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  1. Had a great dinner in Buffalo tonight with Taters. She is such a lovely and charming lady and I really enjoyed getting out of the hotel for once. The only bad part was that Big Tom was with her also and he even brought Kenny for backup so I had to be a perfect gentleman. Even still, it was a very enjoyable evening. My apologies to BongoBob, Becky and the rest of the NY group. It was somewhat a last minute minute decision to come here and I actually wasn't even going to mention that I was here until I happened to swap an unrelated message with Tom. I will be back soon and promise to give a few days notice before I come here next time.
  2. Would there be any interest in a Lubbock area meet and eat? I'm thinking that maybe we could put together a small Venture gathering at Buffalo Springs Lake, if anyone is interested. April or May might be a good time to shoot for. Just trying to get an idea of the interest level. This small lake offers camping, fishing, swimming, and boating, suitable for small inflatable boats and/or innertubes, all the way up to watercraft and powered boats, if someone wants to bring some water toys behind an RV... http://www.buffalospringslake.net/ There are also a few things to do in Lubbock, a short distance away, including some great restaurants and even the Buddy Holly Museum. There are some interesting roads in the area, mostly to the east, but also, to the north around Lake McKenzie and Palo Duro Canyon. But I think the focus of a gathering like this would be at Buffalo Springs lake itself. If this thread dies with only 2 responses then I guess thats the answer. But hey, you never know unless you ask!
  3. One of our WNY members.... Buffalo Bodnar had back surgery a week ago last wednesday...For those who are interested he is home and doing well...He sounds like his old self when I wake hime up every morning when I get to work at 7:15 am. In fact one day I felt guilty about waking him up and HE called me at work to ask if I was all right....what a goof !!!! Anyone who has attended a WNY MINIRALLY, KENNY WAS ALWAYS OUR COOK....YOU KNOW THE GUY AROUND THE CAMPFIRE WHO MADE US ALL LAUGH.............Any way drop him a pm or give him a call since he is home bound for another 2 months or so.....He will appreciate it and don't be afraid to call him at 5:00am....he is a early riser.......You can tell him I told you to call...
  4. These are the types of folks we may be mingling with. http://external.ak.fbcdn.net/safe_image.php?d=AQA_BLOHayu8KF4C&w=130&h=130&url=http%3A%2F%2Fi4.ytimg.com%2Fvi%2FokM-iuuEAtQ%2Fhqdefault.jpg[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=okM-iuuEAtQ&sns=fb]A Buffalo Christmas Version 2[/ame] www.youtube.com
  5. Big snowstorm, eh?!!? In anticipation of all the media hype, all schools were closed. Well, last night we did gewt a little freezing rain, with maybe a half inch of crusty snow, but that was it! Presently it is snowing with a little wind. The way the media presented it, it was going to be the storm of the century and we were all gonna die!!! It was hilarious listening to the news this morning before work, one station, our conservative one, saying things were nowhere as bad as expected, the other liberal stations pl;aying it up like it was a disaster out and we haven't seen anything yet!! One radio station described us as in the hole of a donut, with the bad stuff all around us but not on us! Hey, this is Buffalo, it's winter. Deal with it!!!
  6. Severe weather warnings in Buffalo NY. 12 TO 18 more inches expected FOR BUFFALO ...east and the areas north of Buffalo by tomorrow morning..Left work 4hrs. early after battling to get in this morning........Taters has a party tonight and says she is going....(she ain't right in the head) BONGOBOB, I thought YOU lived in the snow belt? Keep that stuff to yourself, I don't want it.........I HATE SNOW !!!!!:bang head:
  7. Any one going to the "White Buffalo" Rally in Snyder TX; Oct 1st thou 3rd. We will be there again and if you come in Gate 2 in the afternoon, I'll take your money to get in,,,,,
  8. The hubby and I rode to Duluth for the Tall Ships Festival this weekend. We camped at the Buffalo House campground south of town. As we were pulling out yesterday, we spotted a 2nd gen Venture that was camped out. Was that anyone here?
  9. Spent yesterday getting a new skin on the scoot, giving it the once over, fluids, check brake pads, linkage adjustment etc. Along comes Spankym and Buffalo Bobnar . By the time the day was over,we installed new risers and a CB hookup for Kenny (Buffalo Bonder) and pulled and checked the brake pads on spankym's scoot. I was done in for(it was hot and muggy)...I thought that md was next weekend at freebirds?...Guess like me, the boys want to HANG OUT at freebirds....and we didn't even go for ice cream, and come to think of it we missed dinner too.:rotf: We did get to enjoy a cold one or two.
  10. If my wife stops worrying about this Swine flu thing and settles down, and if the weather holds out, I am hoping to take the bike to BongoBobby's eat & meet this weekend is Buffalo. I figure on leaving the Kitchener area around 1:00 and taking a leisurely route down along the Grand River through Dunnville and popping up at Fort Erie. Anyone in the area or along the route that wants to hook-up for the ride, let me know. If plans change and I have to take the cage, then I'll probably take the QEW.
  11. Does anyone know where I can purchase a clamp-on tachometer? I know a lot of websites sell the Electronic Specialties 325 - but I am trying to get away from duties and brokerage fees and would perhaps like to pick one up when I am down in Buffalo, NY later this week. Are they available anywhere in Canada? I haven't been able to find them anywhere up north here.
  12. Droped my bike off at Pioneer Motorsports Thursday for a set of new skins. The plan was to pick it up today with member Buffalo Bodnar..He was going there to pick up some safety chrome that had come in for him...Left here around noon for the 45 min. ride down..Little did we know that they were having a freak storm dumping around 6 inches of snow on them..........we deciced to take the back roads thru hill country to get there...HOLY C#@P BATMAN..Before we knew it we were in a middle of a white out and on an unplowed road...Buffalo Bodnar never saw the drift we were about to hit that sent us spinning out of control just while an oncoming car was approaching...ALL I can tell you that I am greatful for the manufacturers of "DEPENDS"..they really work...Good driving Ken:whistling:..we did make it to PIONEER and passed a couple of bad accidents on the way...hope no one was hurt in them....by the way , Kenny got his shinny new chrome and my ride is still sitting there.....I learned a very important lesson today...DONT GET IN A VEHICLE WHEN BUFFALO BODNAR IS DRIVING!!!!!!!!!!!!:rotf:
  13. Anyone have any experience with Buffalo airport park and fly. There are a few there. Just wondering which one in better or worse. We are heading to Houston on Christmas day, going to Louisiana for a few days and returning on Mon. the 29th. Gunboat I'm taking your phone# with me. We might have time on Sun. to get ahold of you. I'm not sure what time we get back into Houston. Merry Christmas everyone. Hal and Gayle:rudolf:
  14. Planning on a vacation the first week in August and doing a tour from Buffalo through PA. Looking for the right roads to take, nice roads to ride, places to see, people to meet, places to eat, places to stay (not for free), places to avoid. Do want to spend some time in Lancaster and area. Any ideas would be welcome. We'll leave Monday am and want to be back by Sunday pm.
  15. davecb

    HELP !!!

    I need some help. I'm DaveCB' wife, His user name sucks bigtime. Sounds more like a trucker than a biker. With a last name of Bill, I call him buffalo. Open to all suggestions for a new user name for him. Thanks for your help. Dakota
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