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  1. When I hit "Mark Forums Read", I got a box/window near the top of the page called "Shoutbox" with a bunch of strange info. Anyone else get that?
  2. It would help a few of us borderline Alzheimer cases to put a lasting name to a face if you could post a picture of yourselve(s) with names. Met a bunch of friends this week, but I forgot your names!!! Attached is myself and wife Nancy Gary
  3. Just a quick note to say...go to the classified ads, as I just listed a bunch of stuff for sale. Thanks,
  4. There is a bunch of 99 parts on Flea-Bay right now for some good prices. Just trying to help I know all those 2nd Genners need something....maybe not parts but...
  5. I have to raise the price of the BuddyRich cable to 50 dollars. I have enough parts to do another 20 cables then after that it questionable if I will be able to continue . I use a specific transformer in the circuit and about six months ago radio shack stopped carrying it. That transformer is why you can talk at 80mph and the other person can't even tell your on a bike .So if you have been sitting on the fence about getting one of these you may want to go ahead and get one. It maybe up to three weeks after you order before I can get it out to you if I get a bunch of orders. If I can find a new source for my parts I may continue to make them. If so I'll update this post.. Thanks everyone. I really never made a dime off them but it was fun having something that only VR.org could offer to its members. ( I think that's the only reason Don let me hang around so long)
  6. Looking for a member who would be interested in doing some work on my bike.(84 Venture). I live in Nicholson, Ga,between Commerce and Athens. I got it running but it still has some carb issues. I'm not lazy or dumb, just busy. I work @ 60 hrs a week, and have other obligations and just don't have a lot of time. The local dealer around here seems to be filled with a bunch of pretentious jerks who have no time to deal with a non-Harley owner. But the main reason is turn around time. I would like to be riding soon, not 5-6 months from now. Just send me a PM if you are interested. Also wanted to add that I will deliver and pick up, plus I will pay cash.
  7. Hooked up with panjandrum and a few of his Coast Riders group for a great day ride through some of the back roads in the area. Took a bunch of vids with the wife's Canon Powershot SD1300IS. Vids came out not bad for a low-priced digital camera with video. Here's a few.... [ame] [/ame] [ame= ] [/ame] [ame= ] [/ame]
  8. I recorded all the action last week, and now I'm finally getting around to watching the auction. Nice thing is, when recorded, I can fast-forward thru all the advertisements... and a lot of the auctions too. Seen one Camero Rat you've seen them all.... and there are always a bunch. One thing I noticed immediately on the first day the bid prices were up a bit from the past, and not as many 'wish-I-was-there-buys'. When i got into day two it seemed to me that car prices had doubled. Friday was even worse, and I just watched the first half of Saturday and started thinking... Wow!! only $85,000... what a steal.... A Shelbie GT350 ruster went for $350,000, and was lost among a bunch of 1.0-2.6 million bids. You gotta be kidding me.... Add the buyers premium and tax and those 2.5's add up to three very large..!! I remember when the place would erupt when a rare bid hit a mill. I'm wondering what these folks know that the common folks don't.. Sure they all have museums, and I suppose there's a way to write off the purchase, but I can't believe the IRS is going to buy into some of the prices. Anyway it's got me befuzzled. I saw one old 110 year old geezer buy 3 or 4 cars for 1 million plus... I bet he lost his drivers license 30 years ago... Anyway it's been interesting so far. Saturday night and Sunday are still in the can.... and can hardy wait....
  9. Hope you made a bunch this holiday season!!!! I fixed it.
  10. Ozlander


    For them that run SeaFoam all the time. Make your own and save a bunch of money. http://hildstrom.com/projects/seafoam/index.html
  11. hey everybody! trying to get ahold of skydoc, to see if he has some progressives. where is the install with photos? also, has anyone removed anti-dives with this install? how about some pics please........i said please......thanks a bunch, this forum is PRICELESS!
  12. Hey guys and gals, I find myself with a bum speedometer and am trying to track one down. If anyone knows of anywhere or anyone I might be able to find one from, please let me know. Feel free to PM me if need be. Thanks a bunch!! Jay
  13. Just got back from spending a day with all the great folks at Vogel. Saw some old friends that we haven't seen in awhile, met some new faces and put faces to names seen here on the forum. Many thank to ALL who had anything to do with putting on this great event. No names cause sure as anything, I'd leave someone out....... Hopefully we raised a bunch of money for St. Judes!!!! Great turnout and hope we will get a chance to see all again!
  14. The only thing I have left to do is get this dang trailer wired up before leaving for Cody. If anyone could pop the passenger seat off their bike and take a pic of their wiring it would sure help a bunch. I have a Motorvation trailer that has a 5 wire setup directly from the factory so I don't think I need any type of converter, and I do have the RSV wire color chart. Has anyone wired a 5 to 5 wire?? Another thing I'm runing into is the wire guage at the 6 way plug under the seat. Looks like 18ga on my '99, but yet when I get behind the brake light the wires are the more larger 14ga size. Yes, I did look behind the light just to see what was available. I just thought a pic would help me a bunch.... Any help would be appreciated.
  16. I know we've talked about this a bunch, but usually we're only talking about spot repair. I'm starting to get a bunch of cracks in the plastic of my fairings so I've decided that my winter project this year is to strip all the plastic off of the bike and reinforce it. I'm going to build up the areas that have cracks pretty good, but I want to also put a layer of fiberglass cloth all over the insides to add some strength. I've looked at Plastex, but dang it's going to be expensive to get enough for a project like this. Several on here have said not to use fiberglass resin, so what are my options? Will ABS cement work for this or do I need to look at something else? Thanks.
  17. Anyone thinking about hotel plans for MD? The comfort inn was ok with me, wasn't too far from dons house and was nice and clean. The fact they let a bunch of bikers hang out in front of building and drink was very nice. any other ideas?
  18. Given there is not going to be a Vogal rally for the southeast this year, I was expecting a bit more response to us having an Asheville Rally. So far, I am getting very little response on my request to do an ICE list. For those of us that have been to either of the previous Asheville get-togethers, you know it is a laid back gathering and we have a lot of fun. For those that have not been to this rally, or in this area, this is truly a motorcyclist's paradise. You can not get much better riding than this, in just about anywhere. Usually, the biggest problem is trying to decide which direction you want to go. And, for those staying at the KOA site, it is a perfect place for us to get together. I know the date is a little later in the year and many have kids in school by now, but I am hoping before this gets going that we have a bunch show up. If there are any questions about anything, please do not hesitate to ask on here, or send me a PM and I will try to help. I plan on being there in the afternoon on Wednesday the 11th and will be leaving out Sunday. I will be in campsite #21 by the lilly pond. RandyA
  19. Most of you know I don't have a computer at home, so I am on here during the day. Is it my computer or did we really have a whole bunch of new members sign up today? Inquiring minds want to know!
  20. I see at the MSF state law list that several states (delaware, new jersey, aand vermont) require reflectorization on the lid. What does this mean. How big?, front or back or both? I'm headin' your way next week to fill in a bunch of my map and get a saddle bag from Jonesy at Americade later that week. I don't want to spend any of my vacation time explanin' my lack of knowledge to a cop. Thanks for the help, Scooter Bob
  21. I picked up my 83 Royale today. There's quite a bit of rust on much of the chrome and white junk all over the other metal. Looks almost like an acid type stuff. Comes off easy though. The guy gave me a receipt for work he had done in 2006 but put less than 300 miles since then. His bill came to $900 and included new brakes, calipers rebuilt, fork seals, plugs, carb tune, new rear tire, and a bunch of other stuff. I paid $400 for the bike. I found a bottle of oil in the side bag and I just pray it wasn't oil he used. It was a bottle of energy saving oil - so first thing will be to change the oil. I would have done it anyway. I need to bleed the clutch line and get the battery charged up. I may keep it to ride to work or offer it to my brother in law who is looking for a ride.
  22. Ordering a bunch of Parts (Santa (wife) was very good to me)...Plus I quite Smoking back in Mid Sept....and now using the money normally spend on cigs for chrome....Showed the wife the Yamaha "Lid Rail"....She said they look cheap...Are these the Harley lid rails a bunch of you folks are using...Saw them on bikes in the Pic's Forum. Any mods to the bags other than holes need to be made. George In Virginia..
  23. As I have mentioned earlier, I am going thru a lifestyle change. On Nov 19, I weighed 242 pounds and this morning I weighed 207. In another 35 pounds I will weigh about what I will be comfortable with, even though it will still be above the gov/insurance recommendations. The best part is the change in my diabetes control. My A1C was about 11 then and now it is 6.6, which means I had an average sugar level between 250 and 300 and now it is much closer to 100. I have now dropped my insulin from 46 units a night to 15 while working with a doctor. The most amazing part about this is how easy it has been. The biggest change is simply stop eating all the sweet junk I was eating, and now I don't crave them at all. To be diabetic, I was really abusing myself with what I was eating and drinking. I am still eating about anything I want and really don't think of being on a diet, as I am not. Just eating slower, chewing my food and eating smaller portions. The key to eating smaller portions is to eat slow enough to get food into your system rather than eat faster and stuff yourself and still be hungry. It is also about how much better I feel when I finish a meal and not feel stuffed and have a bunch of indigestion. The main reason I am bringing this up is I want to encourage other's to consider what I am doing. I don't suggest going thru a divorce as I am doing to get you to start thinking about yourself, but in my case it has been a real refocus of my personal needs. I also want to encourage others that are type II diabetic or going to be to consider what you are doing to yourself. Diabetes has a bunch of related problems that comes with it. RandyA
  24. Here is one pic. For some reason all the pictures didn't make it to Photo Bucket. I'll try again later. We had a pretty good turn out. The girl we had take the pic zoomed back a little too far but we're still there. It was good finally meeting so many from this site. A good bunch indeed. (Hope I do the pic right) http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d70/LEOK9Trainer/DSC_0079.jpg
  25. You got a bunch of pets, you got a bunch of problems. Just in the last couple of months we had to put on of our cats down due to cancer, one of the dogs was infested with whip worms and needed serious attention; and I just dropped another dog of who can't keep his feet under him, and is losing control of his bladder and bowels. No direct diagnosis, 'cause the vet had to go into surgery, but he's throwing terms around that don't sound good: stroke, tumor, cancer, cat scan, MRI, chemo ..... Methinks wife's not going to be happy with the outcome on this one (either). Lousy timing, right before Christmas!
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