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Found 14 results

  1. I have a MKI with cruise but was wondering if it would be possible to get the cruise from a MKII moved over to the MKI I know I'd need to get the handlebar controls.. And I'm thinking there is a controller of some sort buried somewhere.. It would be nice to have the resume / bump up and bump down features...
  2. Almost since I've had the '99 RSV when I hit a hard bump, the cruise would drop out and the yellow RES light would be on. I suppose this is the clutch or brake lever switches causing it. When that happened all that was necessary was to push the RESUME button to resume the set speed. Today another symptom has shown up. Now when I hit a bump, not only does the cruise drop out, but now the yellow RES and the green SET light come on together and the blue ON light goes out. A second or two later the green and yellow lights go out and the blue one comes back on. Then the process repeats. Pushing CANCEL, SET or RESUME has no effect. I have to turn the system off and back on to get it to function again. Next bump REPEAT....
  3. Hey, Snag, what have you heard of the guy who was killed the other day 'test riding' a motorcycle? The paper didn't say much beyond 'hitting a speed bump'.
  4. Some of you know Muffin went to CA with his aunt to help her move. Well then he flew to NY to my folks house and I rode up to meet him for Christmas. No big deal, till we leave. Headed out today at 6:30 am and got home by 7 PM. No snow till we were off of 1 in DE, then nothing but snow all the way home. Couldn't see the road in spots, we'd finally see something that resembles a line on the road and get excited. (scary when you aren't sure where the road is and where the ditch is)We actually drove on 64 in VA at 20 mph and at times that felt too fast. Was a bit scary, but it also looks really pretty here. Everything is covered in snow all the trees my front door all white. Of course it will be melting because by saturday it's gonna be up near 60 for our annual meet. All in all it was a great weekend even with the little bump of snow. (ok not so much a bump) Hope you all had a great Christmas and hope you don't have too much snow for the folks on the east coast. That wind is gonna be awful. I did get some nice pics I'll have to post a little later. Margaret
  5. my new warranty replacement radio has started to cut out and come back on when I hit sharp bump (bridge expansion joints, pot holes, fallen over HDs) The audio will cut out and come back right away, and I noticed that the LCD display on the controller will also blip off and back on. I've checked all my harnesses again but the problem still seems to come and go depending on the bump I hit.. Is this common enough so to not worry about or might there be something 'jiggly' inside the radio itself that might be doing this?
  6. Okay now you know that I'm fairly new here, so I'm gonna ask anyway! What's a BUMP ? Some kind of forumspeak no doubt, but really, whazzit mean?
  7. Going to be a long work week .... Really just a shameless bump ...
  8. Had a problem start this year. When I hit a bump the speedometer needle would shake a little. While on my long trip it got worse, sometimes to the point where it would drop right to zero, then come back when I hit another bump. This also takes out the odometer and the cruise control. I have removed the fairing and lowers and checked all wiring since it seemed it was when the front hit a bump the problem occurred. I also took all the connectors apart, checked them and put back together. Still same. Any ideas? Thanks in advance
  9. Does anyone know if it's possible to deactivate the crusie control "bump" switch? In other words, to keep the cruise control from automatically disengaging when hitting a large bump in the road. I realize this is a safety feature, but after installing a sidecar to my 2005 RSV, the extra movement from the hack, as well as the lovely roads here in NJ, cause my cruise control to disengage much more easily than when I was on 2 wheels. I'm hoping someone has an answer as I really miss being able to use cruise on the highway. Thanks in advance for any insight!!! Rob
  10. At what speed can you set your cruise and make it hold? On my MM I have set it at 84mph even though it is not suppose to set above 80mph. However on my 2001 I can't set it above about 60 or 65 and have it hold. A friend (SteveW) says that his is the same way but he can bump it you to about 75 mph after he sets it at 60 and bumps it up. I have not tried this but I will. So let me know how your cruise works and at what speeds. Canu you set it at 80 or do you have to set it at a lower speed and bump it up? Harry
  11. On my Mt. Washingtion trip - which turned into 3200 miles (My kind of touring, you know) I encountered some ferocious roads. Quite often when I hit a bump, I hear a pronounced clunk - it is not bottoming out as that sounds and feels different. Comes from the front - rather loud - any ideas what it could be?
  12. bump
  13. During the time my 02 Midnight was under warranty it would lose the cruise whenever I hit a hard bump. It would have to be turned off then back on and then be reset to speed. Now that it is out of warranty it hardly takes any bump at all without going out. I've looked through all 57 pages of post and did not see anyone mention this paticular problem with their cruise. Has it happened? What should I look ford? It is not a brake or clutch relay. If it was I could just reset the speed. It goes off and the dash lights begin blinking.
  14. I've done my reading on the CLASS repairs, and after hitting one helluva bump in a construction zone a couple weeks ago, it appears I'm going to have to use the techniques, but I have a couple questions. First, until the bump, it was working great, no E1 or E4 codes. After the bump, an E1 that can be corrected with the plug technique. However, after riding for a while, and the associated vibrations, sometimes it'll keep working, sometimes not. I read about heating up the contacts with a solder gun? Which contacts, how do you get them out of the plug, if necessary? Do I have to go in to resolder any cracks if the plug technique is working to make it work? Thanks guys, Joe
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