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Found 14 results

  1. “Fiscal Cliff” put in a clear perspective which explains why so many of our American colleagues are dead against tax increases of any kind. Lesson # 1 * U.S. Tax revenue: $2,170,000,000,000 * Fed budget: $3,820,000,000,000 * New debt: $ 1,650,000,000,000 * National debt: $14,271,000,000,000 * Recent budget cuts: $ 38,500,000,000 Let's now remove 8 zeros and pretend it's a household budget: * Annual family income: $21,700 * Money the family spent: $38,200 * New debt on the credit card: $16,500 * Outstanding balance on the credit card: $142,710 * Total budget cuts so far: $38.50 Have you got it???? OK now, Lesson # 2: Here's another way to look at the Debt Ceiling: Let's say, You come home from work and find there has been a sewer backup in your neighborhood.... and your home has sewage all the way up to your ceilings. What do you think you should do ...... Raise the ceilings, or remove the crap? Tough decision, Eh?????
  2. Wanted to see your guys thoughts, really could use a new front tire on the cheap. Saftey? Ect http://item.mobileweb.ebay.com/viewitem?itemId=370543493869&cmd=VIDESC&index=6&nav=SEARCH&nid=59140691589 84 VR in process of budget rebuild Bags Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk
  3. City found another way to increase their budget.
  4. As the temps go down, so does my riding time. That means I have more time to tinker in the garage and add stuff. Does any know the power budget for an 2006 RSTD? I have passing lights, and would like to know how much additional power is available for goodies...
  5. :(Well it has finally hit home. The great budget cut axe has fallen. The wife has been told she will no longer have a job teaching next year. I guess our Governor and President are getting what they want, ignorant kids. First they attack the teachers with pay cuts and no more long term contracts and now cut them out of a job. The outragous amount of pay (which is 1/2 what the private sector pays) and the great benefits (900.00 after 30 years of service) is breaking the state and federal bank I guess, couldn't be their pay of course. Not sure how long we can hold on to the house but I guess toys will have to go. had a great vacation lined up this summer, no way now. My health is not so good anymore, but I guess I will try to get some sort of work to help get us by if the doc doesn't find cancer with my biopsy next month. Sorry for the rant but just needed someone to vent it on. Wish us luck please, maybe a miracle will happen and they will change their mind or she can find a new job that pays more than the minimum wage they are offering around here.
  6. A member here is letting me have a 1986 1300 motor, It is located in the Ft. Worth, Tx. area. I was wondering if anyone would be in that area would be making a trip to Houston, time doesnt matter, I can get the motor picked up in the Houston area by my son who is over there on a regular basis. My only other option is to get it shipped, which would be quite expensive and that just isnt in the budget right now........I would also need a place to have it dropped in Houston, hopefully a member local to Houston could help me out in that respect...........I know we have quite a few there, even Cupcake might be able to help.
  7. Up until yesterday afternoon, I was the Operations Manager for a small high-tech auto parts manufacturer. We had certainly seen some tough times over the last 18 months, but I used the slower pace to coach/teach all the employees/supervisors/managers to function more as a team and be fairly self reliant. I had been told I was to assume a higher role in January, and wanted the Operations side of the business to look after itself while I focused on getting our Engineering & Sales back on track. Well, apparently, the budget we had submitted to the parent corporation was unacceptable to them and they demanded more cuts. Since Operations was running smooth and the team could handle almost anything on their own, guess who was now redundant... Anyways, my direct boss seemed quite legitimately upset by it... moreso than I was really. I certainly got a decent package (compared to the current environment), so I am ok for a few months. But geez, you do exactly the right things, and look where it gets you...
  8. I have received a number of questions lately about the fusebox upgrade I did on my 87'VR last summer so I put together a budget kit for the upgrade. http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php?product=2033 Any questions, please ask! Earl
  9. Hi all, I was out on saturday and met mike Jinksy4 and we made a trailer swap and ofcourse we ate lunch but as we were getting to know each other and checking out each others bikes i couldnt help notice the "clearview"windshield he had with the vent. thats all i have been thinking about since then well and the BBQ we had for lunch but anyway here is my question to all of you. does anyone have one of these they want to part with? i priced them new and its just not in my budget to pay for a new one. i didnt know if anyone had one they didnt like for what ever reason or changed there mind about it or if anyone knows of where i might get one at a reasonable price im open to that as well. thanks for your input. Ron aka "GRASSHOPPER"
  10. were heading down to kent. , tenn., and west virg. this week. "finally". where are the good hotels around cookeville,tn or dale hollow. eddyville,ky and somewhere around huntington,w.v ??? were on a budget but do like clean hotels.. your input would be appr.
  11. Guest

    Mt. Washington trip

    Want to make a trip and ride up Mt. Washington and dip into Quebec so I can add another color to the patch... Any recommendations for places to stay in the Mt. Washington area that does not break the budget? Any must see's in the area? Are there any regional food specialties in that area? I will ride up from the Harrisburg PA area.
  12. Due to the recent economic downturn and increased utility rates. In order to balance the budget I am forced to make some changes. I have decided to park my truck and ride the scoot more.:cool10: Sometimes sacrifices have to be made. See ya at the DQ. Seriously folks I wish all the best for those who may be out of work. This thing has to turn around.
  13. Economy forecasters are like weather men they seldom get it right.I know one thing keeping the family budget afloat is getting harder to do.These waves of recession are getting high and some say a depression is just off the port bow.Now some joker just said the stock market will hit 16000 by years end and it's smooth sailing. My bills are still paid on time and I put more trust in my computers 100 day budget forecast then anything but prices just keep going up.My kids are having it worse with the oldest daughter fighting to stay in college with two mouths to feed and the future son-n-law currently between jobs. We meet a man the other day who was building a new 4 bedroom log house for his wife. She left him and now he lives all alone. The house is almost finished but he lost his desire to complete it.He has chose to live life as a hermit. He has no electricity,running water,telephone,etc. He says he is debt free and just decided to live with no monthly bills. You might say he is permanently camped out along the river bank. Once in a while someone will stop by with some news of whats happening in the world. This brings a whole new meaning to still having room in the budget for a few more cuts.
  14. I had to do some last minute shopping for a friend who owns a HD Ultra. I rode to a local leather shop but all I was able to find within my budget (hey, I like the guy, but we aint sleeping together) was a Guardian bell. I had no other choice but to brave it and walk right into the belly of the beast....yes, I rode to our local Harley boutique, parked my Gleaming RSV amongst the Harleys and walked in with my head held up high. I soon realized that Almost nothing was within my budget here either (see above referenced excuse). I ended up getting him a gift certificate and walked out. There was a small crowd around my Gleaming RSV. I nodded to a few who only just stared back. I smiled, sat on the bike and fired it up...letting those 98 ponies pulsate through those (gasp!) Road King Mufflers!!!!....I kicked it into gear with my Harley boots and in the wink of an eye I shot out of there to the amazement of several onlookers. I thought I heard someone say..was it a bird..was it a plane....well, you know the rest.....:rotfl::rotfl:
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