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  1. My 2007 Midnight Venture is still under factory warranty intil Feb 2013, then I have 2 years extended. I have noticed in the past few days the riders seat is starting to split down in the creases. Also the left rear speaker is blown. I know the "Bumper to bumper" warranty isn't AS Bumper to bumper as it should be. So my question is, should I approach my dealer with these concerns or am better off just dealing with them myself? Thanks in advance. Joe 2007 Midnight Venture Monroe, GA
  2. Anyone with a Hannigan RSV trike have a rear bumper installed? Am pondering the idea of mounting one on my 08/2011. It would have to be frame mounted vice body mounted, I would think that a body mounted one would crack the fiberglass if any impact. Any sources/pix/suggestions would be appreciated. Tnx in advance.
  3. My wife bless her saved our a$$ today tried making a u turn to get out of bumper to bumper traffic in Gatlinburg Tn. It was to tight an the bike went over at a dead stop was holding for all I was worth I'm 6'3 next thing I know she is beside the bike shoving us back up right without a scratch and then hops back on like it was no big deal. Still shaking my head because most the time she does good to get on and off. Was so proud of her and told her so what a gal even with her short legs. The highway peg did fold up about halfway that's how close it was.
  4. Statistics finally caught up with me. On the 21st I was riding in Kerrville TX and a young woman pulled out of a parking lot in front of me to go the other direction. Didn't have much time, pretty sure I hit the Stebel horn (at least that is what I remember) and tried to turn out of her way hoping she would stop. Ended up catching her SUV on the bumper, the bike skidded into the vehicle and I left a nice dent in her door with my shoulder. Bike ended up facing back the way I came. As I was picking myself up off the ground she opened the door and said she didn't see me. After I screamed at her about hearing the horn she said she hadn't and got back in her car. I think she may have been a bit afraid of me at that point. EMTs transported me, a wrecker company took my bike and her SUV. The bumper was pushed sideways and back into the tire making it undrivable. I am sore, but on my way back to Georgia in my RV. I think my baby is toast though.
  5. What do you do with old Bumper Cars? WHO KNEW? Yes, you read that right; these little beasties are street legal. They run on either Kawasaki or Honda motorcycle engines and co-opt vintage bumper car bodies into the most awesome form of mini-car we've seen in a long time. There are seven of these little monsters floating around California, and they're all the creation of one man, Tom Wright, a builder in the outskirts of San Diego who figured the leftovers of the Long Beach Pike amusement park needed a more dignified end than the trash heap. They were originally powered by two cylinder Harley Davidson Motorcycle engines but they rattled like heck because of the two cylinder vibration. Tom replaces them with four cylinder Honda or Kawasaki 750's, and a couple have been measured as capable of 160 MPH (which is terrifyingly fast in machines with such a short wheelbase).
  6. This winter is dragging on. Had a few good weeks of nice weather. But today, it decided to be winter again. 4-12 inches forecast, with winds gusting to 35. At 1:00 p.m. today the snow was already over bumper deep on the highway going past my farm. Visibility in the country right now is about 200 feet tops. So I guess it is official, I am ready for spring........I feel a little better now!
  7. Spent the weekend in Dawsonville. Wasn't on the bike, had to drive the car as was visiting a newphew in the hospital and had my wife and daughter with me. I couldn't believe the traffic. I've never seen that kind of traffic in Dawsonville before. Saturday afternoon we were going to get some apples at, I think it was RL Reece. The traffic was bumper to bumper for about 2 miles. There was a harley in front of me and I could tell it was working him to death. When you move about three feet and stop going up and down hill it is tiring. I rolled down my window and I could hear the harley engine sounding like it was coming apart. It wasn't long before he pulled over to the side of the road and switched off his bike. I meet two ventures. One was blue and the other was silver. The weather was perfect for riding. Made me wish I was on my bike.
  8. see attached pic.....???????
  9. Brenda's son went to helen Ga, and like it there, so we had to go too. first let me say that Labor Day weekend is not the time to do this as we ran in to bumper to bumper stop and go traffic for the last couple of miles and wall to wall people. Anywhichway, it was a great day with great temperatures and beautiful roads to ride on. We left around 1130 and got back at about 6 with a very tasty bratwurst sandwich at "pies and pints" for lunch. Even saw another MkI (brown) on the other side of the street a bit further down along with about 8-10 other bikes at another establishment (proly drinking lemonade:rotfl:). Earl, you said to think of you if we went out riding and I did just that quite a few times, wish you could have been there in person. Get well soon and maybe we'll get to ride together for real one day. God bless! this is the route we wound up taking, 185 miles and 5 hrs. plus stops. http://rideplanner.harley-davidson.com/rideplanner/ridePlanner.jsp?locale=en_US&bmLocale=en_US
  10. Selling the hitch and bumper I bought for my 83 VR and never installed. See ad in classifieds.
  11. STREET LEGAL BUMPER CARS It's easy for a gear-head to be discouraged about the state of the world, especially in times of Carpocalypse and Cash for Clunkers. But occasionally, a bright light of awesome renews the spirit. Road-legal bumper cars do just that. Yes, you read that right; these little beasties are street legal. EitherKawasaki or Honda motorcycle engines for power, and retired vintage bumper car bodies - transformed into the most awesome form of mini-car we've ever seen. There's seven of these little monsters floating aroundCalifornia, and they're all the creation of one man, Tom Wright, a gyro-gear loose builder on the outskirts of San Diego who figured the leftovers of the Long Beach Pike amusement park needed a more dignified end than the trash heap. They were originally powered by Harley engines but rattled like heck and Tom replace them with Honda or Kawasaki 750's... and a couple have been 'measured' [not run at] theoretically as capable of 160 MPH which is terrifyingly fast in machines with such a short wheelbase. Doesn't mean we would totally rock one should the opportunity present itself. In fact, we now have only one burning desire, to see these things running a go kart track with a clown in the drivers seat.
  12. Anyone know where I can get one ? Cb
  13. We took a little ride last Saturday and as we were coming to a stop at an intersection the Honda VTX behind us failed to stop and at slow speed nailed our right saddlebag. The results were that the right side chrome "bumper" and turn signal were destroyed and the saddlebag lower was dented and distorted. Fortunately no one was injured and the damage was pretty light. I have a white and tan (I don't know the color names.) 1988 Royale and now need the chrome "bumper", turn signal, and lower saddlebag for the right side. This is basically the saddlebag assembly less the top as I have that in good condition still. If anyone has these parts and would like to sell them please let me know the details. I have seen the turn signals on ebay but have not seen the saddlebag in the tan (light brown) color from '88. I do not want to have to paint the parts, just put them on. Just lazy I guess... Thanks! Don
  14. OK, the first thing I set out to do when I got this bike was to make it more visible with replacement lighting. I did the right thing and set out to replace/add certain lights with LED components. The first one I replaced was the two small square "things" on the side of the bumper with one of these. http://i33.tinypic.com/2q8xbo1.png It was a noticeable improvement, but it just kind of stuck out there. It needed a little something to dress it up. It needed "Bling". Well, a quick visit to a local trucker's chrome shop got me the Bling I needed. http://i34.tinypic.com/2dv03gp.jpg Needless to say, I like the looks of tis a lot better. The next thing I set out to do was to replace the square "things" on the back of the bumper. http://i37.tinypic.com/166x51.jpg Thanks to the good folks at Love's Truck Stop and my Love's fuel card, I bought a couple of rectangular LED marker lights (sorry, no pic). These were also a major step above the square things in that they were not only more visible, but they also seemed to update the bumper just a bit appearance wise. They bolted right up, just had about a half inch of clearance at the top of the light and a quarter inch at the bottom. I could easily move it up snug at the top if I wanted to just by drilling a couple of holes per light. So all is well with these lights. But alas, they only had 4 LED bulbs on each side of the light, not quite what I had in mind for a housing that large. Then a co-worker told me of a trucker's chrome shop in Friona, TX. He said that they had stuff I wasn't going to find here in Amarillo, and he was right! The first thing i found was a rectangular light that was the same size as I had just put on, but had 20 LED's in each light. http://i37.tinypic.com/142hhmc.png I will snug these up against the top lip of the bumper, which will allow me to add a couple of other LED bars under these rectangular ones. The little bars are 4" long by roughly a half inch wide. They will mount directly beneath the larger rectangular lights and will be centered unless I change my mind. http://i37.tinypic.com/2emodn6.png The bigger rectangular lights will be wired into my running lights while the smaller ones will be wired into my brake lights. In the future, I plan on adding additional lights to the side of the bumper and to the rear of the bike, then I'll look into adding more amber lights to the front.
  15. Parts For Sale 1985 VR Front Bumper - very good condition - SOLD 1985 VR Rear Bumper & Hitch - pitted chrome on bumper - $200 http://i123.photobucket.com/albums/o318/GaryZ_photos/bumper09b.jpg 1985 Driver Floorboards with Controls - very good condition - $250 http://i123.photobucket.com/albums/o318/GaryZ_photos/pix037b.jpg The above parts are also listed on Craigslist in Oklahoma City
  16. Hi, Thanks for all the interest in the 83 parts I have listed in the classifieds.Floorboards, clutch master cylinder, throttle cable, rotor covers, slave cylinder, seat, windshield and left saddlebag are gone. Still willing to offer good deals on driver's backrest, nice chrome bumper, TCI, Full Wiring harness and many other parts. Radio/CD were shot.. Help me clean out my basement/ garage. I'm tired of parts everywhere Clay
  17. Hi All Just finished rewireing my rear bumper. I put LEDs in and took out the incandesint bulbs. Looks nice and it wasnt a bad job. I did it all for under 30.oo bucks. I wanted to reduce the load on the elec, system hope it does that. Ill see if I can get some pics. Tom
  18. I've seen posts that say " if the wind deflectors aren't touching the shock, the brackets will break". How do I adjust them??? On the right side, I can put my finger between the rubber bumper and the shock. The left is closer...but not touching.Thanks again. you folks are the BEST!!!
  19. I removed this 1st Gen Rear Bumper and Trailer Hitch from my 1985 VR. It should fit 1983 thru 1985, not sure about 1986 up. The hitch attaches to the bumper and I do not think it can be used alone. The picture is before I removed it and it is very dirty. I will be cleaning it up and add more pictures when the outside air temp goes above 45 degrees F. http://i123.photobucket.com/albums/o318/GaryZ_photos/YamahaVenture01b.jpg Asking $250 or will consider trade for: * Black seat in good condition * Vmax cams in good condition * other?
  20. Well I've owned my 07 for almost two months now and I've done about 1500 miles in and around Vermont and down to Cape Cod twice. Everyone is right, it is a sweet ride. I've still not gotten accustomed to the noises that it makes. Harleys are a lot differant. But anyway, my wife and I did a 200 miler on Sunday and we finally saw another Venture (two riding next to each other) We were in the town of Manchester in bumper to bumper traffic,damn tourists! But anyway they saw me and I yelled hey there's a Venture and got a big smile from both of the quys. I know kinda hookie but it was pretty cool to see another one. If any of you riders are in The Vermont area on Columbus Day Weekend come down to the Apple Pie Festival. Its a day long event in the town of Dummerston and usually they see at least 500 to 600 hundred bikes stop for Pie!!! Great area to ride in Joshua
  21. A guy has a front fender bumper listed on ebay and says it will fit both the 1200 and 1300 Venture Royale. I didn't think it would fit my '88. Can anyone confirm which models it will fit? Here is the item: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=007&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWA%3AIT&viewitem=&item=170235909733&rd=1 Thanks a lot.
  22. Hi Guys and Gals: I found a chrome bumper with lots of lights on eBay and purchased it. So far I think it is pretty good and is cleaning up nice. I have one problem though. There are two "U" bolts that I need for installing this thing. They go around the saddle bag roll bars and hold up the front of the bumper. I believe the originals are chrome and flattened on top. Does anyone have these animals or know where I could find something like this? Wayne
  23. willhoites man st grapevine tx 1 pm today 01/06/08 saw a new bumper sticker one foot in the grave,the other on a motercycle
  24. When I bought my new old 84 Venture the previous owner gave me a chrome bumper that he thought was on the bike at one time. I haven't seen any pictures yet on this site that really look like what I have. Does anybody have any idea if there were ever chrome bumpers that go around the saddlebags for an 84 VR? Or has anybody ever seen something like that? I'm not sure if it will fit or how exactly how to put it on the bike. Any input or pictures would be greatly appreciated.
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