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  1. Well me and Mrs. Bubber had a great time at the PIP. Met some of our friends from last year and met a few new friends this year. We got there Friday after noon after a leisurely ride up to La Porte from North Branch MN. We were pulling my home made tear drop trailer that I modified this year to make it shorter, so I had it pretty well stuffed with camping and other supplies for the weekend. We got to catch up early on the BSing and helping out where we could. I think more BSing than help though. When we pulled in someone had stole my favorite reserved camping spot right next to the chicken coupe........ I knew right away that it was my friend Rocket. LOL I guess he wanted to get up early and was trying to hog the rooster for himself...... Like that was going to work. Mr. Rooster made his presence known each and every morning before daylight. He must have been in the hen house entertaining his ladies friends because when I pointed the shotgun out of the tent he was no where to be seen. LOL. People started to arrive and the BSing began, There was a lot of talk about bikes and who was coming and who was late and why or if they were even going to make it. Thankfully they all made it safe and sound. People started staking out their area and the tents went up faster than you could say Jack Robinson. Soon the fire was going and the BS flying and we settled in for the lies and BSing and jokes we all came to expect while enjoying each other company. A great first night. Unfortunately our guest of honor was delayed a little along with the chef. After much preparation and love stirred in to the pot somewhere around 8-9 or 10 Black Owl said the chili was ready to taste test, heck that didn't take long for a line to begin forming. Well lets just say I was glad they were camped over in the tree compound area. Great start to the food and coming together of a combination of old and new friends. Saturday was a ride to the falls and around the magnificent lakes in the area. I forgot just how beautiful northern Minnesota is. Well we missed the Dairy Queens but found a liquor store on the way back to the LaPorte headquarters. The pig was almost ready Chris and his assistants had slaved over the guest of honor all day turning and basting and keeping a watchful eye on Mr. Pig. All I can say is that it was cooked to perfection, it was juicy and tender and it went down great with all the other side dishes of salad and macaroni salad, potato salad, cole slaw and some concoction of beans that we all said was the greatest beans we had ever eaten. Great job by all our chefs. As you can guess there was a lot of OOOOOhing and AAAAHing and just plain rubbing their stomachs from eating to much, me included. What could possible top this off? A camp fire, a little adult beverage and a cigar surrounded by your new and old friends swapping lies, telling stories and acting smart. What a great ending to the day. Here is where the real appreciation comes in: Black Owl for his great skill at cooking each and every day. He is a real talent. Chris for his skills at keeping Mr. Pig in the cooker and roasting him to perfection. Gary and Ann for there willingness to share their home with all of us. Will and Elizabeth for the organizing, web site and all the behind the scene stuff we don't actually see, and the cigars. To all the others who pitched in and didn't ask for or receive acknowledgement we all thank you. Unfortunately Mrs. Bubber and I had to leave to go to her brother's house about 100 miles away so we didn't get to share what went on Sunday night. Headed home from BIL house Monday and we stopped to fill with gas about 80 miles away and I noticed and oil leak. I couldn't pin point the leak and it wasn't real bad. Rode another 20 miles and stopped again to double check it. As I was riding the 20 miles I kept thinking about the leak and where it could be coming from . I had never heard anyone talk about the RSV leaking oil from the motor. Sure enough it hit me what it was. I got out my wrenches and the fitting on the bottom of the motor where the oil line to the gauge come from was loose. Waalaa …..that was it and other than the oil on the bottom of the bike all was good. We made it home. Picked up the dog from the sitters and vegged out the rest of the night. We had a great time and wouldn't miss it for the world. Thanks to all that helped put it on, attended and sponsored it. I have attached some pictures for all to see.( all left to right) # 1 Group BSing # 2 MinnMac (Al), Renate, Mrs Bubber # 3 Mrs Bubber, Bubber (LuAnn & Steve) at water falls # 4 John & Red1 # 5 Gordy, Laura, and smoking a cigar if Marilyn # 6 Bubber, AL, John, Red 1 # 7 Red1 Guest of honor (Mr. Pig) and Kris the chef People I can remember in attendance Black Owl Gary and Ann Bubber and Mrs Bubber Al and Renate Gordy and Laura Rick and Mariyln (sarge46) Lowel Alan Yupper John Red1 Starbog Rocket Will and Elizabeth (Jugglar and Tigress) Eagleeye (Steve) Please add in the ones I missed! Sorry about that.
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