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  1. Hey Guys, After having completed my seat modification to over a dozen pillow top seats since the first of the year, I thought I'd give you all an update on my progress. I think I have come up with the best process for this seat, since it's foundation foam shape is like no seat that I have ever encountered. If you take a look at your OEM pillow top, you will note a slight forward pitch and the back of the seat is flat which creates a pressure point at the back of your butt just above the tail bone. When you take the cover off and pull loose the 1" layer of foam that creates the pillow top effect, you will see two bumps at the outer edge of the seat. I have no idea whey they chose to put these bumps in the molding, except to possibly provide more support to the outer edge of the seat? Anyway I have attached 5 pictures show the main steps that I go through in modifying the pillow top seat. 1. My 1st cut is to the back if the seat to put some curvature to sit back into. 2. the 2nd mod is to cut those bumps off and slope the base of the seat back a bit resulting in lowering the seat about 1/2" at the back. 3. Then I narrow the neck and cut my tail bone relief in. 4. Once I get it roughed out, I take my right angle pneumatic grinder with a 60 grit sanding pad and smooth the seat out and shape it to fit the butt better. 5. Now it's time to replace the 1" of standard foam with a layer of 1 1/2" memory foam cut to the same shape with the same cuts to keep same the pillow top effect. The memory foam keeps pretty much the same shape of the original seat. But when you sit on the seat you will feel that your butt fits the seat much better and the memory foam does not resist like standard foam and lets you sink down into the pillow top to the new foundation. So there you have it and if I can help you with making your pillow top more comfortable I am here to help. Maybe a few of the guys whose seat I have done will speak up as to what they think of this change? And I've also done a couple of passenger pillow tops, where I mostly just narrow the neck and cut in my tail bone relief before replacing the pillow top with memory foam. The last picture is to show a modified seat on the bike with a stock pillow top sitting on the rear seat. Rick (aka Butt Butler) Oh, if you don't know I have an ad (Butt Butler Seat Mod) in the classified section of 2nd Gen Parts with more info.
  2. holy moses! congrats to this guy! http://www.victorymotorcycles.com/en-us/2012/Experience/Pages/DG48102012.aspx.
  3. 4 years ago I started a bucket list Quest. It was to drive through and eat ice cream in all the lower 48 states. I finished it two weeks ago and wanted to thank every insightful poster on the forum. I've learned tire pressure, battery life, clutch replacement, locations to visit, even how to keep my butt from getting sore,,,,,,,,and so,so much more. Thanks to all of you, especially Freebird for keeping this place going. 3d And yep thats a pin for every state and a few extra for places you have recommended I visit along the way.
  4. paysaw

    Iron Butt

    I did my Iron Butt Ride yesterday. Left here in Mississauga and went west to Sarnia.West to Flint MI. North to Sault Ontario. East to Sudbury, east to North Bay.Then south back to Mississauga.Not a great time of 21 Hours as I had many social stops.I met some interesting people along the way including a school mate I had not seen in 38 years. I will post pics later.It was a great day and a great adventure. Ray:322:
  5. was suffering through an extremely long sermon 1 Sunday morning one little lady turned to the other and said " I hope the preacher hurries up, my butt has gone to sleep" to which the other little ole lady replied " I know I've heard it SNORE 5 times already"
  6. Hey Gals and guys, I will try to get Iron Butt ride to Don's Maintanance Day. All options are open, here's rout I was planning, but once again nothing is carved in the stone. Iron Butt Route Does anybody want to join me ?? First 6 Beers are on me at Don's ( after ride )
  7. Co-worker had his harley parked in the company lot and the way the sun was reflecting off the mirror it burned the passenger backrest. Looks like a cigarette was laid on it and burned down to the butt. I know, should have gotten a pic but I didn't have phone on me at the time. First time I ever heard of this.
  8. I finally have time to donate to the 86, I fixed the tail light this morning which wasn't working and synced the carbs now I am replacing the tires. The homemade trailer hitch is a BIG PAIN in the BUTT I think the next time I change the rear I will get rid of it.I am getting to old to keep doing this stuff.
  9. It slipped my mind earlier, but there may be some here who are interested in this: http://www.therally.us/wafflehouse.htm All the rules are right there on the site. Really all you need is a bike, a passion for Waffles and an appetite. The event is all year and can be combined with other Iron Butt type rides for the adventurous. The Rally Master is a friend of mine, but that is my only connection. I participate in other Rallies he organises, but not this one.
  10. Yeah now this is what the WNY gang should try..............
  11. Well, I took my first long trip on my RSV last week. A friend's wife died suddenly and I went to be with him. Drove from Daphne, AL to Shreveport, LA. Great trip. Approx 450 miles one way. Butt was starting to get a little sore by the end of the first leg, but on the way back, I was squirming early on. Guess I need to build up those butt muscles with more riding! On the way home, I was cruising mostly around 90 on the speedo (probably 82 or 83 in real life) then this woman came by me and I fell in behind her. We were running at 100 by my speedo. I began daydreaming about the last day's occurrences, and not watching the horizon for the Man, and I was also not hanging back from my escort, as far as I should have been. Then I came out of my daze when I noticed a BIG SUV on my Butt with his lights flashing. He pulled us over and asked if I knew how fast I was going and I said no, my Speedo is not accurate. He said he clocked the lady I was following at 91. He said he got behind me and clocked me at 87. I was very polite and he wrote me for 87 in a 70, but he showed me her ticket and he wrote her for 91. He said he could tell from my surprise when he told me I was going 91 that he believed I really didn't know I was going that fast. So, If I had been paying attention, watching for the Man and following my escort at a greater distance, then when he clocked her and hit his brakes to turn around, my bike would have slowed down and he would not have noticed I was following her. Lesson learned...Don't speed if you are going to daydream. About ten miles later I ran out of gas about a mile from the station I was planning on stopping at any way. As you probably know, the odometer, somehow knows when you go on reserve and begins counting miles up from zero. I have gone as much as 44 miles before, but this time I ran out at 37. Probably the 91 mph cruising I had been doing. So, I got off the bike and began pushing. I put my head down and began pushing for about 5 minutes. I looked up and the Gas Station was not ANY closer. I decided I would need to leave the bike and walk there and back. I am on a meal replacement diet that has been working very well for me. I carried my shake mix and my shake mixing cup with me. I grabbed my shake mixing cup and decided it would be perfect for carrying enough gas to get me to the Gas Station. I grabbed it and turned to walk toward the station when a lady pulled over and asked if she could help. I told her it would be great if she could give me a ride to the gas station up ahead, or at least to that exit. I got in. She told me her husband rode and that they always stopped when they saw stranded riders. She not only took me to the gas station, she waited on me and took me all the way back to the previous exit and back to my bike and wouldn't leave until my bike started. I told her she was a real hero and that she probably saved me two hours of walking and driving after dark when it really gets cold. So...I will pay this forward. I will never drive past a stranded rider without stopping and asking if they need help. My butt sure was sore by the time I got home that night. Is 450 miles in the saddle considered alot? Or do I just have wimp butt? I just read in another post that when the bike is out of gas, and it is straight up that there is between 1/2 and 1 gallon of gas left in it. Does any body know if this is true and if so, how would I move the gas to the other side of the tank, short of laying the bike on it's side? It would not be worth a hernia!
  12. Why should we pay $$ for Iron Butt , We can give recognition on this site, we should have our own ..
  13. Rob is a commercial saturation diver for Global Divers in Louisiana . He performs underwater repairs on offshore drilling rigs. Below is an E-mail he sent to his sister. She then sent it to radio station 103.2 FM in Ft. Wayne , Indiana , who was sponsoring a worst job experience contest. Needless to say, she won. Hi Sue, Just another note from your bottom-dwelling brother. Last week I had a bad day at the office. I know you've been feeling down lately at work, so I thought I would share my dilemma with you to make you realize it's not so bad after all. Before I can tell you what happened to me, I first must bore you with a few technicalities of my job. As you know, my office lies at the bottom of the sea. I wear a suit to the office. It's a wet suit. This time of year the water is quite cool. So what we do to keep warm is this: We have a diesel powered industrial water heater. This $20,000 piece of equipment sucks the water out of the sea. It heats it to a delightful temperature. It then pumps it down to the diver through a garden hose, which is taped to the air hose. Now this sounds like a darn good plan, and I've used it several times with no complaints. What I do, when I get to the bottom and start working, is take the hose and stuff it down the back of my wet suit. This floods my whole suit with warm water. It's like working in a Jacuzzi. Everything was going well until all of a sudden, my butt started to itch. So, of course, I scratched it. This only made things worse. With in a few seconds my butt started to burn. I pulled the hose out from my back, but the damage was done. In agony, I realized what had happened. The hot water machine had sucked up a jellyfish and pumped it into my suit. Now, since I don't have any hair on my back, the jellyfish couldn't stick to it. However, the crack of my butt was not as fortunate. When I scratched what I thought was an itch, I was actually grinding the jellyfish into the crack of my butt. I informed the dive supervisor of my dilemma over the communicator. His instructions were unclear due to the fact that he, along with five other divers, were all laughing hysterically. Needless to say I aborted the dive. I was instructed to make three agonizing in-water decompression stops totaling thirty-five minutes before I could reach the surface to begin my chamber dry decompression. When I arrived at the surface, I was wearing nothing but my brass helmet. As I climbed out of the water, the medic, with tears of laughter running down his face, handed me a tube of cream and told me to rub it on my butt as soon as I got in the chamber. The cream put the fire out, but I couldn't poop for two days because my butt was swollen shut. So, next time you're having a bad day at work, think about how much worse it would be if you had a jellyfish shoved up your butt. Now repeat to yourself, 'I love my job, I love my job, I love my job.' Now whenever you have a bad day, ask yourself, is this a jellyfish bad day? May you NEVER have a jellyfish bad day...!
  14. After several hours riding, I find that my butt gets numb and tends to feel sore afterwards for a while. I modified the seat to relieve pressure on the tailbone and that worked fine but still get the "numb butt". So, I happened upon a "like new" Corbin dual touring seat for like 1/2 of the new price .... hopefully that will make a difference but if not, I figgure I could re-sell if for what I paid no problem. [ATTACH]56801[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]56802[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]56803[/ATTACH]
  15. Just got back home today from a 1743 mile trek here in Texas. Cliff Wall a friend I met on the 2010 RAT ride was coordinating a SS1000 Iron Butt ride yesterday with the Motorcycle Touring Forum. I signed up and was the only Iron Butt rider. It was from Ft Worth to Fort Stockton, to Sanderson and back up to Austin and back to Ft Worth. Left work on Friday at noon and got back to Pearland around 2p. While riding 349 from Dryden off of Hwy 90 back up to I-10 which was a real nice ride, sorta like the Big Bend river ride. I came over one rise and seen a deer walking across the road ahead of me, it stops in my lane and is looking at me coming. I am slowing and sounding both air horns, it still looking at me. I would have had plenty of time to slow and stop, but as I got closer the deer finally went off the road. I believe it finally heard the clutch whine cause I know it was really hurting my ears. My MP3 had died earlier on the ride so thats all I had to listen to. Oh well won't complain anymore if it helped me, who knows. Great 2 day ride, but I am typing this standing up.
  16. DO any of you take part in LD Rides and Rallies? If so, which. What are your favourites? Which ones have you planned this year? Do we have any Iron Butt Rally 2011 entrants here? For my own part, I have one SaddleSore 1000 under my butt, done this year on the Triple. Probably one more this summer.
  17. we talked about having a christmas dinner meet at the meramec meet. it will probably be down around cape jirardeau, missouri. will have a one night stay over. bring your car unless you want to freeze your butt off. need some input on location and dates. i'm trying to get a good central location thats easy to get to.
  18. We're heading out on vacation this Friday after work, hope to make it somewhere down in Ohio on Day 1. Beth and I are both off for 2 weeks, and we've made some plans. Memphis...paddle wheeler, Uncle Lou's Chicken, Graceland....Nashville...who knows what? Then off we go like a herd of turtles to San Antonio.....the Alamo, Riverwalk....then over to Tomball-Conroe to meet up with the "Texans". Then, it's off to Savannah, and mosey on north back home. It might not look like much of a plan, but we stop where and when we want to....see something, let's stop....that type of trip. The bike has new front brakes, new Elite 3 tires back and front, going to do fresh engine oil and rear diff oil one night this week.....we did a 700 k trip yesterday, and all appears well, as it should. Yup, we're excited about it.....haven't named it yet...but something along the lines of monkey butt or flat butt tour would probably fit pretty well. Eldest son is taking care of the house, dog and cat....or maybe it's visa versa....hopefully the house is in one piece when we get home So, if you see an 04 Midnite with a couple of smiling, happy Canucks riding...it's probably us! We'll wave at ya. Keep the light on for us! gunk:big-grin-emoticon:
  19. Anyone who hasn't done this, I highly recommend it. I recently had it done and had the real test during STAR Days (going to it, during it and coming home). Overall guessing did 1500+ miles in a 5 day period. I had just a little tiny bit of that butt burn feeling but certainly not enough to make it uncomfortable in the least. Best $40 I have ever spent.
  20. Rick you out did your self on this one. I wanted to wait till I got a few miles on but I love it. Just a little information on this. I got my corbin seat reworked by Rick to help on the comfort level. Corbins are known for being hard and not butt friendly. Last year I sent it back to corbin to get it done with a less dense foam and it helped a little but this year I sent it off to Rick for some magic. He was very concerned when he sent it back to me that I would not be happy mainly because it looked a little puffy. At this time he decided that he would do no more Corbins. Yes it does look a little puffy but by no means bad. Let me say this seat is now great. Rick you did a great job and I hope you continue to fix this butt buster and make them as nice as mine. Scotty
  21. I have noticed a 'bounce' to my bike that has not been there before. I have checked the air in the shock and it is holding fine. However, upon grabbing her by the butt and giving her the test, she bounces. Could this be only the shock or is there more to it than this?
  22. OK, this will need to be done quickly, if at all. I am sending in my seat for a Russell Day Long conversion. Apparently, they need more than just the pan. However, my seat has the Butt Butler mod done to it. It would be a shame to send this nicely modified seat to be converted if someone locally would like it in exchange for a standard (non-pillow top) seat. Mine is studded, yours would not need to be. This would be a straight up exchange - no money involved. I will try to get some pics posted tonight. However, it is in perfect shape - no cuts or tears and both studs are in good shape. If there is anybody in the central WI area that would like to exchange, let me know. I need to get a seat sent out to Russell early next week - latest. For those that don't know, the Butt Butler modification is wonderfully comfortable. It takes a 200 mpd (mile per day) seat and makes it a 400+ mpd seat. However, I need a 1000 mpd seat and it just doesn't quite get there. My phone number is in my profile. RR
  23. Next project for the bike: Sky Doc's R1 Caliper mod and SS brake lines all around. Maybe some more rear lighting too. Still plan on doing the Butt Butler mod as well. Dan's also working on another accessory. It never ends!! :mo money:
  24. YO! Boomer CPO Did you give up your puuter in the deal too? Where the heck you all hiding? You can't be hiding in the bayou are ya? Them swamp rats will get cha! Get your but butt back on here and stir the pot a little will ya.
  25. Went for a 150Ml. ride yesterday, and for the first time, thought I was gonna die a slow terrible death... my tail bone hurt so bad, I thought I was gonna have to stop... well they are both, ( The seats, not the butt ) going to visit Mr. Buttler this week... We are planning on going to the international Rally and this problem will be solved before then... I still hurt this morning... maybe it was the pants I had on it was to cold to go camando with just my chaps.. Hopefully Rick is not too busy and can get to them pretty fast.... K
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