five failed attempts i dropped it off and he calls me this afternoon and tells me "good news", I found why it won't boot up! I say: Great, so did you get it going? and he says: well, that's the bad news!! sure enough, hard drive crashed, it can't find the boot program, disk severely corrupted. etc. Oh yeah!! This is good stuff!! A rather pricey Dell tablet PC and it's not worth a crapola and due to my own .... shall we say lack of diligence :innocent: ...... of course, you guessed it: NO back up!!! Yes!!! I love this stuff! Well; compost happens, I know I'll be trying to figure what i can salvage from this mess, heck might even start a back up regimen. Wonder if i can claim no income for 2009 now :rotfl:
  10. OK, I pm'd Mike and he got right back to me with the information I needed to find the first owner of my 2007 RSV. THANK YOU MIKE!!! Seems it was bought new in Illinois, traded in Indiana at a Harley dealer for a trike. I couldn't talk to the first owner until today 02-14-2010, I think they were screening their calls, finally decided to talk to me on the phone. All that I learned is positive, seems like it was properly maintained. Rear tire has only about 1,000 miles on it. I think I got a good one at a good price. Thanks again Mike. Mel:Venture:
  11. Thank you Spear......for keeping everyone here updated on my progress etc. and your phone calls lifted my spirits :clap2: THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU
  12. It seems most states are considering medical pot and a few legalization. I am not a future customer because I have enough trouble remembering where my keys are and I never want to listen to the Beatles White album again. I have been in public safety for 30+ years and honestly, after going to 1000's of medical calls, I cannot remember a single call as a result of marijuana usage. Although I have gone to vehicle accidents with pot involved, trust me though... nothing causes as many accidents as cell phones and texting. We go to calls every day for all other sorts of drugs including alcohol. We have a very big prison here and I would estimate 20% of the inmates were incarcerated for a 2nd or more pot offense. It seems to me not all these people need to be in prison. What do you think http://shellgames.files.wordpress.com/2008/11/old_hippie_very_old_hippies_1.jpg
  13. what weight of oil should I use for '83 xvz12, book calls for 20W-40, but can't find it except yamalube
  14. Can someone out there tell me what colors my bike is what Yamaha calls it? and is there a paint code for it? Thanks http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s37/VictoriaVett/100_1683-1.jpg
  15. http://www.funnieststuff.net/viewmovie.php?id=1269 Boomer.......who knows this adventure calls for a change of shorts. :rotfl:
  16. Hey is there anything out there that i can answer calls, I hadn't seen anything but worth asking. Thanks
  17. A while back for my birthday I got a TomTom Go720. Very nice, but I was wanting a Zumo so that I could run my phone mike through the GPS. Well, has anyone ever tried to "Y" a Blackberry and TomTom in somehow so that you have receive your calls?
  18. Whats the deal here. Some cell providers charge for incoming calls. This was on a local tv newscast today.Nothing worse then telemarketers. http://www.wchstv.com/i/1x1spacer.gif EYEWITNESS LOCAL NEWS from Eyewitness News Online PESKY PROBLEM Cellphone Numbers Being Released http://www.wchstv.com/i/1x1spacer.gif Reported by: http://www.wchstv.com/bluemail.gif Rachel Tarr Videographer: Eyewitness News Web Producer: Jessica Reed October 1, 2008 1:36pm http://www.wchstv.com/i/1x1spacer.gif http://www.wchstv.com/newsroom/eyewitness/0810/i/081001_3000_320.jpg Eyewitness News Photo http://www.wchstv.com/i/1x1spacer.gif Today, all cell phone numbers are being released to telemarketing companies. If you don't want to get those calls, you can call 1-888-382-1222 from your cell phone to block the calls. You can also log on to donotcall.gov, and add up to three phone numbers you want blocked. Under a new law, these new registries will never expire.
  19. Anybody know where Lowell is? I have called his cell 2 or 3 times but no return calls. Jay
  20. That's what I keep telling myself as I watch my retirement nest egg go down down down. 401K is a good thing but small company plans offer few fund options for moving money around in a down trend. I have watched the bond fund and money markets options for over 10 years. Never seen them make more then 3 or 4 percent in good times but during down trends at least they are good holding funds. I missed the peak in Oct 07 just like I did in 2000. Forget about calling your fund financial planner he only returns calls once every 6 weeks. So now we are waiting for the rebound. The funds I'm in have been good funds but across the board everything is down. So pour me another one as I analyze the difference between where I should be and where I am to the tune of down by $40,000 and falling.Things could be worse GM is down by 60% according to the news. So who on wall street just bought a new Harley on me?Waiting on a rebound.There is always plan B. Work till you die and spend the kids inheritance.
  21. Have an 83 venture that has just developed 2 gear problems about 4000 miles ago. Sold it to my brother and he was doing fine but lately has a problem that I can not figure out. At times it will just not shift or will only shift to some gears. But when he calls me to troubleshoot it over the phone, it shifts okay. I figure it is something loose on the linkage but wondered if there is something in trans that would cause this. Runs great and no noise from trans.
  22. After reading a thread on here and thinking about my own close calls....Im sure we have all had them. I got to thinking about some of the strange ones. One time while on my '83 I was motoring along at about 45-50 mph and a friggin' bird flew between me and the windshield. Another time while living up in the mountains on my way home at about 11pm a deer ran out from the side of the road and just past me. He was so close that I could hear his hooves hitting the pavement behind me...over the sound of the motor and the Judas Priest blaring from the radio. That was kinda spooky. And just yesterday while out exploring some of the back roads a truck in front of me appearantly hit a 2x4 that bounced up from under the truck, slammed back down to the road then proceded to explode like a granade, sending bits of wooden "shrapnel" everywhere. Thank goodness for my windshield. I got a few others that I might share later. LOL like a wasp stinging me in the armpit in rush hour LOL that was kinda different! What you got?
  23. We are getting 2 or more phone calls every day including weekends from bill collectors.They get the wife out of bed every day (she works nights). I do not want to change our number nor turn down the ringer and miss a important call. When you call these collectors and explain the situation they refuse to quit calling. What is the situation NONE OF THE CALLS ARE FOR US OR ANYBODY LIVING IN THE HOUSE.Over the years relatives,ex son-in-laws,etc, have give out my phone number as a contact because they don't have one and now I pay the price NO SLEEP. I do not want to pay the phone company a monthly fee for blocker service. Does anybody know of a after market blocker I can purchase to send these calls to never never land but pass others to the phone.
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