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Found 11 results

  1. I know this is not bike related BUT.... I am wondering if there are any RV techs out there. I have a Suburban NT-30sp furnace in my RV and am having troubles with it. I have ruled out propane supply as I can run my water heater, 3 burner stove and oven at the same time. When i request heat the blower motor will start running, (sounds and feels quite strong), I can hear the ignitor click than a thud from the solenoid, than the burner lights and will burn for maybe about 5 seconds and than the burner will go out. It will repeat this 2 more times than the furnace fan will shut off after a couple minutes. Can anyone help me out on this one? Rob
  2. stay hydrated and take breaks to cool off. in heat like this u can dehydrate in a hurry & burn even faster....
  3. royalstar09

    Holy Smoke

    One of our Local manufactuing plant whips Fire departments. Estimated HALF MILLION Lbs of plastics were inside. They did the right thing, give it what you have, then back off let it burn out. http://www.wgem.com/Global/story.asp?S=14067946
  4. Last weekend, I noticed a mysterious red light come on when I rev limited in 2nd gear. I'd never seen it before, and the manual was inconvenient. So I checked the oil level and was shocked to see that it was at the bottom of the sight glass, and looked rather black. I just changed the oil, and it was black and nasty. Clearly, she burned oil since the last change (about 4000 miles ago). I changed her oil just before my trip to Zion National Park, Four Corners, etc. I towed a trailer on that trip, so 3500 miles of those 4000 were towed. She's never burned any oil (except when I overfilled her, before I realized she took less than the manual). She just rolled over 50,000 miles. What causes a bike to burn oil? Dave
  5. I have a 2006 RSV and having some work done. While fairing is off I was going to upgrade the headlight to HID. Shop owner says older HID units in the 300-500 dollar range are ok but China has flooded market with cheap stuff that won't last. He said if I installed HID system from HID Country or the Canadian dealer that it would probably burn out and leave me lightless. Can anyone tell me about reliability issues(good & bad) of the HID systems? Any suggestions? I like plenty of light at night. What about HID passing lights?
  6. Anyone who hasn't done this, I highly recommend it. I recently had it done and had the real test during STAR Days (going to it, during it and coming home). Overall guessing did 1500+ miles in a 5 day period. I had just a little tiny bit of that butt burn feeling but certainly not enough to make it uncomfortable in the least. Best $40 I have ever spent.
  7. Vacation "Burn" Day .. nice day to spend in the cave. A little work a friend's 99 RSV.
  8. with some of you taken so many picture like Bobbi and lonna and a few more of you what do you save them to or put them on. i dont want to waste so much of my hard drive storeing them so what should i do put them on flash drives or buy an externial hard drive i mostly burn them to disc but disc can get broke so do any one of you have any good sugestions on how to store and save my pictures?
  9. For the 'nam and Persian Gulf vets: · H.R.2926 which would require the VA to provide medical care to Vietnam era and Persian Gulf War veterans who were exposed to herbicides BURN PIT TOXIC EMISSIONS Update 10: When epidemiologist Shira Kramer first saw data about some 400 service members who say they were sickened by open-air burn pits in Afghanistan and Iraq, she said she was shocked to see how well their symptoms matched up with symptoms associated with toxic exposure. "I was appalled but not surprised to learn that there were so many serious adverse health effects," she said. "We know open pit burning is very dangerous." Kramer, who has a doctorate in epidemiology and co-authored a textbook about it, was invited by lawyer Elizabeth Burke to research the burn pits to compile evidence for several class-action lawsuits against military contractor KBR. The military typically disposes of waste in burn pits during contingency operations, but KBR took over burn-pit operations for the largest of the pits at Joint Base Balad, Iraq. In a memo dated 20 DEC 06, Air Force Lt. Col. Darrin Curtis, former bioenvironmental flight commander at Balad, said the chemicals to which troops there may have been exposed include: dioxin, the same chemical that made Agent Orange so toxic; benzene, an aircraft fuel known to cause leukemia; arsenic; dichlorofluoromethane, or Freon; carbon monoxide; ethyl benzene; formaldehyde; hydrogen cyanide; nitrogen dioxide; sulfuric acid; and xylene. Kramer said the mix of chemicals, and their combination with particulates such as ash and sand, may have made the problem worse. "You have a toxic brew that is … much more dangerous than individual chemicals alone," she said. "The absorption onto particulate matter then allows these chemicals not only to deeply penetrate into the lungs, but also to have a dwell time in the lungs." Air Force officials say the burn pit at Balad has been cleaned up - the 90,000 water bottles a day that were being burned are now recycled, and hazardous materials are no longer making their way to the pit. But even if the pit burned only wood and paper, the troops would still be at risk, Kramer said, noting that burning wood produces dioxin. "Uncontrolled, open burning of any of these materials represents a hazard. The symptoms can be signs of acute respiratory problems and blood cancers… Troops stationed near burn pits who began coughing and spitting up black stuff - 'plume crud,' they call it - should have served as a warning to military officials. The acute effects are a tip-off that something quite troubling is going on… Military data showing that chronic obstructive pulmonary disease cases have risen by 12,000 a year since the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan began are especially troubling. ..You would not expect to see COPD in a young, healthy population … in this age range," she said. "It's extremely unusual and unexpected." [source: NavyTimes Kelly Kennedy article 13 Jul 09 ++] · H.R.1293 sponsored by Ranking member Steve Buyer (R-IN) which increases the amount of money veterans can receive for home improvements and structural alterations from home health services ($6,800 for service connected disabled veterans and $2,000 for non-service connected disabled veterans.
  10. yamahamer

    AVON's stink

    AVON's stink........when they are burnning.:rotfl: [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--V5oz6vzFo]YouTube - venture burn out[/ame][/url]
  11. Guest

    Electrical fires

    If you smell smoke when behind the windshield of a 1st gen.....Consider that it's not the 18 wheeler in front of you and investigate. As a side note. If you reduce your speed to below 40 mph while 2 foot flames are shooting out of your dash, you won't burn your chin. I wonder if I would have smelled it sooner without the full face helmet on.
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