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  1. GREAT AIR SHOW They carry more insurance on the models than on their RV's, with good reason. The trash cans at the flying field stay busy. It is considered a normal part of the hobby. http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=zYPag3LuKlA
  2. Wow you can tell it is cooling off. I worked yesterday and I'll bet I saw over 100 bikers go by, beside the 25-30 that came in the dealership.. It sure would have been hard to work seeing all the bikers had I not been so busy...I hope my wife & I get to ride today between showers...I've been so busy I haven't had time to wire my bike for trailer lights yet. We can't wait to take a trip and use it....
  3. So... after a crappy day of "stuff" Ironhorse Ike and his son-in-law show up at my house late afternoon. They want to ride up the the top of the Catalina Mountains and back...about an 80 mile round trip to around 11,000 foot elevation. Nice and cool for around here. I'm busy and ticked off at some idiot at a Sprint store 2250 miles away..( long story) and too "busy" to go. The wife decides I need to go and basically kicks my butt out the door with them. Fast forward... we are at the top of the mountain getting a drink when a car drives up behind our bikes. The driver and Ike start to talk and the next thing I hear the driver ask is.. One of you guys KIC ? I'm thinking " dang.. that America's Most Wanted " thing works... Of course Ike immediate points to me in his fastest "Not me It's him" manner. Turns out it was DarkLeftArm and his obviously better half. It was nice to meet another Venture rider ( even if he does ride a 2nd Gen ) I'm sure we will be getting together for more rides soon.
  4. Just got in from a LONG week in Taylor, TX, near Austin. Wish there had been time to visit some of our Texas members while there but this was a semi annual sales meeting and they have us busy from daylight until well after dark. I have tried to keep up with any requests here but if I have missed something, please let me know.
  5. Well after countless hours and I wont say how much money (dont want Mini to kill me) I made the blonde legal today got her inspected and new plates.We even went for a 80 mile ride in the rain just for fun.Shes running pretty good considering that she has been parked since 2008. After the next oil change or 2 I will think about painting her back to the original two tone blonde coloring.We decided that she has been such a good bike that she deserves to go back to oem paint.I replaced all 3 rotors with EBC's 4 new diaphrams,all new exhaust gaskets,all new black plastic around the radios new ebc brake pads,plugs,caps,wires,air filter,fuel filter assembly,new front master cylinder,new extra heavy windshield is on the way,I cant remember what all esle but I have been busy with her at every chance I had and today was the payoff. Almost got a ticket on the way to the shop to get Mini her lunch good thing it was raining or I would have been going faster.I do like the way she handles but the tires are fairly new and not scuffed in yet so I had to take it easy but there is always tomorrow. Jeff
  6. Been out about 1-1/2 hr, not a cloud in the sky, 800# goes straight busy, and web site will not open.
  7. Heading to Eau Claire WI to visit grandkids tomorrow morning, have not seen them for a while, just too busy, :cool10::cool10::bighug:
  8. We'll be at Deadwood sunday July 3rd at 1:30 pm. Rocket and Rod will be here so this would be one way to have a group meet up with them from our area. Such a busy summer with Canadians, Australians, and Icelandic folk running about the states. Hope some of you can make it. I'm gonna post it to the calendar as well. Margaret
  9. clay18

    hey guys

    Sorry Ive been away from the forum busy with chelby number 2 coming in the next week or so and the army has had me busy. but with this my bike has fallen apart so when the baby gets here ill be busy i hope working on it while im taking family leave from the department all it looks like i need to do is to rebuild my front forks and put on the new rotors i got. would anyone be able to help me on the front end? im completely lost on it, but its great to see ya around on the fourm again so keep your eyes out for the new venture rider coming soon
  10. oldgoat


    just checking to see if the man is around i sent him a few PM .s but he must be busy?
  11. They keeping you that busy down there???
  12. Freebird was sure a busy boy this morning..... Must be tryin to get his post count up...... The only problem is that I want more of that stuff than I have cash.
  13. Here is a little walk through history you might enjoy. http://www.microcarmuseum.com/info.html just make sure to take the virtual tour....It'll keep you busy for a while.
  14. Here's one to keep you busy when not shoveling snow off the front porch. http://www.versuscountrybagamonsterbuck.com/
  15. This is going to be one great day for a ride. Sunny and 78 degrees and Ramona has the day off. For good reason to we been married 29 years today. A lot has changed since then.I'm not making $5.00 an hour no more but I'm still broke. We will be taking the 89 first gen country boy limo for a late Fall cruise probably through the mountains. Sad to say this may be are last ride together this year. Her work schedule is going to get real busy as the new store is opening and Winter is close. I'm ready to go I got 10 hours sleep last night,popped a few Ibprofen,and found my eye glasses. Like I said a lot has changed. Where can I buy lunch for:2cents::2cents:?
  16. VTirelli


    Doing me 'every once in a while' check in. Haven't had a lot of spare time....Retirement is a real time consumer........I heard from the couple that bought my '05, they've put about 10,000 miles in her since March and are still going strong.....still thinking about if I want to replace her but I'm not so sure....Long Island is such a dangerous place to ride and there are only so many places that you can go on a day ride....I DO have another project (pictured below) - 67 GTO ..something that I've always wanted, an old muscle car.......its keeping me busy but we love it. Also keeping busy with my grandson...he was 6 months old yesterday and is quite the little man (also pictured below)....Hope everyone is doing well....stay warm this winter!! vIN
  17. Well its been a month since we got back from the old Country, things have been hectic ever since,inlaws where here,daughter bought and moved into her first house then anounced she was engaged ,one of my riding mates is in the hospital with cancer,so i've been up there lots and another riding mate just got married so that was stag and rides dinners then the ceremony of course,just glad he's a christian rider ,so there wasnt much booze involved (had enough of that back in Scotland ;-) ). so we've been so busy busy busy ,i think i need a holiday .anyways i've managed to upload some pics from our trip back ,mainly from our bike trip . anyways heres the link to the pics if you care to see them http://picasaweb.google.ca/106503589568630976738/Hols201002?authkey=Gv1sRgCL68iYDR577DAQ# the last 3 are videos ,not very good videos i,ll admit ,but a wee taste of the highest road in the UK.
  18. Hope someone gets a smile or two out of this! Do Dogs go to Heaven? Hysterical ! Absolutely unreal that this actually happened! These two churches face each other acrossa busy street. http://f564.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f1659405%5fAFZv%2fNgAAYLvTCjX3wWkHUjRkxs&pid=2.2&fid=Inbox&inline=1 http://f564.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f1659405%5fAFZv%2fNgAAYLvTCjX3wWkHUjRkxs&pid=2.3&fid=Inbox&inline=1 http://f564.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f1659405%5fAFZv%2fNgAAYLvTCjX3wWkHUjRkxs&pid=2.4&fid=Inbox&inline=1 http://f564.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f1659405%5fAFZv%2fNgAAYLvTCjX3wWkHUjRkxs&pid=2.5&fid=Inbox&inline=1 http://f564.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f1659405%5fAFZv%2fNgAAYLvTCjX3wWkHUjRkxs&pid=2.6&fid=Inbox&inline=1 http://f564.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f1659405%5fAFZv%2fNgAAYLvTCjX3wWkHUjRkxs&pid=2.7&fid=Inbox&inline=1 http://f564.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f1659405%5fAFZv%2fNgAAYLvTCjX3wWkHUjRkxs&pid=2.8&fid=Inbox&inline=1 http://f564.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f1659405%5fAFZv%2fNgAAYLvTCjX3wWkHUjRkxs&pid=2.9&fid=Inbox&inline=1 http://f564.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f1659405%5fAFZv%2fNgAAYLvTCjX3wWkHUjRkxs&pid=2.10&fid=Inbox&inline=1
  19. Look who I found today while out for a putt. Alive and well, well at least alive. He's been too busy truckin' to visit this sight, and worse yet, too busy to ride. And he's off to Canada in the morning. Hang in there Dan, you'll be back at it soon, we hope. Later, Scooter Bob
  20. Here's the few pics I took at the meet in Florida. I got a couple of George and Bobbie together, plus some of Bobbie. It's hard getting pics of the two of them together, Bobbie is usually busy taking pics. Had a great time, can't wait to do it again. Margaret
  21. well i learned the hardest words to say is im just to busy. i found that out today my uncle not by blood divorced my aunt 5 years ago. and i just never kept that much in touch with him. i was allways JUST TO BUSY well i thought about going to see him soon. and then the bad news came he passed away yesterday. age 83. now his family had a grave sight service. and it was to late to say good bye i guess i learned a lesson today so good bye uncle sorry i was just to busy to pick up a phone or stop by. and i forgot the words i tried to live by tell someone you love them today for tomorrow they might not be here
  22. Hey all! I hope everyone has been well. I have not been around much lately - busy, busy, busy... The attached pic os of my father in 1952. Can anyone ID the bike he is on? Thanks for any help!
  23. Haven't been on here much due to life happening........so I figured I'd fill you guys in. My son got married last week, 9/6 .....unbelievable 5 day ongoing events......whole family got together, which doesn't happen near enough.....kids are in Jamaica now and we can't wait to see them when they get back. I also decided to pull the plug and retire from my job after 24 years. Seems my attitude has changed towards the people I deal with and wasn't really into doing it anymore. I have a new job in the works, something that is totally different from anything I have ever done before so I'm pretty excited. Sept 26th will be my last day. Havent been riding much, samantha and I have just been too busy getting things done here, I've even toyed with the idea of selling the bike but I think I'mgoing to hold onto it for a bit longer and see what pans out. First pic is of son and his Mom Second is the bride and groom ANyway, I still think of you all and hope to be getting on here more often.
  24. We (myself and V7Goose) rolled into the neighborhood around 4:30. Had a great ride. It was really good to meet all of those at Vogel. The organizers did a wonderful job of keeping us busy. Hope to do it again.
  25. I've been away for a couple of months. Didn't go anywhere - just been real busy. So...In 25 words or less, what did I miss?
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