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  1. I got this in my email at work today. I can't use the money so I'm passing it along to any one else who wishes to be a sucker...er rich. According to the email, 276.5 million minus some token amount for orphanages and less privileged children. At least in this one, the grammar and spelling is not so bad. Dear Friend, I hope that you will not expose or betray this trust that I am about to impose on you. I decided to contact you to help me actualize this business for the mutual benefit of both our families. My name is Mr. Sasha Kutah the Auditing and Accounting section manager in a bank, there is one of our customers who have made fixed deposit of sum of ($39.5)million for 7 years and upon maturity; I sent the notification to his address, but no response. After few months, I sent a reminder and finally I discovered from his business partner that he died after a brief illness in his country. We tried everything humanly possible to locate his relatives or family, but all efforts failed. The deposit is still intact with my bank and the interest is being paid into the principal sum at the end of each year. If the fund remains in the account for more months, the fund will be confiscated and transferred into the treasury of the Government as unclaimed funds. This is why I contact you for joining hands with the honesty and truth to ensure that the fund is transferred into your bank account, a bank account anywhere in the world can help the transfer. All that is required of you is to contact my bank with the information I will send you as the business associate of the depositor with this system the fund will be paid into a bank account you will provide to the bank. To be honest with you, this is totally legal and 100% risk free. But the secret must remain between you and me, I can assure you that I have worked with this bank for many years and I know all the secrets and I have carefully mapped out my perfect strategies to handle this operation successfully. The depositor is my close friend before his death that is the main reason why I'm the only one working at the bank here that knows much about the existence of this fund and the secrets and the depositor. We will also use some part of the funds to help the orphanage and less privileged children in the world, while I invest part of my share under your management. Please reply quickly enough to enable me decide how to proceed. I await your response. Mr. Sasha Kutah. P.S. I'll provide the return email address on request.
  2. Anyone know if they are still in business? Not answering his phone this morning.
  3. I travel a lot for business and am trying to fit a day in before or after business for a ride where possible and theres no shortage of my business pals willing to take a customer out for a "business event"! I wish someone would visit me in Long Island so I could return the favor ! Anyway, picked up a Harley Ultra Glide the past Monday. This my 2nd time on a Harley. There's a lot I like about it, plenty I don't but I have to say Harley instils a mind set I don't get on my venture and I was digging it but not enough to switch. Rode out to Canyon Lake to a place called Tortilla Flats, an hour or so east of Phoenix. Anyone local over there knows what a beautiful crazy ride that one road to Tortilla Flats is. Did a lot of riding around Superstition Mountain and a few more lake areas. Fantastic region.....and the weather this time of year is perfect. Have another ride planned for the fall, going north of Phoenix this time, Sedona, Red Rocks, etc. I'm trying to learn my new Nikon DLSR, not succeeding but heres a few pics from the trip https://picasaweb.google.com/ablumny/ArizonaRideFeb2012?authuser=0&authkey=Gv1sRgCMLEi4vCgv7yDQ&feat=directlink
  4. What is "everyone" using for Bluetooth communication? Is one brand better that another? Has anyone used the Chinese brands from Ebay? They're far less expensive and the reviews are positive. I use my RSV for business as well as pleasure so I need to have phone access when on the road. Don't want to miss that important call from a client. George
  5. Our internet provider just called and said our upload activity had spiked since 11:00am and asked if we were doing anything different. We asked what would cause this as we are just doing business as usual. He said it could be a virus. Anyone know what might cause this and how would you find out what is causing this?
  6. ----- A man boarded an airplane and took his seat.. As he settled in, he glanced up and saw the most beautiful woman boarding the plane. He soon realized she was heading straight towards his seat ... As fate would have it, she took the seat right beside his.. Eager to strike up a conversation he blurted out, "Business trip or pleasure?" She turned, smiled and said, "Business. I'm going to the Annual Nymphomaniacs of America Convention in Boston " He swallowed hard. Here was the most gorgeous woman he had ever seen sitting next to him, and she was going to a meeting of nymphomaniacs. Struggling to maintain his composure, he calmly asked, "What's your business role at this convention?""Lecturer," she responded. "I use information that I have learned from my personal experiences to debunk some of the popular myths about sexuality." "Really?" he said. "And what kind of myths are there?" "Well," she explained, "one popular myth is that African-American men are the most well-endowed of all men, when in fact it is the Native American Indian who is most likely to possess that trait. Another popular myth is that Frenchmen are the best lovers, when actually it is men of Jewish descent who are the best. I have also discovered that the lover with absolutely the best stamina is the Southern Redneck." Suddenly the woman became a little uncomfortable and blushed. "I'msorry," she said, "I shouldn't really be discussing all of this with you. I don't even know your name.." "Tonto," the man said, "Tonto Goldstein, but my friends call me Bubba."..............................
  7. I hate having to do this but it is time to turn the heat up on Ma Yamaha. As has been discussed here before looking for advise my RSTD was in the shop for a full month in February of this year for over heating problems. This is what the leak looked like then. http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x249/TearlessTom/P1010241-1.jpg A possible cause was found and repaired AFTER A MONTH and all they had to do was to actually lay a wrench on the bike. They found a bolt from the motor mount had backed out droped into the fan and blew the fuse which could have caused the over heating problem. Fast Forward 2-3 weeks: March 16th Now this is what the leak looks like http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x249/TearlessTom/RSTDLeak.jpg so obviously it was not the bolt in the fan but rather the head gasket like I had told them the 1st part of February. Oh and by the way they still didn't believe it. TODAY IS NOW MAY 17TH. IT HAS BEEN IN THE SAME SHOP HALLS MOTORSPORT IN MOBLIE AN MALBIS FOR AN ADDITIONAL 2+ MONTHS. 62 DAYS TODAY PLUS THE 30 IN FEB BRINGS IT TO AN ASTOWDING 92ISH DAY IN THE SHOP THIS YEAR AND TODAY IS THE 137TH DAY OF THE YEAR SO THEY HAVE HAD IT 2/3RDS OF THE YEAR. After a 2nd month (1st month this occurance )in the shop they finally got around to fixing the head gasket. When they put the bike together it ran like CRAP!!!! So now it is in the 3rd month of their possession because they cannot figure out what happened to the bike to make it run so bad as it was running perfectly before they worked on it (with the exception of the head gasket) I think 2 months is more than sufficient to fix a bike for any reason. It took less than that to repair my Honda and my wife’s Harley when she had her accidents. Actually only took about 3-4 weeks including paint. So I called Ma’ Yamaha yesterday, they said they would call HALLS MOTORSPORT at 10:AM then call me back. Didn’t hear back so I had to call them again. Now they are saying re-re-recheck the timing which I am told is being started this afternoon and should be back together tomorrow AM. The service manager, mechanic and myself have racked our collective brains trying to think of possible causes for the poor running but to no avail. We think it is a fuel problem. The service department acts as if they can not wipe their collective backside with out Ma’Yamaha’s permission because it is a warranty job. Now I am being told that a service rep/mechanic will TRY TO BE HERE NEXT THURSDAY, IE: 10 Days Their handling of this is way beyond not acceptable business practice. To Make matters even worse this is my 2nd Yamaha, My son has had one and was looking to buy another but the sales people at this same dealership HALLS MOTORSPORT IN MOBILE ALBAMA treated him so poorly he does not want to go back. To bad to as he had the money in his pocket. Well thanks everyone for letting me vent and I have a favor to ask. 1st Would everyone who reads this please shoot a note or even copy and paste this to the below listed contact for HALLS MOTORSPORT IN MOBILE ALABAMA. And let them know your feelings of their business practices. 2nd If you can spare a minute call the below listed # for Yamaha’s so called customer support and tell them the problems going on at this dealership. Maybe they will take note and pull there licenses or at least put some pressure on them. As of this writing we have 2,184 members on this site alone, Please help me put some collective pressure on these stealers. http://halls-motorsports.com/contact/ Customer Relations (800) 962-7926, press "3" for Star Specialist. Oh and as an aside note. I had reason to do business with Truck’n Up in Mobile. I ordered a truck bed cover for my truck yesterday morning. He found one in Indiana. He calls me at lunchtime today tells me it is in and he can install anytime. So in a matter of about 28 hours including off hours he find the cover , ordered it, called the customer, and installed it. They also rechecked the balance on some new tires for me free of charge. That is how a business should be run!
  8. Noticed that I had lost 1 of the bolts for the trunk that bolts to the fender. Went to the parts desk and was handed a free one. I know it's not an expensive item but this day and age of uncertainty in the business world I thought that was huge. Never bought a bike at McGraths but certainly will the next time! Check them out as they have a bunch of new and used bikes.
  9. I had found some parts I needed for my bike on ebay. I made the seller an offer and he accepted my offer. I was waiting for the invoice so I could get him paid and instead he said that someone had "just" offered him more money. Now I do not get my parts and he just sayd it is business. So if you have to deal with ebayer onestopoutlet beware. Shaun
  10. If anyone has a line on a decent working used TTY machine, we need one asap as our's just died (at the office) and it's a "must have" for our business.
  11. Some forwarded emails that I get (jokes, etc.) have a long list of prior recipients, and sometimes names with business titles, email addresses, information that I am surprised to see. Often these are references to business emails, have job titles, company names, all that. I'm curious about how many members actually are using work computers and internet connections for personal reasons, or know of someone doing this. When I was working (retired at 67) I neither had the time nor the inclination to use company equipment for personal activity. The last few years I didn't have access to company computers, but before that had plenty of opportunity. Just seems like I was busy doing my job. Not making accusations, just curious.
  12. After not being able to find my Canadian source for Plastex, a little old man told me they went out of business. Does anyone else know if there is another distributor IN CANADA, that ships to online customers?
  13. Just heard from a friend that Meridian Yamaha, Meridian Mississippi, is closing their doors and going out of business. They are liquidating their stock. Those of you in the area have until 19 January to see what bargains you can find.
  14. is it just me that thinks that 63.00 dollars is high for thesw gas tank grommet covers. I know business folks need to make a profit, but meeza-thinks this is hiway rubbery. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/YAMAHA-ROYAL-STAR-VENTURE-BILLET-FUEL-TANK-MOUNT-COVERS-_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQhashZitem414b105f45QQitemZ280432238405QQptZMotorcyclesQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories http://i.ebayimg.com/19/!Bgdvd5QB2k~$(KGrHqEOKkUEryhRc-oWBLFZC63QGw~~_12.JPG
  15. Anyone have any luck or problems with Pin Wall cycle on Ebay? Sent them 2 emails asking about the condition of a set of upper fork covers before I ordered them and never got a response back. Not a good way to do business in my opinion.
  16. Just a reminder ..., I don't think that it's necessary to go in to the uneventful details about product purchase and usage. Suffice it to say, Ed Davis (Ed-Sets), still goes the extra mile in customer service. And, I didn't even ask him too. He just took good care of me. These are the kinds of guys we like to do business with. Thanks Ed! Be Safe! Pete.
  17. There is a MK2 in El Monte Ca that I am interested in. Just wondering if there is anybody down there that would have time to check it for me. It is at a business, not a residence.
  18. Anyone know if they went out of business? Can't find them anymore.
  19. Our harley dealer here in Albany, Georgia is closing. They have a salellite dealership on I 75 in Tifton, Georgia and will be moving everything from Albany to Tifton. The Albany dealership lost $500,000 last year. The Albany dealership has never been able to get it together. The current dealer is the third or fourth owner. The original owner was a perfect example of how not to run a business. He ran off more business than he got. The Tifton location has been doing very well. I wish them success.
  20. I am officially employed again, as of Monday morning. My former employer had to dramatically downsize last year, and I had worked hard at eliminating my own position as I was to be promoted to General Manager. To try to struggle through, they had to cut very deep, and unfortunately I had to go. It was a sound business decision that I would have made the same way myself - their doors are still open but they are struggling. Time will tell. Regardless, as the automotive business all over tanked last year, there were many, many supplier shops here in southern Ontario which also closed, making the job market exceptionally tight for all. I dedicated 3-4 hrs every morning to just my job search : researching companies, tracking down contacts, cold calling, etc... and now finally, after 11 long months, I am joining another progressive automotive parts manufacturer in a position that I will enjoy. I had an interview Thursday afternoon, and I had a firm offer in under 24 hours, and I start Monday. I know there are quite a few members on here looking, and all I can say is do not give up. It's hard and certainly frustrating but things do come through eventually.
  21. Business somewhat slow,,,,,, You here more than usual
  22. Looking for a Windshield cover with area for pamphlets, business cards.
  23. Well, here goes. It may get a little bit long, but here are my thoughts. On March 17th I ordered two Scorpion Hat Trick jackets @ $149.99 each. They shipped them on March 22nd, and I got them OK. I was pleased with the price as they were lower than most other sites, and I had looked at the jackets at a local dealer (higher priced) and knew exactlly what I was getting. Last Thursday 04-22 I get an ad from them in my email and they have the same jacket for $114.99, $35 less than I paid, for a total of $70.00 less for the two. So I sent them a polite (I thought) email inquiring about a possible price match. Here is what I sent, and I also added my name, address and phone number: "Subject: Price of Scorpion Hat Trick jackets On 03-22-2010 you shipped my order number 1031756 of two of these jackets. I paid $149.99 each for them. You now have them on sale at $114.99 each. $35 each is a signifigant difference in price. Is there any chance that I can get a price match refund of the $70 more that I paid? If I had only waited a month to order my two jackets I would have gotten them for $114.99 each. Thank you for your consideration of this matter." Yesterday, Tues. 04-27 (5 days later) I got this reply: We do not go more than 7 days for match That's it, that's all they sent. I was not happy with how they responded. It is their choice as to how they establish their price matching policy, but I felt that they were rude and very unprofessional in their response. Following is my reply to their reply: "What kind of response is this? No name, no comment, no thank you for your business. Not even any punctuation. This certainly is not the way to promote your business. This response must be from someone who just doesn't give a damn about this business, only that they get a pay check. I checked as much of your web site as I could to find your written policy for price match against yourself and could not find it anywhere. Perhaps you can enlighten me as to where to find it. Meanwhile, I will post my feelings about your your customer service (and price match policy), and your lack of courtesy, to the motorcycle forums in which I am active. Some of them even list your store as a recommended source to purchase parts and gear, etc. Seems like they must not know the whole story. By the way, I sent my email to you last Thursday, 04-22-2010. Got the response Tuesday, 04-27-2010. Seems like a long time to wait for such a short response." Needless to say, unless I get some kind of positive response from someone in their customer service, managment, or ownership, they will never get another order from me.All this FWIW, and now I feel better. Mel
  24. With Christmas just around the corner and coming on fast, thought I would sneak in this shameless plug for my daughters business. www.DonnaA.scentsy.US She is married to a 25 year retired Marine Gunny and they recently adopted my first grandson. So, she has started this business to be a good stay at home mom to make sure I don't corrupt the grandson too much. Anyway, she would appreciate the business. Thanks for looking
  25. http://www.1800lastbid.com/auction/listings/categories/index.cfm?category=806430895&ID=1 Looks like a honda dealer went out of business possible good buys
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