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  1. Just got a USED set of BUBS. It appears that the slip-ons will not slide on far enough to accomodate the bolt lining up. I can see the muffler is hitting a stop that is welded. So Is there something I need to do differently? I think I have to cut the Very small amount off the mating end of the slip on. Any help would be appreciated.
  2. I'm a newb, just wanted to say thanks to y'all already for the tremendous help this site has been before and after recently purchasing my 99 Venture. I'm in love with this bike. Still have a few things to work out and figure out, but I'm a tinkerer, and not shy about getting my hands dirty. I'm in the process of fighting the baffles out of my Bubs (full length) with PB Blaster at work in the garage I came in to search for some tips on here. Thanks again!! And, Yes, I'll post some pics soon.
  3. Looking for aftermarket slip ons...maybe from a member that thought they were too loud? From reading...I'd guess Barons first, maybe Bubs...but open. I'll search through the normal channels as well, thanks. Bill
  4. Hello All, I have an opportunity to trade with a stealership, straight across, a set of BUB sleepers from a 07 RSTD with 4900 miles for my 05 RSTD stock mufflers. They say that they cannot sell the bike with non-EPA mufflers. Are those running BUBs happy with the tone and performance? Does seem like a no brainer. My star does have some pop on decel and I am sure more noticeable with the BUBs. Might force me to look at the rest of the exhaust for leaks. Thanks
  5. Miss that roaring V8 with the thrush mufflers? Step back into your wild youth...even in your mini-van! [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9XAC-BvUyo&feature=player_embedded]YouTube - Shonky and the SoundRacer V8[/ame] Now if they could just come out with one for a vespa to a Road Star with Bubs!
  6. I have an Edset system that I would like to use ear buds with. The Edset module has a 1/8 port that I think can be used for ear bubs. My ear bubs have a 3.5mm connector and that will not connect to the Edset. What am I missing. Adaptor or do some ear bubs have a 1/8 connector????? Hopefully someone can get me straight on this.
  7. I just bought Edsets and installed them in my helmet and not entirely happy with the sound. I would like to try using ear bubs with them. The module has a 1/8 port on them. My ear bubs have a 3.5mm plug so they don't fit. Are ear bubs made with an 1/8 plug? Do I need an adaptor? I know some of you will have the answer Thanks,
  8. Anyone ever repacked their aftermarket exhausts? Specifically Bub's..., but I imagine they're all similar.. I picked up a set of Bub's from another member in the classy's. They were cheap and as described. The bodies are very nice, but the chrome tips are flaking chrome big time. They're now torn apart and sitting in the office. (see pics) [Gonna try to make a silk purse out of a sows ear here... ] The packing was gone other than a few tufts, and I'm not sure if the tufts are original material or?? I did find some universal fiberglass packing material at Cruiser Customizing that will probably work. The chromed tips look like they have corroded to the point that they will not come off the baffle flange. The tips are aluminum so I think it's probably galvanic corrosion. Any ideas on how to seperate them, or should I leave well enough alone and see if I can scrape the rest of the chrome off and polish or maybe paint??
  9. I traded some BUBS for a set of Tour Deluxe factory mufflers. The TD dpipes arrive today and the opening to the pipes is 1/4 inch bigger than the BUBS, in fact the the BUB muffler opening will slide into the TD muffler opening , aren't they supposed to be exactly the same? I tightened down most of the set screws but I am uncomfortable going much tighter. The exhaust is leaking at the end of the header. What I am i doing wrong?
  10. I bought my Venture with Bubs, would prefer the stock setup. I really like listening to the music not the pipes. I have the baffles packed right now and greatly prefer the quiet. Bubs are the muffler pipe only and are in good shape no damage. The add on tips are flaking a bit. About 10,000 miles on them. I want stock exhaust mufflers, don't know exactly how we would trade yet, I still have a few trips planned for August. I'll post pics fairly soon Let me know if anyone is interested
  11. My 97 RSTD has stock pipes that have been drilled out. Not something I would have done personally (was that way when I bought it), but it sounds great and has no signs of running lean or rich. I'm certain that I'm losing torque, but the bike runs great. Of the pipes I have researched, the Bubs set looks to be the way to go but now that I have gotten used to the deep growl that the bike presently has, I'm wondering if the Bubs will be too quiet. Has anyone been through my scenario before or have some advice to give? Thanks
  12. The BUB's on my 03 RSV had been getting louder and this season the packing must have eaten itself because they sound louder then ever. On the Venturers site someone posted a pictorial on how to repack them and what to buy, which I did. I also took this opp to paint the peeling chrome tips flat black. I bought two kits from Moose Products, $25 each. Each kits comes with stainless steel screen material, stainless steel padding and a lot of fiberglass matting. For Bub's, there is way more then enough fiberglass material in one kit for both mufflers but not enough of the other material. It did come with replacement rivets, that was appreciated. $50 though? Not again. Anyway, it was easy, only requiring the rubber mallet and a good amount of persuasion to get the baffle out of the shell but they eventually gave way, then the tips popped off the baffles easily. I expected better results through. Audio/Video: [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xhVj6wrDz0E]YouTube- Repacking Bub Mufflers on a Yamaha Royal Star Midnight Venture[/ame] http://lh4.ggpht.com/_9EMyKcng_yA/S5wTwlUlxCI/AAAAAAAADaQ/mHR4FzTR4Sc/s800/P3130615.JPG http://lh5.ggpht.com/_9EMyKcng_yA/S5wTxBdwTuI/AAAAAAAADaU/_aq0iK7Bctk/s800/P3130616.JPG http://lh4.ggpht.com/_9EMyKcng_yA/S5wTxZj2RWI/AAAAAAAADaY/c4HxHw0pUlE/s800/P3130617.JPG http://lh5.ggpht.com/_9EMyKcng_yA/S5wTx7CJIgI/AAAAAAAADag/FQkvS5vUY5I/s800/P3130624.JPG http://lh5.ggpht.com/_9EMyKcng_yA/S5wUE9BNctI/AAAAAAAADao/ZgNtYKOvR5E/s800/P3130623.JPG http://lh5.ggpht.com/_9EMyKcng_yA/S5wUFiUC5aI/AAAAAAAADa0/0V3VIf7Xaj0/s800/P3130635.JPG
  13. I was reading a thread on hear about float's being set to high on venture's from the factory, making them run rich. So if I put on Bub's pipes it will still be ok. But it didn't say if you lower the floats to factory specks. if the Bubs are still still OK with out rejeting??? Or do you need to rejet? 2008 venture. Thank's for the info!
  14. I've tried to look the threads and maybe I missed it. Question: How do the bub's sound at 70 mph? Do they scream or purr?
  15. I know this has all been answered however I would really like some fresh comments for the following: 1. Does having the K&N filters and bubs slip on's require any jetting? 2. On the Bubs site, they only show "BUB Sleeper slip-on mufflers for the Yamaha Venture." Is this the only one that people are getting for the RSV's 3. A lot of people here have said they like the bubs but were too loud and took them off. On the Bubs site, they mention "The mufflers have removable baffles that can be packed to control your sound levels" If this is the case, why are people taking them off instead of adjusting the sound level? Does this procedure ruin the sound? Thanks to everyone that helps me with this. Greg
  16. Ok guys: All of you that are running Bubs; were you checking your fuel mileage before you installed the Bubs, and have you checked the mileage after installing the Bubs? If so; was it worse or better? Also where did you find the best price? Thanks.
  17. I just completed the muffler swap, Bub's to HD's, and the right side is popping now as soon as I decellerate. I was used to the Bub's crackling and popping during decel, but this is worse now, and almost exclusively on the right side. I am going to change the plugs, still running the factories @ 15k. I did notice the right side seemed to be running richer as there was some faint black smoke when I started it up and ran it after the muffler install. I did knock the plugs out of the HD's, but the Bub's were running with no packing in them. It doesn't "feel" like there is as much exhaust coming out of the HD's as there was the Bub's though. I even checked all the exhaust clamps just to be sure I didn't have any leaks. Just kind of stumped as to what has changed. My AIS is still operational too. Thanks in advance,,,,.
  18. I just added some pics of my "in-process" conversion from the Bub's to the H-D Ultras. I'm still waiting for my chrome V-Twin clamps to come in, and still need to finish fabbing the brackets. You can also see the problem I've been ranting about with the tips on the Bub's. I couldn't get the plugs knocked out of the H-D's, so I used a hole saw and cut them out. I really like the sound, which seems to be a deeper note, and the bigger cans really fill out the back end. I first tried the used ones I bought just in case I screwed them up, and I had a pretty hard time getting them slid up on the head pipes. When I tried the new set on they slid all the way up by hand. If you look at one of the pics you can see that they slide up even with the end of the heat shields, so the chrome clamps should finish them off nicely. I'll post finished pics probably this weekend, but so far so good. When this is finished I'll have a slightly used set of H-D's with the plugs out, and a VERY used set of Bub's for sale. But I may wind up having to plug the ends with corks and use them as pontoons if it don't quit raining here! UPDATE; Project is finished. The Bub's are sold, and I just posted the HD's in classifieds.
  19. How much would you pay for a set of used BuBs? They are still shiny. No damage to to chrome and no rust. They were just fine when they came off the bike to be replaced with stock pipes. The only damage to them is near the tips on the bottoms where they would sometimes get scraped in the hard leaning corners. You have to lay under the bike to see the scrapes. So how much would you pay for these?
  20. I'm new to the Venture world. Just picked up my 2000 Vivid Red Cocktail Venture on Wed. Was just curious what kinds of pipes people are using? A buddy of mine had a 99 a few yrs back and he had Bub's Big Willy's I believe on his and I loved the sound. I'm not looking for loud and obnoxious. Just something to get noticed.
  21. My RSV came to me with Bubs pipes and they sound great. However ... after 3-400 miles they start to get annoying. Are the Road King pipes quieter? Perhaps I should consider finding some stock RSV Pipes? Anybody got a set lieing around collecting dust? Your Thoughts?
  22. What would you give for a used set of Bubs to fit your Venture? They have approximately 15-16000 miles on them. Yes, the tips have the usual flaking. I'm thinking $50 plus a case of beer and you come and get them and we go for a ride here in God's country!!! South central Kentucky! Down on beautiful Lake Cumberland. (No, you can't ride your bike "on" the Lake)
  23. Hello all, I have a friend that has a 2005 RSTD. I have been trying to get him on to this site but he has a busy schedule. He was wondering what kind of mufflers he can run with out hurting the engine. He wants to remove the bags and doesn't like the way the bubs stick out there toward the rear tire. He wants something shorter.Any advice will be much appreciated. Thanks in advance
  24. Vance & Hines or Bubs? I rode yamahamer's this weekend and he has Bubs, so I know what those sound like. I have only heard Vance & Hines on YouTube, but they sounded pretty sweet too. What do you think?
  25. Has anyone put straight pipes or slip on with no baffles? I have purchaced a flame trower kit for my bike but they don't recomend exhaust with baffles so I want to take out my baffles and replace them with a straight steel tube and keep the look of the BUB's. I need to know what size will not hurt my power? I don't want to slow it down just light it up! I think it will be great for tailgaters:shock3: http://www.hotlicksexhaust.com/
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