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Found 17 results

  1. Quickstep got the C/T onto my wheel today. Took seven goes, and nearly 100psi. Just needs a balance and all is good.
  2. Okay folks, need a front tyre soon and don't know what to put on. We are going to put a Kumho 165/80-15 C/T on the BACK of bike, so with the outrider on, what C/T would you recommend I put on the front??
  3. Greetings Although I'm very interested in installing a C/T due to the potential high mileage nearly every link I read concerning installation of C/T includes a wobble problem, so I have a few questions: 1. Do we know how many have installed the C/T's and had wobble problems vs those who have installed it with no problems? 2. Those who have installed the C/T, are you still running the tire? Thanks Chris
  4. I've been thinking about putting on a C/T for a while now. From what I've been reading it sounded like a good choice for the way I ride. Well...last weekend while on a trip to Texas, I punched a hole in my rear tire and decided to take the plunge. Getting a C/T mounted on a bike is sure a conversation starter. But I got er done. Two hundred miles later around Texas it was all I hoped it would be. Smooth, stable and quiet. Then I made the mistake of trying to pull my Time Out camp trailer back home. Holy crap!!! I'm all over the road!!!! Any speed over 40 mph and the trailer starts oscillating back and forth dragging me with it!!!:shock3: Thought since the C/T had a softer sidewall than my E3s I've been running, I tried bumping up the pressure from 40 to 45 lbs. No help at all. I've got probably 4000 miles pulling this trailer, and never had this problem before. A friend who was riding with me suggested that the trailer acted like the tounge was too light. I have always run with about 20 lbs on the tounge, and don't see that changing the tire should change the loading but that is the only thing new:confused24:. Any similar experiences out there? If I don't find a quick solution, this tire is outta here.
  5. I am to short for my bike, 5'6", so what I am thinking is I only need about an inch more (watch it) leg or lower my bike. If I go with a c/t what size should I get to accomplish this? Or is there another option?
  6. Installing a c/t: once mounted use a good lube STP or WD-40 this will help the c/t seat to the rim. With these lube several tires we have done have seated with 75-80 lbs. We have mounted Kumbo,Nexen and BFG,All seated with less air ...AFTER instalation ride for a while,,there is a breakin faze for the driver. You will notice the tire seems to sway if the tire preasure is to hi,,tire preasure does better in range between 30-38 u need to play with it. Tha breaking inincerased,,the tire pad is larger.. The cost for a c/t $70 plus 44k miles,,,for a m/t $130 + and mabe 5k (If u ride hard) enjoy and PLEASE take it slow for a few miles... "PRAY FOR OUR TROOPS"
  7. Just put on a new NEXAN C/T 165x80x15 on a 06 RSTD 44 k miles. Been running MET880. Question at speeds over 70 rear end floats and sways while going down HWY 85. Up to 70 did great. Running 31lbs ov air.. should I increse air preasure. Heading to Maryland next week....
  8. And loving it.
  9. I have to say, I was very nervous going into this, as the reviews have been mixed that I read in the past. Here's my first day's ride experience on the Kumho As soon as I picked the bike up, It seemed the center of gravity has changed a tad in the rear. I felt a small drop in the rear. It might have been just me. When I rode the first few miles, I was expecting allot worse. I was expecting wiggling in the rear, having to really push the bike into the turns, and all the other things I read about going with a C/T. I was pleasantly surprised how nice the bike road and how straight it tracked. Within the first few miles I was right back to riding with one hand. After about 15 min around town, I jumped on the highway for a 20 min ride to see how it would feel. Bike tracked straight and smooth. I got it upto 95mph, backed it back down to 70mph, and after 10 min riding on the highway, I didn't even notice but to look down and I was riding with one hand, which meant mentally I was comfortable all ready. Got into a groove on the highway, and the C/T hung into it like a shoe stuck in hot glue, palms got real sweaty fast as I realized It pulled me over the white lines slightly into the other lane. I reacted and got it right back over, and that was Little wake up call for me. Got home about a hour later riding around, and picked up the wife. We rode for 2 hours as the sun set, one hand on the bars,the other on her leg where I normally keep it when I'm riding 2-UP, and the bike rode great, riding 2-UP was very comfortable, and felt stable going down the rode. After todays ride, I'm very comfortable riding with the C/T, and love the feel of it going down the road,as you can tell you have more rubber grabbing the road, feels great riding 2-UP, which I do allot of. The only thing after all day of riding I have to get used to, is the feeling of sometimes the rear would feel like it was on snow, and get Little slippery, just for a short second or two. From what I read, after the first few hundred miles, the C/T breaks in, and by then you forget it's on the bike, ( Hopefully ) I really like the Kumho's profile. The center threads hit the pavement flat, but the edges of the tire are rounded, and I felt good in the corners with it. I live in Florida where the roads are flat. I'm 41 years old, had 8 sport bikes in the past, ( Two ) Honda VTX's with fairings etc, ( One ) 2005 Goldwing , and now the Venture My opinion just from riding today was so far I like the C/T, especially riding 2-UP, the ride seemed smoother. My wife loved it. I think for the type of riding that we do, I mad the right decision with going with the Kumho. I really like the profile on this tire. My stock tires had 13,000 miles on them, and the front still has another 2K plus on it, so I haven't changed it out yet. I paid $43.00 for the C/T, & $13.00 S&H. Then I paid $55.00 to mount and balance it. So I have $111.00 into a tire that will hopefully last 30K miles. I'll post a review again after a few weeks of riding Were going out tomorrow for a 150 mile ride all day, so I'll get a good day's in tomorrow also.
  10. After spending countless days and hours reading about using the C/T on the RSV, I finally ordered the Kuhmo C/T tonight I was having a hard time between that and the Federal C/T, both were within $3 bucks of each other It should arrive this Friday from Tire Rack, so I'll be eager to install it this weekend Looking forward to changing tires less often, and not having to worry about tires cracking, chunks flying off, and all the other issues with the M/C tires. Now I have to read more about what to do with the front tire
  11. After installing the Kumho using about 110 PSI and ride around 3000 miles and towing a trailer about 2000 miles I have decided to go back to the M/C tire. Pros of the c/t... Longer wear.... Better braking... improved low speed handling... better acceleration Cons... After trying different PSI from as low as 30 and as high as 44 i find it unstable at speed... it wants to follow every groove in the pavement.... I get a wiggle at speeds over 75 running empty and its worse when towing. High speed corners feel strange... it tips over well... but I feel like it Waggles thru the corner. I really wanted the c/t to work. it cost 1/2 as much and last twice as long... its a no brainer. But I just can't get it to work for me. I have ordered a set of Shinko Touring tires ... Front and Rear tires delivered for $129.00. I will report back after they are installed. Thanks to all for your views and info on the C/T and if its working for you that AWESOME....It just wasn't for me.
  12. Hello everyone, A friend here in Oz runs a 1500 Goldwing with double sidecar, and is looking for the correct C/T to run on the back of the bike. Would it be the same (Kumho) as the ones' you all run on the RSV ?? Any advice you can give would be appreciated
  13. Looking for some opinions on using a c/t on the front of my trike. The contact patch on the front tire now is about 1 3/4 inches either side of center or about 3.5 inches overall. One thing I was wondering about would be the effects on the c/t sidewalls being on the front.
  14. Hi Everyone, I have spent most of the day reading Darksider threads and seeking info on putting c/t on my venture. All of you have been very helpful, and I now have plenty of knowledge etc. to impart to hubby-----especially the fact that I will end up with more sex appeal after fitting a c/t every bit helps at my age !! Now please be gentle with your quick-witted replies gentlemen I've just had a birthday and I'm a bit fragile right now ________________________________________________________________________ never ride faster than your guardian angel :2133:can fly
  15. put 250 miles on new federal and i like the handling. no more roar when connering the cures. wife said the ride is smoother for her unless were going over rough payment. i like the change and never going back. interested now about c/t on front?
  16. put the federal c/t on my bike today. job of getting old one off wasnt as bad as i thought it would be. just took off both saddlebags and right slip on muffler. tire is almost same as m/t tire as far as high and width goes. rode it a mile felt no big difference but a longer ride will help. snowing and windy here. some pics on my post
  17. Makes and sizes please and where to find them
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