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  1. 4 years ago I started a bucket list Quest. It was to drive through and eat ice cream in all the lower 48 states. I finished it two weeks ago and wanted to thank every insightful poster on the forum. I've learned tire pressure, battery life, clutch replacement, locations to visit, even how to keep my butt from getting sore,,,,,,,,and so,so much more. Thanks to all of you, especially Freebird for keeping this place going. 3d And yep thats a pin for every state and a few extra for places you have recommended I visit along the way.
  2. I recently purchased a valve shim tool on flea bay, and when it arrived it has the original Yammie part number engraved on it. When I purchased it, I knew that I had 1 intake valve that was slightly tight, so today I dug in. Now, I've changed shims before, but I've never used the correct tool. I figured that using it would be straighforward....that didn't work though. I looked in the online manual and found the proceedure. Heck, I even printed the 2 pages and took them out to the garage. I can get it to push the valve down some, but not enough to get the shim out of the bucket. The shim is loose and will come up some, but not enough to come out. The tool is hitting part of the head casting when it gets about 30 degrees past straight up and it's pushing on the bucket, not the shim. Does it matter which way you use the tool? What I mean is that you can use it on the outside of the V (in my case, towards the carb for an intake valve OR with the tool in the inside, or forward of the camshaft. It's to the point the maybe I'm doing something wrong, or maybe the tool isn't made correctly. Frank D.
  3. Does anyone know if the " silver bucket" inside the headlight assembly comes out ...im installing a "led" headlight from "trucklite"???????????
  4. This would be way to far for me to ride, but I bet there is a member in Texas who could help this young lady out. Avery is 5 months old and is not expected to live past 2. Her parents have started a bucket list for her here. One of the things that caught my eye was "Ride a Motorcycle". I think it would be cool to do this and only wish I lived closer. The PO Box for the charity is in Bellair, TX. Anyone able to step up and make this happen?
  5. The Gov signed it into affect yesterday. Helmets optional. I saw a guy on a Harley at lunchtime riding without a brain bucket.
  6. My Shop Bucket Shim Kit has returned home. If there is a member of the forum that would like to borrow it, please feel free to PM me. Here are my conditions, I charge nothing for the use of the kit, I ask that you purchase a set of Valve Cover Gaskets from me when I send the kit, You Pay the $15.00 USPS Insured, Priority Mail Shipping both ways. In the unlikely event you break the bucket shim tool, you replace it. If anyone is interested, Let me know. Earl
  7. I ( in error ) decided a long time ago not to do a bucket list. I've changed my mind - after looking around Australia, I've decided that I want to do some fresh water fishing in Australia, then perhaps the next day deep water ocean fishing. What makes this doable is that it only costs just less than $100 US for a 6 hour charter for either. Of course the 27 hour flight could be a pain but that's why someone invented Bud Light.
  8. I got this from a facebook friend. BTW, you will need one of those plastic bucket side car.
  9. Ran in to this video on a nother site. Made me think of a post I read on here the other day. Some one was going to get rid of his plush ride for a Yahama new Duel Sport. Some about a Bucket List to do. Bella Coola July 2011 [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_fSbd8eCgqE]‪Bella Coola July 2011‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
  10. Am re-posting this link to my photo bucket http://s300.photobucket.com/albums/nn10/sleepy2_2008/
  11. A couple weeks ago, I had a 5 gallon bucket seat that I use for hunting fall out of the rafters and hit the tank on my bike. Of course the soft cushion seat couldn't hit it, it was the bottom of the bucket and it left a dent. Any idea where I can get a replacement? A friend of mine owns a dent remobal company and didn't think he could remove it. Any suggestions would be appreciated.....made me sick!
  12. Started to install the passing lamp light bar on my 05 RSTD and noticed that the Headlamp bucket has a bracket that attaches to the stock light bar but there isn't any means to support the HL bucket on the new light bar..... What am I missing..?? Thanks for your help.
  13. At the legion 1/2 way done with my 1st bucket of shortys! Go Packers! Later, Scooter Bob
  14. Every decent sports car has bucket seats...now bikes do too!
  15. Got to mark an item off the bucket list on Saturday. My parents got to an age they didn't feel comfortable on their Gold Wing any longer and switched over to a Miata. They had a fundraiser Saturday at Bristol Motor Speedway and I had the opportunity to take their car for 5 laps. It was a blast, they kept us below 65, but on a steep half mile track you could still have some fun. Here's a pic my wife took as we were pulling on to the track. http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b303/elmicko2002/BMS.jpg
  16. I need to check the valves on my 2008 Venture. Does anyone know where I can find the tool that hold the bucket down to change the shims? Any help will be appreciated.
  17. I was just watching an interesting show on TV. They were talking about a "Bucket List". That is... what's on your list of things you'd really like to do before you "kick the bucket". Thought it would make for an interesting read here...to see what other's lists are. Here's some of mine that quickly come to mind... Spend at least a year touring Canada & the USA on a motorcycle, with a nice tent trailer in tow and my honey on the back seat. Take a ride in a jet fighter and maybe even get to fly it some. Drive an indy race car. Skydive Have a nicely equipped shop and build a custom car or a hot rod Move to the country and live in a log house on the edge of a nice lake with my own dock and a nice boat. (guess I'd better start buying more lotto tickets for some of these!)
  18. Well friday night I was heading home from work about 9pm and I had a scare. I was going down the local freeway and almost home so I was moving from left inside lane to the next lane over due to lane ending. I had just topped the overpass when I started to straddle the white line on the r side when I spotted it. Someone had dropped a 5 gal paint bucket in the road and it was no more than a few feet away with me going 70-75mph. I was so close to it when I saw it in the dark that I didn't even have time to try to avoid it but I was able to get off center on it. I caught the bucket dead on with the r side crash guard. Luckily, the bucket must have been empty as it disappeared as fast as it appeared and all I heard was one "bang". I didn't bother trying to look back to see where it went as I was more intent on making sure I kept the bike up and going forward. Situations like this is why I don't participate in some of the local "night" rides. Just too many possible road hazards that can appear quicker than you can react. I think I might slow down more at night now or try to get better headlights. Moral I guess is dont outride your headlights at night.
  19. Was pulled over by the law yesterday for a helmet violation.... Now mind you that DE doesn't require one to use a brain bucket, but I wear one anyway. Having said that you are wondering if I was in De at the time or why would the LAW pull me over is a bucket is not required and I'm wearing one...All great questions. Here goes the explanation: The LAWMAN says that you don’t need to wear a bucket in DE but if you do then it must have a DOT sticker on it. So I say “if you don’t need to wear a bucket in DE and you see someone riding down the street with a baseball cap on would you pull him over and tell him he needs to have a DOT sticker on it? He let me go with a warning, if I was to ride into MD or some other state that requires a bucket then my brain bucket would not be legal because it’s been painted and the DOT sticker is gone. Now what do you think of that?
  20. Well that was fun.. Running down our local curvey road late at night and having your head light low beam go out on ya.. oops.. All I could find in any documentation about replacing the bulb on this 2006 Midnight is "replace bulb with..." Thanks, I knew that (derrrr) but do I have to remove the fairing or is this simply down by taking the chrome ring from the front of the fairing to access the light bucket? Right now I'm riding with High Bean with the bucket aimed low but need to get this fixed soon. Thanks in advance..
  21. Does anyone know where I can get the valve bucket tool to hold the buckets down so I can replace the shims. My dealer can't find a current part number for the tool. Thanks
  22. Went to Deals Gap and rode the Dragon this past Monday.....survived it! Not that anxious in making it a pilgramage, but it was fun to do once! I can cross that one off of my bucket list!
  23. When ever I open photo bucket the text is soo small you can not read it. You can not advance to the next page because you can not see a button. Also when you open a picture in comes in so large it is fuzzy. Any ideas to change the settings to enlarge the text and make the photos normal size. ? Brad
  24. Guest

    Who's adding this ...

    .. to THEIR bucket list??? http://bobandsylvia.com/WINGSUIT.htm Cheers,
  25. In the 12 years I have had my 83 Venture, I have tried several things to improve the headlight situation. The best thing I did was to upgrade to the headlight assembly from an 86 up. It is a big improvement. On ebay right not there is a 90 1st gen being parted that has good starting bid prices on these parts. For someone wanting to do a headlight upgrade, this might be a good oportunity to pick up all the parts needed. I am going to post the link to the headlight bucket and I hope I am not stepping on someone's toes by posting this, but this is the 1st time in a while I have seen these parts available. You will need the; headlight bucket adjustment assy headlight ring upper frame that holds the dash left side frame that mounts the adjustment assy bottom strip the connects the upper fairings that the headlight bucket sits in. If you could do a little welding and have a late 1st gen to go by, you could modify the frames off the 83/85 to accept the headlight mounts and the adjustment assy. RandyA http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=013&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWA%3AIT&viewitem=&item=230204705320&rd=1
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