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  1. The only thing I can think of that I have not added back to the forum is the countdown page. It was the page that counted down the days until various rallies and etc. I think that those events get enough attention here and on the calendar that the countdown page was pretty much just a novelty. What are your opinions? Is it something that any of you really miss?
  2. OK folks, it may seem like a long ways off for some of you but it's really not very far away and only 20 people have signed up to be there. PLEASE go to the calendar and RSVP as soon as you can. It is hard to plan a rally when you don't know how many people to expect. We have to let the caterers know how many for the dinners and etc. This will be a LOT of fun and Eileen and I look forward to seeing every body there. The link to the calendar is: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/calendar.php?do=getinfo&e=97&day=2009-08-03 Registration page for the rally is: http://dchwestfall.com/2009_VentureRider_Rally.html Now come on folks...Snarley Bill and all is coerced volunteers are doing a great job planning this one. Let's ALL show up. You will not regret it.
  3. Please go to the calendar and add your name if you plan to attend. Here is the link to the event on our calendar. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/calendar.php?do=getinfo&e=337&day=2013-6-8&c=1 For those who don't know anything about Maintenance Day, I just added some information here: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=73841 EVERYBODY is welcome. It doesn't matter if you have been a member for 4 years or 4 days, we would love for you to join us.
  4. Just to chime in. Get home in one pice from Pork in the Pines, Ride was nice just gas and go 12 hours strait. Once again I realy dont have enough words to say thanks to all of you guys hosting this great event. Who ever didnt come for whotever reason, make sure to put date in your calendar. I have laugh my ass of, meet new friends and get drunk old ones right Renate? Love you all.
  5. OK folks, it's only a few weeks until my annual Maintenance Day. Only 85 people have signed up on the calendar at this point. Eileen is on me now to try and get a better count so that she can start ordering food and etc. So if you haven't RSVP yet then PLEASE do so. There are 36 "maybes"...please go to the calendar and update your status as soon as you know. Thanks. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/calendar.php?do=getinfo&e=290&day=2012-6-2&c=1
  6. June 11 weekend. Karen and I would like to host the WI MD this year at our house in Fox Lake. We have plenty of room for camping, 2 car garage with a bar, good neighbors (some may even stop by), and motels available in Beaver Dam and Waupun. The VR calendar is filling up fast, so I want to get the ball rolling. Happening on June 11, and the invitation would be good for Friday afternoon through Sunday. We can fix everything that broke on the way back from Freebird's MD the week before. Is this OK with everyone, and is anyone interested? Later, Scooter Bob and Karen Here's a link to the event in the calendar.... http://www.venturerider.org/forum/calendar.php?do=getinfo&e=240&day=2011-6-11&c=1
  7. OK folks...at this time there are 185 folks signed up for Maintenance Day and about 35 "maybes". I can work with that but if you could all go to the calendar and narrow it down a bit that would be great. If you are signed up as a "maybe" and now know that you are coming, please remove your maybe and add yourself to attending. It costs me about $12.00 per person for the catering and I hate ordering way too much food because if I order for 200 and only 180 show up, it still costs me that other $240.00. Even worse than that is if I don't order ENOUGH food..that is always my biggest fear. So if you haven't signed up or need to change your status, please go to the calendar and add or remove yourself. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/calendar.php?do=getinfo&e=220&day=2011-6-4&c=1
  8. Only about 165 people signed up for Freebird's Maintenance Day. Heck folks, we had about 250 last year. It's getting close now so please go to the calendar and sign up if you are coming. I want to make sure that I order enough food. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/calendar.php?do=getinfo&e=220&day=2011-6-4&c=1
  9. Hey Boss, Is there a way to download the VentureRider calendar, i.e., ical? If there is, I can't find it. If not, don't want you to work harder than you already do. Thanks.
  10. You can now print out a list of upcoming VentureRider events. You can also search the calendar if you prefer but that is just a side benefit and probably not that useful. To use the new feature, just click on the "Search" link in the upper menu bar of the forum. Just leave the search box blank and click "GO". That will open up a new page where you can select "All Events" and then select the month or range of months that you want to display. Click Go and you'll get the list of events posted for that range. Then at the upper right, you have two buttons to choose from. One is to download it as a iCalendar file and the other a .pdf file. This was requested by one of our members about 3 months ago while I was on vacation. I promised to see what I could come up with when I got back and totally forgot about it. I apologize for taking so long.
  11. It was brought up in the "Request for Features" area that events listed on the calendar get lost among all the members birthdays. I am experimenting with the calendar and have removed birthday listings from it. Do any of you use the calendar to see who is having a birthday? The birthdays are listed at the bottom of the forum and I figure that most people use that listing and not the calendar. It does really clean up the calendar and makes it much easier to spot our events but if the majority of you prefer it the other way, I can quickly change it back to the way it was. As always, opinions are welcome.
  12. The date for my Fall Foliage Ride has beern changed from the 9th to the 16th. Please Re enter your information on the calendar. Here's a link to the thread which has a link to the calendar... http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=53316
  13. I just posted a M&E here on the 4th if you are bored or looking for something to do. See the M&E Forum and sign up on the calendar...
  14. This week, Eileen will order the food for Maintenance Day and it is much easier if we have a fairly close count. So again, please go to the calendar and update your RSVP if it has changed. If you had checked YES but are now unable to make it, please remove your name. If you had checked MAYBE but now know for sure, please delete the MAYBE and add YES. This link will take you right to the page on the calendar. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/calendar.php?do=getinfo&e=153&day=2010-6-19&c=1 In the next 3 or 4 days, she will place the order. We always try to order a bit extra but the closer the count the better it works.
  15. OK folks. The time is getting near. If you haven't signed up on the calendar yet, please do so. At this time, it shows 159 Yes and 46 maybe. It will really help me to know how much food to order if I could narrow that down just a bit. If you signed YES and your plans have changed, please go back and remove your name. If you signed MAYBE but now know for sure, please remove your MAYBE if you are not going to attend and remove it and add YES if you are. Thanks Much. Here is the link to the calendar page. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/calendar.php?do=getinfo&e=153&day=2010-6-19&c=1
  16. www.starmotorcycles.com/calendaroffer
  17. I just added my Maintenance Day to the calendar so you folks can start signing up anytime you are ready. I think I had close to 200 folks last year. Can we set a new record? Here's a link to the date on the calendar to make it easy for you. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/calendar.php?do=getinfo&e=153&day=2010-6-19&c=1 Details, hotel info, and etc. are here: [ame=http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=41934]Freebird's Maintenance Day 2010 - VentureRider.Org[/ame]
  18. Well since so many want to go back to Asheville I'll go ahead and set up a shorter version. I decided on July 10, 11, 12. This way it's a weekend and not too long for those that are planning on going to the other events this summer. I'll get around to calling the KOA and the motel once I see how many folks are interested in this. So please let me know I'll add it to the calendar. So folks let me know whose interested. Now just because I said fri, sat, and sun doesn't mean you can't show up earlier. If you do we'll get you in touch with folks in the area so you can get around and see some sites. Margaret
  19. OK I have 6 months left on my VR calendar. Does anyone have any plans for the next one? Will there be another contest? If not I'm going to have a bare spot on the fridge!
  20. Just another reminder, if you haven't signed up for Freebird's Maintenance Day yet, PLEASE do so soon. I want to make sure that we order enough food. Here is the link for the calendar where you sign up. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/calendar.php?do=getinfo&e=106&day=2009-6-6&c=1
  21. Got home tonight and realized I had forgotten to get the mail on Saturday, and what do we have but the 2009 Dillon Aero Calendar, It went all the way to Afghanistan before being routed back to me. Anyone that loves big weaponry knows that Dillon Aero makes the M134 Gatling gun, but their calendar has become a classic in the military circles. Here's the cover [ATTACH]30820[/ATTACH]
  22. Looks like the weather is finally going to line out a little so if there is any interest, I will host a day at my house to sync carbs etc. I have a carbtune and will make room so we can sync the carbs with the bike parked inside. I will put May 2 on my calendar. Let me know.
  23. The Tail of the Dragon IV/Vogel is only is just a little over 3 months away, from looking at the poll it is looking good for this year, you can also go to the calendar and RSVP which will also help me get a handle on how many people are going to show. You can find the registration form and a link to the calendar here along with all the info that I have posted. :Venture:Tail of the Dragon IV @ Vogel - VentureRider.Org:Venture:
  24. Will there be a 2009 Venture Rider Calendar?
  25. For those who would like the 09 Star Calendar, Yamaha has opened the link to sign up for the new calendar. The link below should take you there. https://www.starmotorcycles.com/star/feedback/09_StarCalendarOffer.aspx?_rf=www.starmotorcycles.com/calendaroffer
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