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  1. On 1999 Venture Royal Star what is the plug in the trunk for? Is this for the intercom system? How does the intercom system work? I have never had one on my bike and am not familiar with it. Do you have to buy a intercom box to put in the back?
  2. Ok I just found out today, an interesting piece of information . What are the two biggest " cash cow " business's on the entire planet ?? And they are irreplaceable, and you can't buy stock in these two outfits !! But they are a neat " ride " to go take a look at !!
  3. Where would the letter code be located on the basket trying to buy one online and the image has an update clutch spring imtold him if it's an I basket I will buy it today he does not know where to look for the code and neither do I imhave been searching on line and can't find anything on how to determine the letter. F G or I
  4. 83 VR So im doing some work that required me to split the case. But I see that the PO had already split the case for whatever reason. I was wondering what do I need to see to determine that the 2nd gear issue was repaired? I've got 55000 miles on the bike with no gear issues right now. Also, I understand that I could buy another years transmission and be done with transmission issues all together. What years would that be? Could I get a trans. from a 1300 that would fit or do I HAVE to undercut/ buy parts for my 1200.
  5. I know there was a group buy for the Shindengen voltage regulators, but I didn't buy one then. Now I see that the Shindengen is a series voltage regulator, not a shunt regulator like the original. This means that the stator will be cooler because full current won't always be flowing, and should last longer. Does anybody know a good place to buy one?? http://roadstercycle.com/images/Shinde1.jpg
  6. I tried to buy new NGK caps for my 2004 venture but the parts store could't match the numbers off of OEM's. Does anyone have the NGK numbers or know how to get them?
  7. i just had the belt buckle made for me , wish i had a better cam. it is tan leather with dark brown writing , it cost me 20.bucks Wayne said he had enough orders he could make them for 17 buck or 18 bucks plus shipping , anybody up for a group buy ? http://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=dbdb119102&view=att&th=11d4b6e3c285368f&attid=0.0.1&disp=emb&zw
  8. Is there such a thing as shelf-life for gear oil? I've had this 1 qt jug of this stuff since about 1998. Have used it in my last 3 bikes no problem ... is it still good or should I buy new?
  9. If you buy stuff on line, check out the seller carefully, especially first genners when you buy on eBay. A friend spent $50 on a penis enlarger. The vendor sent him a magnifying glass, with an instruction warning, "Do not use in the sunlight"
  10. I have a number 2 and number 3 Famco arbor press that I need the round press plates for. Is there anybody out there that has one that can draw it up so I can make them. Famco wants a small fortune to buy them. Let me know. Thanks Mike
  11. Hi everyone I am looking for a right side engine guard that the highway peg mounts on if anyone has one I will buy it if it is for sale . Thank you Barry
  12. bj66

    NY Yankees

    Sorry Yankees fans I dont feel your pain. Only thing better would have been to see the Orioles pull it off instead. Its nice to see that money doesnt always buy everything. But it would have been cool to see the A's or Orioles go through. Gotta love the underdogs.....
  13. I have a '06 RSTD. I need the cards synced on it as they are not "carbing" right, , , LOL. Is there anyone in the East Texas area that knows how to and would sync them for me. I would be more than happy to pay or buy dinner or trade my first born male child, , , I am in Diana, 15 miles north of Longview, Tx.
  14. Hi, I am a newbie and hope you can help me with a question. I am looking to buy a 2007 Venture and would like to know the problem areas and what to look for when I go to buy it. I have owned more Yamahas than any others and know their dependabilty, but every bike has their weak points. Thanks in advanvce!
  15. What to buy Where to Buy Whats a fair price Whats the mininum on the rotor. I'm pretty sure mine has plenty of meat to turn. Just like to know the mininum limit.
  16. My phone & wallet went through the wash Sunday, The Phone was also dried. It didn't make it. so for the few of you that actually talks to me buy phone. can you please send me your numbers again. Thanks. Mike
  17. SO what would you pay for a new venture with FI, ABS, Aluminum frame, Full fairing, bags trunk, radio, intercom, bluetooth, etc. This assumes most peoples desire for the Venture to remain a full on luxo tourer similar to HD, WING and BWW. While you can choose more than one option, try and keep your selections consistent. For instance if you are not going to buy till your current bike dies or you are waiting to buy used, don't select what you pay for a new one, since technically you wouldn't buy a new one. If you are providing info in a post like I would pay the samee as brand X model, provide what that bike costs so we don't all have to guess and look it up. Thanks RSTDdog
  18. looking to buy a ventrac 4200 diesel. slope mower .... will give $800 better than wholesale and accept as is... getting tired of the STEALERS..... Did ya know........... they take all the options off of your trade-in mowers and resell at 75% of the origional cost???????????????? WTF! So....... do yourself a big favor and take the options off, and sell on ebay. was looking at one and the dealer let it slip that he took the dualies off and it was ging to cost me an additional $2500. I'll never buy anything off of that a$$&()*)!
  19. Hi, I am looking to buy a new rear tire for my 04 RSV. Looking at the Dunlop Elite 3's and the Michelin Commander 11. Any comments on either one good or bad.Also a good place to buy them. Thanks Kelly
  20. I ride a 2007 RSTD. Bought it new and have loved the bike so far. My wife and I have been to several states enjoying this bike, and I am completely in love with the V4. Having said that, I have this constant thought in the back of my mind that I would like to get a full dresser. While I know I could buy a newer or new model Venture and be fine, I wonder if I should just spend a a considerably less amount and get a good low mileage clean maybe 2000 to 2007 model one. When I look at these bikes on the used market, they look like there is no difference, other than color, than the new ones. So, the reasoning is, why would I buy a newer year model when I could save quite a bit of money and get the exact same bike just a few years older. Is there something I don't know? Do the earlier 2nd Gen model years have less HP and Torque, or is there some kind of bug in the earlier ones that has been corrected since then? I don't want to get into a situation of buying a bike that has less performance than my RSTD does. Okay, here's the second part of this question. Is there a huge performance difference between the 1st Gens and 2nd Gens? I'm not completely sure I would consider a bike with the years on it that a 1st Gen would have, but I ran across a 1993 1st Gen yesterday here locally that is in pristine condition with 31K miles, and the guy said even though he loves the bike, he would probably take $3000-$3200 for it if I wanted to buy it. The 1st Gens just look more aggressive. They look like they would be a better performing bike in the turns and such. I know that I could just end the whole discussion by going and buying a brand new bike. I've test ridden several nice bikes (Victory CCT, Victory Vision, Kawi Voyager, GW, BMW 1600 GTL, Etc). I have the funding to go that route, but something just tells me to buy an older but very good bike and save the duckets. Plus I love the V4. Let the opinions and suggestions begin. Thanks, Lynn
  21. I'm from the government and I'm here to help! This is so wrong in so many ways! The 4 gallon minimum is their answer to preventing damage to your motorcycle from E15 fuel! WTH? Read the complete report if you can stand it... "PICKERINGTON, OH – August 8, 2012 – (Motor Sports Newswire) - The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will require all consumers to buy at least four gallons of gasoline from certain gas pumps after the new E15 ethanol-gasoline blend is introduced into the market, the American Motorcyclist Association reports." link
  22. Does any one up in the Calgary Canada area know of a good place to buy a trailer for behind my 06 RSV? or does anyone have one for sale maybe??
  23. OK does anyone know of a good place to buy tires in Canada:snow2:. I am getting tired of getting ripped off for the price we have to pay up here in the great white north . I am planning on getting a set of Avons for my 07:thumbsup2: I will gladly order from the USA but most places can not be bothered to ship to Canada:confused07:
  24. Just sell all of them First Gens and buy her a trike. The Warden gave you permission.
  25. If the salvage price is reasonable, I may want to buy my VR back from the insurance co. The key is finding someone who could take possession of it in Las Vegas, then maybe between several members could help ferry it back to Buckley WA where it could serve as a parts VR for my 89 VR. Please let me know if you can help or know of someone.
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