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  1. Okay, I decided that it's time to upgrade my stock Stator to something which offers better performance. From what I have read, Buckeye's seems to be the preferred upgrade unit to install. Many people who are much more knowledgeable than I am regarding electricity, etc. have told me that I am probably over-taxing my stock stator, and that it would be wise to install a higher-output Stator. My question is . . . would it be reasonable to see if I can find a used Buckeye Stator to save a few bucks? Or, is this the type of thing which I shouldn't chance, and just purchase a brand new one? I want to make sure that this job is done right the first time. I also want to be assured that when I buy a new Stator, that I will have a higher performing unit than the stock one I have been using, and that I will be happy with my purchase and the upgrade difference. Thanks Guys & Be Safe! Pete.
  2. This is somewhat of a specific geographical question, so bear with me. Has anyone that lives down south in the constant hotter climates, installed a Buckeye stator and had problems with it failing? The reason I ask this, is that I purchased a stator and installed it with a new R/R and it appears that the stator has failed due to it running hot because of the wire size it was wound with. Have any of you installed the Buckeye and ran into this problem? I dont want to have to do this again, and I dont mind paying for quality. How happy have y'all been with the performance you have received from the upgraded Buckeye stator?
  3. Hey everyone, all of my searches at Rick's Motorsports Electrics and at Buckeye Performance has tuned up...nada...in regards to an upgraded high output Regulator/Rectifier. I just replaced my Stator with a new High output one from Buckeye. Job Done ! Now I need the new Regulator/Recifier to allow me to flow all that extra juice. I have viewed and followed every thread and link I can find on this forum regarding this. Does anyone really know a company that makes or sells an upgraded higher output Regulator/Rectifier for the newer RSTD or Ventures ??? And while I just know that one or more of you are going to suggest the Shindengen R/R, I have done a lot of searching there too, and I have not found definitive info on exactly which part number would be used for my 2006 RSMTD. Thanks,
  4. Like a lot of people I was not comfortable with the reach to the handle bars on my '09 RSTD. I purchased the kit from Buckeye Performance that moves the bars back 1". I never liked the solution they provide for installing the bar end weights. As you know, the bar end weights are screwed into a rubber insert in a fitting pressed into the bar end. The Buckeye kit includes a sponge rubber piece that holds the bar end like a bilge plug. I have found that vibration is causing the sponge rubber to slowly wear away. Also because it is sponge rubber the bar end weights always seemed to be that they could wiggle out. At this point I want to state that it is my understanding that all installations using the parts from Buckeye have had zero issues. I could have left the bar end weights as is and had absolutely zero issues with them. The other issue that I had with the parts is that they come with carbon steel fasteners. As you can imagine, these quickly rust and look unsightly (although I am the only one that notices this). I wanted to at the very least change out the bolts with stainless steel ones. I work at a power plant and we did some work on the condenser. In particular I wanted to check how well the plugs were doing in 2 of the condenser tubes. These are the plugs we use: http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7091/7066194955_d8aaa5bbee_b.jpg The plugs were too big to fit into the ends of the bars, so I used a razor blade to shave them down: http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7215/7066195827_ecc81c6f91_b.jpg This is what the sponge rubber piece looks like after 22 months in service: http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5196/7066196551_c690030a7a_b.jpg I ended up getting 110mm long bolts, I should have gotten 100mm, but the 110 will work: http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7272/6920119796_86afa32d2e_b.jpg Any way, they are in there really tight now. I will have to see how well they work over time.
  5. --- you should enjoy the creativity. http://www.buckeye50.com/Photos_Brutusmobile.html
  6. Hey all of ya'll Ohio residents. I have a question. One of the insurance companies I do business with in Georgia is being bought by Buckeye Insurance Group in Piqua, Ohio. Anyone dealt with Buckeye or know anything about them?
  7. Hi guys and gals, just paid my dues and anxious to meet y'all. Next few weeks are going to be great for riding, temps in mid 70's and no rain that I can see. I live on the west side of Phoenix in Buckeye. There are lots of cool desert destinations around here, one of my favorite is the Desert Rose on old highway 80, about 20 miles west of Buckeye. Since I am retired, I can ride anywhere/anytime. Please check in, say hey, and lets get something going before it gets "warm". George
  8. Does anyone know where these are available to buy? I can't seem to find them anymore. I just sent an email to Rick at Buckeye Performance since some old threads mention him but they aren't listed on his site.
  9. I have a 2007 RSV and have been thinking about changing my handlebars out with either the Tour Deluxe bars or the Flanders G2 bars.I have the GenMar risers now, but do not like how they hit the tank cowl and would like them to come back a little more.If any one has done this I would appreciate some input.I e-mailed Buckeye Performance and was sent a price list, but the total for every thing is close to $600.Does any one know if the Tour Deluxe cables and brake lines are 2 " longer than the Venture stock ones and will fit. I can buy stock cables and lines much cheaper than aftermarket.I would like to have the stainless braided ones, but out of my price range right now.Also, do we get a membership discount from Buckeye Performance ?
  10. Anybody know if something is going on with Buckeye Performance? I've been trying to access their website http://www.buckeyeperformance.com this morning and it just doesn't seem to be there. Can anyone else get on that site? Also, I noticed that Rick's membership has expired. Hmmmm.....hope he's still around. A friend of mine needs one of his high output stators. EDIT: Never mind.....site is working now. Must have been a temp glitch.
  11. Recently recieved the new stator from Buckeye Performance. Is there a thread on information with step by step directions with pics on the removal of the stock stator and the installation of the new stator? I've been searching, but unable to find anything. Any help is most grateful.
  12. Hey I'm going to teat out my old collector from my 84 which cracked at the out pipe and replace it with the good one from my old 83...( glad I kept it). Do i need to replace all the gaskets... Those darn things are expensive.. Rick at buckeye quoted 148.00 for eight of them. Can the old ones be reused? Clay
  13. Hello All, Well it's vacation time. Buckeye Performance will be closed from 06/25/09 thru 07/12/09. All orders have been shipped except for the Works Shocks which have been back ordered for a little while. I'm hoping they arrive soon after we return. If you need anything please email me at info@buckeyeperformance.com I'll be answering them when I have a connection while we are on the road and coordinating Yamaha, Honda and other aftermarket orders for delivery soon after we reopen. Thank you for your patronage and looking forward to meeting those attending the Spearfish Ride-In!
  14. Has anyone tried these brake pads from Buckeye Performance? Are they easy to put on on the front? http://www.buckeyeperformance.com/images/brakepads.jpg
  15. Well I did it; I installed my new stator from Buckeye. It took me a day and a half, due to the fact that I had to remove the battery and battery box just to get to the stupid stator wire assembly and re-rout it. I completed it late this morning and checked the battery output to make sure I was getting a proper charge. I took it out today for a 50 mile ride, for a good shake down. I also have the vmax rear end gears and I really love the performance upgrade that they have given me. I give a great thumbs up to "Buckeye Performance" and to Blue Ridge Sport Max", for the information and the great parts.
  16. Hello Everyone, I am new to this forum but not to RSV's. I want to install a higher output stator in my 1999 RSV (for reasons I'm sure everyone knows about). Stock output is 29A @ 14V @ 5000 RPM. The only two I could find are from Ricks ( http://www.ricksmotorsportelectrics.com/proddetail.php?prod=21-412H&pmc=MDBZYW1YVloxMzAwVEY= ) who state theirs puts out 40 to 45 amps for $160, and from Buckeye ( http://www.buckeyeperformance.com/p24.htm ) who states theirs puts out 55 amps for $239. The latter equates to a 83% increase over stock which I wonder if is even possible. Both dealers say they have their stators made up by an undisclosed third party. Has anyone had any experience with these two stators to determine if one is superior to the other and if the Buckeye is really better? I would be ticked if I later found out they both were the same and from the same manufacturer and had paid 50% more from the latter seller. Any help with this? Roadrider (Grant) PS. I posted this on another forum but the jury still seems to be out on the topic.
  17. in a few days i plan to start installing the buckeye stator...in the install info in this site, and from buckeye, it says that the 3 wire connector cannot handle the heat...so you must solder the wires together..my question is, is it the connector material itself that can't handle the load. or the actual wiring ( or pins ) that can't i would like to remove the wires from the connector ( not cut ), discard the connector and replug the wires to each other....shrink wrap each individual wire and then shrink wrap all three as a bundle together........................or.....go down to radio shack, purchase their connector, redo the wires with their pins and use that connector.....their connector and pins are bigger than the pins used in yamaha connectors
  18. Buckeye Performance contact issues. Hurricane force winds cause area wide power outages. Yes, we got them here in Ohio! If you have orders pending or waiting of a quote or answer to a question we have no power and very limited Internet access. Please bare with me while we will work through this. It may be a few days before we have power.
  19. After suffering from the "ice pick between the shoulders" feeling on long rides I installed the Barons risers. They helped somewhat but didn't fully solve the problem. I just finished installing the Flanders bars, ss brake lines and throttle cables from Buckeye Performance. I also installed Kuryakyn Iso grips and put in a Sirius Sportster 4 satellite radio while I had the fairing split. I havent had a chance to go on a ride yet so I'll keep yall posted as far as the comfort level is concerned. The install went well and though it was a good bit of work, anyone with a reasonable level of mechanical ability should be able to do it without a problem. I will say that Rick at Buckeye performance is a pleasure to do business with and would definitely recommend them to anyone looking to do this upgrade.-Jack
  20. Decided I need the chrome wide clamps. Anybody got a good place to get a great price on them? Thanks. Edit: Ordered from Rick at Buckeye today.
  21. I saw this on the delphi forum. Is this really finally available, and just in time for winter and the additional heated gear?? Buckeye Performance apparently has these now, but not listed on their website yet. http://www.buckeyeperformance.com/ http://forums.delphiforums.com/vrider/messages/?msg=5874.1
  22. Im thinking of upgrading to the high out stator from buckeye. ive never gotton into a stator on my bike b4 is there any thing special to look out for? im not the best wrench but ive done alot of work on my outboards boats ant cars. is there any thing to look out for on theese? also has anyone installed the Buckeye stator? any pro/ cons?
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