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  1. Ok, I was watching Brain Games on nat geo. They were explaining how the mind can only focus on one thing well and multi tasking. They did some tests and at some point explained that most accidents with motorcycles are cagers who turn left in front of bikes. The cagers are looking for cars and since they do not have motorcycles in their minds they actually dont see the motorcycles since they aren't looking for them, they are looking for cars and trucks. It seems to me if this were true the government would do a better job to educate drivers to look for bikes or place reminders at key intersections to get drivers into the habit.
  2. Has anyone tried mounting a Stebel on the front forks just under the tree to get it facing forward for maximum impact on Cagers
  3. cagers can be a problem... http://www.charter.net/video/play/694324
  4. I wish I had some of these. Might grab the cagers attention. http://s739.photobucket.com/albums/xx33/shtrdthrd/Funny/?action=view&current=legalspeeding.jpg PS: This is utadventure's son.
  5. Do yourself a favor... If you have 2 bars showing, your in the fuel countdown mode, and, your approaching a steep hill with cagers on your six... switch to reserve immediately... I found this out on my way to MD today... luckily the cagers weren't riding my six... took a half a mile going up hill for the reserve to kick in... food for thought... On the flat you can run without flipping to reserve well below one bar...
  6. Cagers just don't LOOK, and especially at this time of year when biking season is just beginning. Not only that but it seems cagers are getting more and more "lax" at having any consideration at all of others. They ride their brakes for no reason, go slow in the passing lane, run red lights, turn left in front of you, make right hand turns on a red without stopping first.... the list is endless. One of the other things they do is change lanes without signalling or looking. I am SO GLAD I installed my Stebel Air horn!!! Took the day off yesterday to do some riding as the weatherman blessed us with a nice warm sunny day amidst a lot of cool, rainy ones. TWICE I had to BLAST the Stebel at cagers attempting to change into my lane without realizing I was there. No signalling, no looking over their right shoulder ..... GGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR what's wrong with people these days??? There are more and more bikers on the road every year yet peoples driving habits seem to be getting worse and worse ... especially here in "Hongcouver"! OK.... I'm done venting now.
  7. Well this morning, on the way to work, I was passing a gas station that is right before the entrance to the highway (I-25) The exit to the gas station exits, pretty much, right into the SB exit lane and then you go over the overpass for the NB entrance. I take the NB entrance. There's lots of construction in this location right now so it's even more of a mess than usual. So I usually am a bit more cautious and go a bit slower in this area anyhow. Anywho... I'm tooling along and I see this guy on a bike sitting facing the way I'm headed, back to me, getting ready to leave the gas station. He wasn't at the pumps, kind of on the outskirts of the parking lot. My first thought is, I wonder if he's going to just buzz right onto the road, I'm traveling on, without stopping or looking. Keep in mind this is really, really early in the morning, like 1:15 am so, in his defense there aren't a boat load of cars out at this time of the morning. So I back off of the throttle a little more in anticipation of a possible bonehead move. My suspicions were realized when he just takes off, doesn't slow down or even look and pulls out right in front of me. Man I wish I could have found the horn button faster, but I did get in a good toot to let him know he should stop and look. Moral: It isn't only cagers that pull bonehead moves that can get you hurt!!
  8. Sorry if this has been discussed before but I did search and couldn't find anything. Anyway, I was driving to work this morning when I came up on a very new looking Honda ST1300. As I passed him I noticed he was flashing his headlights at me. I couldn't figure out what I had done to tick him off so I just kept going. He must have sped up some because I noticed him again behind me a mile or so later and his headlights were still pulsing on and off. It became apparent that he was not doing this manually but must have installed something on his bike to do this constantly. It was extremely distracting. So my question is, has anybody heard about this and is it legal? While it may have made him more visible it was at the expense of taking my attention away from other things on the road, so I personally think it is dangerous and should not be legal, especially on the freeway where you may be riding long distances following the same vehicles. Also, I think it's just going to tick off most cagers and the last thing we need is something else to turn cagers against us. Any other thoughts?
  9. You know we're always talking about how horrible it is for cagers to drive inattentively and hit a motorcycle. Well, this w/e in Illinois there was a biker killed on I-57. From what I understand (tv news) there were several bikers riding on the interstate. The lead biker slowed due to an emergency vehicle on the side of the road. Apparently the bikers toward the rear were not paying attention and struck the bikers in front of them. One killed, two severly injured. It's not always the cagers, there are rules of the road to follow when riding with other bikes too. Prayers out to them and their families.
  10. I know I'll be spat upon for this but I think it needs to be said just to bring things into proper perspective. Occasionally, there are threads about the idiotic cagers colliding with a bike. Usually it's deemed the cages fault because they are in a cage and not on a bike, however, in other threads, it's mentioned how fast one can go on a bike either on the straight away or tackling some twisties. This causes me to wonder if there is shared responsibility or if it always the cages fault when we as operators act like we're running the Datona 500 on bikes on public highways and subjecting ourselves to unsuspecting cagers. Ok - fire away --
  11. WOW.... Talk about a modulator to get cagers attention. http://www.strobesnmore.com/strobes-n-more-e4-super-led.html
  12. Riders, I know this topic has been beaten to death but I need to know "from the last related posting" what is the majority of members using for after market mufflers I don't have the metel knowledge to make mods that installing the "road king" mufflers would take.. I don't want LOUD, but I do want that deep rumble sound that will let cagers know I'm there.. Bubs ? " Do the sleepers still have the crome tip issue? Kromeworks ? etc etc Help a fellow rider out 06 RSTD THanks
  13. Ok so, the internet can take you some amazing places if you keep following links. Here's a modification on the Carver that REALLY flies! http://www.pal-v.com/ Well, once it's in production it will. Now this would be a great way to get away from those homicidal cagers. If you haven't seen the carver, here's there link. A great option for those inclement days. Albeit a pit pricey, currently (http://www.carver-worldwide.com/SubItem/SubItem.asp?S_ID=28&nc=1)
  14. Maybe the cagers would see ya on this one. Give them a taste of their own medicine! http://www.zapworld.com/electric-vehicles/electric-scooters/zappy-3-ez
  15. Today , along 155 mm on NC I-95 north bound as we were heading up North , we lost another biker . From what I could monitor on the CB , a cager forced a brother into the medium . He didn't make it ! BEER24/7 and I were maybe 1/2 hour behind him when it happened . Twice if not 3 times in our travels today , I had to lay onto the air horns and take evasive action because of cagers and their reckless driving coming home from the holiday . Impatient cagers , switching lanes back and forth to try to gain a little ground going home . We had planned on getting far north of Winchester VA today , but traffic was bad . From riding the clutch speed to 45 mph from King's Dominion to Fredrichburg , stop and go . We hoped off of 95 onto 17 and what a relief to start traveling again . We finally stopped for the night , refresh ourselves and to get a fresh start in the a.m. . Maybe the cagers will be nice tomorrow ! BEER30
  16. I have this thing about Crusin through town, playin tunes. when i'm on the Highway i usually just listen to whatever i happen to have on the stero. But when i hit town i have this 30 minute tape of Duane Eddy's Rebel Rouser that i play,while riding through town. I crank it up so all the cagers and passer byes can hear. just my way of sayin i'm here, have a great day. Bob:322:
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