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Found 9 results

  1. Hey all my Canadian friends, I have some questions for you folks about Calgary. I work for a company called Tenaris down here in Texas. We have 4 plants and a corporate office in and around Houston. One of our Manager/Supervisors of our weld mill is going to travel up to another one of our facilities in Calgary Alberta. I mentioned to him that I would talk with some of my Canadian friends and get the lowdown about Calgary. If y'all can help me out with good places to eat, or fishing and hunting areas, or just cool places to go and see, I would really appreciate it. I have heard of the Calgary Stampede, I'm not even sure what thats all about other than Rodeo and such. I notice it's July 6th thru the 15th. I'm not sure about what it would take for him to get a Canadian fishing license and if there is any kind of hunting he can do up there during July and August. Give me some ideas here so I can pass it on to him....Thanks
  2. A friend sent me this. Wonder how long it will be before it's south of the border. http://www.calgaryherald.com/news/calgary/Noise+Snare+ready+muffle+Calgary+bikers/5702613/story.html
  3. Hi, Now this might be a crazy idea but I figured it was worth a shot. My buddy and I live in Calgary, Alberta and we are both getting really antsy to go for a ride so we are wondering what would be a good destination where we could fly to from Calgary, on Thursday, February 17, rent a couple of bikes, (Harleys most likely because I don't know anyone else who rents bikes) Ride Friday, Saturday and Sunday and fly back to Calgary on Monday. I am thinking Phoenix or Palm Springs California but I'm way open to opinions and suggestions for best bang for the buck for a short but intense three days of riding. Places, roads we could ride, dealers who rent bikes. All ideas/thoughts appreciated. Chris in Red Deer, (Calgary) Alberta
  4. Hi everyone, As I mentioned a few weeks ago, I purchased a new to me 2004 Royal Star Venture from a person in Calgary, Alberta. He is the second owner and when I asked him who he bought the bike from, he couldn't remember. I have an idea, but I'm not sure. I am just wondering on the off chance that someone in Calgary might know and be able to pass the information to me in a private email. All I want to know is if the bike ever had the valves and brake/clutch/ fuel filter changed. The bike has 52, 500 kilometers on it and I would like to know so I can get that scheduled to be done. The fluids all look clean so I am wondering. I realize it might be like looking for a needle in the haystack but I thought I would try. Thanks for your help. Chris in Red Deer, Alberta
  5. I need to put my mind as ease a little. Without getting into much detail and risk maligning the RSV folks, I want to compare bikes for sound and feel. I'm wondering how much engine vibration I should be feeling and how much noise I should be hearing. Being this bike was bought "untested" I'm a tad paranoid! So if anyone is in the Calgary area and could help a guy out I be obliged!
  6. Well some Rock star, reached into my truck at the local 7/11, and stole my just remapped and updated tom tom. Not worth calling the cops. So I know the Calgary druggies are going to have a little rock today. anyone else had a simple ripoff happen?
  7. Here is her story. I work for the city of Calgary, I have two other bikes,one is a VF1000k Honda that is in the early stages of restorations. and that where I start. I had sold my baby K5 BMW to finance my move to a new job in Calgary the move was over 3000miles fom Ontario, Canada. During the passing months working here I was going nuts:nanner: thinking I had no cycle transpotation.Just by chance; I was driving past this shop, and in the fenced compand all I could see was the back end of this white bike , well this went on for some time ( I thought it was a wreck) one day in May 09 I turned ito the yard and looked at her she was rough but all there (pics are here and hold on Yamaha owners). So I found the owner and he said secound gear was out of it I didn't care as when I was younger I pined for an Intercepter big block Honda I cound't aford. I bought her fixed it up, skipping second on the shift, Then after 4000 sum kilos 3rd dropped out so I stopped riding and went nuts over the Honda (engine out resto) Moving onto last December One of my co-workers dad has 2 Venture Royals one complete one (cracked frame reparable ) one is a 83 Green the other parts bike is Red both bikes full fairings and bags (red was running). So now I bought them and Have just today paid for a full super sevice $856.00, and boy she needed it, top to botom service, ten valve shims (wow) and I am so impresed with her she purrs so nice you all must be proud of your first gens. So there is one more saved Yanaha Here in Calgary, I will when I get the other bike home be offering parts to the group dirt cheap or free . Or a posible naked Drag racer?.. Thanks for letting me share , Mike Richard..
  8. We live in Edmonton, however, because it is WAY cheaper to fly out of Calgary, that is where we are leaving from on July 1st. I was wondering if anyone lived near the airport so I could leave my car at your place while gone. Will be back on the 16th pm. If anyone could help us out, it would be greatly appreciated. Greg
  9. Need your help again....hubby and I are planning on 12 day bike trip up to Glacier then on to Banff. Yesterday, I emailed a B & B about staying in Banff on July 15th and 16th. I'm able to book rooms, but was told that it's right during Calgary Stampede. Looked it up on their website and it looks like the dates are July 3-12th for the Stampede. Just wondering if we are crazy coming up there as we are not big crowd people. I know July and August are busy tourist times anyway for the Banff area....will it be nuts up there still on the 15th and 16th? Thanks for any help!
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